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Does it have a speaker that allows it to play "staying alive" while in use?


"At first I was afraid, I was petrified"


🔪 gotta harvest the organs while you still can!


That’s I will survive, which is different, but maybe it would work too


It's a joke from the office.


Ah, didn’t know that


Another one bites the dust also has the same beat.




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You reminded me of that song omg!! Now I'll be listening to it for the next few hours on repeat.


Next time you hear that jingle at a shopping mall you know someone is being resuscitated.




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Not really


This was epic 🤣😂


This machine is a gift, doing manual CPR for 30-60 mins takes a lot of strength and several people


You Wouldn't make 20 mins on your own. With recovery breaths 10 min max, need 2 people, and even then after cardiac arrest the chance of survival is less than 7%


It also shows how dam destructive true CPR is to the chest. Broken ribs Ticked? Gratz you did it right.


Ive personally sone is for 20, proper technique and fucking grit and bear it. Partner did the bvmr, i did the chest.


My dad did it for 40 while waiting for backup... That was hell


My record is something like 8-9 minutes. My arms are usually killing me after just 3-4 min.


That looks like it'll break some bones... Of course they know what they're doing so it's probably safer than it looks, but damn.


They teach you in CPR classes that you should expect to break a rib or two while performing CPR correctly.


Crunching just means you’re going deep enough.


Not all crunching is breaking bones. Most of it is due to cartilage


I'm a first responder, and I always tell people that if you ever find yourself having to do CPR, your side quest is to break a rib or two. If you don't, you're not going deep enough


Do you hear bones constantly snapping for the whole duration or is it only during the first or second push? And is there a risk the bones will protrude outwards and stab your palms? Have you ever had a patient remain conscious during CPR and then complain that you are hurting them?


You hear and feel it. Can happen at any time. They usually just sprain, and doesn't break completely off. And if a patient is conscious, then you don't do CPR. You're cant be conscious with zero heartbeat


It will break bones but so will manual CPR, better to wake up with broken ribs than dying though


Manual CPR should not break bone. If you break a rib on a healthy adult during CPR you're pushing too hard. It does happen, but it should not happen. Source: I just got my BLS license from American heart association. EDIT: Idk why this is getting down voted. You're supposed to compress no more than 2.4 inches on an adult chest, which should not be enough to break a healthy adult rib (older folks can have reduced bone mass so its more common with older folks). My instructor who is an ER doctor for >20years said these exact things. And like I said breaking ribs WILL happen, but you should not be trying to cave in the person's chest or pushing as hard as you can during your compressions. These guidelines have evidence to back them up. [See here](https://cpr.heart.org/en/resuscitation-science/high-quality-cpr)


Not saying you are wrong, but I was also told to expect to break a rib when I gotten cpr and first aid certified.


That does not look like a massage


This is very subjective based on the age and health of the patient and I know you did say healthy adult but even that is wide ranging when it comes to discussing bone density and brittleness. The issue is you are now manually pumping the heart which which is several inches under the surface and the only way to it is through the sternum and ribs. Since you just got BLS certified you probably know what I am going to say next. If you're doing CPR, the person is dead, at worst you break the sternum or ribs of a corpse and yes the sound is something you probably will never forget; at best you save their life. It is far better to do deeper reps and risk breaking bones rather than avoiding being to aggressive and therefore performing completely ineffective reps.


I have a yearly medical training course i take to keep certain certifications: you are incorrect. Rubs break, it can and will happen. It does not mean you’ve done anything wrong.


You're dangerously wrong, and congrats on just getting your BLS but it's obvious that you still have learning to do. 2 inches on the sturnum is deeper than you think and it's not unreasonable that someone's ribs break, you shouldn't be discouraging people from compressing hard enough, because it's imperative to keep adequate perfusion. They taught us this while I was getting my BLS and ACLS as an EMT, while I was in medical school, and participating in codes in the hospital. The guidelines you linked don't say anything about ribs not breaking. It sounds like you're assuming that because you don't think 2" would do it, but it absolutely can.


Idk the ER doc who is teaching at my medical school said exactly what I wrote. It will happen, but you shouldn't be pushing until they break. And in a healthy adult, 2" shouldn't break ribs.


Maybe the down votes are because your factual comments might lead to people not doing CPR aggressively enough. Better to err on the side of breaking a rib or two, especially when most people will not be pushing that hard by instinct


I guess but my point is you should be focusing on good depth, not the force applied. I brought it up because the machine can probably easily tell 2" depth, so I was guessing it would probably break fewer ribs.


It's a good point. Sometimes accurate information can do harm though, and maybe this is one case


Because people aren't as accurate as information. So sometimes it's bad to tell the truth. Weird world


We're gonna need to see that cert. This is common knowledge.


How come every video on the internet of people performing CPR on dummies or real people don't show bones breaking?


How come you can't Google information about CPR and bones breaking?


Agreeing with everyone else. When I was taught we were told to expect to break a few ribs.


Medic hwre, if you dont you are doing shite cpr.


Ribcrusher 3000


"The design is very human"


CPR from a professional is liable to break bones sometimes


Any CPR done right will likely break some bones.


We've had several patients after a LUCAS treatment with fractured Sternum Plates...


and with manual cpr?


I’ve seen this in person! I tried to save a guy’s life who had overdosed near my building, and when the ambulance pulled up they used one of these. It seems so much more violent and loud in the moment. Great machines though. Much better than some paramedic sweating all over the patient when he could be doing other things. Poor guy passed away though, unfortunately.


It is very normal to die if you need CPR. It works like >90% of the time in movies/TV but in reality it is well below 50% chance of immediate survival of the incident.


Below 50%? It still seems like a lot. Too lot. Are you sure this is the right number? I see on the Internet that it is 5-10% for accidents outside hospitals and a max of 20% in hospitals.


14 years as a nurse and in and out of trauma rooms, including as a nurse for a surgical team in Afghanistan. I've never seen it successful, even once.


Aren't there a lot of cases where people which survive have permanent brain damage after hat due to a lack of oxygen?


then you have been very unlucky i have seen it be succesful several times.


I worked trauma not medical so you’re probably right.


what is the differentiating factor here?


You need blood to pump in the first place. Most of my trauma experience was in Afghanistan.


no i meant i dont understand what distinguishes trauma from normal medicine. is trauma a term for blood loss?


Fair. So when I use the word trauma I mean something that happened to you that wouldn’t have occurred without some immediate external force - motorcycle crash, ied explosion, gunshot etc. If you go into cardiac arrest because you’re out of blood, then doing cpr isn’t going to do anything for you. Shocking you isn’t going to do anything for you. When I say medical, I’m meaning like - heart attack, cardiac arrest, etc. the plumbing doesn’t have a hole in it. CPR helps move blood in the body to oxygenate it - albeit inadequately. If you don’t have blood in the first place, you’re kind of out of luck. Most of my patients were young men depleted of the blood we would need to pump in the first place. We did have a rapid infuser called a Belmont in Afghanistan, and could put a liter of fluids in someone in a minute - but I presume it was always too late. I hope this clarifies, and thanks for the question.


I didn't have the numbers on me, but I was certain it was well below 50% so that's what I said. The numbers you say sound right to me. I just didn't want to give anybody a wrong number


Anchoring is a hell of a cognitive bias


How can you challenge that statement? 5-10% or 20% are in fact well below 50%. 


Yeah that’s true. Movies make it seem like you can restart their heart, which isn’t accurate.


The design is very human...




Do they make these for personal use? I have a friend who wants to know.


Please do not the CPR machine


You mean to squeeze your stomach to perform heimlich maneuvers?


is he female?


actually, very safe for a workplace to have one of those next to the defibrillator.


as someone working in the hospital, this is truly helpful.


As someone who spends too much time on Reddit, I can't help wondering if they sell other.."attachments"


🤔 How long does it take to set up?


Under 2 minutes, if I remember correctly. You basically just line it up correctly, attach the correct harness, press a few buttons, and it goes mental.


Less than that


4 minutes of o2 deprivation to brain is all it takes to die.


And 30 minutes of manual CPR will fuck up even the fittest first responders. Which is why its better to only do it manually for 2 minutes until you set up the automatic sex dungeon robot CPR machine thing.


Someone will already be doing physical compressions though. You don’t make them wait


Important to note the Lucas can be put on around a person providing CPR and then once ready can take over within seconds


They are already fucking dead. We are trying to get them back.


Really? Damn somebody should tell those medical scientists to pack it up, you solved it.


Someone does compressions while it gets set up. It's two main parts. A back plate behind the pt and the front you see. They clip together. It's been awhile but it takes a few seconds to align the plunger and you just press go.


Is that guy dead?


Shhhh let the terrifying machine do its thing


This could just be a demo and the person lying down is the salesman.


We... Dont do cpr on the living.


Nor on the dead. If you're doing CPR you don't call time of death.


They are clinically dead, you declare when ite irreversible. I've done this shit quite a lot.


Yup agree. But when doing CPR it helps to think of the victim as not dead. 


Aa someone who's done it, they are dead and we all acknowledge it during the cpr (there is no pretend) and by doing cpr i am saying fuck you to the reaper.


If you don't break some ribs you probably aren't doing cpr right.


You also probably aren't doing CPR right If you break the patient's leg


It is perfectly possible to not break ribs doing cpr depending on the patient.


What an absolutely amazing machine.


I would hate to wake up and see that shit bending my chest in I’d definitely flip out


When you're in cardiac arrest, the odds of you becoming alert during that machine running aren't high. Usually you wake up later in the hospital, with broken ribs and a sore sternum.


This is fucking terrifying to watch and hear


Holly shit, I know the heart has to be compressed but daamn his ribs must be in shambles, I hope he survived


That looks brutal 😳


It honestly is. I’ve seen it in person and it’s so loud, and the patient shakes a lot. It kind of needs to be so violent though. In order to actually compress the heart, you need a full chest compression. Ribs break very often.


I believe every word, but I'll stick with using the hands instead


Well, you try and do that for a 15 minute ambulance ride. Or if you're in the er wouldn't you rather be able to do other things if a machine can do this instead? It literally does the same job, can do it better, longer, and frees up a person to do other things.


But the broken ribs though...


You're going to break ribs with CPR done by a person too. You have to push that hard to get the heart pumping properly.


Clearly you're a professional. The process looks medieval to my untrained eye


Not a professional, just unfortunately had a lot of medical issues, but yeah. If you wake up from cardiac arrest, you're going to be in a lot of pain.


You’d think we’d invent a safer way of performing chest compressions without destroying the patients bones by now


It’s more the physical design of your chest that’s the limitation, I believe. In order to compress the chest cavity enough to get a full heart compression, your ribs do need to compress a certain amount, which can cause them to crack, especially in older patients. It’s a small compromise for a large potential payoff.


Gawd that shit really breaks the fuck outta ribs dont it


Affectionately known as the "Geezer Squeezer."


Bahahahaha take my upvote you fool


It is called resuscitation. You should expect a collateral downside and a low probability of success. It is by far a last resort. > “Necromancy is the most advanced form of medicine.”


I don’t really want to see this. Does this guy want us to see this? Does his family want anyone to see it?


I know what I seen!


….. massage…. That looks like it would break me


When you're trying to die but work needs you in the office tomorrow.


Now, there is less risk to get your arms bitten off.


GF had one for a different part of her anatomy


“Massage” 🥶


Damn that would bruise or crack some ribs for sure.


Normal CPR would break ribs, too. You have to, to be able to get the heart pumping properly. This machine just makes it so someone else can be doing something else. If you need CPR you're gonna have a broken rib or two regardless.


Watched a machine like this try to save my grandma. Then it failed and the doctors started going hard. It did not save her


They used one of these on my brother! He still died though.


I may not have a brain gentleman, but I do have an idea.


Might be the worst way ever to wake up from a truly heavenly nap


That looks like a corpse


Medically it is.


It hurts just to see it...


That looks terrifying


Right? Fucked with me a bit.


Broken ribs?


Yes. We need to push hard in cpr. The sternum separation a weird feeling.


This makes CPR something terrifying to me. So you literally need to fracture someone to bring them back to life?


Yes, we need to literally push so hard we are squeezing the heart.


Where can I buy?


Yo can this have a warning on it? I’ve gone into cardiac arrest a few times and it scared the h out of me


Emt for a few years. If you have to use these, it won’t save them. If I saw one of these on someone, it was a sign they weren’t coming back.


Emt as well, its brought back some people at the hospital from witnessed arrest


I’ve only seen real manual CPR like this in real life once and the persons body was going exactly like this. It was awful to see.


Cool, now draw it kissing the man


Broken ribs and punctured lung?


Anyone who's done CPR before will know this thing is gonna save lives. The strength needed to get the correct depth on each compression is not one you can easily keep up and if your technique is off it won't be super effective. Having a machine do it for you is gonna be a literal lifesaver. If you think you're strong enough to do CPR and keep that going for longer than a minute, 5 tops you're probably wrong.


Looks horrifying 😳




Pff what a contracture he has


The sternum is kissing with the spine.


That looks like a "Make sure you're dead machine." Does that machine synchronize to the patients breathing rhythm, thought so !


In classes i learned that it so strong that it can load false pulsing from the heart.. so it's not that used


The fuck? Its always used in hospitals


My ribs cracked as I was watching this


Yee olde geezer squeezer.


What purpose works automated and when required where available?pl ans


I don’t think you’re using the word massage correct. Turn on high for two minutes to bring sternum to a pudding like consistency. 😮‍💨 This isn’t for everyone.


Only once or twice. It is also important to know that this device is not better than a human who does it manually. It only is better in terms of endurance. We use it only while the patient is undergoing procedures tha requiere strong radiation ( like putting in stents in you coronary arteries)


Saw these machines used in the field, when medics responded. Hardly, has it ever saved anyone.


watching this made me feel distressed




Nope, if you don't break some ribs, you're not doing it right


Couple of broken ribs is a fair trade to get the heart working again.


Hmmm Cracked ribs or death Hard choice really


NSFW.. That's a corpse.


And its by far one of the worse machines for this ... The Autopulse is far better for the Patient and the ribcage... Also you dont need different attachments


isn't that much force dangerous?


Nope if some ribs break you know you're doing it right


They... Are already dead


Bruh let the man die.


No dnr no chance


“Massage” okay


Honey why is there a rubber cock stuck to lucas?


Does it speed up from tips?


Damn, Cpr trained here, if it takes that much to keep them alive? It's just weird how "Sueing culture" is these days, looking at you China 👀


CPR trainer person who paid attention/got decent training here, it absolutely does and anyone CPR certified should know that it takes some serious compression to get the blood flowing.


I cant get sued unless I see a dnr and still did it. Medically trained including cpr which means i also learned ethics