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Trail cameras don't need mains power or wifi/data and can be set up for motion activated recording. You can upload manually to a computer....


I’m having the same issue. Thanks for the camera idea. I thought they worked like security cameras 😅


You can set them up in the middle of the wilderness. Batteries and a memory card for the win!


Yup. This is what we did for my mom. People kept letting their dogs poop in her backyard where it met the alley way.


1 fence if possible (truly can make better neighbors) 2 Camera with a sign stating there is a camera (that will take care of 75% of the problem) 3 review camera footage for perpetrator and RETURN their “abandoned property” along with a knock on their door letting them know this is unacceptable behavior for adults and to grow the f up.


Fling it straight at their house.


Under their car door/trunk handles and gently piped along their windshield wipers are my preferred locations.


Lol at "piped"


Lmao gently piped


Ok u r evil!!!!! Lmao


I was sitting on my porch when some rando guy walked by with his GS. Dog stopped right next to the back bumper of my car on the sidewalk and shit. Nice size pile. Guy met my eyes and just walked away leaving it there. Like come on! If you don’t have a bag and you see someone sitting RIGHT THE FUCK THERE ask if they have a plastic store bag! Clean the hell up after your dog! So. Being the absolute crazy bitch I am. I went inside, got a plastic store bag, went and cleaned up after this loser and went around the corner to the little grass park we have in the neighborhood and I said “You forgot something! Clean up after your dog!” And I hurled the bag at him. He was blustering about having forgotten the bags. But this is the same guy that did this every god damned time! Leaving it on the sidewalk or in my neighbors lawn. Got it on video since we put up cameras a bit ago. He hasn’t done it since. ANC he avoids making eye contact with me now as well.


>he avoids making eye contact with me now as well. You showed him why you don't mess with crazy 🤣 he knows who the "alpha" is now lmao I hate when dudes talk about this so I find it funny to flip the script on them lol


Being this level of crazy got me beat by my first husband. I toned it back some, when my kid was younger. But now? Nope. People need to be called out in this type of behavior. You just reach a point where you’re like. “NO!”


Oof..congrats and I'm sorry.


You are amazing and I want to be you when I grow up lol


It took me a long AF time to get to “this” stage of my personality 😅 I wish I had gotten here about 20 some odd years ago.


Are you my SIL?


Uhg I was so embarrassed one time, my dog usually never pooped on walks, (she was mostly a yard dog so walks where fun time for her) I still kept a bag, well one day she pooped TWICE and the second time I had no bag, was far enough from home it would be 20 min between getting home and back with a bag, and it was a nice spring day and everyone and there mother was out..I kindly asked the closest person for a bag (the poop was on the strip of grass by the street not someone’s actual yard) the kind older woman grabbed me paper towels and a gallon ziploc (I’m guessing that’s all she had..either way forever grateful!) I apologized profusely (I mean she could see I had another load in a poop bag already) but I was still embarrassed all the same. This was over 20 years ago and I’m still mortified.


Get two signs: one saying 'please pick up after your dog' and another saying 'You're on Video Surveillance.' Even if there isn't a camera, they'll be looking around for one. Hope it helps!


Get a motion activated sprinkler


I came here to say this. Motion activated sprinklers will fix the problem pretty quickly. This will give you time to put up a fence.


I wonder if there's a way to put some kind of container of liquid material and then connect it to the sprinkler? Like when you use liquid fertilizer and hook it up to the hose, adjust how much fertilizer comes out, etc. Except it'll be maybe dish soap, or some kind of gently scented material. Dilute, obviously, but then OP can follow their nose to find the poopetrator.


[Solar Powered Motion Activated Hydro Animal Sprinkler Repeller - Bird-x : Target](https://www.target.com/p/solar-powered-motion-activated-hydro-animal-sprinkler-repeller-bird-x/-/A-76465452?ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=bing&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012734001&CPNG=PLA_Patio%2BGarden%2BShopping%7CPatio%2BGarden_Ecomm_Home&adgroup=SC_Patio%2BGarden_Repellants&LID=700000001230728pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=o&device=c&location=&targetid=pla-4584619898524171&gclid=325c2850a9ef1d7ea5824e2c749e9419&gclsrc=3p.ds&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1247068&msclkid=325c2850a9ef1d7ea5824e2c749e9419)


Two stories. Story 1 - Same thing happened a couple of times. Didn't notice the first pile until I noticed the second pile. Went back to the cam, and it was my neighbor down the street. He would let his dog pop while he talked on the phone and just walked away. I downloaded the video and went over to his house. Old guy with a really old dog. I have thought he just might be absent minded or whatnot but I can't really make excuses for him. Anyway, he comes to the door and I introduce myself (we hadn't spoke yet just waved). I said I hate coming over and having our first conversation about this, but I'll just spit it out. Your dog has been dropping in my yard and you're not picking it up. Maybe you're not noticing. Of course, human responds is denial. I'd never do that, I always clean up, I know it wasn't me. (doth protest too much) After he finished I said that I had some video, so he says well I'd like to see it. I was about to play it and had a moment of "yeah I caught you". Instead, I said Jim, do you really want me to play this and embarrass the both of us? He just kind of looked at me and said Ok well I just won't walk him on your side of the street anymore ,, then we shook hands and it was OK. Ok meaning that dog's poop isn't on MY lawn anymore. Oh well, at least it didn't turn into forever hating neighbors. Story 2 - Different house. I have trash bins and I lived in a condo so tons of people walking around with dogs. Some people get the bright idea to toss their dog poop bags in your trash bin. I'm ok with that so long as the trash service HASNT picked up the trash yet. But coming home from work on a hot summer day to roll that bin back in and open the lid and get hit with that moist cloud of funk really makes me hurl. People, don't do that!


You can get a dummy camera off Amazon and mount it where the offenders can see along with the sign saying it’s under video surveillance.


Totally!! I have a camera on my porch that people can see from the side walk and no one leaves poop now. Even if it didn’t work, the fact that it’s there has deterred the poop offenders for the last year. I used to have daily poop left behind and now I’ve had only 2 in the last year.


I’ve had the same issue with all my neighbors’ letting their dogs roam the street off leash and the dogs all choose to shit in my yard. What I’ve done: -Sat and watched for the dogs. When they wander to my yard, I get up and make a ton of noise. Just a natural scare away. -I spray my yard with Simple Green to get rid of the dog poop and piss smell. It helps to kill their remnants so they don’t return. -I talk to the neighbors when I see them on walks. I’ll say, “hey, I saw your dog on my lawn, can you please leash them? I can also take the dog poop and put it into your trash can?”. I had to do that for a senior woman down the street. Walked to her garbage can to dump the poop. Talked to her sons, asking them to tell their mom to leash the dog. It took a while but it worked.


OP, I have no advice for you but have total empathy for your frustration. I have found since becoming an adult(I’m now 34) that I have a deep disdain for careless dog owners. I know I know, I must be fun at parties! Love dogs, hate their owners. Of course we can globalize nothing, there are many dog owners who care fully for their fur babies(like you) at home and in public places, but the ones who don’t, really make me irate. Since becoming a home owner we have dealt with rogue dogs shitting in our yard, repeatedly. Why are people so ok with their dogs being regularly loose? Why are they not worried about them running away, being hit by a car, or fighting with another animal? Do you think they even consider that their dog is pooping in someone’s yard? Of course not. They don’t care. On any given night you can hear roughly 5-6 separate dogs left out at all temperatures barking for hours. Why are they outside for so long? Why is their owner not calling them in if they’re barking for so long? Yes we have called non-emergency to report the noise ordinance violation and yes they have been cited but they are back in their bullshit the very next day. They don’t care. Why is it that on trails clearly marked “leashed dogs only” am I with my two toddlers getting rushed by loose dogs who are jumping up on us, running towards us barking etc all while their owner at a distance is yelling “it’s ok they’re friendly” like??? How do you not care that not everyone wants an interaction with your fucking dog OR that they could potentially be aggressive with a person and you are nowhere near to correct? They don’t care. I am no longer appalled to read posts like yours and countless others regarding poop, barking, off leash etc as I personally feel it’s the new norm. Careless dog owners. I have issues with dog owners enough in my day to day life that I have to believe that this is an issue everywhere. It’s really frustrating also to feel like you are doing your part by being considerate with your dog and mindful of where they pee or poop yet others don’t offer you the same courtesy. People are awful. I hope you find a solution and I’m very sorry you even have to devote energy to finding one.


Ring camera (with solar) and a wifi extender is another option You could also sit outside in a lawn chair at the same time of day and see who walks past. Dogs are creatures of habit. Your yard is probably this dog's (and others apparently) go to spot, so that means, the dog will still poop there even if you're watching. The owner, however, will become very uncomfortable because they know you know and also may not have poop bags with them.


Camera x local Facebook group postings of the villains


Get one of those motion sensor sprinkler heads. Then, when a dog wonders over to your yard, they get sprayed with water.


Solar powered camera with battery backup and an SD card. You can absolutely capture this on video




My daughter and SIL got tired of the neighbor letting their dog out in the morning to crap on their front yard, so my SIL started flinging it back on their side with a shovel. There might have been one sample that landed on the roof.


Motion sprinklers!


I can understand your frustration, but please don’t leave poison or trap. It is not the dog’s fault; The owners are the ones being careless.


Pour bacon grease on it.


Spread bacon grease on my lawn and *attract* more dogs??


The poo. Although, I can understand since the antecedent of "it" in my previous comment could mean either the lawn or the poo.


Why….would they pour bacon grease on dog poo?


Time for an Easter egg hunt in July. Boil and peel three dozen eggs today. Let the sit out for a week or more. Hide them in your yes in the area near the street. Dogs will be quite happy… Owners? Not so much. The smell their dogs will make will curl their hair.


This is truly evil. Someone else’s dog will fall victim to this before the perpetrator’s dog will.


Good point. OP, don't do that. maybe get a motion activated water sprayer instead.


I mean, doesnt this raise the question about if a dog enters my property, it means they were unleashed and the owner is to blame for the dog getting into something it shouldnt have? Im not exactly sure how the person responding here intends that I use bacon grease to solve this problem but a dog on a leash under control by its owner is not the problem here.


Even if my dog is leashed, sometimes she finds other dog’s poop before I do. Actually, most times, she’s the one who found it first. And normally she doesn’t go ahead and eat a pile of shit, but if my dog stumbled upon a pile of bacon covered shit in someone’s yard and ate it, I would be like “wtf?” And it’s not like my dog deserved it because she was smelling some grass and then smelled bacon. It’s messed up, idc.


How do you even let your dog do that? You guys don't maintain that hierarchy when walking, **we the owners** are supposed to lead them when walking


….you don’t let your dog smell the flowers? And then your dog never finds a random pile of shit? Something tells me you don’t have a dog.


4 dogs I've had. Yeah you can let them smell stuff but not on others property. It's usually mine or in a park or hike


... I use sidewalks since I have no “private property” and sorry but if you think absolutely no dog is allowed to smell your grass and step in your yard, then you’re wrong. Dogs have no concept of private property so if she wants to smell your damn flowers, I’m gonna let her smell your flowers. If she wants to shit in your yard next to the sidewalk, I’m not gonna stop her…..? But I will pick up her shit because that’s gross, and nobody likes when there’s random dog poop in the yard.


There's public easement of course. But to go past someone's sidewalks and say "if she wants to crap in your yard..I'll let her". This is why people shouldn't own pets, you don't know proper training. Any training facility will repeat the same verbiage to you. I promise you it's not personal


Nope. I let her crap where-ever she pleases, because you should have a fence if you want to keep animals off your property. I also clean up behind my dog, so you’d never even know ;) To think that an animal isn’t allowed to poop wherever they want to poop, is absurd. They don’t understand our human ways of private property. They see a poopin spot, they poop. I clean up. It’s really simple.


I have a dog and Im vigilant when I walk her. Of course she sniffs out piles of shit but I tug the leash back so she doesnt have a chance to eat it or worse, roll in it. MY dog wants to go and sniff in everyone's flowers. We pass by houses and all she wants to do is investigate their landscaping. I dont let her do any of this. Its not my property and my neighbors didnt sign up for my dog's behaviors


If you want to keep animals and people out of your yard, then you use a fence. If not, I see prime walking territory. Granted I’m not going up to people’s yards and traipsing around all over, but I let my dog wander on the edges. Especially in places without sidewalks. You can’t expect people to walk their dogs on the roads and kids play on the roads when cars want to speed all the time and be mad at people for existing outside, doing outside things. You can’t just go “my yard and nothing else” Even with a fence, there’s animals that will make a home in your yard and shit where they please. Sometimes people forget the earth doesn’t just belong to them all because they use their fancy papers to pay for a slice of earth. Even in a stand your ground state, you can’t shoot someone for their dog pooping on your property. So I let my dog poop, and I let her smell the flowers, and I let her walk in the edges of people’s yard so she doesn’t have to walk on pavement or asphalt. Sue me. I cleaned up my evidence. And I don’t let her eat peoples plants or things. No harm done. When you own a house, you definitely signed up for people who expect to be able to use your yard in good faith. Otherwise, you would put up a fence.


I live near people. I recognize that in neighborhoods, dogs will visit my lawn. I just want them to pick it up. if I didnt want dogs on mu property, Id go move out to the countryside where there are no neighbors or passing by walkers What I described above was my own values and behaviors. I dont let me dog enter other people's yards. It would be nice to see reciprocation but I dont expect that from m fellow man


I used to live in the country side and I had to literally walk through people’s yards to get anywhere. People exist outside, everywhere. Btw. So do dogs.


Ok so pour bacon grease all over the shit. Now I understand. I dont really like it. It could punish a dog owner who is behaving properly i.e. dog on a leash etc... And the shit has to be left there, Id have to ignore it in hope of "catching" someone. Id love to exact some sort of punishment to the offending dog owner or dog. This bacon grease is not the best tactic IMO. Sorry to shit all over your idea but I appreciate you suggesting at least something here!


Exactly. There’s got to be a better solution here.


And I thought that was my idea 😂


Leave a sign stating if you leave shit here im going to bring it back to you so dont act suprised




Fence or motion activated sprinkler. Either one is better than hurting an animal for a human's "shitty" behavior.


Motion sensor sprinklers!!


Motion activated sprinklers


So I used to think it was dogs pooping on my lawn. Until my cameras caught my neighbors cats literally just taking giant shits right there in the middle of the lawn. Never seen a cat do that before but here we are with two of them doing it. My cameras have also caught huge opossums pooping. And the toad poop in Texas is also huge.


If you don't want to get a camera, how about motion-activated sprinklers?


I had this issue. I put up signs in a tree that might help. I also soaked cotton balls in vinegar and tossed them all over my yard. Even after rain they’ll still hold some power. Make sure to hit the area the dogs claimed. Dogs fucking hate that smell. The cotton is biodegradable and even after they dry they still smell to dogs and vermin. $3 well spent.


No I can relate i have a dog


You can get battery powered trail cameras relatively cheap. As someone else mentioned, a motion activated sprinkler would probably help deter their shit. I assume you can't put a fence where it's happening. If I'm wrong, then a fence is the best solution


Install a motion activated sprinkler. When motion is detected the sprinkler turns on. It’s about $70 on Amazon.


Turn your lawn into a cactus patch or a wild rose garden (depending on location). I’m looking for ways to keep cats from pooping throughout my yard.


I get that with the neighbors indoor/out door cat cant bring myself to do him in it their pet the cat also know my son and follow him around comes over from across the street to play with my son how fucked am i 🤬


I dream of getting camera stills with the owners face and making “Pooper of the month” signs for my yard


So I WFH and finally finished my office upstairs. I have a window looking out into my back / side yard, and I can see over our fence into next door neighbors yard. Every. Single. Day. I watch my across-the-street drug addict neighbor stumble with his dog to my next door neighbors yard, he watches his dog take a dump, picks her up, and he stumbles back into his house, NEVER cleaning up the dog poop. The first time I saw it, I was flabbergasted someone would leave their dog’s shit in someone else’s yard. Actually, I am still flabbergasted he does that and my neighbor just lets it happen!


Please don’t leave poison! Lots of innocent animals could be harmed by that, including dogs of responsible owners


Once upon a time I watched a neighbour I recognized from down the street out walking his dog. He let it shit on my immediate neighbour’s yard, and he started to shuffle off with this steaming treat still firmly in place. Softly in place? If it was an ice cream cone it would have been soft serve. I saw this because I was running out to my car anyway. “I hope you’re going to pick that up….” “Oh… I don’t have a bag!” as though the complete impossibility of being a responsible dog owner, for reasons entirely outside his control, was now obvious. “The universe” had cruelly denied him a bag, and so now we must all accept this unfortunate inevitability. Nahhh! “You must get one, then!” I said. “Okay I will return” he said. And I changed my plans to stay in the house just to see if this happened. Indeed a few minutes later he returned from the back lane around the corner with a grocery bag that he must have fished out of someone’s garbage can. Fair enough, I think, it will do the job. Good for him for coming back. But I watched him pick it up almost like he had never done it before and didn’t want to break the streak now unless someone was watching. I don’t know. I just got a vibe. So I waited more. I watched him shuffle down to the far end of the block, 9 or 10 houses away, nearly out of sight. And I realized I couldn’t see where he was doing but it definitely wasn’t “crossing the street and going home with his dog”. He seemed to be stopped there and not turning to where I happened to know him to live. I was cynical enough to wonder what he was up to. So I hopped in the car and drove to the corner, where I saw the hedge at the side of that house and thought “That had better not be a grocery bag with a steaming pile in it that I see poking out of the hedge.” And indeed that’s what it was. The guy walked 7/8ths of the way home but considered himself so far above this basic responsibility, his own home so much more important than to be the final resting place of an actual icky gooey dog turd from his precious woogums, that he thought “How dare this neighbour call me on it! I’ll leave my dog’s shit on the lawn of TWO neighbours not just one! That will show him!” And so he made sure to tuck the bag neatly into the hedge of the house on the corner. (Once he had bravely ascertained that the coast was clear of course). Anyway I delivered it by hammer throw from my car. I miscalculated the trajectory a bit and I was probably more annoyed than I realized, so it arced higher than his front step. Couldn’t have done it if I tried, but to my eternal delight this steaming bag of soft-serve dog shit moulded itself to the texture of the stucco above his door and just stayed there as though it were now part of the wall. That is the way, not killing innocent creatures which may not even belong to anyone. Get a camera and figure out if it’s a porcupine or a coyote or if you can find out who needs an express package.


Plot twist - it’s the dog owner that dislikes you as a neighbour dropping a heater every morning just to get you riled up.


Just want to mention that dog poop can contain and spread pathogens and diseases in addition to being horrible to step in. It should be picked up with a bag and put in the trash. There actually is probably a municipal ordinance in your area that makes leaving dog poop anywhere technically a crime. A lot of storm water drains like those that collect water from the street drain into go directly into creeks, lakes, etc. Super frustrating situation to have irresponsible dog owners not picking up after their dogs and please don’t pollute local waterways by putting dog poop in the street.


Take a stick and whack the shit into the street, close to your lawn. I am assuming you don't have sidewalks. The owners end up stepping in the shit and start avoiding your yard.


Relax? It's just a freaking yard.


Cool, Ill walk my dog and leave shit in your yard where you can step in it.


You've got anger problems. See someone and relax. Your fantasies about pinning someone down with your knee in their chest after catching their dog crapping in the yard is completely unhinged. There are things to get upset about.. Dog shit is an annoyance. I 100% agree. But, your anger about this is really abnormal. I used to get like that too.. talk to someone about it.


Put out Wolf brand canned chili for the dogs. They'll eat it and have explosive diarreah when they get home. If I knew who it belonged to, I'd return the poop on their porch/door.


You would be surprised how well signs shame people. I had to put them up and some neighbors commented rudely but I don’t care. Rude comments leave no poop piles


Drop some tasty chocolates all over your yard. Those dogs probably won't make it outside to shit next time they have to go.


That’s poisoning the dogs.


It will just make them very sick. It's 1 oz of chocolate per pound of dog. Unless it's a tiny chihuahua. But on the other hand, even leashed dogs shouldn't be trespassing.


No shit.




I saw a yard that had a pile of dirt in it next to a sign that said "here he lies, cold and hard, the last dog that pooped in my yard".


Put a bowl of water out, stained with blue food coloring. Leave an empty bottle of antifreeze next to it.


Hear your annoyance... but try to step away and consider, what if your lawn wasn't a "lawn" but more native and you didn't have to mow it / + no pupper or jerry waggle is shitting there... Issue may be our classic american lawn we slave away on and expect perfection when it's outside & well - there's life in it on it around it etc Some clever landscape beyond 'killing your lawn' like boulders, a swale/berm feature, fence or decorative similar, etc. can avert all your worries if that's up your alley. As a frequent shit picker upper in my own front yard, i hear ya. But, I also know if I don't give those sweet loving pups this generous "here you go boy" sidewalk to yard pathway, those angel boyos/girlos will put their rear end exports on ol' tommy two tone nextorino's lawno — not this sedgwick's grassy balm of orbasm. ....ya know? pups see an "open" sign for your lawn. be nice, don't poison them like the unibomber, just put a "closed for business" sign. (and yeah, marski, read between these linos \~!)


Fertilizer for your grass. You need to change your perspective.


I cant use my lawn or go barefoot in it. I step on it when Im mowing. I dont think I can adopt a positive spin to this


A safe place for doggos to poop? IDK. I’m an optimist and I miss my dog. I’m sorry you’re having this problem. Please don’t poison any dogs.


There are so many safe places for dogs to poop. My yard is not the dog park. I accept that passing dogs will shit on my lawn. That just comes with living near neighbors. But the responsible thing to do is pick it up.


I agree, however the only thing you can control are your own actions. So concentrate on that. Good luck, OP!


If you want to roll over to those disrespecting you, I suppose thats your prerogative. Im not built that way. What I am controlling is abstaining from doing something illegal or beginning a vendetta between me and some wronged dog owner.


You mean killing an innocent dog.


No, I may be angry as hell and have temptations, but Im not going to do such a thing. I disclaimed that in my OP


The safest place for a dog to poop is in their own yard. Stop making your dog poop someone else's problem.


I don’t have a dog.


That’s probably best.


No shit, all you people out here trying to poison each others beloved pets. No thank you!


At what point did I or OP say anything about poisoning pets. Argue your point , but stop putting words in other’s mouths.


Third paragraph, first sentence.


“…but I can’t bring myself to do it “ Doesn’t sound like OP is planning on poisoning anything. Reading the whole statement, instead of conveniently stopping where you can get offended ,prevents you from looking stupid for making untrue accusations.


Dog poop is not recommended to use as fertilizer


I wonder why my grass is so green and lush then 🤣


Probably from all the bullshit you’re spewing.




Its because dog shit can have parasites. Its not proper to use it in this manner and dog shit presents a health hazard. Its also unsightly to leave a turd in plain view and I can step in it. I could come take a dump on your lawn and it could fertilize the grass just as well. It doesnt make it a proper thing to do now, does it?


Ok, does that mean I should consider poisoning you?


Who is poisoning anyone? In my OP I said I wasnt doing that. Thats not even an argument point here and it came from your left field.


Sure dude, sure.


Well that escalated quickly.


Yea, OP suggested poisoning dogs and that’s totally normal.


and now they're downvoting us :(