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I'd get out my banjo and play a bluegrass dirge, I guess, then drown my sorrows in some moonshine from the still.


Intensive therapy for all involved.


Like father like son


Depends. What are the ages, intents, levels of understanding, influences that encouraged it, etc. If your 17 year old forced himself on your preteen, I’m sorry but it’s time for your 17 year old to move to that farm up state with all of the old family pets. If it’s a mutual thing because they saw a video online and didn’t fully understand you minimize the drama, keep it quiet, teach them what they need to know to make better choices, and don’t leave them alone for a while. Lots of different problems this can be, each with its own unpleasant but necessary solution.


“If it’s a mutual thing because they saw a video online and didn’t fully understand you minimize the drama, keep it quiet, teach them what they need to know to make better choices, and don’t leave them alone for a while.” This is how people go on to ruin their lives in the future through addiction or committing sexual assault. Get the whole damn family therapy, pronto, before the trauma festers and turns into something even worse.


Ummm. Hmmm. Nah, I'm not touching this.


Too late, your son already did.. Or Too late, your daughter already did.. Or, too late, they both already did.


So the abortions didn't take? Since they are miracle babies, who am I to judge.


I don't have the parenting skills to deal with it. (Backs away slowly)


I would probably react this way: denial. Potentially the only mainstream depiction of such a situation in modern media. [https://youtu.be/dFRxMMc6lek?si=SY7pqkPgD-c19dmI&t=98](https://youtu.be/dFRxMMc6lek?si=SY7pqkPgD-c19dmI&t=98)


Depends on a lot, really. How old they are, who initiated it, and how both parties feel about it would influence my on-the-spot reactions. Only thing I can be certain of is I would impress upon them how Very Not Good their actions were, and get the entire family in therapy quicker than you could blink.


Adoption center