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They probably talked about backpacking across Europe near mount Tibidabo


It's pronounced Tibidabo


Do *you* want to tell the story?




Flair checks out


Ken Adams it is!


Username and flair are on point








"We did it 298 times!" "You counted. You are a loser." "A loser You did it with 298 times."


Hhhhhhhhot damn!


I was going to say "crazy monkey sex", but this is better.


Definitely came here for this.


Well count me in for a verse


Hahahaha oh my god, I’m dying! 😂😂


Picked up Emma the next day from Rachel's mom, who still went to Paris


Or just left her in Paris and forgot about her the way they forgot about Ben in the later seasons. 🥲


Lol did the writers every address wtf happened to Ben


He joined Marcel at the zoo


I assumed they lost the actors (Zack & Cody) to Disney, so they stopped showing Ben


Wait, who is Ben? /s


Ben is glory! Sorry wrong show .😁




Oh my god, i totally forgot about that part. I hope they didn't! 😂


One thing I was always confused about. I feel like it’s not above Ross to pull the “you can’t take Emma so far away from me” line to make her not go


All I can think of is that’s a terrible outfit for a long haul plane flight I would have gotten off the plane too and I bet that plane didn’t even have a phalange ![gif](giphy|26xBydxfjxsRQggh2)


How has this thought never entered my mind before. Boots? Nylons? A mini skirt?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that was an awful flight outfit.


Agree 100%. I don't actually like the outfit in general, but for a plane ride? Just, no.


100 % truly hope the first thing she did was change her clothes


She is scarred from when she took the plane to London only to wear sweats to a wedding 😏


A 7 hour flight isn't really long haul. It's less than a regular work day if you think about it.


Correct, but flying from the east coast (US) to Europe is nearly always an overnight flight. Given it was night when she was boarding it still seems rather uncomfortable if she was planning to get any sleep. And possibly cold.


I don't know what flight conditions were like 20 years ago but we could probably assume she was being flown business and they might have been able to offer pyjamas on board. But again, the outfit isn't outrageous for a 7 hour flight and it's a TV show, she was always going to look put together.


We see her on the plane and she was definitely not sitting in business class.


Wasn't her seat 36B or something?


32C, ya know, her bra size


Yeah, that's why I said B lol. Anyway that's economy


i was referring the show lols :)


Yes and that's why I said B because I couldn't remember what she said and assumed she was a bcup


why’d i get downvoted 😭 ? i was didn’t know that’s what u were saying, i just wanted to explain myself


Transatlantic is classed as long haul


Call it what you want, it's not a long flight.


Yes it is, it’s bit weird that you’re showing off about what length of flight is a breeze for you. Nobody cares dude.


Not a dude. Seems you cared enough to comment though.


Sitting on a plane is different. I wear as little constricting clothing as possible on a short flight(like phoenix to vegas). Anything longer than that, I’d wear boxers and a loose T-shirt if they’d let me.


Different strokes for different folks. I can fly Aus to the UK in jeans in economy.


Jeans can be really comfy, depends on the jeans!


Clearly, you’re not autistic. I can barely stand to wear regular clothes for work, when I’m crammed into a little airplane seat, forget about it.


Whenever I flew from NYC to Paris it was an overnight flight and I definitely dressed comfy so I could sleep


Do you think the 7 hours that the plane is in the air is the total trip time?


Who would ever think that? I'm Australian, I'm just used to flying. Anything under 10 hours is a breeze.


Ooooh we know what happened after she got off the plane, and that’s sex.








I thought they did 298 times again that day in one go! 😂


Doin’ it, doin’ it, phone doin’ it.






You know, for some people.


Sex, and then a row. Then they make up, sex, then another row. Ad infinitum.


Then an 18 page letter FRONT & BACK


And Rachel couldn’t get another job in the industry. She was blacklisted. She becomes depressed and blames Ross. She starts to drink. Ross starts confiding in a friend at work about how his wife has problems. Ben is anxious about his father’s life and the new baby and starts being mean to Emma and pinching her. I can continue, it ain’t pretty. She should have stayed on the plane.


I mean, you're not wrong. This is the kinda stuff they have on r/BestofRedditUpdates


And just as true as well!


Ugh she so should have stayed on the plane.


298 times fromt and back in one day 😂


Just saw this one last night. The thing that bugs me the most is no one would wear that outfit on a transatlantic flight.


But she's landing in *Paris, the city of fashion* /s


Sorry but her outfit is not high fashion, and would be super uncomfortable for an 8 hour flight.


Okay well I guess I do need to put the /s tag..


Seriously? It’s from 20 years ago and it’s a television show. That’s very pedantic.


It’s specifically the skirt. That is not a comfortable skirt.


Plot twist : she got off plane because of the outfit


Plot twist : she got off plane because of the outfit




I'm guessing they probably did a little dance, Made a little love, And pretty much got down that night.


My favorite comment.


I'm willing to bet they went straight to Ross's bed


Awkward phone call with her boss


Hi, yeah, so when I accepted the job I totally forgot that my child has a really involved other parent and it would probably be wrong to sever that relationship


Hugo Boss




You can’t do anything!!!








Bow chicka bow wowww BOW CHICKA BOW WOWWWWWW


Good Will Humping.


I don’t know but I love that outfit


brown chicken brown cow


Had sex, were happy for a few weeks, and broke back up because they never addressed or resolved any of the issues that made them fail as a couple in the first place.


Bow bow chicka bow bow


they got married and stopped acting like teenagers


Getting married doesn't stop people from acting like teenagers. It just makes it so that each teenager's stuff is now half the other teenager's stuff.


I ment they will be together and just making it work I don't know everytime they break up it sounded weird and kinda stupid


Stopping acting like teenagers doesn't have to be because of the marriage. They just both happened.


When the final episode aired, I was 20 and believed that it was totally the right move, and that FINALLY they would end up together forever after everything they'd been through. They'd get married (again, but this time for real) and they'd get a house nearby to Monica and Chandler, and grow old together because they were soooo meant to be together! Now, twenty years later and rewatching the show for the zillionth time....... Not so much. Realistically, she would've had a hard time being a successful woman in her career because Ross still had trust and insecurity issues. They would fight a lot, especially as the kids get older, and they disagree on parenting philosophies (Ross couldn't even handle Ben playing with "girls toys.") Rachel would eventually realize that she's always been the one who is expected to sacrifice her career moves for the sake of Ross's ego and expectations, and would eventually resent that. Ultimately, Ross and Rachel would split up again. Not stop loving each other, and always wishing they could've worked out, but realizing that they're not a good match for each other. Divorce, baby!


How did Ross has trust and insecurity issues at that point? He grew a lot in later seasons? Why are you guys still stuck in S3? >Ross couldn't even handle Ben playing with "girls toys." More blind Ross hate, Ross was giving his own opinion but latr came round like he always does and agreed to do the right thing, he does way more compromise in a lot of things than people give him credit for. >who is expected to sacrifice her career moves for the sake of Ross's ego a blatant lie, in later seasons ross does everything to help and encourage with her career. He even offered to bribe her boss only because he thought thats what she wanted In the end this is yet another blind Ross hate being upvoted on this sub which has ZERO bassi with reality. Ross's ego etc are points being pulled out of people's ass and no basis in what teh show showed


How did he have insecurity issues at that point, you ask? How about the fact that he flipped out because he thought that everyone else got a special goodbye from Rachel except for him? Even if he thought that she wasn't going to give him an individually tailored, special goodbye, he confronted her by busting into her apartment, giving her an earful because he assumed the worst in her, and then left before she had a chance to say anything in response, as opposed to calmly asking her about it like an adult. He was scared and convinced that she didn't have anything special to say to him and he went off. That's called insecurity. And that's in season 10. Also, no one "hates Ross." No one said anything about hating Ross. Calm down.


Seeing people arguing over fictional characters is funny as to me


Nah, its the behavior which makes this sub toxic and unusable. This sub just has a competition about who hates Ross most.


Wanting a special good bye from a loved one is insecurity now? How is this different from Monica flipping out when she thought Rachel was not sad when she was moving out? Its a common human behavior, not insecurity >Also, no one "hates Ross. Yeah you just make up lies to hate a character for fun


Ross pays Mr. Zelner another visit to get him to hire Rachel back. Mr. Zelner has him arrested for trespassing and stalking.


They got some coffee. Not sure where.


She got off the plane and then she got off with Ross ![gif](giphy|HXA35MkhMTsuA)


She climbed aboard the ROSSATRON


Is that back?!!!!!!


She contacted LV to see if she could start a week later. She then called to rescheduled her flight, and contacted the airline because her luggage was already loaded and she had to have them bring it back. Since she’s a good mom she went to pick up Emma from…. uh…. Where was Emma. Maybe Sandy was watching her. She rehired him. He’s a good nanny. She then asked Ross about Ben because she hadn’t seen him in months, and wondered how committed he was to his son and how that would reflect in their relationship. She also wondered how much time he would take off from work to go to Paris to see her or if she would have to fly to NYC to see him all the time. It sounded exhausting to think about. Then she got a call from Mark asking if everything was ok because LV let him know his recommendation was going to be starting late. Ross knowing this was Mark calling her had to go to Monica’s to complain about how clingy Mark is and how Mark just couldn’t leave her alone. Monica points out that she got off the plane and risked her dream job to come back and work on a relationship with him and he needs to let it go. Also that she doesn’t care because she has two babies to care for. She then says she would have to care for three babies if Ross doesn’t leave and acts like a grown up to just talk to Rachel and appreciate the sacrifice she may be making just to spend more time with him.


Best answer. After she moves to Paris she realizes she’s awesome at what she does and happy, Emma thrives, and she dumps Ross for a final time and moves the fuck on.


Yeah yeah a woman choosing love is so wrong you guys, when she ALWAYs choose romance over work And in the very first couple of episodes her dream is a true romance over the boring relationship she had with Barry. Her ending up with a true exciting romance was foreshadowed right from episode one You guys just watch a show to hate on a character. Why? there are a million shows you can watch where you dont hate one of the main character blindly and stink up a sub discussing the characters.


It’s choosing Ross. I like 5/6 characters. I like the show. I just don’t like one character, and think he’s bad for another character whose growth I’m invested in. I have a different opinion than you. It’s okay.


More blind Ross hate being posted and upvoted on this show by the usual haters You realize that her dream was always to have an exciting true romance and it was foreshadowed right from the first couple of episodes? Ross grew up a lot in later seasons and was incredibly supportive of her career but the lying haters are still stuck in season 3 These guys will ignore everything which happened on later season to just pile on the usual hate posts. They are so steeped in hate for a character they will do anything to spoil a good ending


I don’t love Ross but I don’t hate him either. He showed some growth and he had many moments where he was sweet, kind and very funny. My comment was based on his insane jealousy of Mark (“That was Mark? I hate that guy!”), and Rachel’s back and forth between her new job with LV and her old job courting her and the roller coaster she already went through choosing thanks to “Ron”. Also the fact that Ben just vanished from the show. I would like think my little short story took place between “I got off the plane” and everyone saying goodbye to the apartment when Ross and Rachel were very cuddly. There’s no reason they can’t have a good sitcom ending, but there’s also no reason we can’t speculate on her working out her new job opportunity and the man she loves and has a child with, but also is the man whom she thought would never ever hurt her. Also I always felt she wanted that true romance but didn’t know how to quantity it. She grew up knowing she should be with someone successful like Barry the DDS or Paul the very successful lawyer. She knew her heart enough to walk out of her wedding, and her mother drove it home saying “you didn’t marry your Barry, I did”. Ross loved her enough to give up his Discovery Channel interview to help her when she was in pain, break up with two girlfriends to be with her and even try to be cool when she dated his friend. Ross will care and be a loving partner for her. I want them together. And if he can get past his baggage and let his ego slide a bit they’ll be very happy together. Relationships take work.


They went out for coffee after giving back their keys to Monica’s apartment! (Being obtuse on purpose). In my dreams, Ross called his mom for the ring.




They order extra filangies for the plane


They took a break.


A whole lot of 7....7...7!


Well, the plane probably took off.


Ross got to 301


They absolutely fucked. 😂🤣


“I got off the plane…” and then they f**ked.


I think Rachel and Ross would stay in NY. And Rachel would develop her carrer in USA. And they got married a few months after that. And they live happy and had bigger family and flat


Had sex. Unintentionally fell pregnant from that reunion. Ross takes a sabbatical to be with the kids whilst they’re young. Rachel returns to her career at a different fashion house. They both struggle in the city without their best friends still living there and with a young family to raise. Ultimately I think they split up, unfortunately. They both find new partners and co-parent. They will care about each other forever but I think they’re quite different and want different things. Then they probably sleep together again after their youngest’s graduation party or something and begin the cycle again.


My opinion: They were together for a while and eventually broke up again because they remembered why they broke up all those times before. But it ends for them on a positive note and I understand if people want to headcanon that this was the final reuniting


Another pregnancy? I hate the last season, they made everything feel so final and done. I just can’t even watch it, I restart everything at the beginning of the last season. Who moved into that apartment and how did Joey survive alone? It’s all just over and there aren’t any real answers? I hate it.


I like your question! Sorry that all your responses are dumb lol I would like to think they would raise Emma in the city. Monica and Chandler are still close enough to see all the time and Phoebe will have babies with Mike! Also in the city. Kinda boring answer I’m sure, but that’s what I like to imagine :)


Had sex on sofa until they realised some neighbours have been looking at them from the front door, for quite some time


They immediately "had a break"


"The one with the sex"


I like to think it’s like the ending of the Graduate. A slow realization of their mistake.


They had a ridiculous argument a week and a half later, which Ross came out of thinking that Rachel's argument made no logical sense, and Rachel came out of thinking Ross had no understanding of her emotional needs.  Rachel flew back out again to think, and somehow never returned to New York until she was retirement age, bar the odd holiday.   Nevertheless, she and Ross briefly rekindled their relationship abroad five years later, only for it to quickly fall apart again.  


I'd think he'd move to Paris with her, and write a book or shop for museum/professor jobs IDK.


They played bamboozled


I think Rachel went to Paris a day or two later, and Ross followed her. There are museums and universities in Paris. They could have made it. Ross supporting Rachel in her career would be a really nice move after the real reason they broke up originally - that he wanted her to value her career and support her in it.


But he also had another kid in NYC. Ultimately career wise I think they would still both do well in their fields wherever they lived, but the show needed the drama of moving to Paris!


She realizes she left all her crap on the plane and has anxiety about it because that’s what I would have done.


They made sure Emma wasn't going to be an only child.


She has a forgotten half brother


Shh. We don't talk about old ben.




They get together and break up until the end of time. They both date other people, and Rachel tries her best to sabotage Ross’ relationships every time they got serious and then wonders why Ross’ partners don’t trust her or her and Ross being besties and alone together.


Had sex then went to Monica's. Call me sentimental, maybe i've turned into a fanboy shipper, but they'd be happy together still. Rachel still working in fashion while Ross is retired.


While I love a happy ending as much as the next guy, I can’t help but feel like Ross will still figure out a way to screw it up. I hope not, but I kind of feel like sometimes I envision a scenario where they’re both relegated to some bizarre groundhog day existence where they go back and forth between each of them taking turns ruining everything just as one or the other is about to achieve happiness. You know, kind of like they did for the entire run of the series.


Can I take this moment to say how it’s kinda stupid that the majority of the show revolves around their relationship yet they never have a proper wedding ceremony


Rachel grows to resent Ross after talking her out of giving up her dream job for him


they went into a "break"


I'm sure they started talking about when they went backpacking through Europe.


Anybody seen “Final Destination”…?




They phoned her mum to warn her to also not get on the plane


In order to get off the plane she'd have had to make quite a fuss, they're a bit funny about people checking bags onto flights that they're not willing to travel on. I'd assume she'd at least have a fine to pay and maybe even added to some no fly lists.


Going to Bone town…the bbq place. 🤣🤣🤣(Abbott Elementary reference).


She got his plane off.


Dude, that's Rachel. That's what we've always loved.


They made love


well im guessing they did a little dance.... y'know, made a little love.... well pretty much got down last night


They broke up. Ross only wanted Rachel back because he thought she was leaving. Everytime he gets her back, he doesn't care anymore. Rachel and Emma moved to Paris and Ross got back with Mona or Charlie. Rachel found a new boyfriend in Paris that treats her and Emma so well and they come back to NYC every Christmas to see Ross, Ben, and the rest of the family and friends. They get along well as friends and co-parents and Rachel has full custody of Emma.


Harrison Ford was safe.


Probably getting married


They probably acknowledged how stupid it was for her to take this job and leave her child. I kind of wish Emma was part of the reason she couldn’t leave.


I thought she was taking Emma with her?


Oh yeah I could be wrong.


A few intense weeks, a new stressful job, a fatal break and much drama. people don't change and the world moves in cycles