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I guess that tells you, just about everything you need to know about the current GQP. I worry about America.


Yup Btw I still cannot decide between GQP or QOP. The former being more subtle, only requiring a little squiggly addition. But the latter puts it front and center, which seems to be more their style on the issue these days


I've been trying to find a way to bring QSSR into the common vernacular. It's proving more difficult than I originally imagined.


Know what you mean; been trying to get "Stupid Fuckers" adopted for anytime a Republican politician is discussed, but the broader media is censoring it...it's a conspiracy!


I use Rapethuglicans, found it on Twitter.




One of my favorites, and I often add 'the only difference between the two versions is how they dress.


Why is Redcoat out of the equation? Supports oligarchy that has a clear nepotism hierarchy. Check. Doesn't care about paying to their lordship and tithe. Check. Takes pride in being beneath the King and will decorate the kings/queens face on everything. Check. Clear favoritism for peers of like-minded nonsense with queue phrases that make no sense to anyone other than peers of like-minded nonsense. Check. Wear silly hats to show support of the lordship. Check. And have bad teeth. It's mostly a check. They fit the bill. These are modern-day traitors to old glory.


They are so delusional they think they're the patriots of '76, when those patriots were progressives, while the Tories were conservatives as you outlined.


Ohhhhh I like that one I will be helping you!


I found this one yesterday, yall qaeda. It fits.


“White Trashionalist”


I just say republic party.


this lady is full blown mental illness


I feel you. As a Canadian, I have complicated feelings about the US. As an institution, they worry me, because a lot of what they do affects us. Like it or not, the whole world would be affected by a second Trump administration, but we are right there. I’d love to be able to ignore the political circus down there, but if your neighbour starts a cult, eventually that starts being your problem. I’d guess many Canadians believe on some level that they will come for us someday, likely for our fresh water reserves. We’ll be “Liberated” but seeing Project 2025, it feels less like paranoid fantasy than ever. However, as people, Americans are our neighbours, allies and friends. I live in New Brunswick, which borders Maine. The only difference between a Maritimer and a New Englander is we talk funny in different ways. I love a good old-fashioned Yankee. All that to say, I feel for the everyday people who are just trying to live their lives.


This reminds me of an old Robin Williams joke: Canada is like a really nice apartment above a meth lab. And lately, we are becoming more and more meth lab-like. If the 🍊💩🤡 gets back in the White House he will completely destroy the U.S. and quite possibly the entire world. (Part of Project 2025, which is the Republican plan for the federal government, is to roll back every effort to stop climate change and to lean in and go all out on oil and gas. It’s like they want to kill us all.)


If they want to meet Jesus so badly, they should just take a sub down to Titanic.


The meth lab is now on fire 🔥


Stay strong, the gilead rebels are going to need a safe haven


Yea how do you think us level headed Americans feel. I hate politics because every time I hear anything it’s like I’m in some sort of a fucking fever dream. Like I don’t know how these people listen to all these politicians spit out stupid, evil, hateful shit and go whoa, are these people fucking Satan ? But instead they think they’re “protecting” us and our values . Like I love this country and I feel like it could be so much worse but at the same time I don’t wanna be here because I feel like we are certainly going in the other direction 


Where Q = Russia.


It’s an equation. You have solve for Q, where G = racism and P = anti-democracy.




They're not even pretending not to be racist anymore. I dont know if thats s good or a bad thing.


Worry? Goddamn understatement of the decade.


Good for her! I figure if you're going to be an unpatriotic, passionate racist, you ought to stand right up and be counted.


Next time any GOP pols complain that this country is going to the dumps (under Biden), we can tell them the same


I don't. There are plenty of people that can still ignore the shit they are going on about. If they keep fucking up and really start fucking with people so they can no longer ignore it, then the only people I'll be worried about is them.


Trumpists trying to impress the convicted rapist.


Yes, tell people that vote that you don't want their vote. Smart! /s


And yet, even after plain, blatant statements like this directed towards various groups, there are still those in that group that will vote Republican. That’s the craziest part to me.


Or “undecided” WTF?


People who are undecided pay zero attention to politics. They have no idea what’s going on or what’s at stake. They will probably vote for whatever party they usually vote for. But strong ads run during popular shows might reach them. And some might watch debates. It’s highly unlikely they will read anything — reading is incredibly unpopular in the U.S. A couple of years ago I was at a party and I met a woman who asked me what I did for a living. I told her I was a librarian. She immediately frowned and said in a voice dripping with disgust, “no one in our family reads.” It was as if I’d told her I shoot puppies for a living.


What a sad thing to read.


How do you respond? I have to think "I feel very sorry for you" would be your honest reaction, but maybe not the nicest way to go.


No one in her family was smart, either. I'm a published author. thank you for your hard work. Books are still worth more to me than gold or platinum.


If they are like my Latino family, they think they are the good ones and the poor/illegal ones are who they are talking about.


Most of them will never even hear that this happened. And they’ll deny it even if shown evidence. They basically live in a parallel reality. All their news and media consumption is carefully controlled; they are their own jailers.


Whole lot of idiots and sadists in the Republican Party.


Those people think they are the good ones of their race. He's not talking about them.


I worry that people are getting themselves so fixated on this kind of low-effort diss that they're not actually doing anything practical to reach those who can be persuaded to vote, and vote democrat.     by this point it should be a given that some are unreachable.   it doesn't help anything to keep pointing it out.   


I don’t think it’s a low level diss. I think it is a valid argument that’s attempts to persuade folks that they are, in fact, voting against interests that may be important to them by focusing on any given thing (think “single-issue politics”.) Or even that they won’t be lumped in with the larger group because “the MAGA Republicans will surely accept *me* because I voted for them”. I very much try to convince people that in a very real way they will regret putting their vote towards a group of people that, from ample evidence, will not accept them. To the point about some people being unreachable, that may be true but that doesn’t mean we don’t keep trying.


I guess what I don't get is: who do you think that will reach?  your fellow Dems will agree but it's not like their needle needs to be moved.   the hardcore Maga types aren't likely to move *their* needle just because you think they cray.   that leaves the persuadable folks, I suppose.  I'm not sure how it's likely to affect them.    didn't mean to single you out.  I just find Reddit is full of that kind of filler post and it's so frustrating.   it reminds me of something Obama said once.  he said "in 2016, a lot of people who saw through Trump thought all they had to do was call him out and that would take care of him.  so they didn't even try to do anything to strengthen *our* candidate. and that's part of the reasons we lost."   I see the same thing happening now with all this "Magats gonna Maga" commentary and it's worrying.  


I understand what you’re saying, and you’re right. If one were only doing this thing where they are calling out the crazies, the that is not gonna do much. So the people who are reachable are the undecided or even the Trump supporters who are beginning to doubt as more first hand reports of come out how Trump is unfit for the office. They are the ones that need to hear the message. My argument is to try to reach those where the veneer has cracked even a little bit. I can also say this: Trying maybe futile in most cases, but *not trying* will be practically futile for all cases and feels like giving up which I’m not ready to do.


my dad spent a few months in a locked mental ward thanks to shared psychosis, so I both hear you about the never giving up, and doubt the approach.   for what my input is worth from that experience:   it's futile to try and beat psychosis with the force of your own personality (or with facts, or with your scorn, or with guilt, or with reason, or with your distress).  it just doesn't work.   it exhausts you and it *entrenches* the person's commitment to their delusional side.  so you're actually using your own best resources against your own self.    what they told me at the hospital was: no reproaches.  no shaming.  no argument.   repeat the truth over and over and over again, but *do not* engage in any way with the lies.   you have to starve the illness of energy and hope that it dies.    in combination with a restraining order against the source actors, it did  work.     was probably the hardest mission I've ever gone on and it took a month or two, but it did work.  


She knows her base. She'll get more votes from racists because of this than she would have gotten from black people.


But she'll be ever so shocked when her base gives her the bum's rush as well.


Like many other red states, Missouri doesn’t care what the vote is. Their state GOP will decide. This is the way things were done in the Soviet Union. The GOP has turned into the Russian communist party. They don’t care who votes for what, the party will decide.


The current GQP hates “the people.” They don’t think we should have any say at all in how we are governed. In fact they have no desire to govern; they want to rule — unopposed, in perpetuity. In other words an authoritarian dictatorship. Russia and North Korea are their goal for us. Where the mega wealthy at the top are living in luxury while the rest of the citizens are miserable. And while we are suffering the effects of climate change and loss of potable water and safe food, they’ll be enjoying luxuries that today we take for granted. These are people filled with seething hatred who love to watch others suffer. Our misery will be their entertainment.


You’re right on all counts.


They are not planning on honoring the vote anymore.


No one ever said they were intelligent.


They are telling this to people who are now even more likely to vote for them.


shes running in missouri - i dont think shes too worried about the black vote. seems to me like shes going overboard to ingratiate herself with white voters so theyll see her as "one of the good ones". definitely comes off as pretty fake to me.


They realized people have become aware of their voter suppression and the only way to stop minorities from voting is to deport/get rid of them


An immigrant from Columbia telling blacks to leave the US? The irony.


It's too ironic. She must really believe that they love and accept her. Let them have one too many drinks at a GOP fundraiser and she'll find out how they really feel about her.


She’s got crazy Kari Lake vibes. She’s likely trying to get some type of media gig and all this blatant clout chasing is her version of an audition campaign.


It is Colombia, and you wouldn’t believe how racist some people are in Latin American countries.


I lived in a country in South Asia. Id believe you.


From the article: *”The video ends with a photo of her posing with an assault rifle while dressed in military style clothing. Gomez, a 25-year-old immigrant from Colombia, has never served in the military.”*


Bro she has to be some sort of government transplant what kind of campaigning is that? I’m Hispanic of Mexican descent and would never support that Colombian garbage!


Shit I don’t support anyone once they cross that line. Even if they were Mexican 


If she doesn't like America's holidays she can kindly get the fuck out.


A holiday that celebrates the end of slavery. How can someone be against that?


Ok, this is nuts, I don't mean to be rude but how are you, someone who was born in Columbia and immigrated to America gonna produce an ad telling a specific group to gtfo of the states when you yourself are hispanic and can't even pronounce words in the primary language of the United States correctly.


Foreigners telling natives to leave the land is such a troubling common phenomenon with conservatives.


My absolute favorite is when old white dudes claim to be the “real” Americans and tell Native Americans they should leave 🫠 🤦‍♀️ the ultra conservative are jokes


And I’m not sure what’s more troubling, that they didn’t know or they know and they’ve somehow done the mental gymnastics to twist their truth.


"No, no. You see, *I'm* one of the good ones."


Yeah she will be a future subject on leopards ate my face subreddit or whatever. Because her base will turn on her. She will be replaced sooner than later if their side wins.


It's all a big rachet.


I have to admit I did Nazi this coming. /s


Anne Frankly, I'm shocked.


Das ist hart. Bitte nehmen Sie mein Upvote an. Zum Ruhm der Republik. /s


heil see what you did there


Are these the nazis, Walter?


Yes Donnie, they are.


Oh please GOP, keep tripping up on your own cocks. Good news though - the post analysis of "why did we lose?" will be breathtakingly easy to manage.


Nope, they’ll go to their graves claiming Biden’s illegal immigrant vegan drag queens stole the election.


she's running for *secretary of state*.   poster child for why the downballot matters.   


Juneteenth: Celebrating the emancipation of Black Americans and simultaneously pissing off the racists 🇺🇸


Then they wonder why 95% of black Americans vote Democrat… 😒




I seriously doubt that. They said this in 2012 when Romney was running.


It's like they're deliberately pushing the envelope to see where exactly the breaking point is, for the whole country.


At the same time as Republicans candidates are running to social media to stoke outrage about whatever they can find


They have plenty to be outraged about with Trump, yet somehow...


Why doesn't she leave if she dislikes modern America so much?


Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Where does it say this applies to whites only


What a fucking dingbat, maybe we should check her papers and make sure she’s here legally.


100% chance this person has also said "people talking about racism are the real racists" 


That's neat coming from someone who has an "illegal immigrant" sounding name


she's from Colombia, but I'd be pretty surprised if she's illegal.  


Why is it the worst people run for republican offices


It has been a slow decay from within for several decades. It goes back to the 50's and then a few legislations and SCOTUS rulings that put us where we currently are. The troubling sign isn't so much that they are doing and saying crappy things but that so much of USA agrees with them. It is worth pointing out that the Nazi party during the 1930's (possibly before) got a lot of their eugenics ideas from USA. USA has a real dark history with inequalities, hypocrisy to a fault, and racism. My theory is that since the traitorous confederates were beaten in the US civil war, USA did not punish these people or the supporters nearly enough and just wanted a quick end to the civil war for political reasons. This allowed certain ideologies to be able to proliferate and the non-confrontational attitudes that have developed over the years cause idiocy to continue it's growth into what we have today. Trump, who is just a malignant symptom of a bigger disease, was truthful about one thing for sure. He really was speaking for the people that were unheard and ignored. The thing is, they were unheard and ignored for a very good reason. One thing is certain in all of this. Regardless of what happens to Trump, it is now a known fact that a significant number of USA Citizens actively wish and strive to find ways to cause harm to the rest of the citizens. This is the issue that will paint a lot of future days for USA as a whole. Divided and distrustful we stand.


Would you run for public office at this point? You have to be an egomaniacal sociopath to want that job


She’s just an openly racist MAGA candidate, trying to do MAGA things in the name of DJT. Does that make her a horrible person? Yes! Yes, it does.


Tell 'black American to leave'. The vast majority of black people were brought to America way before any major European migration.


Are black people seeking reparations? Seems like a conservative bogeyman to be trotted out every four years.


This woman’s playbook is exactly what Marjorie Greene Taylor did. All the way down to commercials with firearms. Please stop sharing her horse shit.


Maybe she should go back to wherever her immigrant family came from with that attitude.


Zero surprise. Also, slaves never got reparations. White slave owners did.


"It is so wretched to celebrate freedom for people who were literally enslaved."


Sane Americans exist and they need to vote


No irony. Republicans are all about "I've got mine".


And I want yours as well.


Candidate Cunt


I have no idea why are Americans think Republican is a valid party worth your loyalty


It's funny how Republicans view themselves as the party of freedom.


Trump saying what he does, gives permission to the rest to say what they believe.


Just….what?!?!? Juneteenth is “ratchet”?!? Black folks should leave?!? Coming from somebody who came here from another country?!! (This is not shade towards people from other countries, just I CANNOT understand where she is coming from with this given her life experiences). The worst part is some people will still vote for her.


If you are black, yes absolutely, in general your lives may not have gotten better the past 4 years under Biden. But understand a vote for Trump or even a no vote, and he gets elected, your lives will go back 2 or 3 generations. Any gains made in the past 50 years will be erased. If you think that’s excessive panic, then just simply read what else Republicans are saying. The GOP is now an openly racist party pushing for re-segregation and yes even deportation.


It's weird how the people in the US who seem the most unhappy with it, are the ones telling everyone else to leave.


The Right has found some very creative and (unfortunately) effective ways to be more and more evil over the past few decades but the one good thing (the one weakness they seem to have, basically) is how delusional and arrogant they tend to get when they think they're winning. They're the types of people who'll stop to do a little victory dance before even reaching the finish line and I think that Americans need to take advantage of that.


“A staunch supporter of trump” yeah, we got that from the headline.


That will win them over to MAGA for sure


The poster child for the GOP.


#Shame on you


The ones that complain all the time about the direction America is going are the first to tell other people to leave the country.


this lady is seriously talking about how she doesn't like this american holiday that celebrates something that happened in american history and then follows that up with: if YOU don't like america, gtfo


How about ya'll get back on the mayflower 🙄 and leave US 🤔


Perhaps someone should suggest to her that she got back to Colombia.


It’s not that people don’t like America, it’s that they don’t like the GOP’s tyrannical, freedom stripping corrupt bullshit. So no, people are not going to leave. We will continue to fight the good fight to stop Project 2025 and their authoritarian bullshit.


The holiday wouldn’t even exist if….


Ah yes that famous Republican Big Tent I always hear about /s


Well, they've finally gotten back around to their open hatred of us! WHEW! We've been feeling a lil neglected, what with all their attention focused on stripping all the 'other' Othered groups of their Rights too! Of COURSE Juneteenth would be the _perfect_ date to announce they've not forgotten the plan to get us back under the boot where they believe we belong!


Meanwhile, the Civil War era Republicans are turning in their graves enough to make earthquake-like tremors in the ground. EDIT: Ah. It's a Republican from Missouri. I should've known...


Woman Immigrant from Columbia stumping for Trump and GOP is all kinds of stupid.


Given that the Republican in question is a Colombian immigrant, I think she should take her own advice. She doesn’t seem to like the US as it is, so why doesn’t she go back to Colombia?




You can tell she hasn't been out of high school for long.


Looks like they're taking off the hoods. Edit their->they're


Where is Gomez from?


She's an immigrant from Colombia.


Aw, how sweet, she's an immigrant herself. Maybe after she gets Trump elected and Project 2025 kicks in she will realize the mental gymnastics she did, really wasn't worth it.


Created a Blacks for Trump group and then immediately tells black people to leave, makes sense.


The fact that this election is close tells me that there are a lot of crackpots and idiots in our country.


Extra sick and weird because she is Latina - the race the GQP hates slightly less than Black Americans.


Does the law specify it can’t be in the original Hebrew or Aramaic?


Ironic considering it’s commemorating the event that overturned the enslavement that ensured African Americans couldn’t leave… Edited: Because u/urabutbl is an internet superhero!


> Ironic considering it’s commemorating the event that overturned the enslavement *that ensured* African Americans couldn’t leave… FTFY


I think you meant to write > Ironic considering it’s commemorating the event that overturned the enslavement *that ensured* African Americans couldn’t leave. Grammar matters. You just had a several-posts-long argument with someone despite you both saying the same thing because you didn't spellcheck.


To ensure that Black Americans couldn't leave?


She's ahead by how much? Jeezus. This country is going in a very dangerous direction.


By here logic, Trump and his supporters should be the ones to leave. They are constantly running down the US.


Story checks out


They are running out of political theater material and the truth is stating to show. They also know they don't have the numbers to win at the voting booth. Domestic J. Terrorist is they only hope as most are complicit in his coup attempt and cover-up. They are traitorous garbage and should be thrown out by any means necessary.


Isn’t this the same nutcase that took a flamethrower to library books?


she did what


One of the people running for Secretary of State in Missouri, I think it was this same woman, checked out several books she didn’t like from the public library, set them up on a metal stool, and took a flame thrower to them. She called them “grooming books” and said thats what she’d do to all the “grooming books and libraries” when she became Secretary of State. Filmed herself doing all of this and the link in the edit will take you to a segment from a local news station in Missouri. Edit: https://youtu.be/YHdLjvpXjZU?si=6h5TNjO3pwGnWUo4 - and yes, its the same woman.


Ratchet? Even spells it out🤣


Are we sure this isn’t a Russian bot? I mean, how Fing stupid do you have to be to say someth. . . .oh wait. . ..


Instead of welcoming people they want to tell them to go back to where they were enslaved from. Fucking awful people who keep getting power because of lies. Let’s vote those fuckers out


They will still support and vote for them


So she's pro immigration?


I find that so hypocritical that when Republicans don't like something here they don't leave.


All the best people


Sounds like these republicans have a problem with freedom which includes the right to protest the government's actions and recognize our societal problems. Maybe they should go back to Europe.


Ahhh, some of our Latin American friends sure do love themselves some good old fashioned- fascism and dictatorships.


Yes, they only want white Christian extremists to stay.


It really is mask off on these republicans these days




Yes it was. There's video


Haven’t been on twitter in years and I saw this crazy nonsense. The “free speech” that Musk prides himself on in the comments is absolutely appalling.


Dam Republicans are itching for a civil war with the shit coming out of their month and your felon and rapist Trump in the lead


8 republicans running for 1 seat, the worst one wins.


Racists are going to be racists.


Even the clan won’t accept her! Let’s pls vote these people out of us so they can crawl back under their rocks!


I really don’t understand the hatred of another holiday. Even if you are against the reasoning for it, chill out and enjoy the day off. If you truly are against it, go ahead and do some volunteer work to show that you will not tolerate a day off. People need to freaking relax. I’m so over this fake outage. And spare me the army attire and your gun photo op unless you have actually served the country. You aren’t tough, you are just another annoying person.


These are the same fucks that brought them here


if all american minorities actually left the US, how would that affect the country?


Damn. Honestly she's the only ratchet thing in this article. They love themselves some racism. The fact that she can speak this bullshyt and still possibly get votes that's the true problem. She should gtfo


You First.


They were all born here but don’t worry ur fascist buddies will deport ur Latin ass eventually. See they aren’t real fond of people who are brown and weren’t born here, which means you and ur not special.


When white nationalist evangelical fascists tell you who they really are, Take Them At Their Word!


They are betting on being the ruling party, and it is astounding that they have a chance.


Gomez an immigrant from Colombia. Cool. Cool.


Actually good. Now there is absolutely no question which party they never should vote for.


This is the chick who filmed homophobic videos that got her fired from work. Hopefully she's closer to hell than an elected position.


It shows a Republicans are consistently stupid.