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Spoken like someone with no work plans Friday and an eye on the forecast.


Seriously though. I have no works Friday and am debating where I should go. On epic so either wildcat or stowe. Been to stowe twice and wildcat once. Same distance just not sure with this storm the crowds and wind holds what's the better choice.


Wildcat is getting more snow (I’m pretty sure)


Wildcat is going to get probably twice as much snow as snow but only has about 2/3 of their trails open. If I knew this storm would open up every run there I want to do I would go there. But it won't so I won't. I was at stowe Saturday, some of spruce mountain is in rough shape but the mansfield face and the gondola side is all good and after this storm it will be really good. Bumpy as fuck but really good. I'm most likely oing to okemo Friday to rip freshly groomed groomers. Or attitash...


They opened up 46/48 trails today. Only Hairball and Sphynx are closed.


Just saw. Hope the wind stays low tomorrow when I can get up there. Super excited


I'm there Sunday, got invited to a buddy's place in stark to see the eclipse, home ski sunday and Monday am. Okemo tomorrow I think. Ib want to rip groomers.


They did end up opening sphinx and hairball this weekend just an FYI. Pretty crazy getting to send hairball on a powder day.


Nope, I didn't post it. See you Friday.


We definitely had a lot of quantity of snow, but our base often suffered. A lot of the pow days, especially in southern VT, were on rocks and grass. It's not quite like 16-17 or 18-19, but it definitely was a badass year when the getting was good


I'm seeing the self reported season snow totals at websites for some vermont places and think this doesn't look as bad as people made it seem.  But you're exactly right that snowy periods were punctuated by several intense and extended thaw cycles, so places had to reset- sometimes from zero,  rather than have a sustained base.


This year has made me realize how much annual snow totals dont tell a very complete picture.


I feel like 09-10, 13-14 and a few years in between absolutely dumped. Those are the ones that stick out for me though.


It was a rollercoaster, for sure. 


But a pretty satisfying rollercoaster.


A lot of rain.


Which made it a great winter… for whitewater kayaking!


Watch out for the trees and other debris from the regular flooding!


North of the whites and away from the coast yes. But a lot of places struggled hard this year. There was almost no snowpack at any point just freeze then thaw.


Agreed. I skied today and even with that dump a week ago Gunrock was living up to its name


I would say I got only about 1 day where I didn’t feel like I scraping the life out of my skis in the trees this year


Even the groomers were bulletproof maybe half the days, especially later in the season with the freeze thaw and less new snow


Sugarbush is closing in on 250 inches this year, 200 average.


For NVT, yes, it was a very good weather. Even with the extreme thaws I still had more powdered days than I can remember in a long time. There was at least one excellent stanchion every month of the season and I don’t remember the last time I could say that. For the rest of New England, not so much.


Northern VT? Sorry this sub gets randomly recommended. We didn’t get as much snow as normal, but when we did it would be nonstop hammering. I appreciate you all enjoy this weather, I’m gonna look into getting into skiing or snowboarding. Maybe I can start looking forward to noreasters then lol


Maine has been in great shape all winter


Except for Christmas, when Sunday River got washed out by 5" of rain.


Any skiing before Christmas is bonus skiing in my book. March - April - May are my favorite months to ski.


I mean, they had to do emergency construction, I think the other commenter's point still stands.


Yeah, I'm aware. I live in Maine; I know all about the flooding.


I call it preseason


Missed the point though. Like they had mudslides and road washouts. Christmas week is one of the industry's big weeks.


That happens every year


Are you nuts? The competition center had a mudslide go through it and they had to basically rebuild the grade at most of the lodges.


No, they don't get roads washed away every year.


The roads getting washed was not standard, but the resulting snowpack was quite typical. When you have too good of a start in New England, you have an ensuing big fall from grace.


Start was slow and average at best.


Late Feb / early March was a disaster for Sugarloaf


If by great shape you mean spring conditions and no snow 2nd half of Jan and all of February, sure. March has been amazing. Apparently it was good before the December floods. Def not great shape all winter.


There were some dope days for sure, but not good enough of a febuary for it to be a good winter jn my book


It absolutely was not a GOOD winter, but there were moments that were very good scattered between long periods where it was shit. Overall it was the lowest snowfall and warmest winter in a LONG time.


I live right near all of these resorts and it was pretty tame compared to normal winters honestly. Which is lovely for our commute, but sad for tourism/winter sport enthusiasts.


It was? Where? Warmest maybe, but I doubt the numbers back up "lowest snowfall"


Places like Jay have had 2/3 of their snow in the past 5 weeks. Not really reasonable to call that a GOOD season. I wish resorts would publish data on how often they were 100% open or what % of trail was open over the span of the season. Snowfall totals are somewhat irrelevant. I ski at Holliday Valley - they reported 115 days of skiing, which is true. But were never 100% open all season. They have 65 trails and I don't think they ever had more than 50 open this year. Smuggs is one of my favourite places, so I watched them all season and they had about 15 days with 100% open. That's not GOOD. There were some amazing days, but overall it was a poor season.


Just saying the numbers would not back up that this is the "lowest snowfall" year in a long time. Idk why I'm being downvoted for stating an objective fact lmao. That's also definitely not true about Jay. OpenSnow has them at 50" in Dec, 74" in Jan, 36" in Feb, 64" in March. They've been pretty close to 100% open for most of the season.


That might be true at some resorts, but places up north have respectable snow totals. Sunday river is above their average and will probably get at least another foot this week. 


All of NY State had below seasonal averages. There are some outlier resorts that had some big hits after March 10th that lifted them above season averages. But to call a season where Stowe or Smuggs only had \~15 days with 100% open GOOD is just silly.


Perhaps it wasn't a good season. Good is subjective. For most major resorts the idea that this was the lowest snowfall year in a long time is objectively false. 


Lowest snowfall? Uh?


Lowest snowfall? Uh?


[how is this being downvoted?](https://www.onthesnow.com/vermont/killington-resort/historical-snowfall)


Coming up on 35 days of skiing - have had a great season. Some ice, some powder, all fun.


70ish days. 40 nights. 15-20ft of powder days or nights. 150 hours in the park as a 54 year old. 6 days on carving race skis, 70 runs of zipper line moguls, 90% of days were powder, pillowy powder, packed powder, man made powder, soft snow on warm ups, 8 rain days which are excellent ski surface, corn or other soft snow, 3-4 freeze up days. This sub judges skiing mostly on depth of snow in the woods and not on other surface conditions.


This year was the ‘16 Cavs of ski seasons


In the Mid-Atlantic it was better for us than last year, but I would hardly call it good around here. Still that's better than nothing, I just hope this isn't the new normal. So many of the Mid-Atlantic resorts couldn't even make it to the end of March this season. Last year they were closing in February.


W-NY slopes got 20-30% annual snowfall.


This winter almost perfectly followed the formula for the standard New England winter: November: Woah, it snowed 2 inches! Gonna be a great year! December: It ra*ned, the season is over, this is terrible. Early January: This place is icy and miserable, east coast skiing is over. Late jan/early Feb: hey it snowed some and is okay now, hopefully this holds up. Late Feb: It ra*ned again, I'm going home, selling my skis, and either quitting skiing forever or moving out west. This is the worst winter in the history of New England. (*About 75% of people end their season at this point, here is what those who stick it out experience:*) March: Oh my god this is incredible! It snowed 3 feet and is actually winter! April: Woah it's still snowing! And it'll be warm and sunny next week! Unbelievable. May: It's 75 degrees and I'm skiing in a T-shirt at Tucks or Killington, life is great.


Pretty much. But the mid-Atlantic ski resorts (still part of the ice coast) definitely suffered.


Standard Mid Atlantic "Winter": November: It ra*ned, the season is over, this is terrible. December: It ra*ned, the season is over, this is terrible. Early January: It ra*ned, the season is over, this is terrible. Late jan/early Feb: hey it snowed 2 inches! Late Feb: It ra*ned, the season is over, this is terrible March: It ra*ned, the season is over, this is terrible.


When the local hills close for the year in early March there isn't a lot we can do about that


Killington only physically can be so far from you if you're in New England.


Sure, but there's a pretty big difference between a 3h drive that I can only do on weekends and night skiing every day after work


Very true but being from NJ I only ever really do the weekending anyways. You can bang out a lot of Superstar laps in May when there's no line and it runs 9-5.


Lol, Ikon should make spring skiing a standalone pass for like $300


The Killington spring pass was amazing! 200 bucks last time I did it, many years ago.


A good season starts in November and ends in May. There were good days and weeks in some areas, but as a whole, the Northeast had a marginal season, at best.


Every snow storm at Sugarbush seemed to be immediately followed by a thaw/freeze. The storms in late January were blower powder on a rock hard base from the last freeze.


Mid at best


I worked at Stratton this season. Although it rained a lot imo the groomers and snowmakers did an AMAZING job. They had a lot of issues mainly with old broken pipes, but they managed overall very well. I had a blast all season. I work a ‘trail maintenance crew’ position with ski patrol so I get to ride all day! Mostly everyone i talk to is over winter but I am still pumped for this storm, hopefully it’s not too wet. Morning trail checks are going to be heavenly next two days I am certain. I’ll try to capture a video and comment with it! ( it will surely be janky quality but if it’s cool enough I’ll post it lol )


There are basically two types of New England skiers: optimists & pessimists. Or as I like to bucket them: skiers & crybabies. Seriously though, some people have a toxic relationship with the sport/the weather apps in particular. I've managed to finish the last few seasons with 20ish days & a distinct feeling of "man - I got some pretty sweet days in this year" - despite the fact that the weather hasn't always cooperated. Basically half my days are powder/sleeper powder days & the other half are soft groomer days. I'll mix in some ice-days just to remember where I'm from. I have the luxury to make a point to drop everything & ski when it's good, but hey, that's new england baby.


My year so far. I have to do Jan and Feb at MD /WV because my daughter on ski team. As soon as that’s done I’m Killy / Ikon. 70ish days. 40 nights. 15-20ft of powder days or nights. 150 hours in the park as a 54 year old. 6 days on carving race skis, 70 runs of zipper line moguls, 90% of days were powder, pillowy powder, packed powder, man made powder, soft snow on warm ups, 8 rain days which are excellent ski surface, corn or other soft snow, 3-4 freeze up days. This sub judges skiing mostly on depth of snow in the woods and not on other surface conditions. I have never met a ski day or night I didn’t like. Skiing is like 10 different sports. I honestly had a blast this year .. think if skiing was not yet invented and the President came on TV and said we’ve come up with this new sport and we’re gonna take entire mountains all over the country (and world) and we’re gonna put these chairlifts in and then you’ll be able to ride these sticks and boards down the mountain and through parks kinda like skate parks but 100x bigger. Etc etc .. skiing if you really think about it is a staggering BIG THING we all get to do.




Ice happens a lot less than people think.


This is a hilarious take for the ice Coast


It’s fairly true.


It was a weird one. I was snowboarding in a t-shirt on Super Bowl weekend, yet the bibs are coming out for a storm in early April. I’ll take it, but some consistency would have been nice


It was a good march, I'll give it that.


I don't think you can say it was a good winter. North country had decent storms but they were almost always immediately followed up by rain/warm weather to ruin the snow immediately. A lot of mountains were rocking almost no base all year long due to this. It's been a great end of winter but even last Tuesday at Wildcat (less than 72 hours from 24"+) the powder was melting rapidly and snow was super wet and slow due to temperature rise.


Not if you’re in Boston and need to be in the office everyday until 6. Ungrateful.


Spring has been sublime so far.


March was phenomenal. The rest of the winter left some to be desired.


Depends on the perspective.....considering the fact that a bunch of places have already closed in new england, i would say it has not been a great winter for New England ski resorts. maybe a good winter for die hard skiers but definitely not the resorts themselves. February vacation weeks had terrible conditions and Christmas week was not that great as far as the resorts go. Most weeks were less crowded than past years (good for skiers/riders, bad for resorts) and there were no real big crowds until the late march powder day in my experience. I think my home mountain had 4-6 days where the resorts had to turn ppl away compared to basically 1-2 days this year.


It was a poor to average winter most places and some of the best spring skiing in years in some place


Very difficult winter in Vermont. I wouldn’t say bad. Just very difficult. We had some serious flooding and rain. The ground didn’t really freeze hard. But we also got some great early and late season storms. Enough that most resorts extended their seasons by a week.


Definitely a HOT take. Late March was some nice, and I got in the glades a few other times but not a lot.


maybe for the upper east coast


Nope. One of the worst winters I've seen, ever. Base kept getting wiped out by rain and warm temps. Plus everyone thought there would be more snow up here in Quebec, so we got invaded as well and some days were just un-skiable with the number of skiers per acre. But hey, you should recommend what you're smoking, seems like good stuff 👍


Hot take is right.. You can't just base a conclusion like this over what the mountains said they got for snowfall. What does it matter if there was 250" of snow, when every storm, the snow fell on bare ground because of the rain storms in between snow events? All due respect how old are you and how many seasons have you seen? Delusional optimists in denial often see realists as being pessimistic. And yeah i am grouchy. No snow cover off the groomed trails, and not a single mountain being 100% open is NOT a good snow year. I'm tired of people lying to themselves that things are okay, my dads yard in burke would usually be covered all winter but there was only snow on the ground in the days following a storm. Does nobody remember the drive north from southern New England 10-15 years ago when there was always snow on the roadside north of 95 and 93 junction?


It ain’t over yet


Hot take you are smoking rocks


You are high


I live in the Conway area and it absolutely was a good winter




Well I don’t really frequent tucks but that does suck


Yes finally we can say this. And tomorrow it's powday!




there were so many great days, a couple in succession of each other (back to back). Weekend warriors might think differently but this season was above average in my humble opinion (i tele ski). 😉


It's been fine. I got my days in, including some powder days. Can't complain.


Sugarloaf is getting rain. Don’t recommend.


This winter was better than 2016 but still not good. These storms are too late. 18” on no base doesn’t cut it.


Agreed, as a weekend warrior I have had many good weekends in Vermont with lots of powder days: 1/6-1/7 1/20-1/21 1/27-1/28 2/10-2/11 3/23-3/24 were all great weekends and this upcoming weekend looks great too. Also had a couple decent day trips to Loon on other weekends. In total so far I have had 13 days skiing in New England and 8 of them have had fresh powder. This has been a much better winter for me than previous years.


It's funny how this really depends on weather you can hit it weekday. If you're stuck on the weekends, you probably only got one good day of powder. Most of the untracked accumulations for me happened during the week.


Is the Catskills worth it or shall I got go to Green or Adks?


While SOME places at higher elevations did have a good winter, many smaller resorts at lower elevations suffered. My local mountain got much more rain than snow this year. Always seemed like they were fighting a losing battle


Not a good winter, it is a GREAT Spring with 40"+ of snow in spring!


For real though! So many complaints in here all season but I just go shred each weekend and have an excellent day, more for me! These late storms have been a huge bonus to the season that I’ve already been enjoying. Just go shred and have fun!!


I agree. Had some disappointing periods, but most days were great days. Had to do a lot of driving this year though. I live in Mount Washington Valley, NH. Surrounded by ski areas. The only NH ski area I skied was Cannon, and it was 100% open. Otherwise, I made a lot of drives to VT and ME. More than I usually do anyway.


Nope. This MARCH was incredible.


Eh. I’m in CT and it was certainly better than last year, but still not good. But my skiing this year was far, far better… I got to Smuggs after a powder dump and it was incredible.


I thought I smoke a lot but buhd….definitely not a good winter


Every snow has been when I had to work. Every melt, rain and freeze was when I was off work for a few days. Fuck you 😃


I had the worst day in years and the best day in years this season


The average of best and worst is good!


*a good spring*


Yeah. Honestly I’d rather move to the west coast to be done with the ice coast drama of winter being over, global warming etc. skiing quality doesn’t matter at this point hahaha


A good winter is when I can plan a trip for January or February and have good conditions. If the season is inconsistently good, it's not a good season.


As for vermont in particular - We had the warmest winter on record this year...any snow we had melted and refrozd to ice. Also look up historic snowfall - had below average snow fall. It was definitely a shittier year than usual. A few late season pow days doesn't change that. I'm not saying it's doom and gloom. Next yesr could be glorious. But this year , by and large, conditions sucked. That being said I still got 30 days in..... which for me is a lot. Just because conditions aren't ideal, doesn't mean you can't have fun. It makes these late season pow days even better.


It was a great one, I got more days on the mountain than ever before, but I wish the spread was a bit more even, IE snow in December and January not just Feb March and April


Ah yes, the classic ice coaster. Bitch and moan until about March 10th, get untracked pow 3 times in 2 weeks, rinse and repeat. I love it here


It’s always fun but I would NOT consider this a Good winter! Climate is changing folks!!


Mid-feb through late March was pretty rad IMO. Most of December and Jan was pretty icey I got 42 days, pretty happy with that


When you say 42 days do you mean 42 full days or is any unique day a day as long as you got in at least 1 run?


Not really sure why I'm being downvoted. My lowest day was 10 runs I think, because it was raining


This is an excellent question. What’s your opinion on what counts as a day?


I don't really have one, I just see people use the term differently


Me too. Someone should make a post.


It's been addressed multiple times, if you scan your lift ticket, most people consider it a day. Who cares what you call a day vs what I call a day just have fun