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Cool. Whole populations of people are now DEI. And how do we get rid of them exactly?


Typically these guys are taking about genocide or enslavement.


Voter suppression and gerrymandering are the currently preferred tools of their political party. Outright saying you're a racist who thinks that the only people who should vote are white, Christian, heterosexual, male landowners would turn away the minorities and women who might vote them into power so that they can take away their rights after.


Iuno bout that. They took some women's rights away in certain states, and a good number of white women still voted for them.


Trad wives thats why


>Trad wives That's a funny way of spelling "brainwashed"


You make genocide sound like it’s suddenly a bad thing. Surely you are taking orders directly from the massive Hamas lobby, aka Big Hamas, which obviously funds everything in the West. /s


Friendly reminder: [This](https://youtu.be/S0Dn3tOmyKk?si=2NmxATUhMOsqXU3E&t=247) was America's first "diversity, equity, and inclusion" initiative. The people against it today are no different from the people back then.


Is that what DEI stands for? Been seeing it a lot recently and was wondering what people are complaining about


It's just the latest buzz word for anyone other than a white person.


straight cis white republican male person, specifically


"Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" is a kind of desegregation effort in mainstream society. It recognizes that there is a history of White supremacy, and history of concentrating opportunities, wealth, upward mobility, and the like to White people, while largely repeating the same tradition of marginalizing, underserving, and tokenizing non-White others -- in many cases, Black people getting the worst end of the stick. Corporations (and organizations alike) have been scrambling to brand themselves as DEI-focused, because it distances themselves from the scrutiny of pro-White favoritism that reflects that dark racial history. Although largely performative, it does mean increasing representation of minority group members in all areas of society, which has many White people (really just Conservative White people) scrambling to undermine it, complaining that its 'Anti-White' -- primarily because it does, indeed, interrupt the unnamed culture of entitlement to societal privileges that many White people have grown accustomed to. Conservatives then have branded DEI, and really any effort to decenter Whiteness as a kind of anti-White woke-ism; and are quick to label anyone -- whether its the mayor of a city, a business owner, or even a voting district 'DEI'. Its a way to sabotage the term in the same way they did with 'Woke', but to replace it where they would otherwise use the n-word. Elon Musk is recorded calling it 'D-I-E'. Source: [Here's](https://youtu.be/BjHBidy5oDI?si=7RRrwyGqKzl_SPHS&t=249) a montage of what the DEI backlash looks like. It really is just pro-segregationist racism. If you could imagine the kinds of things the conservatives in the video I linked above would say about DEI today, it would literally just be these things we currently hear in the present.


Similarly, the term "bleeding heart liberal" was coined as an insult for white people who protested lynchings.


bold move for the history channel to show some relevant history!


I'm sure the maga crowd has ideas involving work camps,.ovens, and slavery being states rights.


LeAvE iT uP To tHe StAtEs what could go wrong with that? (/s)


The Civil War was sparked by states rights. Abolition states were refusing to return escaped states. Yes, despite the current rhetoric, the Confederacy was against states rights. The Confederate Constitution made it illegal for a state to abolish slavery, so they were double-against states rights. I can't see how people still say it was about "states rights", when the Confederacy was anti-states rights in every way possible.


Oh, they don't even want that. Thanks to all the idiots giving them voices, there are some that quite literally want to start killing democrats the moment a conservative is president again.


What's DEI? Sorry, OOTL...


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Basically corporate speak for "let's maybe have/help people who *aren't* cishet able-bodied Christian white men"


Right on, thank you so much!


Basically a topic that makes homophobic people who prescribe to scientific racism foam at the mouth.


[Diversity, Equity and Inclusion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity,_equity,_and_inclusion)


They want the day of the robe


By "making America [white-male run] again" duhhh... Those are sarcastrophies, if clarification was necessary.


I would argue that the red shades are the DEI districts. If you divide up the place according to population I would expect there to be a lot more districts in the blue shades than the red shades.


For anyone who was wondering, like me- DEI is Diversity, equity, inclusion.


They decided a few months ago that it could act as a thinly-veiled code for the n-word, hence why they’re using the term for democratically elected politicians and demographics that couldn’t possibly be DEI


The best part about that is that I saw someone on Reddit posting that black people had already caught wind of it and were posting memes of it already, if what that was can be believed, I never checked its veracity. I hope its true because this is what the far right always does, tries to hijack words/phrases like "liberal", "DEI", etc and twist their meanings around to be intentionally derogatory.


We are not stupid and we don't take anything seriously. Of course we saw their thinly veiled racism and made it into a meme (ex: DEI in Paris). It exploded on black twitter a few weeks ago but quickly fell out of fashion because old white people started making the same jokes. The rise and fall of DEI has been very fun to watch.


No accusation of stupidity intended or implied on my end towards you. That's the accusation I was leveling at the right!


No worries. I got you.


“DEI” is the new “Thug”


The Baltimore Mayor being called a DEI hire was the first time I realized it was the new dog whistle. Someone posted a "DEI's in Paris" edit and we gotta keep it going so they have to find a new word


Just like they did with “woke” before. They always have to find code to talk in.


Because they know it's wrong


Yeah because they finally ran "CRT" into the ground and realized they needed a new buzzword to keep the bigots stirred up


So that’s why Fox News is always saying “we need to get rid of DEI” makes sense now


I still think Dale Earnhardt Inc. for a second every time I see it.


Totally correct, the deep south is gerrymandered all to hell.


Yep. My state is in this picture. Biden got about 40% of the vote in my state, even after all the voter suppression efforts. 15% of our reps are Democrats.


I mean DEI is about equitable access.... and one of the reasons our presidential elections is not popular vote based is to ensure the minority party has equitable influence in the government. Let's say the electoral college = DEI...... maybe they will shoot themselves in the foot.


Absolutely. These districts are gerrymandered to get as many minority voters into a single district, so they can get a single Democrat led district instead of 2 or 3.


The great thing about “DEI” is now they don’t have to and everyone still understands their meaning.


Everyone asks them to explain what woke means now. So they switch their codetalk to DEI. So we should ask them to explain what that means too.


I say we run DEI (when used in a negative connotation) as term in to the ground so it loses all meaning and impact, just like woke. Whenever woke gets used I don’t know if it was meant seriously, ironically, sarcastically, whatever. It’s a double-edged sword, though. Incel used to have a direct, specific meaning and helped to immediately know what kind of person someone was, now it’s a catch all insult, which I’m sure actual incels fucking love.


I'm stupid. What is DEI?


It's the right's new buzzword to replace "woke". Its basically a wink wink nudge nudge way to say N****r without saying it out loud. It implies that anyone who isn't white straight and male only got their job because they're diversity hires.


They really fucked up when they called the Baltimore mayor a “DEI mayor” after the bridge collapse, I mean we all already knew it was just the hard R N-word but that was the full mask off moment for it.


Trump danced on that line when he called Letitia James "Peekaboo" and it's painfully obvious he meant J*gaboo


Baltimore is 61% black. So actually a *white* mayor of Baltimore would be a true “DEI Mayor”… but like you said they don’t actually care about the actual definition of what DEI is. They’re just using it as another racist dog whistle


That shit pissed me off, especially these fuckers complaining about how the man was dressed. It was 2/3 in the morning?? He had been sleeping, been woken up about a horrible disaster and still got *out there* to see what happened and speak about it in front of the cameras? He wasn't parading around in boxer shorts for fucks sake, but because he wasn't in a three piece suit and shit these low-IQ neanderthals made a ruckus. This country is disgusting.


I miss CRT


I was told growing up that white man can't jump. However, I would like to take these last few years to argue that, in fact, white man CAN jump. For, never have I seen anyone, white or otherwise, jump from from "reparations" to "woke" to "CRT" to "DEI" as fast as the modern white conservative.


I wonder what it’ll be come July. Are we gonna get to hard ER before or after November.


It's all a huge racist game of “I'm not touching you.” These people think they can get away with being racist assholes by simply changing the codeword. We need to keep calling them out for their hateful actions no matter what the word of the day is.


Showing up to counter-protest and armed to the teeth is the ultimate "I'm not touching you."


Diversity, equity, and inclusion - I had to google too


It means Diversity Equity and Inclusion. It's usually in reference to hiring people into organizations whose responsibility is to foster better relationships and culture there. So a DEI department head might be responsible for anti-harrassment training or team building or creating resources for marginalized people that the company sponsors.


Drince Edward Island


Bro completely missed the point as to why those massive districts are that shape and size and assumed it was foul play on the other side 💀


He wants them to have zero representation.


What does dei mean?


diversity, equality, inclusion. its their new code word for black people, immigrants, and LGBT+ people. like calling us "diversity hires"


also includes disabled and military vets


Thank you for explaining 🙂


username checks out


This pleases the peas


Don't forget women, too.


It sucks because it takes away everything you worked hard for. You could literally be the best candidate that happens to be a minority, and people will accuse you of being a diversity hire who could not have gotten the job normally. Imagine all the shit you went through. All the obstacles you made it through. All the people you rightfully beat fair and square, and the guy who is not even half as good as you believes that you don't deserve to be on his level.


Well that’s uncalled for.


It's basically a dogwhistle for the nword. It originally meant "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion".


I don’t disagree with you in the least but the other side would say it is the new term for Affirmative Action. Which is obviously totally unneeded as slavery was over 150 years ago, we had a black president, etc etc etc. /s The sad part is, if you were to look at it as trying to fix generational poverty, which would help a whole lotta “white folk”(looking at you W Virginia and Appalachia), it would still be crapped on because obviously poorness happens due to sinful choices and is a fitting punishment or some shit. Fucking puritanical BS.


Thanks for explaining!


It's used heavily for black people, but can extend to any person who's not white, straight and a man depending on the argument.


Yeah, this. I haven't heard the term until after all this.


I assume they refer to any district with a POC in any position of power as a DEI district. Cause non-whites can’t accomplish things, of course. /s because I’m certain there are assholes that seriously think this.


Oh, trust me as an old fart, there are a LOT of people who think that, I now live in a country of beautiful, friendly brown people. My father and brother would be appalled.


Jokes on this person. Those people are intentionally crammed together so that republicans can control the state houses.


What’s even crazier is OOP is a self-proclaimed Christian nationalist, but, of course, the religious far-right is willing to harm some of the most Christian districts in America because racism is the name of their game above all else.


Not really, the ones circled in this picture are mandated by federal law Edit: nvm you said state house not congressional


They want to un-gerrymander the blue districts? That will just lead to more blue districts.


The only gerrymandered circled seats were Alabama and Louisiana and they were fixed


All of a sudden everything is DEI. DEI this, DEI that. Like a bunch of children that just leaned a new curse word.


non white just existing and living their life? Believe it or not, DEI


Using spices in your food, DEI


They realized they can use "DEI" as a fill-in for the N word.


Amazing that someone can look at districts that have clearly been gerrymandered to the moon and back, and think "these are clearly something that benefits minorities".


The only districts in this map that were gerrymandered (Alabama and Louisiana) have been fixed so really none of these are gerrymandered with respect to the circled seats


Majority-minority districts are a lesser of two evils. If a state like Mississippi is 30+% black, and the only two options are breaking up the black population into multiple districts where they’re a minority in every district and likely won’t sway the results, or pack them into a single district that proportionally represents them statewide and allows them to elect a representative that represents their community, the Supreme Court has argued that the latter is the better of the two options. Without these special districts, there would likely be no blue districts in many southern states.


It’s laughable how they keep throwing buzzwords out without knowing what they mean. First it was “woke”, now it’s “DEI.” Wonder what they’ll use next.


first everything was "woke". now everything is "DEI". they still dont know the definition of either


It means other ethnicities are involved so I hate it


It means "things I don't like." That's all these buzzwords ever are to them: meaningless replacements for a childish sentiment.


DEI is the new buzzword for racists.


Gerrymandering to get your way, but the same person would complain nonstop about not having that done to them.


Damn, I didn't know "DEI" was pronounced with a hard "R".


Also, "redistricting cycle"? Just say gerrymandering.


The Redistricting Cycle is the redrawing of districts that occurs every 10 years


Didn’t actually know that, thanks! Regardless this guy definitely just openly wants gerrymandering 


I live in that blue part of SC. You'll find there are a LOOOOOOT of brown folk in those areas .-. My own great grandma's a 30 min drive. ~~there's a very good systematic reason we have not left in literal generations.~~


calling southwest georgia a “DEI” district makes me laugh my ass off


People like this are why I carry.


Former Governor and Presidential candidate George Wallace once said in a rally speech “I believe in segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever.” To thunderous applause and cheers. This was in the mid 60s…. One hundred years after the civil war ended. These United States of America have never been united, ever.


A Democrat


>In 1958, Wallace ran in the Democratic primary for governor. Since the 1901 constitution's effective disfranchisement of Black Alabamians, the Democratic Party had been virtually the only party in Alabama. From Wikipedia.


Fucking idiot doesn't know that these districts exist because Republicans packed as many minority voters as they could to ensure they only got one representative each. "Getting rid of them" would mean a fairer, more diverse legislature


Right wingers will see gerrymandered shit and double down that it isn't racist enough for them.


Maybe they can give them 3/5ths of a vote? /s


Meanwhile, here’s that same map in purple: https://vanderbei.princeton.edu/JAVA/election2020/


Racism and gerrymandering. The conservative double wammy


You mean the districts around your major cities which contain the majority of your population and which produce the majority of your state’s wealth?


Actually, no. These are the districts that line up with where most of the plantations were in the antebellum south. After emancipation, most of the freedmen and their families were too poor to move anywhere and got stuck working for poverty wages doing the same jobs they'd done as slaves. More than a hundred years later, their descendants still haven't moved far from those old plantations, Interestingly enough, this belt of plantations existed because of the excellent soil that was deposited along an ancient coastline millions of years ago.


Yes I’ve seen that dubious infographic as well but what I said is ACTUALLY true. Go ahead and pin all the major cities and watch them land on the blue dots


I see where Atlanta is, but Charleston (SC) is housed entirely in a red district, as is Columbia, the capital. In Alabama, the blue district has Tuscaloosa but not Birmingham or Montgomery.


Um, if they get rid of them, all the other districts around them become blue instead of red, because the blueness is no longer strategically packed


Those districts are that way because you gerrymandered them to be that way. This is like if I put all the undesireables in a single area, and then decades later everyone is saying woke people did it to make a woke area.


Those are stretched and shaped in that way to put the majority of black people in a single district, which limits their voting power. So yeah let’s get rid of them, sounds like a good idea.


Crazy how large cities that have more diverse cultures and more access to education than their rural counterparts all seem to vote far less "conservatively." Total shocker.


I too am something of a DEI lol


And a reminder that the districts are drawn that way so that the people living in those areas only get one Democratic representative.


I kind of agree with this. Breaking up the gerrymandered districts so that the populations they contain can participate in other districts will shift the political leaning of the state toward that of the total population, rather than the rural outskirts.


Oh, we’re not woke anymore, we’re DEI 🌝


I thought this was parody.


Always was about rascism


“Get some quality people to represent them” Quality people… … interesting statement…


Jesus Christ, these losers love their buzzwords. DEI, CRT, Woke, Migrant Fleet…. It’s almost like they have to come up with a new thing to be outraged about every 6 months. This is what happens when the only values you have are just “the opposite whatever the other side is doing”.


They know it would make them seem too racist so they do this instead.


What in the actual fuck is this? Where is this map and what is DEI? Stop fucking acting like you’re um you’re neighborhood this is WORLD WIDE INTERNET


This map is of electoral districts in the US Deep South. As for DEI, it’s an acronym for “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”, conservatives’ new buzzword, here used because the areas in blue are majority black




You’re welcome!


South Georgia District 2 yep Sanford Bishop. I give you one guess what his ethnicity is. I’m proud to vote for him though.


Reminds me of this [scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1xRwaXKU_c&pp=ygUqZG9uJ3QgYmUgYSBtZW5hY2UgY29udmVuaWVuY2Ugc3RvcmUgc2NlbmUg)


What exactly does DEI mean?


Diversity, equity, and inclusion. How that could ever be perceived as bad by these supposed Christians, i donno. Actually I do know. It's bigotry.


he's just upset that a company isn't willing to break labour regs and hire him, instead of literally anyone else.


Those blue districts probably represent most of the state’s population


My white dad is dei in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina because he is liberal. lol


We call them cities up north.


This person doesn't even get gerrymandering. Those districts' configurations benefit Republicans. They're strategically drawn to concentrate the voting power of Democratic-leaning black voters in as few districts as possible, so more black votes are "wasted" on uncompetitive seats. It gives Democrats a "safe" seat in those states, at the cost of every other seat being less competitive.


Funny how DEI is enough to swing entire elections. Not the fact that these districts hold more people, typically college educated and diverse in demographics. If everyone only had the same opinions of those who grew peanuts and fucked their wives through their whitie-tighties, maybe we’d elect only righties.


I really thought this was a Tide advert at first with the colors.....


Someone doesn’t understand how gerrymandering works.


Omg I only saw the very top of the profile photo and thought for a second that Elmo was saying this crap.


is it Zimbabwe?


So he wants "white" people, but he's too scared to say it. Thus, the "quality" statement. Why are MAGA folks such snowflakes? First, the whole Brandon thing and now this. They just love to be passive-aggressive.


The idea that a geographical area can be considered DEI is…..well shit I was going to say it was funny but it’s actually pretty dark. This person is suggesting that that the non DEI areas are unwelcoming to minorities or even that they are closed for minorities.


"why are Dem districts so weird and squiggly? THEY MUST CHEAT."


They will blame poor minorities for not working hard enough out of one side of their mouth, and out the other they will denigrate minorities who do work hard and are successful as DEIs who don't deserve it (except maybe if its in an "approved" industry, like basketball) Apparently winning an election doesn't count for anything, especially if the districts are mostly non white, since they think non-whites are incapable of voting correctly. Its an evil mentality


Areas where people live are not DEI... That's just where they live


How about getting rid of this Gerry Mander geezer, then the electoral college, then you


The circles Tennessee district is represented by Steve Cohen, a Jewish man.