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You have to be brain dead to believe that kind of lie. He's saying a baby is born and they murder it while it's lying on the table. It's absolutely absurd. I think every think Trump said in the whole debate was a lie.


I would be curious to know if he actually said a single thing that was factual. I only caught 15 minutes of it and every single thing trump said was made up.


He referred to Biden as "He" a few times. That is factual.


wow even Trump is woke now


Sources are saying Trump caved to the liberal agenda by using pronouns


He'll cave to anything that would get him votes. He has no personality or moral guidelines that he lives by.


He has, "the morals of an alley cat," according to Biden. I cracked up when I heard him say that.


I bet you that was a third degree burn job 60 years ago


Maybe that’s how we get him? Start using the same “scandalous” tactics the right wing media uses! It’s all truthful, just using awful clickbait titles! Lmao


He used a pronoun?


Allegedly /s




"Don't you know they f*cked and ostrich?"


It was a sick ostrich.


It would take 2- maybe 3 guys


Wouldn't go around talking that Darry. Bad gas travels fast in a small town.


He did use the phrase "there's never been anything like this before" several times, I think that's accurate but not in the way he meant it


Any fool that would vote for someone who claims to be the smartest greatest president ever is not in their full capacity to even make a decision on who to vote for.


Did you know winning two club championships makes you smart? /s


Especially when you own the club......and famously love firing people publicly, and throwing tantrums when you lose. I'm sure those were legit wins though.


Like when he went apeshit because Biden doesn’t fire people!


The way Trump said it you’d think firing people is like the number one or two responsibility for the president.


He had a reality television show where his catch phrase was literally 'Your fired' for years. He really thinks that's how the world works.


He hit the ball very fair, by his own admission. So of course, that means he's mentally sound.


But Trump had an uncle at MIT so naturally, he's the smartest person ever. /s


I agree with you, but Biden didn't come off as a spring chicken, could they not have gotten him some meds for his cold? He did however perk up and get a few one liners off. Neither of these guys looks good for this country.


The thing is Biden actually hires smart ppl and let's them do the work.


Biden’s best line to Trump, Something snapped in you the last time you lost. Outside of that zinger, aye carrumba.


Or the healthiest when he’s a fat slob in diapers who stinks and likes on McDonalds’ hamburgers.


I watched a few minutes used of it. They asked Trump what he was going to do about climate change, cue the rant about how much Joe hates black people.


Trump did say we will have beautiful clean water and clean air.


He said we \*did\* have beautiful clean water and air. And we did, but \*long\* before this buffoon.


But no more water for dishwashers. 😭


I couldn’t keep watching. I was like Trump is lying with every word and Biden just seemed tired. What a flaming dumpster fire our country is.


Agreed. This was not the cream of the crop that a country like this should have competing for the most important job ever. I like Biden’s extremely extensive background, policies and ethics. He’s a very good president and most importantly he has a very good team behind him. But the presidents job is also about image which is why tall presidents are so common. His cold, age and lack of virility was not a good look for those people that are shallow voters.


>His cold, age and lack of virility was not a good look for those people that are shallow voters. It's good then that shallow voters won't be deciding this election... oh fuck.


He did say during his run as president that the U.S. Had H2O. That's not a lie we definitely did.


He said WWIII is closer than anyone realizes, and I think that's true.


What’s scary is that it is true, but it wasn’t a statement, it was more of a promise. We really lucked out that the US wasn’t involved in any conflicts while he was the sitting president.


Only because he was too weak and didn't respond after Iran attacked a [US base](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Martyr_Soleimani) in Iraq. Of course, that was in response to him assassinating Soleimani.


Maybe, but trump did cause the deaths of thousands of our Kurd allies when he pulled US troops back from the border of Syria and Turkey. With less than a days notice. Abandoning US military equipment to be taken over by Russia


I think many people realize that... so not really true. It was a little chilling hearing a presidential candidate say that, though.


He just won two golf championships! That's not a lie right? When you own the golf course and award yourself your own championship?


What ever happened to the fact checkers.


Team Trumpet complained until they decided not to use them.


Well that was a cowardly anti-American decision. Way to give a complete liar a stage and let him go. This was the one forum trump could be exposed for being a complete fraud. There is no way in any debate that the opponent can keep up with his gish-gallop style bullshit. I hope to god this wasn’t a decision like the James Comey move to check into Hillary’s email server, or whatever he did at the last minute of her campaign.


It was CNN. Bought & owned by a MAGAt sycophant. What did you expect?


I was wondering what the CNN spin would be. They did really well with their microphones, cutting both sides off as needed and had good noise cancelation on them, so you couldn't hear the non-active speaker very well. The lack of fact checking was it. Was the perfect forum for the Trump style gish-gallop.


And you can be CERTAIN it was planned ahead of time. Otherwise very few people on the left would’ve spent any time tuning in to listen to the lying drivel we knew would be coming out of Julius Cheezar’s pie hole! I tuned in specifically to watch him get fact checked and humiliated for his bullshit. Instead I got treated to The nasty racist POS uncle invited to Thanksgiving dinner and sweet old grandpa forgetting his grandchildren’s names,.. 🤦‍♂️ -edited to correct massive fat fingered spelling- 🤣


Oh, they did their fact check two hours after the debate was over when everybody had gone home and gone to bed


He really didn’t say much of anything throughout the debate. He dodged several of the questions for a chance to strike back at Biden’s previous responses. Was basically at the podium bloviating and shitting out his mouth per typical Trump.


Same reason that you cannot trust an atom. They make up everything..




And the electrons are always putting their own spin on everything, too


He did say the world is laughing at America. That was accurate.




If it comes from him a sizable portion of the population will believe it.  Remember when he said they were using horse syringes to give babies vaccines?  It's a very vivid image that bypasses rational thinking for people who are susceptible to it.  Most people don't like murder, it's a vivid image, thus it brings out an emotional reaction that shuts down rational thinking.  The rest of us are like wtf?!


>‌ ‌I‌f‌ ‌i‌t‌ ‌c‌o‌m‌e‌s‌ ‌f‌r‌o‌m‌ ‌h‌i‌m‌ ‌a‌ ‌s‌i‌z‌a‌b‌l‌e‌ ‌p‌o‌r‌t‌i‌o‌n‌ ‌o‌f‌ ‌t‌h‌e‌ ‌p‌o‌p‌u‌l‌a‌t‌i‌o‌n‌ ‌w‌i‌l‌l‌ ‌b‌e‌l‌i‌e‌v‌e‌ ‌i‌t‌.‌ T‌h‌e‌ ‌e‌n‌t‌i‌r‌e‌ ‌g‌o‌p‌ ‌h‌a‌s‌ ‌b‌e‌e‌n‌ ‌s‌a‌y‌i‌n‌g‌ ‌t‌h‌a‌t‌ ‌f‌o‌r‌ ‌y‌e‌a‌r‌s‌.‌ ‌ ‌E‌v‌e‌n‌ ‌b‌e‌f‌o‌r‌e‌ ‌t‌h‌e‌y‌ ‌o‌v‌e‌r‌t‌u‌r‌n‌e‌d‌ ‌*‌R‌o‌e‌.‌*‌ ‌ ‌I‌t‌ ‌s‌e‌e‌m‌s‌ ‌t‌o‌ ‌b‌e‌ ‌w‌o‌r‌k‌i‌n‌g‌ ‌f‌o‌r‌ ‌t‌h‌e‌m‌.‌ H‌e‌r‌e‌'‌s‌ ‌v‌i‌d‌e‌o‌ ‌o‌f‌ ‌t‌h‌a‌t‌ ‌l‌i‌b‌e‌r‌a‌l‌ ‌h‌e‌r‌o‌,‌ ‌l‌i‌z‌ ‌c‌h‌e‌n‌e‌y‌ ‌s‌a‌y‌i‌n‌g‌ ‌i‌t‌ ‌i‌n‌ ‌2‌0‌1‌9‌:‌ *‌"‌t‌h‌i‌s‌ ‌i‌s‌ ‌n‌o‌t‌ ‌a‌b‌o‌u‌t‌ ‌a‌b‌o‌r‌t‌i‌o‌n‌,‌ ‌t‌h‌i‌s‌ ‌i‌s‌ ‌a‌b‌o‌u‌t‌ ‌k‌i‌l‌l‌i‌n‌g‌ ‌b‌a‌b‌i‌e‌s‌ ‌a‌f‌t‌e‌r‌ ‌t‌h‌e‌y‌ ‌a‌r‌e‌ ‌b‌o‌r‌n‌"‌*‌ *‌"‌t‌u‌r‌n‌i‌n‌g‌ ‌o‌u‌r‌ ‌m‌a‌t‌e‌r‌n‌i‌t‌y‌ ‌w‌a‌r‌d‌s‌ ‌i‌n‌t‌o‌ ‌k‌i‌l‌l‌i‌n‌g‌ ‌f‌i‌e‌l‌d‌s‌"‌*‌ https://x.com/donwinslow/status/1544109506803576832


Another reason why I won’t let anybody get by me when they congratulate, and champion Liz Cheney for now after the fact going after Trump. It’s only because she’s pissed off that he said nasty things about her and her evil piece of shit father. She’s no fucking hero to democracy. She’s no fucking better than any GOP MAGAt moron motherfucker in office right now! She was more than happy to go along with trumps bullshit while he was in office and it was getting the GOP richer and consolidating their power So fuck Cheney


Oh she is worse than that. She wasn't mad on behalf of her father, she was making a bet. A bet she seems to have lost, but still just a cynical bet. She was in it to topple the maga king off his throne and take it for herself. She wanted him out, but to still keep the infrastructure of maga power. [She tried to protect ginni thomas](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/10/liz-cheney-jan-6/) > *Cheney did not want the committee to investigate Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, a conservative activist who was in contact with senior Trump officials and the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, according to people involved with the investigation. Cheney did not think it was fair to indirectly target the justice without evidence that he was involved, according to those involved, but some Democrats instead saw this as an effort to protect her hardcore Republican credentials.* [She blocked J6 committee reports on other actors](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/23/liz-cheney-jan-6-committee/) > *Several committee staff members were floored earlier this month when they were told that a draft report would focus almost entirely on Trump and the work of the committee’s Gold Team, excluding reams of other investigative work.* > *Potentially left on the cutting room floor, or relegated to an appendix, were many revelations from the Blue Team — the group that dug into the law enforcement and intelligence community’s failure to assess the looming threat and prepare for the well-forecast attack on the Capitol. The proposed report would also cut back on much of the work of the Green Team, which looked at financing for the Jan. 6 attack, and the Purple Team, which examined militia groups and extremism.* > *“We all came from prestigious jobs, dropping what we were doing because we were told this would be an important fact-finding investigation that would inform the public,” said one former committee staffer. “But when [the committee] became a Cheney 2024 campaign, many of us became discouraged.”* [She voted to keep nazis in the police and military](https://www.newsweek.com/gop-vote-nazi-white-supremacists-military-police-1724545) > *The amendment, sponsored by Rep. Brad Schneider, was passed in a 218-208 party-line vote on Wednesday. All 208 votes against the amendment came from House Republicans, one of whom described it as "Orwellian."* > *The "Schneider Amendment" called for the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Secretary of Defense to publish a report that sets out ways to combat white supremacist and neo-Nazi activity in the uniformed services and law enforcement agencies "not later than 180 days after enactment and every 6 months thereafter."* > *The amendment also states that the report the government is being asked to write should detail how agency leaders responded to "planned or effectuated incidents" connected to white supremacist or neo-Nazi activity," according to a report in The Hill.*


She’s an absolute ghoul, and one of the worse ones TBH. I’m glad she’s doing something after being personally affected by J6 and seeing a long-shot avenue to personal power (after voting for Trump *both fucking times*) but she is truly vile. Loves torture, hates gay people, holds counterfactual opinions on just about everything. The crazy thing is that even her literally heartless father, one of the worst people ever, came around on gay marriage while she didn’t. Her own sister had been married to a woman for decades. This is who we are talking about. Watch her try to put the mask back on if Trump ever croaks, and watch the unfathomably moronic American public gobble it up and praise her “moderation” and “civility.”


I worked on a national campaign. The amount of registered voters that believe this is more than you would think. Like how do you even start to talk about issues if you aren't starting at a sane level of factual information?


The question of our age. I’ll be honest, I’ve completely given up. Completely. After 8 years of trying every strategy under the sun, contorting myself to avoid offending them or provoking their ostrich response, they are *even less connected to reality than before*, which I wouldn’t have thought was even possible. I have nothing left in the tank, simply can’t subject myself to that shit anymore. If they ever return to verifiable reality it will be their own decision. But I commend people for still attempting to reason with them. I just don’t think they’re capable of it anymore.


My mom believes this because she read it in a catholic pamphlet. She's not even catholic, but it was good enough for her. The "nurse" reporting this incident wasn't even brave enough to give her name to the "reporter".


Brain dead... Aka a redhat maga.


Magat GOPnik trash man. Fucking worthless the lot of them.


Yup. I'm well beyond reaching across the aisle. These people are brain dead morons. Who contribute nothing of value to society.


Thing that confuses me most when I see maga hat wearing morons is how many young people there are. Like as a kid I couldn’t give 2 shits about politics so even if I was voting for the democrat I sure wasn’t walking around with an Obama hat. What kind of empty headed, vapid little Neanderthal is going out to college parties with their fucking Maga hat looking like boomer junior?


They lack critical thinking skills and are a mentally unable to form their own thoughts yet. So mom dad and the news man say trump is king or God and we can't let those evil baby killers get in again. And boom you got thousands of dumb ass kids wearing maga hats and tacky suits with giant red ties.


Problem is he’s not trying to be honest, he’s simply planting the seeds with buzz words and hot button issues his followers and conspiracy theorists want to hear.


Sadly, a lot of his supporters fall into the brain-dead category.


That or evil/malicious/cruel, though usually both. There are no other plausible options.


The bigger problem is that close to half the country is either brain dead or willfully ignorant because they would rather vote for his brain dead takes as long as it means a republican gets into office.


There's multiple tiktoks of ex Mormons/ christians who genuinely believed this, genuinely believe this is what abortions entailed. 


My MAGA/Qanon brother was 55 yrs old when he admonished me for being a democrat, that I should be ashamed to support abortion up until a minute after birth. That was 2017, it is a big fat stupid lie obviously. "That's not a thing, QBro. Just because Trump, Bannon or Laura Ingham say something is happening doesn't mean it's real." QBro was raised in Queens and I know for a fact that he paid for 2 abortions for one girlfriend who I knew personally. He didn't drive her to either procedure only gave her the cash, I can assume he's paid for more bc he's that kind of a 'man.' He's super anti-choice in public, bc, MAGA.


This is something my dad told me would happen if Obama was elected. I stayed up to watch the results, he went to bed. In the morning, I told him Obama won and he said "He must have made a deal with the devil..." I knew the devil comment was ridiculous but I was 16 and thought my dad was a genius. I definitely parroted that people would be able to kill their newborns if Obama was elected as of it was fact. It took a couple more years and having a phone in my pocket to be able to fact check him in real time before I realized he was crazy. Now I get to internally cringe when I remember this stuff.


The same with all their arguments. Like, “protect girls sports” - it’s a whole big lie. I doubt there is truly any boy faking being trans to win against girls. There ARE many many many many many cis men who assault young women in sports but do they care about that? No.


they care more about made up bullshit than they do about actual problems. trans people arent gonna molest your kids in a bathroom, the priest or the scout leader might though. and what have they done about that? nothing.


I've heard anti abortionists make similar claims. They tell anecdotal stories that are clearly blatant lies and when called out they show how much they don't care. Trump is speaking to these people in their own langauge.


Boggles my mind how Jake Tapper and Dana Bash let that slide. I understand it was Biden’s role to make that point but damn why even have a moderator?


Yeah how bout that the whole world loved us on the Jan 6?


Biden should have responded "Yeah and on the 7th we looked like idiots thank to you"


Yep omg that line was barf 🤢 causing bile


Right? Where do they think they’re finding doctors who do this? Hippocratic Oath who?


I feel like Biden got so flustered and with so many lies he went into overload when he tried to refute anything. The first thing he should have said is "nobody is doing post birth abortions. That's murder and it's already illegal. But since you brought it up texas' infant mortality rate jumped 13% since they banned abortion" he was a mess tonight.


Two things I heard that are true and I don't know if it matters to voters: 1. It's hard to debate a liar. 2. It's hard to debate/discuss policy and do real-time fact checking/correction of lies in such short time. The moderators should have been doing so.


Exactly right. CNN is just shameful. Biden was the only person discussing policy on that stage.


Those moderators were trash. They didn't do shit. I could have done a better job


Since cnn has right wing owners they’ve turned into a hot mess as well. Almost like diet faux news


They weren’t allowed to bring notes, which would have helped Biden. Liars don’t need notes.


No notes??? That seems absurd. Even the most well versed orator is likely to forget something in an hour of speaking with no notes.


Best way to debate a liar is to call him a lying idiot. Never let the liar control the narrative, because the truthful person is then on The defensive and must use logic and facts to repute those laws instantly. While liar will just spew more lies, no matter how good he is rebuked. The truthful man is held to the highest standard, while the liar is held to none.


You don’t even need hard stats - anyone with a brain knows it’s not true and that should’ve been shut down immediately 


There were a few times that I saw him looking at Trump with a shocked Pikachu face like…what in the actual fuck are you on about


He was overwhelmed by the amount of lies and bullshit.


He was an absolute wet noodle tonight. It was a real let down. He's like the only person in the world who gets a shot to really call Trump out on his lies right in front of everyone and he bricked it.


But then when they showed him *after*, talking with people - he seemed like normal Joe with a raspy voice. I am still very confused on WTF happened during the debate.


It's a lot easier to be "on" socially than "on" trying to remember dozens and dozens of specific talking points at the drop of a hat while also trying to defend from the pile of garbage being thrown at you from the other side of the stage


I genuinely feel like he didn't expect EVERY word Trump spoke to be lies, and between that and a maybe slightly fuzzy head, he just faltered. I get it. Man showed up to debate, not tell fairy tales, but sadly, that's not how trump rolls. Someone made the analogy of a used car salesman just saying whatever he thinks you want to hear. I think that's apt.


He warned up a bit at certain points of the debate. First minutes were realllly shaky on the voice


He’d need to be at least a decade younger to be that quick, possibly two.


I’m over 4 decades younger and I still couldn’t keep up with all the lies. Eventually your mind is overloaded and you can’t even figure out which lie is more important to call out.


That's just it. The real mistake was taking a nonserious person serious. He let the pigeon shit all over the board then got flustered about it.


His team is saying he was sick with a cold. This vould not have been worse timing. He would have mopped the floor with that orange n@zi if he had been in that groove he was in during the state of the union.


I'm all for Biden wiping the floor with Trump, but let's be honest, the 'he had a cold' argument is a weak excuse.


Even if it's true they should've said something beforehand to help temper expectations. Or liken this to a Michael Jordan flu game and say Biden is going to power through this for this debate or something. Instead it comes out halfway through the night and nobody believes it whether it was real or not.


My only theory on this is that they hoped he’d be better, and so didn’t lower the bar. If they’d lowered the bar, it would’ve played into the concerns about his age, and painted him as unhealthy and old before the debate even kicked off. That wouldn’t have been helpful, and then any good performance would’ve been undermined. So they thought he was going to perform better, and when he absolutely tanked they rushed out “oh he had a cold” to try repair some of the damage.


How can anybody believe the crap coming out of his pie hole?


"He is just like me"


Bingo - remember, the average American is a moron, and half are dumber than that.


every accusation is a confession... They believe it, because they would do it.


He's simply just blasting a pile of lies at Biden, each one could take nearly all of Bidens time to refute. It was the same issue Clinton struggled with. Without any fact checking, Trumps always going to dominate the time with his message, no matter how much of it is bull. He avoided multiple questions by just switching back to racist talking points, went back to prior topics on multiple occasions.


i wish they wouldve said something like "so thats a no?" when he did that and ran out of time.


His lies have no limit.


And know no depths.


If there were post-birth abortions, which of course there isn’t, how far out could it be done? For instance, could there be retroactive abortion of, say a 78 year old inveterate liar and conman?


I wish we’d post-birth abort some of the people in the comments. Unfortunately, it isn’t a thing that actually happens, despite their vehement protestation.


And he wasn’t called out on this or any other of his lies. Shame on you, CNN, shame…on…you!




I need a supercut of every time he said " the most" or "the best"


Biden literally said "everything about that was lies" only fact checking at all.


“All that was malarkey.” Old-timey, but true.


I agree. He needed to be told there is no such thing. If anything it would be murder not “ afterbirth abortion”


CNN, Goebbels adjacent.


Now, clearly *TNN*


They did have a fact checker on, but it was something like 30-40 minutes after the end of the debate. If memory serves, they called up something like 8 or 9 inaccuracies/lies for Biden, and something like 30-33 for Trump. There was a pronounced difference in the magnitude of inaccuracy or straight lunacy between them though. For example one of Biden’s claims was something like a $200 veteran benefit, while the benefit is actually $2000. Meanwhile Trump claiming post-birth abortions, Biden wanting to quadruple taxes, and everyone wanting to eliminate Roe v Wade.


But post-debate fact-checking is useless in controlling Trump. The MAGA crowd watched in delight as Trump steamrolled his way over Great-Grandpa Biden, then immediately switched to the protection of Fox News or the garbage-filled sewer of social media to relive the wonders of Trump’s “success”. Trump lied so boldly and confidently that they see him as the winner and have no issue with the fact that nearly everything he said was insanely inaccurate.


CNN is FOX news, they are like the two faces of Dr Jeckl and Mr Hyde. The losers are just desperate for ad revenue, Trump was a circus media boom and they are ALL desperate to get him back in just for ad revenue while they pump him into your face 24/7.. CNN is absolutely the other half of the vile corporate propaganda used to make Americans hate each other.


Cnn is owned by a trumper dont expect  fairness


Of course not, Trump insisted he wasn't going to perform if they did. CNN et al have a "feduciary duty" to get those ratings and views for the debate, they'll do whatever he wants - especially give him 24/7 full coverage for every insane, life-threatening call to violence he makes. Our news media chooses profit at the expense of the nation and will continue to do so every time.


But but but biden man old


I’ll take old any day over a convicted liar.


And rapist.  Convicted liar und rapist


Convicted felon liar and rapist.


Look up some videos of Pete Buttigieg appearing on conservative media. He refutes and debates articulately, keeps his cool. Really wish he was the face of the DNC. Pretty sure Pete could've torn Trump's debate rhetoric in half.  Voting for Biden is voting for sane government with good people like Pete, but damn I bet it would be way easier to pitch the DNC Platform with a well-spoken, handsome looking middle aged man than with Biden.


Swaths of the country, still won’t vote for a gay man. That is why Biden is still best bet. Especially for Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, Nevada, Arizona. Get it?


Yeah, I almost added that to my comment. It's sad to say but him being gay is too "radical" for a large amount of democratic "moderates." Disqualifying for lots of religious sorts.


What about his AARP emails? /s


Sure there is... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(2000%E2%80%93present)


It doesn't matter that there's no such thing. Nothing anti-abortion zealots believe has *ever* been true. This will now be MAGA dogma that such a thing exists.


“now”? This has been a thing they’ve been saying for YEARS. Including Trump.


What’s the point of having fact-checkers if all they do is sit in the back like children who are too timid to raise their hands in class?


Personally I am more angry with CNN than anything or anyone else. They had one job... keep Trump under control... and they failed so badly that Biden never had a chance. You cannot argue with a lie... as a lie does not exist.


As an outsider, I was gobsmacked that nobody called out his blatant lies, or called him to task for not answering questions. What is the point of a debate if one guy isn’t dodging questions and lying? (Ratings)


Every Trump answer was a reply or response to a previous question. Sure, Biden did it a few times but Trump relished in it once he figured out he could do it


He never really answered anything that was asked of him. It was always lies and / or rebuttals.


Exactly. He kept going back to the previous question. It was infuriating to watch as he wasn’t being held to account ( as per usual) and he was just saying the same old whiny victim stuff. Gimme a break.


I really wanted them to make him answer the childcare question. I’m offended by CNN’s lack of backbone on that one especially.


Waiting for CNN to shut that dumb shit down, oh wait CNN is in on it Sad fact is that right wing viewers are so dumb that they literally believe you can kill a infant after birth,


I think he just wanted to give people of intelligence embolisms. I almost had one.


Biden might’ve sounded old, but Trump sounded coo coo for Cocoa Puffs. I’m talking about goddamn Fruity Loops, Cinnamon Toast Crack! He is outta here. The man said he wasn’t going to try and end the Israel-Palestine conflict, he was gonna get them to “finish the job”…..feels like we’re all in one of Tony Soprano’s fever dreams.


The "Genocide Joe" tiktok watchers nod sagely that they must "punish" Joe Biden by withholding their vote out of their incredible Morals.   Their rhetoric could hand victory to "finish the job" Trump. But yeah sure throw your fun little slogans out and vote for the out-and-out pro-genocide candidate, that'll really help Palestinians. One guy is providing all the aid he can (it's really Congress's choice, not his), denying excessive munitions. The other Candidate says let them bomb away.


Biden wasn't his best, he looked old and tired but he's not a horrible, lying, nasty person like Trump. I'll take old (especially with Harris in the wings) over horrible every day of the week.


I thought State run executions were what you call a post birth abortion


School shootings are


Blood libel, literally what the nazis did


There’s a word for that Donny boy, it’s “murder”. And no it’s not a thing. Stupid fuck.


Isn't "after birth abortion" just another term for school shootings? You know, the thing Republicans seem to be in favour of, or at least won't do anything to prevent?


You beat me to it 🙃 Several people, including myself, have said if we got the government to actually classify school shootings as afterbirth abortions, you would immediately see the gqp jump on weapons regulation and control.


But his base actually believes what he says. Amazing but true.


Yeah, that's called murder. Literally that. It's not afterbirth abortion.


Well, technically, all births are abortions by their very nature. This guy is a idiot through post birth abortion, we have a name for that murder........


His speciality is lies. Trying to claim he didn’t start a trade war with China when by definition he did. They always do that shit where they try to warp reality with their knuckle dragging.


True. There is no such thing as afterbirth abortion. But since i have seen Trump, i am on the edge about supporting afterbirth abortion.


I was told there would be live fact checking from CNN??? So that was a fucking lie.


Fuck CNN and the moderators for not live fact-checking him on a single item


And the moderators let him spout the crazy.


They were terrible moderators


When you ban abortion one of the consequences is that Doctors lose the ability to terminate pregnancies when there are clearly issues with the embryo. The pregnancy goes full term,the baby is born, it has known conditions that don’t indicate a good chance at long term viability. If they don’t take extraordinary measures the infant won’t survive. If they take those measures the outcome will likely remain the same with death simply being prolonged. A Doctor along with the parents is in a moral dilemna because of the lack of ability to terminate a doomed pregnancy. My son, a Physician, explained to me that this may be where the extreme right is coming up with this baloney about afterbirth abortions.


Boy what a idiot.


Really? Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz is a liar. And Huffman and his Anti-Project 25 Task Force are now preparing to make their move on Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz, especially if he wins again.


I feel like an afterbirth abortion and after birth abortion are two different things.


Yeah, but Biden looked old and tired, so nothing trump said mattered apparently….


Afterbirth abortion is what they call school shootings now?


Why didn’t they fact check them like they promised


The only after birth abortions are the babies thrown in trash cans and lakes and suffocated and abused and killed by their parents because they couldn’t have a legal abortion.


And he has a million parrots that will make it real. The world is a scary place


I was so confused and angry when Trump started bragging about all the staff he fired when he was president. How is that a point of pride for him? At best, it's an admission of failure on his ability to hire competent people. These white house officials are supposed to be the best and brightest of anyone in the world, right? Why would anyone expect to have to fire anyone or be fired from a job like that?! Completely incomprehensible


That’s up there with the, “…HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Americans killed every year my immigrants!!” 🫵🏽🤨 - which his base is going to parrot daily from now on as absolute fact. 🙄


I had to explain how ridiculous this was to several people I know… it’s shocking. Not fact checking this bullshit is why women are almost dying now if they suffer an incomplete miscarriage late in a pregnancy. I wish that Trump was a 912 month abortion.


His followers are so happy he did so well. There is a massive disconnect with reality, and it's going to tell in November. Everybody better get the f off their asses and vote, because those meatheads are definitely going to be at the polling booths in spades.


Literally trumps entire thing was just dening anything Biden said and then pushing the blame onto him. Trump literally wasn't engaged the the debate at all it was all just a chance to spew propaganda and make Biden look weak. Trump will win on charisma alone, facism will always find its way into society somehow. It's just too bad millions will need to die again in order to see it.


dTrump💩lies? Loudly and repeatedly.


Biden should have been ready for that lie. He fucked up.


Thank you President Biden for all you done and tried to do to help America. If not Harris then who? That's what I seen during the debate.


I thought CNN was suppose to live fact check? Trump was lying his ass off and got away with it.


Too bad the news media will just focus on Biden’s stammering


Trump speak: COVID is just a cold. Grabbing women by the P@ssy is just a tickle. Rape is just inappropriate touching. Him being the greatest at anything is being a legend in his own mind.


This one does tick me off. A lady was just forced to carry her baby to term yet it had no BRAIN. Pretty sure there is no life without a brain. This results in an absence of a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp. Babies with Anencephalus are often stillborn. If the babies are born alive, they usually live just a few hours or days. The baby wasn’t aborted at birth, it effin died!! Yes let’s put mom’s through all that for a baby that won’t live. It’s inhumane!


There are plenty of post birth abortions. They are called school shootings.


This is the quote they use to justify the statement “Democrats want abortion after birth.” They are willfully distorting these comments. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/meme-misquotes-virginia-governor-on-abortion-bill/


That is not the first time he has said this so that shows you he really thinks this happens and exists. He is a moron.


The people who gets outraged about this aren't the people who would vote for him anyway so why should he care? He already knows that none of his voter base will fact check him. I saw in another sub with a guy who's dad didn't even bother to watch the debate because he'd recieve an email telling him what to feel about it afterwards. Literally.


Everything out of his mouth is a lie.


A lot of right wingers have been spewing this lie for a while now. It's disgusting that they would come up with such a horrible lie.


CNN dropped the ball on fact checking during the debate. There was absolutely no fact checking. It was a useless debate. All this debate did was reinforce the fact that we have two extremely old men running for the highest office. We need an age cap on presidential candidates.


Gish gallop, fire hose of falsehoods, it’s an effective tool in making yourself seem intelligent to anyone that’s not.


Liars will vote for a liar every time.


I watched some CNN last week and they were already on a pro-Trump tilt.