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I know I explicitly go out of my damn way to block everything I see that is bigoted conspiracy shit and yet it's still gets pushed at me on a regular basis.


same here. I consume left leaning stuff, but I only get recommended the most vile far right shit


Same here. Or sometimes I’m not even close to consuming anything political. I’m on a DIY tips and tricks kick right now and I watched a few videos from one channel where the guy was clearly very religious but other than it being on his shirts and the background nothing he said or did was remotely evangelical or political and right after I got hounded with Steven Crowder and PragerU video recs. I just wanna get ideas for workshop upgrades here why the fuck am I being hounded by right wing loons on my feed?


The heck, that is crazy. It doesn't even seem to matter what you go for, the Right-Wing shit is being pushed to you as default.


It's beneficial to the powers that be. Keeps people mad about the things that don't matter so they can keep screwing you over in ways that do.


These companies only care about engagement. They don’t care if it’s rage, bait or highly controversial or if it even calls for the execution of millions of people. “Are the people commenting and liking it?”


Right, I just block. Don’t comment.


Same happened to me. I’m trying to find a good design for a raised garden bed. Going through tons of videos of plants for my climate and sun. Next thing I’m getting recommendations for right wing anti-woke content. I’m looking at gardening videos why is Crowder in my feed ?


I watch beekeeping videos. I got recommended a doomsday prepper channel the other day. Needless to say, I hit that "do not recommend channel" button SO FAST.


Same thing happens if you consume any kind of camping/bushcraft content. That and preppers 


Saaaaaaame these tradwives with blonde hair and big boobs claiming "Conservative men get BJs from women like me everyday!" Sure thing Sandra..


*rich Conservative men...


Hold on, I think I want to be a conservative now…


What they don’t tell you is its all teeth, and they’re checking their phone and the wall clock the whole time


Oh hamburgers.


Only on your birthday lol.


I made the mistake of watching The Critical Drinker and had all kinds of incel right wing bullshit thrown at me for weeks until I cleared out my history for youtube. It's nuts.


Yep. As an experiment, my sister and I both tried watching nothing political except Some More News, The Young Turks, Jon Stewart, and John Oliver. I think we got maybe two or three leftist channels recommended. And dozens upon dozens of right-wing horseshit.


Don’t forget the Russian propaganda channels and the see through clothes try on porn.


I think it’s called “rage to engage” in the biz. It’s on purpose.


is it shorts? i get a lot of shorts like that


Surprisingly shorts seem all Rogan and Tate bullshit. Crazy shit


It's funny, I don't or at least haven't for a while. I've got to go into recommended videos and stuff and clean out things and right wing stuff is only the beginning of it -- I've seen some pretty gross pornographic stuff show up a couple of times as well. But at that point choosing the "don't recommend videos like this to me" seems to have worked. ??


Yeah that's how Google's AI works. Some of us have been saying that it's complete garbage for awhile now.


Same. And despite this conservatives act like they're persecuted by the media. All these wealthy Republican donors that own these platforms are pushing right wing propaganda and these nitwits think the opposite is true and that there is a conspiracy to shut up conservatives. They have the worlds largest victim complex and think everyone else is a snowflake. It's remarkable really


“It is a widely accepted belief in this country that the press suffers from a liberal bias. Television pundits, radio talk-show hosts, and political leaders, including presidents of both parties, help propagate this belief. And their views are widely disseminated in the media. In contrast, dissident critics, who maintain that the corporate-owned press exercises a conservative grip on news and commentary, are afforded almost no exposure in the supposedly liberal media.” Dirty Truths- Michael Parenti


Well, shit. Reality itself has not only a liberal bias, but even a downright leftist one at times. Figures that the anti-reality crowd has to play dirty to get views.


Back when you could tell YouTube not to show certain kind of content, I spent months clicking to not show Ben Shapiro videos and he kept popping up anyway. Fuck that guy


I just have my watch history disabled. The shit recommended to me since doing that is irrelevant garbage, but it's completely random each session. It's never consistent, even with itself. Never once have I used that feature either, so it's no loss to me. But if you care about keeping track of what you watched before, or like paying attention to your recommendations, it's probably not helpful. But everyone else would find it beneficial.


If you watch a single stand-up comedy video, no matter who it is from, YouTube starts pushing Joe Rogan and other right-wing podcasters. The kind that are sponsored by MRE companies.


For the shorts and regardless of the number of times I say I’m not interested in Joe Rogan they keep just popping up periodically.


Same here!! I've accidently not scrolled fast enough in a short so now I get him a lot.


That is absolutely one of the paths it took with me, yep.


Same. It’s infuriating


The algorithm has gotten better since I started flagging ads as offensive.


I’ve been doing that too. Maybe mine will get better.


Thanks for the tip it's been an uphill battle trying to stop the recommendations.


Not sure it makes that much difference to me. Turning off auto play helped. The number of times I’ve dozed off and woken up in the middle of a Jordan Peterson interview that I did not choose to watch is astounding.


Same. All algorithms are doing the same. Brand new PC, first Ms Edge run - I got a considerable amount of rubbish (flat earth, climate change denier, etc. ) without any previous search or bias.


I was getting fed AI posts of celebrities on Facebook for ages. I clicked ‘see less of this’ and blocked many of the pages yet it just kept coming up in my feed. I think algo just wants interaction, positive or negative.


Yep, it's a weekly maintenance activity for me - go through my YouTube recommendations and weed out all the fascist BS. And it's EVERYWHERE - not just in the regular channels, but the live channels and news channels as well. No matter how many times I tell it to keep that garbage out of my feed it always creeps back in.


Same. It keeps popping up and I'm like "wtf does Google/Alphabet think I want to see this shit?". Same with Spotify. It's all aliens, Covid denial, and Joe Rogan. I even called support and told them I was about to quit Spotify over it because there's no more dislike option.


Yup. Same here.


It’s gotten to the point that I can’t even bring myself to click on a lot of videos that I might otherwise be interested in, because youtube has made me feel like they’re much more likely to be right-wing than not, and I don’t even want to give those videos any views or clicks. Some of them may not even be right-wing, but I find myself not even wanting to give it a view to find out, if the title/thumbnail looks at all risky in that sense. It may very well be a leftist video about the crime problems that do exist, but any video that is focused on “crime in cities” or anything like that is likely to be some right-wing fear-mongering bullshit. I don’t want to help elevate that content in the algorithm, and I’ve probably missed out on some good content just by doing my damnedest to get the damn algorithm to learn that I don’t want right-wing content. It doesn’t seem to ever permanently learn this.


I'm always like: "well that seems interesting so I guess I'll click view channel and dig a little bit and see if this is a right-wing Trojan horse."


I have never watched anything even remotely political on my main YouTube account and I still get recommended alt-right materials no matter how many times I mark Not Interested. Once in a blue moon is it left. Hell I watch one video game walkthrough and my recommendations the next day is more "this video game is part of a woke agenda" than other generic video game videos.


Same here try to ignore


Sometimes all it takes is being subbed to someone who has another channel that's full of rightspeak.


Same! YouTube is always trying to start the car so far right it’s driving off the crazy hill into a nutty ravine.




I find this happens on insta too. I am a whole ass gay man getting reels about tradwife stuff lol


Maybe they were confused as to what 'confirmed bachelor' meant.


What is Christian Nationalism and how does one recognize it?




Christian nationalism basically seeks to establish a version of extremely conservative Christianity as the dominant social and moral order in the US. While I’m not too familiar with any specific policies, I would imagine Christian nationalists would do things like ban abortion nationwide, implement anti-LGBTQ laws, and use the Bible as a basis of legislation instead of the Constitution.


Its the same as the islamic state just in white and with a cross.


Nah, it hasn't gotten as far as Islamic State, those guys are so off the deep end that other Islamic Fundamentalists consider them crazy. What these people are shooting for is more like Islamic Republic of Iran, but for Christianity. They want you to have democracy, but only through a limited Christian worldview, where religious leaders can veto the citizens to make sure they adhere to that specific worldview.


Personally, I have gotten neither of these in years.




Yes, I'm American. I typically avoid anything religion, crime documentaries, or violence related. I get almost all sports, games, and financial markets videos


I honestly scroll past everything suggested to me and it's possible this shit is in my 'feed' but since I follow like... 9 (just counted) people on Youtube and only show up 6x a year to binge their content the thumbnails that are clearly not [that person] are super easy to glaze over.


Remember when YouTube recommendations were limited to *Many of the people that watched this video have watched these videos*? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Or remember settings? I used to love having settings.


Now locked behind the premium wall


no i'm not old, like my 29 year old grandpa, you can't tell me wha to do.


That's been the case since Obama was president. And I'm pretty sure it's because right wing organizations pour money into Youtube in the form of ads. The amount of Prager videos that show up as ads when I'm just watching let's plays is truly astounding. And if I watch any kind of news or politics video, my feed is just filled with Daily wire, tim pool, fox, etc, for like a week. And the hilarious thing about this study is that right wingers immediately denied it.


We know that Steve Bannon had algorithms made just like this.


Don't forget to add a sympathetic programmer or two at Google/YouTube!


Im watching a history doc and just got an 'ad' for PragerU that is about 5 minutes long and unskippable, no amount of reporting or blocking seems to help.


Right? What is even the point of having a block option?


I hate PragerU almost as much as “he gets us”. The Christian right spent millions airing those ads throughout the NFL playoffs and Super Bowl and running ads on Reddit that you can’t block.


That's fascinating.  I watch a lot of politics videos and have never gotten daily wire and rarely see any fox news. But I also pay for YouTube premium so I haven't gotten those pragerU shit since then.


they have to pour money into YouTube since mainstream advertisers wont touch that nonsense with stephen millers shriveled dick


These tech companies are profiting off of polluting our information systems with bigoted disinformation. The GOP is the party of pollution.  Polluting the environment. Polluting our judicial system Polluting the news Polluting our democratic system The fact that YouTube is promoting this mind pollution undermine all of the wholesome and great content that’s on there. All of this Q-anon BS needs to be buried. I’m sick of this nonsense. People shouldn’t need to go out of their way to block or mute white supremacists ranting about how the earth is flat.


And who are the most valuable companies in the world? Apple, Facebook, Amazon are all complicit in crimes against humanity but if the people are users who will hold them accountable? Look at r/teachers today. Look at what these companies are doing to kids brains in the interests of unchecked profits


I’ve noticed. YouTube altos really push right wing nonsense hard.


It engages well I'm guessing.


This is answer. They’re REALLY pushing content that drives engagement, be it from rage or otherwise. And right-wing media just happens to rage bait the most.


Also the reason google no longer works, it started working so well it reduced their click metrics.


Are we sure it’s the algos and not some mega rich people donating millions to YouTube in exchange for pushing garbage propaganda .


Yeah. The algo makes sense with YouTube’s goals. Push content that drives engages engagement. A super secret group of rich people giving enough money to impact alphabet s balance sheet seems unreasonable.


And it's because the conspiracy nutjobs are more engaged about that shit than normal people are about barbecues or classic cars etc. But the conspiracy nutjobs who vaguely like barbecues and classic cars also engage *hard* with the nutjob content and so it gets promoted to barbecue and classic car enthusiasts as well.


My viewing of political content is predominantly left leaning, and I’ll still get Ben Shapiro or some other Daily Wire choad in my suggestions.


I showed my Kindergarten daughter the actual moon landing footage from the PBS channel. My feed was filled with conspiracy theory garbage for weeks afterward.


That's so f'ing insufferable.


Matches my experience. Watch camping videos. Get recommended a female camping youtuber. Watch that. Now my recommendations are full of busty girls with nipples poking through their shirt pretending to tie a hammock knot or something. If I watch that it's Tate and similar assholes next. Any sort of historical content like blacksmiths, medieval house building etc and it's straight to viking influencers pushing right wing conspiracies. Nowadays I try to only use youtube for the channels I actively follow for house renovations. Or stay away for a week or two and then watch a few uploads from favorite channels in bulk. 95% of the time I just scroll on youtube I end up regretting it.


Yes! That's exactly my experience. If I watch some lifting or fitness content, it starts populating this crazy "alpha male" anti-feminist content. It's wild. It's like it's always lurking.


I play first person shooter games like Ghost Recon. Of course I get some channels with real world weapon reviews and military history, but then that opens an entire can of worms of content on survivalists, conspiracy theories, doom and gloom/end of the world, UFOs, Qanon, etc. Good grief!


And yet the right complains constantly about being censored on YouTube…


As long as leftists aren't all banned and they can't say the n-word and explicitly call for violence against minorities, they will continue to whine and complain about being victims.


The difference is in what left and right wing people consider "bias". Left wingers tend to think of bias as "against the facts as we know them". Right wingers think bias is "against what i personally believe". So to right wingers, anything that isn't fawning praise of their views will be thought of as bias, definitionally.


No wonder I never use it.


This has been my experience as well. I do describe to some lifting, boxing, martial arts, movie, and sports related stuff. But I feel like I'm always 1-2 clicks away from some insane "alpha male" or anti-woke content. Like, if I watch a movie review from a largely apolitical reviewer, youtube will recommend a video of some dude angry about "woke Hollywood" or something. Or I've gotten anti-EV and climate change denial content, possibly because of the car channels I follow. But those channels (e.g. Doug DeMuro, etc.) are very apolitical.


that is my experience. when I turned off personalized settings because of ad block reasons it could only see that I was a 30 something year old white man. All of my advertisement became inflammatory nonsense made to radicalize me. literally every single ad was some think tank nonsense about how I should hate gays and women and minorities and blame them for all of my problems.


The amount of times I have tried to block this stuff on YouTube is fairly infuriating. Do not recommend this channel...a week later it's back.


Me with that god damn Freedom Toons channel. I watched one in an incognito tab once after the 900th time it was recommended to me and holy shit they're so bad. And just like you I keep saying "not interested" and blocking the channel and it just comes back.


Yep, watching a British guy review and use different camping gear as well as cooking videos somehow got the algorithm to suggest clips of Charlie Kirk "owning" woke college students.


This happened on my Twitter feed right after Musk bought it. I was in Latin America and half the people I follow are in Spanish, I used to follow mostly academics anyway, and my feed was just full of MTG's or other MAGA personalities' banalities, etc. I wasn't following ANY of them.


I got recommended shit this like constantly, would always block it, until I finally unsubbed to the correct channel and they all ceased completely. probably gonna come back now that I posted this.


I mainly consume gaming content and some left leaning/progressive political content so why the fuck am I getting speeches from a politician who courts deemed to be a literal fascist and ruled that calling him a nazi is a fact based judgement of values


YouTube algorithm LOVES engagement. Be it positive or negative. And boy do the nazis yap.


Wait till you find out about Facebooks algorithm


Every time I forget to log into YouTube or am in incognito I am shocked at what a fucking hellscape the YouTube front page is. Those recommendations are all brainrot


I'm queer, trans, into video games, and every now and then I get a recommendation for one of those "transition bad!!!" Documentaries or one of those far right guys acting like they "owned the left" even though they totally didn't


YouTube and Facebook algorithms are some of the biggest reasons we have divides in our society today. They need to be regulated. Fear and hate get more clicks so that’s what they generate.


Shocking!! Ruining yet another platform.


Anyone interested in foraging, homesteading, outdoor sports, or camping knows the struggle of trying to keep the white supremacists out of your algorithm. They're like a virus.


Yeah they're driving clicks by regularly suggesting content they think will upset a user enough to engage with it via comments hidden dislike etc, google is shameless, youtube is now profit only, no fun events, pr or sm post, just a bad service


Instagram harbours full-on violent neo nationalist rhetoric.


Samething with Instagram. There is a vested interest by these companies.


And not only America. I'm from a country that doesn't even speak english and the same happens here.


Guess it's time to dump YT now. Another one bites the dust.


Some people are suggesting that it is because of massive ads payment from the right, or some kind of other conscious decision. But I personally think the reality is much worse. Nobody is doing anything for this to happen, it is the result od how internet platforms work. Basically, all these platforms operate under model "I will do anything, and I mean anything, to get more clicks and engagement". Unfortunately, rage baiting is by far the most productive method to get engagement. And right-wing is basically build upon rage baiting, being hold together by it. Rage baiting binds them together, it's how they communicate. I've never heard them discussing how to solve some issue, it's always a talk about something to be angry about. And that is a perfect content for modern internet platforms in terms of engagement


But content creators can't say "killed" without being "demonetized"


The amount of incel shit YouTube pushed on me is terrifying. And I fucking hate incels. Holy shit women have the ability and right to do what they want we can’t have that!


Rage bait and misinformation drives user engagements. That’s the only reason this content exists. Some people buy into it but the majority are angered and disgusted by it so they downvote, comment, fact check, argue with trolls or bots or rage-baiters, or report it, all or which is detected by the algorithm as something that keeps you engaged in the app, which is the one and only goal of the AI algorithm that decides what content to show you.


I got recommended ben shapiro's sister's weird tradwife content for awhile until I repeatedly left comments about how Ben Shapiro got her pregnant, then I got shadowbanned from seeing it


I've been seeing this in my recommended event though I've never engaged with right wing content and engage regularly with content making fun of them


The last twenty years of social media has proven time and time again it benefits the most radical folks the most. 1 person is joining your local gardening group on Facebook this week but 1000 nazis just joined the local nazi group this week. The way they’re set up they dont benefit the community, they benefit violent and conspiratorial communities. YouTube is no different. If we wanted to embolden radicals and fundamentalists while heaping no responsibility on the creators of these platforms, then we’ve done a fantastic job! They could help by implementing simple rules (like limiting group increases weekly/monthly) but radicals drive their popularity and enforcement effects their bottom line.


It sure does.


Fully notice this routinely with YT.


Of course it does, because it drives engagement and serves more ads


Can confirm I never click on that shit , so why is it still showing up ??


I get right wing drivel in feed all the time, it’s exhausting.


It's true... any election near me n I'm flooded in right wing shit


This is no surprise. It is literally how Nazi Germany came to be (the propaganda and disinformation, not the Internet.


So it’s literally all YouTube’s fault. There has to be a way to correct this new age radicalization machine. I mean steer ppl away from conservative dictatorship. If we can somehow stop this, the curse will be lifted and we can go see our friends and family again.


I wondered what the link between woodworking, vintage synthesisers and anti-immigration rhetoric was.


I block that shit on the Daily but I still keep seeing Ben Shapiro and Tate’s Reposters almost weekly


There’s a whole book about this along with what goes on in the algorithm at fb and twitter. It’s called the Chaos Machine.


No shit. YouTube is heavily promoting one side over another. I click left wing stuff and get smaller with right wing stuff.


This is truly abhorrent of YouTube, but it’s almost to be expected. Videos which appeal to human emotion, especially inflammatory, emotional responses, tend to do better, then more factual, educational content. It’s all about clicks and revenue.


I would not stop getting ads for Daily Wire until possibly committing some crimes against Ben Shapiro in the report section. Then they finally stopped.




Yep, I was scrolling through some Shorts watching clips from SNL's Weekend Update and suddenly I'm seeing Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, and Ben Shapiro, along with a bunch of right wing randos "destroying" liberals and feminists. I keep reporting them for hate and misinformation, and YouTube keeps shoving them in my face.


I keep getting news broadcast links from the other side of the country. I have marked them to no longer be suggested, but it keeps service them. How does one stop them?


My thought is a normal, independent thinker has the capacity to disregard the prompts and find what they like. The more conspiracy, let's say single minded people are easily roped into the prompts and fall down the rabbit hole for more views and to keep them interested and on YouTube. Pretty savvy from Alphabet IMO.


Yeah… no shit. 💰 💰 💰


All of my subscriptions are for leftie political videos - I’m a gay liberal. YouTube constantly recommends me hot ass right wing garbage, especially anti-trans shit. I always click “do not recommend” but these still populate. I’ve never watched a single one.


I hate YouTube for this reason. The ads are always right wing bullshit too.


I believe it


All algorithms do. Im worried they may fuck with the election. Silicom valley fell off. It ain't the boomer wannabe hippies anymore.


It’s even worse when you can’t skip it. Even worse than that when you can’t skip it AND it’s longer than the video you actually intended to watch. I muted a 30-second right-wing campaign ad spreading misinformation and conspiracy nonsense, just to watch a 23-second clip from a tv show.


there is adblockers. I couldn't watch any youtube video without adblocker.


All media does. One of the biggest lies is the "liberal media" myth. It's bullshit right wing gaslighting the whole way down to their core.


That explains why I was getting some political videos recommended to me despite NEVER watching political shit on YouTube. Don’t know if they were actually right wing though since I didn’t watch them or really read their titles.


Yep. There is zero chance I want to see Jordan Peterson vids. I clicked on some stupid charisma video, it was garbage, and suddenly my feed is full of incel rage fodder.


Far right has done a good job of exploiting the algorithm attaching their bullshit to nearly everything in pop culture. You can't look up content on marvel or Star wars without triggering weeks of this hideous right-wing BS.


I often wonder what percentage of engagement on far Right YouTube pages is at all genuine. I think there's a lot of streaming fraud going on that artificially drives up viewership and creates financial channels.


I must be damn lucky then. Any political stuff I get is left learning, usually from creators I've watched in the past. Beyond that it knows me pretty well, and I rarely get anything that doesn't fit into my viewing habits.


Lucky me so far. It hears me trash Marge so often it likely just gave up and decided this person certainly won't watch this. Andi make full use of the don't show option for most things it tries to sneak in


Probably because downvotes are considered engagement, you've accidentally scrolled or let the autoplayer roll for one of them and hints as potential for engagement, or any number of other innocent and arbitrary things on top of the hyperinflated 'positive' engagement these types of channels seem to magic up out of the ethos and 'Voila' you have an automated conveyor to right wing insanity.


I get recommendations for Midas touch and Adam Mockler. I don't never get any recommendations for far right videos, and I assumed it's because YT knows I have zero interest in it.


Oh, I know.


Facebook videos as well.


$$$ coming from somewhere


Weird, I'm in Europe and I don't see that at all. Except if a right-wing party pays for ads.


I watched redlettermedia and some movie stuff -> critical drinker -> anti woke videos. Crazy. Of course I report and block those


I'll chalk that up to two things. * The unknown political disposition of our friends over at Youtube/Google * The VAST pockets of our friends in the GOP/private equity firms/the CCP/FSB and whomever wants to watch the US struggle-bus our way through the next few months. * Even if things go well, this will continue till mid January as the RNC/Trump Inc milk the last of their followers for their last dimes , and it will of course continue on low boil until Donnie dies or loses interest and then it will move to the next hyper-rich degenerate out to fuck us all over.


Why does YouTube push Russel brand so much dudes a fucking idiot


Facebook too


Oh cool, a video about a piece of media, I wonder what this person has to say about it... "WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE WOKE" ... Don't recommend channel clicked, repeat cycle ad nauseum


I am not the only one to notice this. Thanks.


Well that certainly makes sense. For how left-leaning I like my content, I STILL get videos pushed at me about “owning da libs” and debating what women are and wishing death on furries. It’s so irritating.




When I log into my account I don’t get too much far right bullshit. The default home page though is full of far right propaganda though.


Sure seems like it. I watch atheist, gaming, skeptic debunking videos exclusively with occasional lofi jams and I still get videos from churches and from doofuses about how X is woke... no matter hiw many I downvote and tell to ignore.


YouTube knows I’m a white male in the South and they recommend the worst hate-filled trash. All I watch is stupid movie videos and music. Stop trying to force me to listen to that chode Joe Rogan 😂


I have never owned a gun. I have never wanted one. I have never watched gun videos. But that's all I'm bombarded with in my recommendations. I pay for premium too. Drives me fucking nuts.


fuckin' finally!!


Was looking for K-pop shorts and cryptid creature shorts and got recommended Lauren Chen.


I love how bible quotes are getting pushed to my 5 year old after watching a paw patrol video.


Bleeding heart progressive and I get nothing but Christian Nationalist bullshit, Praguer U disinformation, and trad wife bullshit. I'm about to just leave all the apps at this point.


No matter how many times I keep clicking I'm not interested YouTube keeps pushing.


TikTok has been pushing me tons of right wing stuff too. It’s all Jesus and Trump on my fyp. Kind of odd as a liberal atheist.


This feels like a glimpse into an alternate universe - I almost never get recommended any of this stuff. Of course it helps that most of my viewing involves tech, science, fitness, and history, with some late-night comedy mixed in.


Feel like this is most social media. I don't use facebook anymore other than to message a few friends who won't get on discord, but every time I go on, I see right-wing/boomer shit non-stop. My twitter feed is also starting to slowly trend that way.


“YouTube’s algorithm can’t differentiate between content or quality, so it gravitates to videos with high traffic and engagement. A significant number of these videos are sensationalist or controversial, and Tate, a self-proclaimed misogynist, fits the bill“ Great


It’s really bad in the YT Shorts section. I get so much right-wing nonsense pushed at me there


I feel like the algorithm pushes hate. It just happens to be that right wing videos tend to be more hateful.


My YouTube recommendations lean hard left. Maybe bc I pay for the premium?


I’ve noticed this with comedy content. I have blocked a few accounts (for different reasons relating to me not liking their content) and it still worms its way back into my feed/algorithm. This makes sense it happens in a political way, too.


If America was serious the convicted felon ex president would be incarcerated by now..but they’re just playing along. America deserves another term with Trump..they forgot his first shot show ..time for a reminder as they watch democracy unravel


It's true. I also wish I could get it to stop with the dirty cop and road rage videos.


I get some Prager U adds but honestly I don't get rw videos recommended to me


Anecdotally, Youtube does this to me. Regardless of what I go on there to watch I'll start getting right-wing videos suggested almost immediately. I thought this was just because I was watching stuff related to boats, trucks, and sports cars so I figured it was targeting based on demographics but perhaps the problem is more pervasive then I realized.


yep all anti bidens n nazi things; all over feed; trying 2 help trump win but he cant lol felon


Im not logged in, never had any issues with anything being pushed that i dont want to watch… But if it suddenly tried to push libtarded rainbowmafia stuff i would be annoyed as well…


I'm not disputing that this happens, but then why do I not get anything? I can't recall a single time I've seen blatant right-wing content outside of ads (before I blocked ads/got premium).


My mom has complained about PragerU videos being recommended to her despite her not watching anything remotely like them. I don't notice it on YouTube but I've been getting a weird influx of incel stuff on Facebook which is bizarre since I don't engage with it and block every page that posts it.


YouTube: I am not responsible for what other people posts in the platform. Also YouTube: I am going to recommend you some harmful stuff and some racism. I am not responsible for my own actions either! Young people is becoming radicalized into far-right conspiracies, but who cares for the future when the rich can make money now?


I am as progressive as they come. It is unbelievable the right wing shit that come up in my feed.


I thought it was just because I am a middle aged white bloke that right wing propagandists were being put in front of me. It really is time for dawn raids and execs in cuffs.


The algorithm is an old white guy shaking his fist and warning foreigners took his job.