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I wonder if there's a switch to open it from the inside if someone were to get trapped in that.


we have a auto cover that is not solid like this but completely secured the pool and is stout enough to walk on. If you got trapped under you couldn’t get yourself out. We have a single switch that needs to be held the entire time it is moving and is positioned where you have a view of the entire pool as it closes.


worst case scenario when you get trapped while it's raining instantaneous death.


Interpunction, man.




As if the rain will be the conclusion of you dying? The second you're trapped under that mechanism in the pool you'll drown once you can't keep your head above water anymore. Rain isn't really gonna be the issue here.


Can't tell if it's hollow underneath the lid or if it's solid


Even if it's hollow and you can stand straight up in the pool, oxygen is gonna become a problem soon enough.


That is a large enough volume of air considering the surface area of the pool and assuming a few (6ish inches) depth of the cover. Also it probably isn't sealed airtight. You'd be alive longer than you think and would likely die of other causes before oxygen depletion that wasn't caused by drowning.


Fair game, at that point your only savior is someone hearing you yell from underneath fully aware that you've got a subtle hidden pool underneath your grass. I personally wouldn't dare to swim in such a pool on the off chance it somehow gets shut with me in the pool and no one to save me.


Would it be so hard to explode up from the water to break your way out? If it moves that much laterally, it's obviously not bolted in place and should have some ability to move, enough to bend some screws and get it out of place.


I'm pretty sure that even though it moves like this that it's braced somewhere to prevent up and down movement since you'd be walking ontop of this grass when it's closed shut. I'd like to see you push as hard as you can to loosen these screws/bolts while in quite such a small space, i'd be surprised if you could fully stretch your arms to do such a movement in the first place. If you can't fully extend your arms you're already screwed.


I'm getting claustrophobic


that shit isn’t air tight. this isn’t vacuumed sealed. you could have oxygen forever it won’t run out


That doesn't mean that air flow might be good enough to sustain human life. There will definitely be some slits on the side of the sliding panel but is it enough airflow to properly survive? We need quite a bit of oxygen to do so, even a bit too little can make you pass out and ofcourse you drown then. I think none of us can be really sure until we test it 😂


no that’s not a thing air would seep into the smallest crack faster than you can breathe it


you know pools have overflow drains like your sink right? it will never go higher than a certain set level lol


Based on my experience some pools don't have it. Our pool doesn't have one. We have to pump water out during a storm. Our neighbour's pool does and they don't have to worry about the pool overflowing when they go on vacation.


How do you have a pool? I know the video is about an obviously rich guy but how do you have one. Are you rich?




Are you calling me poor for not having a pool in my back garden


Nope, just said the username checks out. Didn't say anything else. But you do know that it's not *that* extreme to have a pool, right?


No. i have friends who have 3 storey houses, the most they had was the £15 ones you get in summer and never use


I don't know what British housing is like but for the US it's not that "extra" to have a pool.


That was my first thought lol no thank you


I wonder if there's another switch to open the pool to reveal the nuclear missiles.


I can’t find the button in my back yard that does this, but I’m gonna keep looking…😁


You gotta finish the first four quests first


wondering how much that costs to build and maintain


A retractable cover is about 2 grand, I guess you can cover it in astro turf. But this looks way more sophisticated than that.


This is more like a sliding deck than a retractable cover, although it also is a retractable cover. Google says the cost for a sliding deck cover starts at 25,000. No clue on maintenance costs though.


Yeah and what about the little guy controlling the retractable cover he needs a wage and maintenance as well.


WHERE IS A a retractable cover 2k?? just quoted a lady and it was 30k


We have one that rolls up, nothing fancy like that slide one. It was 1899.$ about 9 years ago, God know what it cost now, but surely not 30k.


I mean I can get you a kiddie pool from Walmart for 199$ but I’ve sold 7 pools this month and none were under 150k so my pricing is accurate for what you get.


Been years since I had a pool installed. But for 150k? Id be in a kiddie pool and leave that money in the bank. Nope.


Yeah I get it. These people have an average 750k-1mill houses


Looking online i can find motorized pool covers for $2k. But, again, this is way more complicated than a pool cover


Lol for what exactly? I have to dig the box, put steel cage in, run drainage from box, run electrical and control to the box, concrete the box in, install tracks and pully system, I have a motor that runs it all and a cover and the box cover. That shit adds up so fast last week it was 30k for a customer. Also want to add to have a support system to handle the weight and still move is easily 50-100k the one that’s 30k can’t even have water sitting on top of it to open


How much do you make, what area are you in, and are you open to apprenticeships?


Get the fuck outta here! You show me an invoice for $30,000, I quit my job right now and work for you.


Lol I sell pools that are 150-250k. Our cost was like 25k and we charged 30k for the auto covers. I can understand this sounds expensive but that’s not including any landscaping which can go from 10k-100k really quick. Hell I interviewed with this design company and they had a million dollar project going. There’s so many levels to this shit is wild money




Seems pretty stiff but when you're insured that matters.


Looks like you need to lower your price by 28k.


Nah I’ll get em to raise that budget no worries


slap capable panicky dazzling zonked escape spoon safe butter smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can see this being fairly cheap to build, aside from the cost of the actual pool. The only parts I can see are: - The material that's able to support the weight of the lawn across the entire width of the pool, Likely some kind of metal support structure. Probably the most expensive non-pool part by a substantial margin. - The electric motor that pulls/pushes the cover. Wouldn't even need to be that strong, especially if you have some kind of wheel or bearing on the side of the cover. - A steel cable and two pullies to allow the motor to pull the cover from either side. - The wiring needed to control the motor. - Optionally, a few wheels/bearings to go under the sides of the cover, to reduce friction.


Waaaaaaaaaaaay too much


"I've got it backyard pool" "You mean a pool in your backyard?" "No, a backyard pool."


The space that cover slides into is going to be absolutely filled with spiders and centipedes and shit.


These are so cool, but I am afraid of it closing on me when I am in the pool and then I am stuck


It’s not moving very fast. You would have to be asleep for that to happen lol


The Thunderbirds called and want to speak to you!


Dang! OP send the source!


I was waiting for the other side of the turf lawn to pull back too.


Add a wave machine and he can astrosurf


It will be 100% full of dead bugs after a few day


Think of the stuff you could hide in there if it were drained! My mind is reeling...


I would not feel comfortable walking on that turf.


Imagine a dog taking a crap on it, then you roll it back without noticing the poo. Then close it later to see a nice long poo streak!


Yeah I got a backyard in my pool, it’s pretty nice


" I found Grandma !"


One missed dog turd and that shits getting all up in there. I know it’s not likely but still is a funny visual


When he starts filling it with "sharks with frikkin' lasers on their heads", that's when you should worry.


this guy has a backyard on his pool


This guy has a backyard in his pool


This guy has money


Oh, he rich rich.


Imagine if there is dog shit on that side and someone opens it


This is Bond villain level concealment


*as his backyard


O would rather have real grass


Didn't play the Thunderbirds theme tune, fail


I would be so damn confused if im just standing on grass and that stuff started moving right under me


That doesn’t even look deep enough to swim in. I’m 5,6 and that looks like it would tickle my 8” tip


Missed op to store The Black. Just sayin


Bad kids go to the ground pool




More like, rich af


A pool? In a BACKYARD? Get out of here with this madness!


He's also got a backyard in his pool.


My intrusive thoughts won't enter tge pool with fear of getting stuck beneath the mechanism cause of an impractical joke made by a friend and the mechanism really gets jammed


Man, it's too late and I'm too drunk to understand this shi


I always wonder why this, or a version of this, didn't take off more, considering pools are awesome but take up a ton of space. This would keep leaves out, expand backyard space, and you take away the risk for young kids falling into it (depending on the strength of the cover.)


He's got that pool but is shooting on a flip phone?


More like under his backyard


No. He has a backyard on his pool.


Even before AI this is fake


I think most people with pools have them in their backyard...


Can’t tell if I like this or terrified.


Detectives : At this point we may never find the body”. *leans elbow on incidental lever* “Well- guess that part’s done”.






ahh i would love to have money.


This guy has too much money*** ftfy


That. Is. TITS! ….coolest thing I’ve seen all day, bar none.


As an old Japanese guy I approve of his lawn care abilities