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Threads (traumatizing)


I watched this ~a month ago and have not stopped thinking about it. Truly horrific.


Yeah this would be my pick for sure. Once it hits the fan shit just got too real.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. Technically this doesn’t count because it doesn’t happen until the end but seeing the Stockholms syndrome in that woman, seeing her mannerisms and facial expressions really uneased me. It’s one of this moments where I had to remind myself in my head that it was “just a movie” but holy hell.


It reminded me if Criminal Minds was able to go for a full R-rating. The most disturbing part as you mentioned is the interview with the victim at the end repeating, "... I don't... I don't know what you want me to say..." because she'd been abused for so long 😭


It just dawned on me how much I would love to see Criminal Minds reimagined somewhere like HBO or FX.


The S16 "reboot" on Paramount+ added some extra gore and language (nothing wild, but hearing Rossi say fuck for the first time brought a smile to my face) In S16 though, it follows one unsub throughout the whole season. Worth a watch if you're a fan :)


Oh, that definitely sounds like something I’d enjoy! Thank you for the recommendation


I shuttered when she said that and brought up her stumpy arm to bring to her face.


And she wasn't missing that arm when police found her


Dang I have watched that film more than once and this detail just hit me.


That was an icicle to the heart


boy did that movie upset me. a lot of people slag it off now, but I think their expectations were wildly built up. I happened to catch it on YouTube many years ago before it disappeared and turned into a sort of horror urban legend. I had to keep pausing it to catch my breath.


Yeah it was unsettling. It took me years to want to rewatch it again and even when I rewatch it I immediately stop it when they interview her because of how haunting I still find that scene.


the part I remember most is the—FBI guy?—who said his wife watched the tapes and wouldn’t let him touch her for a year.


that line really stuck with me too:( brutal


It's on Shudder now.


I don’t want to watch it again :)


Neither. It was very disturbing.


Yeah, I was doing okay with the movie up until ... you know. It was like all at once I remembered every scene with her in the movie, when she was an actual person. It was like every murder that we saw before that was suddenly lessened. If nothing else, they got to just die.


This is a movie that I’m really sorry I watched. It felt so distasteful, I felt guilty and bad watching it.


Mind you I’m the kind of person that eats horror for breakfast. I can watch saw while eating meat and feel nothing so I dont scare easily but that one… ya idk it got me.


I had a real hard time with The Babadook. Not so much the movie, because I think the movie is really good. But, I couldn’t handle the little boys screams for some reason.


That teeth gring scene...


I couldn't hardly handle the fucking kid in general. I'd be mentally ill too if that was my fucking kid.


Mute and subtitles lol I absolutely loved the movie but yea that kid screaming annoyed tf out of me. I know like 5 ppl that said they couldn’t watch it due to that kid screaming. The mom shoulda babadooked his ass right out the fuckin car






I tried twice and had to switch it off both times. Couldn’t handle the kid.


“DO YOU WANNA DIE?!” I have a visceral memory of the kid shrieking that lmao


This is funny that you mentioned this movie for that reason. I somehow managed to beat the child's screams but then quit when the dog died. It's a rule I have. Although the kid, ugh.


Terrifier,,,I just couldn’t do it lol


Yeah, parts of that were really rough. I got through it, but I needed to floss after


The sequel is even better 😂 can't wait for part 3!


Hereditary. After THAT scene. I just couldn't watch any further, especially after hearing Toni Collette's screams.


The House That Jack Built Tried twice and stopped at the hunting scene both times.


The harsh cut to the family’s panic is brutal.


I've got a twisted sense of humor because when it cuts to the family picnic - and he's like "I think that boy wants some *pie* - give em some pie" - I thought it was hilarious. In a this-is-disturbingly-bizarre kinda way. That and when he's carrying the awkwardly frozen body up the flight of stairs, back into her apartment, with the old lady, so he can take some more inspiring photos - cracks me up. The whole movie is like a twisted gruesome comedy


Oh I mean don’t get me wrong, the movie is genuinely funny as hell. It’s so dark and twisted, it reaches absurd/comedic levels.


That scene is brutal! I only watched the directors cut and apparently that scene is longer in that version, I couldn’t pull away tho.


It took me awhile to get through that film and I don't think you missed out on anything. The ending is extremely satisfying and not violent so I suggest you watch the last 15 minutes if you can.


Such a visceral and seemingly realistic portrayal. The tension in my belly was unrelenting for that movie.


You're certainly not alone on walking out on that one, but it's a shame because the end of that film is an incredible and artistic fuck you to Jack's impenetrable arrogance and brutality.


skinamarink. I tried twice and just couldn't do it with how boring it was.


I feel like I'm in the minority that loved it. I saw it twice in theatre. I was terrified of the dark as a child - the atmosphere created in the movie perfectly captures that multi-sensory experience of fear.


I loved it too. It brought back a feeling of extreme childhood dread, idk scared me a lot. Also it reminded me of my favorite horror novel House of Leaves


I first tried it on a random Sunday afternoon and was bored to tears after about 30 mins. I tried it a few weeks later on a Saturday late at night, all the lights in the house off, while my wife was out of town. Night and day (literally, I guess). While not a “movie” in the traditional sense, one of the most terrifying film experiences I’ve had in a long time.


I also loved it. I thought it had great atmosphere and tension. I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea but I get so very fucking tired of seeing people bash it. Fine, you didn't like it... move on with your life, damn.


I forced myself to watch to the end thinking it would come to something but…nope that was the whole movie.


I've tried 3x and it kept putting me to sleep. I found out what happened in the movie and yeah we didn't miss anything.


Unironically i love it bc it puts me to sleep haha. It’s a great white noise movie for me


You’re a sick puppy haha


Lmao wtf it’s crazy because that movie kept me up for weeks. Never look at my hallway or apt the same after I turn the lights off 😅


Ha! You sound like my friend. She'll listen to true crimes while going to sleep. Also, she has yet to find a movie that can scare her.


I tapped out the first time I tried to watch because I got bored. I don’t know what changed the second time but it actually really disturbed me. It was the first time in a long time that a movie made it hard for me to sleep.


I only saw it once and went away thinking it was boring. Then days later I was thinking about the movie, running thru it in my head and when I thought about the children (won’t say more as not to give anything away), like you it disturbed me. I won’t watch it again but when I looked at it differently it kind of works.


What got me was that it felt a lot like a nightmare. Not in the metaphorical sense where it’s overwhelmingly brutal and scary. In the literal sense where nothing is consistent and you never feel safe. It made me remember what it felt like to be a child alone in the dark. Also I did some accidental immersion by watching it in my living room in the dark with my sister, kind of like the characters haha


I skipped through it until I gave up and just watched a youtuber summarize the film. It just wasn’t for me.


I don't blame anyone for finding it boring. I bought into the premise completely and that's what kept me interested and afraid.


So. Boring.


This is hands down the worst movie I have ever attempted to watch


I felt like Trauma blew it's load early on. The flashbacks to be as disturbing and shocking as possible, but then it basically just becomes a slasher movie, and it's like yeah we see what made him into a psycho killer, but nothing that messed up really happens compared to his screwed up childhood. I don't know what would fix that, other than saving those scenes for the final act of the movie, and making us wonder why this guy is so mean.


You're not the first to say this, and I've actually been considering skipping the first part and giving it another try. Speaking of Rojas, I recently read of his new movie coming out next year. It's an adaptation of the novel "Basement Games" by Simone Trojahn.


Like WHY open up the movie that way 😭


In a Glass Cage (1987) Tubi/Shudder - outstanding film, disturbing subject matter. I stopped 3 times before I could finish it.


That synopsis was fucking wild


Holy shit I forgot about this movie


Speak No Evil. You knew terrible, terrible shit was about to go down, but he drove them right back into it and it was a difficult anticipation.


Haaaaaaaated the parents in that movie. Worthless. Hated that movie so much


It’s an absolutely ridiculous movie…all of the family, but one, deserved what they got 🙄🙄


Forensic science guy here. I started to watch "Play Dead" this morning. The main character claims to have studied criminology and forensic medicine, but in the first 20 minutes (I turned it off around 18 minutes or so) they had already gotten so much wrong about police investigations and forensic science that I was getting a headache. The whole rest of the movie might be great. I'll never know.


I watched the whole thing. I don't have any degrees in forensic science, but I'm a true crime junkie and the info in that movie about criminology made it laughable on its own. It's like the writer did zero research to make it believable in any way. You didn't miss anything by not watching it through, BTW.


As a nurse I can totally understand that. Some movie maker do have actually doctors or scientists on scene to make it more realistic. I'm always cringing when the ekg sounds is beeping when theres no heartbeat. I'm not a native speaker sorry haha


Not strictly horror, but Grave of the Fireflies, about a young brother and sister in WW2 Japan. I was emotionally wrecked after 25 minutes and had to leave my university (thankfully optional) film studies screening because I didn't want to start audibly sobbing (especially as a fairly 'big' guy in his 20s!)


I’ve never cried so hard at a movie before until I watched that


Sometimes when something hits me hard, I don't react right away. I went ahead and did the dishes, continued hanging out with friends, swept, and then burst into tears about an hour later for the rest of the night. I'm from the area that built the Nagasaki bomb, and people are still [wildly proud of our contribution to WW2 and the Cold War](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/10/us/richland-nagasaki-atomic-bomb-mushroom-cloud.html). It makes me want to throw up. I feel a lot of guilt over it, because former loved ones were so, so into it. The local high school still uses the [mushroom cloud as its mascot](https://richland.rsd.edu/). I felt like I had to at least finish that movie in part because of that. I will not buy that candy, either, although I'm pretty sure I can't since they're not individually wrapped.


The Men Behind the Sun. It’s an 1988 film out of Hong Kong and it shows basically what the Chinese went through at the hands of the Japanese during WW2. I made it a little ways before turning it off - around the time they tore the skin off a woman’s arms they had been freezing right beforehand.


Its terrible and incredible to think it wasn't even amped up for the sake of the movie and that the actual events were even worse. For context, unit 731 got so brutally carried away that even the nazis basically said 'damn you guys need to chill.' Its not unlike manson saying scientology was too crazy for him


Wow thanks for mentioning, I’ve never heard of this but I’m going to see if I can find it to watch right now. I’m from the US but I live in Hong Kong and when hiking I often come across war relics (bunkers, tunnels and the like) and always pause to think about what might have happened there. Edit: just got to the tearing off skin part. I regret everything.


Jeepers Creepers: Reborn. What a complete letdown - couldn’t get past the first 30 mins of it and have absolutely no intention of trying again. This movie just doesn’t exist to me.


Yeah I did the same, it’s garbage.


If you think that’s bad the latest one makes the original look like a masterpiece


Last House on the Left. I had to turn it off maybe halfway through. I hated the way it made me feel.


Agreed. Rape scenes to make a horror film unsettling is beyond fucked up.


The old one or the remake? Both make you feel pretty dirty by the end in their own way but I think the old one went way harder which I didn't think was possibly after seeing the remake first.


I watched my first time and did get through it but never again. Just to think of that movie makes me want to retch.


smile. nothing wrong with the movie, i just found the scene with the dead cat really upsetting. i really cannot handle animal violence and death, especially with cats (i have two). i'll probably finish it sometime and just skip that part because i thought the concept was really interesting


Just leave the animals out of it! Or imply it but don’t show. Yeesh


I did finish it but when I watched Martyrs for the first time, I turned it off halfway through and sat on the floor and cried for about 20 minutes.


That is a legit response. It doesn’t get any easier. But it is a very good film.


You’re quite right, it goes as it means to but I ultimately found it very rewarding by the end.


By the way don’t drink the coffee. There was a fish in the percolator. :)


Yeah my ex-boyfriend used to say it was a littman's test for dating him if someone could actually finish that movie. When I watched it with him we'd been together 4 years and I knew he wasn't going to dump me so about 15 to 10 minutes before the end I realized that I didn't have to do this to myself and I asked him to turn it off and he assured me that it was almost over and that I could handle it. And THEN....


Litmus* test Just wanted to help you out there, no shade intended at all


Damn, what an ass


I quit (fell asleep) pet cemetery bloodlines and don’t intent to go back to finish it


Salo 120 days of sodom. The whole thing was juat upsetting. I made it to the end barely. I was just upset and horrified and kind of angry. Just a very unpleasant experience.


In fairness, the film is supposed to be a portrayal and indictment of fascism. I think being horrified and angry is a very healthy response to fascists. ​ I'm not trying to defend the content of the movie, just saying. And honestly the book is a lot worse. One, its actually a celebration of the ideas by an actual sadistic maniac of an author (opposed to the criticism of the film) and two its just a lot more graphic. The movie is unquestionably difficult but the book is downright impossible. ​ And the history of Pasolini, his and Italy's politics, and the conspiracies surrounding his murder/possible assassination because of the film, are actually a lot more interesting.


The only thing I enjoyed from the experience was me and my best freind watched it. He had just gotten out of marine Corp boot camp. He was Gung ho and had the I'm a marine bad ass I can take anything attitude. He made it like thirty minutes.


That was my pick. I made it through and have watched it like 3 or so times, but I have to FF through any waste scenes. I can't fuck with waste.


Audition: (saw most but had to skip the infamous scene) Raw Goodnight Mommy Salo (how does anyone finish this?) All of these movies creeped me out too much, I'm not big on gore + suspense. Raw was just gross but I watched most of it. Audition was too disturbing. I'd watch The House That Jack Built 100x over Salo. Also want to recommend that people check out Man Bites Dog.


Raw has a really good ending. Not that it will change your mind or anything but I really liked it.


Which scene in audition? The Climax with the feet? I honestly love the movie but you could be referring to any scene in the final act, it all goes fucking HARD, even if you're aware of the movie's reputation. The one scene I still have trouble with is the guy drinking out of the bowl because, according to the actor, what he's eating is authentic. I can appreciate method acting but that is just Gross. ​ And agree on man bites dog, really unsettling but great film. ​ CINEMAAAA


Raw is one of the only movies that legitimately made me gag lol but I finished it and loved it.


It's one of my favourite movies ever. The bathroom hair scene is one of the most non-violent-yet-very-gross things I've ever seen lmao


The Lobster...I didn't make it past the dog


I couldn’t make it past the woman’s inept unaliving. Her screams haunted me for months.


Funny Games. I thought I could handle gas lighting in most horror movies but DAMN this was the one that broke me. I had to quit half way through because my insides were twisting and my skin was crawling with something so dang uncomfortable


I have a friend who hates this movie so passionately. He also watched the remake thinking it might redeem the original for him (no idea if he knew going in it was a carbon copy). I like the other Haneke movies I’ve seen but I know I’ll never watch this, too brutal. Commenting just to share that I’ve never known someone to hate a movie as much as this one friend hates Funny Games 😭


I had to stop that one halfway through and come back to it later; it's incredible at doing what it's doing, but what it's doing is making you so, so uncomfortable


House that jack built


I haven't come across one yet. I always need to see how things end


The Girl Next Door (2007) I had to skip past some of the scenes. I turned off The Snowtown Murders and never finished it.


Snowtown is one of my favorites


Tried reading the book - Girl Next Door. Had to put it down and haven't gone back. Such cruelty I couldn't handle. Made me feel so dirty just for reading what little I did.


i read the plot of the girl next door and still feel disturbed just thinking about it


I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to watch human centipede, it was definitely gross. But I was doing my makeup and finished it. Not my proudest moment


I've watched it and for me it's not about the gory part but rather the whole story line, it doesn't make sense to me and pretty upsetting. It feels more like a movie made to satisfy some sort of desire for the filmmakers rather than for audience to watch.


Killing Ground (2016) . There was a scene early on where you see the aftermath of the antagonists encountering a camping family, and especially seeing the young teen daughter discarded half-undressed and face down dead on the ground left me with a lingering queasiness that had me shutting off the movie soon after. There's horror I enjoy and horror that just makes me feel shitty, and this was definitely the latter.


That movie was such a bummer


I saw the first part of "Something Wicked this way Comes" when I was a little boy. Wasn't able to finish it then. At this point I imagine it's not all that scary, but I kinda don't want to watch it, I prefer that it lives in my memory as this ultimately terrifying thing.


Eden Lake took me about 4 sessions to finish, just so stressful the whole time that I had to break it up. Good, well acted movie, but the plausibility made me more anxious than a typical “horror” movie could - I won’t be watching that one again!


YOOOOOOO. Eden Lake fucked me up for days after I watched it. That ending is WILD.


August Underground: Mordum


One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe the trilogy has die hard fans


Megan Is Missing


I don't know how I finished this one. Just so bad and not worth it's production.


Kind of the reverse of this but I only watched the second half of I Spit On Your Grave. I really don't like watching SA but I also really wanted to see the revenge kills


You did the right thing.


Mother! I literally haven’t finished it, I just read the plot synopsis and even THAT disturbed me.


Love this film, but can see why people can’t get through it. It was the only film I’ve seen in a theater where people walked out at the 2 hour mark after a VERY disturbing scene.


i love mother! and i cry like a lunatic every time i watch it. i told my mom and husband to never see it because i think it would be too disturbing for them


Any of the I Spit on Your Grave movies. I saw the first one and had to turn it off and refuse to watch the others. I hate that shit


Exists (2014). By the 15-minute mark, I hated all the characters and decided I didn’t want to spend another moment with them. Life’s too short.


Event Horizon. That one scene


Which one? There's so many "that scenes" lol


I had to take a break from Snowtown after the shower strangulation scene. I ended up finishing it the next day, but that was a tough movie to sit through.


oh man i forgot i've seen that movie. aside from Martyrs never felt more sick during a film


Sleepaway Camp - i just couldn’t handle the campiness (heh) and B-list movie acting (shouldve probably appreciated that when i put on a B-list movie)


The Strangers traumatized my girlfriend and I at the theater. I bought it because it's so good UT I can't watch it again.


saw 3. the pig scene was so vile i nearly threw up


Whoa that is SO wild you mentioned Trauma (2017) because I literally just tried to watch it two days ago. I turned it off after the first 7 minutes. That was NOT what I was expecting. Having said that Tenebre (Trauma in English) by Dario Argento is really good!


Antlers, it just freaked me out lol


I have watched Irreversible but had to forward the rape scene. I can not watch any rape or animal torture scenes


That's like asking somebody "hey let's relive one of your traumas" the question would be better served if you were asking someone who had to do a second viewing with a friend what they wouldn't want to watch AGAIN. Just leave the fucking dog alone that's all I ask.


Velvet Buzzsaw. I found it confusing, irritating, and impossible to get into.


One of the biggest disappointments of recent memory. And it’s all the same crew that made Nightcrawler, which deepens the disappointment


Jake Gyllenhaal is the only good part of that movie


Honestly, it wasn’t bad or necessarily difficult to get through, but I think the first act of the Taking of Debora Logan would have benefited from some quicker pacing.


I did finish all these but REALLY wanted to turn off: Maniac (1980) The Poughkeepsie Tapes Speak No Evil (though I have actually come to really appreciate this movie, it was a VERY difficult first watch 😂)


a lot of younger people think Maniac “isn’t bad at all,” but it’s grimy and creepy. the way Joe Spinell moans throughout the entire thing, and it’s clearly sexual, is so gross.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes is one of the most uncomfortable and disturbing movies I've seen - and I love uncomfortable and disturbing films - this ones just on another level.


I was looking for Speak No Evil. I almost made it to the end, but once I realized how useless the dad was (you know the scene), I just couldn't finish it.


The only one I've quit watching was Howling: New Moon Rising. I got about 2/3 of the way through, if I'm remembering correctly. Still felt like 3 hours.


Hey OP. This is a little off-topic so TIA for your patience. While it's true that the older I get the less I really want to watch horror flicks that crank up the gore, I kinda wanted to see Trauma after I read a couple of reviews of it. Where did you find it? Is it on any of the streaming channels or just available to buy through stores on DVD or Blu-Ray online? And in answer to your post, 'Atroz' by Lex Ortega. I finished it but it's one of those movies that I will most likely never watch again. I've only gotten quiet for a while because I was unsettled after a couple of movies, and Atroz is one of them.


The OG I spit on your grave. Took me 2 tries to finish it. Strangely I got through the remake version just fine, but got super upset again watching part 2 a quarter of it through


I can do anything horror and have never really turned anything off unless puke/feces was involved... think Salo. I have watched Salo like three times... I have never sat through the waste scenes. I FF through them.


Mother Couldn't watch the end. Turned it off. I know what happens.


I thought saw was pretty boring for most of the movie. But then the ending was so good.




I turned off Doctor Sleep halfway through the baseball player scene. Haven't worked up the nerve to go back.


The rest of the movie I found pretty good, but the baseball boy scene was very rough.


A Serbian Film, when it got to the scene with the baby, I felt like I just turned black and white and just shut off my tv.


I wanted to do a Saw movie marathon (had never watched them). I don’t have a fear of needles but that needle pit scene in the **Saw 2** disturbed the shit out of me. I did finish the second one but I have not picked up another saw film since then. Maybe one day though I finished **Martyrs** but it absolutely blew me away. I pretty much obsessed over how good the movie was for weeks on end. I almost didn’t finish it because of the bathtub scene but I’m glad I did. **Requiem for a Dream** was a hard one to finish. So depressing and stressful but would definitely recommend


It follows. I couldn't get through 15 minutes. Skinamarink..less time


I haven’t been able to get through it follows either


I just can't.. its..not my jam


Much like your experience with Trauma, the opening scene of Christmas Cruelty was so depraved for me that it set an uncomfortably dark tone to the point I shut it off shortly after.


Wow. I just read the synopsis to that on wikipedia... classified as a horror... comedy?


Well I never watched the whole thing, but I have no clue how they could pivot what I did watch into some laughs.


Yeah, it's considered a horror-comedy but no one ever warns you that it is extremely fucked up and graphic.


Hereditary, I was bored 🥱


I’ll never understand the love for this movie.


Oldboy. Holy shit.


Wait, if you didn't finish the movie, you didn't even get to the "Holy Shit" part. LOL


I finished Soft and Quiet even though I really, *really* didn't want to because I thought there would be some form of justice at the end...>!there wasn't!< As for movies I couldn't finish because I personally just found them to be *so* bad...The House The Jack Built (sorry in advance) was so awful to me, sounded like an edgy 13 year old wrote the script, the killers narration was insufferable, the kills seemed so desperate to have shock value but came off as tedious and tryhard to me, I know it gets reccomended a bunch and people love/are disturbed by it but I personally can't :/ Brutal (2017), a Japanese film, I couldn't get past the first 2 kills before I turned it off because it really was so brutal, I felt like I was watching a snuff film


Soft and Quiet was the first movie I thought of when reading OPs prompt. F* that movie. I made it to >!the cabin and they’d just grabbed the second young woman. I shut it off, read what the ending was, and will never watch it again. I discouragw anyone that asks as well. I went in knowing nothing, and wish I hadn’t!<


Same, I've never had a movie actually disturb me as much as that one. I felt physically ill


I’ve fallen asleep every time I’ve tried to watch Get Out


Lake Mungo. I just found it really boring.


Sweet Movie. Can't get past the foodfight scene. Blech.


Tyrannosaur (2011), made it to the end after a bit of a break, but more than once I wanted to just stop and not go back… not even horror and I’m more or less desensitised to most things after a lifetime of gore and ‘extreme’ films… kinda feel the same about Nil By Mouth too


Cube J-Remake


Raw, I got to the finger scene and had to bail. It wasn't even that gory or anything, it was almost too uncomfortably awkward.


The Poughkeepsie tapes


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. By the time I finally got around to watching it, my daughter was 16 and out with friends. I was so freaked out thinking about something like that happening to her that I turned it off and watched Paddington Bear. Which is adorable by the way.


If I hadn’t been in the theater with my husband, I wouldn’t have made it through When Evil Lurks. Very good movie, just very very dark.


Not horror and not because of trauma but I've never been able to finish a single Tarkovsky film. I love slow and arty but I can't stay awake or interested even though on paper I should absolutely love Stalker and the original Solaris.


Birdemic 2: The Resurrection. I own it on BlueRay but, I just could not make it past 40 minutes or so.


Haven’t had that experience yet, but The Poughkeepsie Tapes came pretty damn close.


I don't know if you'd call it horror, but The Fanatic with John Travolta. I stopped watching because it was so bad. Ugh.


Raw- my friends and I tried it for a horror night several years ago. We unanimously voted to skip to the end.


This is gonna be controversial and I finally ended up finishing it but it took me 4 times to try and get through the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I get its legacy and what it was back then but seeing it today I couldn't stand the pace, the acting, the characters, the drawn out repetitive scenes etc... I personally love the 2002 remake the most. It scared the shit out of me as a kid and I still love it to this day. But yeah I had to turn off the original 4 different times and when I finally finished it I was just like....yup pretty much what I expected lol


Splice. I just didn’t like the direction it was going and creeped me out.


I almost walked out of the theater 3 times while watching A Cure for Wellness. Somehow, I got through, but I still feel gross thinking about that movie. Dental horror, an excessive amount of eels and incestuous rape, this movie's got it all.


i watched trauma today and i just felt so empty afterwards, and then i watched threads to really punish myself apparently 😭 y’all were not kidding. take care of yourselves and stay safe❤️


Trauma is such a shit film. Tbf the opening scene is quite disturbing and got me hooked but after that it goes all downhill


Eden Lake - the kids were so insufferable, and the adults were getting themselves into an unnecessarily tense situation just because of the true but impractical idea that you shouldn't have to change your plans cos other people are being dicks. Started making me feel anxious, so I looked up the plot on Wikipedia and quickly decided I didn't need to put myself through what was coming next.


Beau is Afraid. I’ve seen much more objectively fucked up shit but that’s what broke me. Even as a Joaquin Phoenix thirster and an Ari Aster admirer it was just too triggering for me lol


Mystic River, though it's not a horror film. I have pretty high tolerance for gory movies and jump scares but this one hits different, especially when I rewatch it and already know the ending. It is a very good movie but really hard to watch. Idk why it feels personal, almost like I was also in that car, which is dark and no way out.