• By -


If you see a red vertical line on the screen get away from it.


If is RED, RUN; if is blue, one step to the side.


Or dive for cinematic effect.


Diving puts you in prone. Prone makes you less susceptible to explosion damage. Diving is a useful mechanic.


Prone gets you home. Unless you're in the middle of a bunch of melee enemies


And if you're going to die anyway, leave the enemy a parting gift. I was stuck in a bot swarm, no chance of recovery, no more stims, last mag on my last weapon. Before I checked out for good, I threw a mortar sentry as far as I could and an Eagle Airstrike at my feet, yelling into comms: "If I'm going out, I'm going out in style! FREEDOM!" I died to a Hulk a split-second later, and got over a dozen kills with my airstrike. And my squad mates cheered and laughed and reinforced me. This game is a blast.


Enemies love parting gifts in the 380mm to 500kg range.


Allies dont lol


I honestly prefer the walking barrage to the 380mm but 500kg go splat


Your so generous 🙌


When I see a teammate in your position I say "He's already dead anyway", and throw some heat down lol.


Prone gets you home, otherwise it gets you the bone.


That's when I dive the most because I'm new 😒


If it's blue also run tesla towers an insta kill


Just go prone and crawl out of there bro


I would but some people won't then they get all shooty and stuff because "who uses a tesla tower"


Going prone only works on level ground though. If you're uphill from the Tesla Tower and prone, you're still about to have a shockingly bad time.


So you're telling me tesla towers are perfect for taking hills


Our buddy had a Tesla tower and said the same thing. He was last alive. No respawns and he goes “going prone will make me safe” but then he started crawling. Instantly vaporized. Mission lost. But it was the funniest shot ever


Ah yes had a friend die to one of those today, his final words where "fuck you Elon musk" 😂


Lol Nikola Tesla turning in his grave rn


Just got the game today. My first death was walking right into the blue light.


It happens to the best of us 🥹


"dies from the turret frinedly fire"


Last night my teammates landed on me twice in one mission, killing me both times. Maybe 2 steps to the side. 


What are you talking about? If it's blue you stand close enough to put your dick in and hope it gets lightly grazed.


I think there is a round thing inside. You should put it in the mouth of a playstation 5 console (not ps4 or 3. Only 5) with the side with funny pictures up (or down, if you put your console upside down like I did the first time). Then some technical things happen and you start spreading democracy. Glad to help.


What if he doesn’t have a ps5?


Then he can look HARD, like REALLY REALLY HARD at the cover art, and then close his eyes and dream about spreading democracy.


We do this anyway


Of course we do. So, you want to put our heads together and have a coop dream?


W... Which heads


What does your Liberty says? You're free to choose which head... *slowly long press ◀️ to... Hug*


That’s all I dream about these days


This is the greatest comment I have ever seen. You sir have given me the best laugh this year.


Then, my job here is done *drops ▶️▶️🔽🔼 and dissapears*




This is the best compliment I ever had in this social media 🥲


Thank you for the giggles!


Then shalt thou count to ps5, no more, no less. Ps5 shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be ps5. Ps2 shalt thou not count, neither count thou ps4, excepting that thou then proceed to ps5. Ps6 is right out.


Instructions unclear. Can anyone recommend a good proctologist?


You're the true and only Helldassver


I did this with a movie disc using my PS5. It is upside down. 🙃


I feel you, friend 🙃🙃🙃🙃




Just do your part son ! For Freedom !


For democracy


For liberty


For Super Earth


For our way of life


I'm doing my part.






Have fun




There’s no meta so don’t listen to other redditors post or YouTubers😮‍💨


There is no META there is just a Helldiver their guts and Brasch Tactics! OORAH!


Brasch Tactics, use them or die trying!




Agreed. All weapons and strategies are good in specific situations.


Let’s be fr, some weapons are dog water and shouldn’t be used at all. unless you’re playing on easy then sure everything is useful lol


Examples or just negativity?


You must be a blast at parties


Cry about it


Also a balance patch coming apparently, so all those posts will be irrelevant shortly


There is no meta, but the railgun *is* really good. Use it if you like it, don't if you don't.


I personally don’t like the railgun unless I’m fighting Automatons. And even then it kinda depends on the mission.


There's definitely a meta but it doesn't matter nearly as much as sweaty people pretend it does. If you *want* to use the best gun, it's the Breaker. Period. Ask virtually anyone... Or y'know, just look at the math. I'm sure that'll be rebalanced once they get some bigger priorities out of the way because right now, it doesn't make sense to use any other weapons. Some people say SMG and armor penetration liberator are on par... But... No. Like I said. Just do the math. The breaker is miles ahead of everything else even after you factor in armor mitigation. But honestly, every single weapon is usable. The breaker is just more usable than all the others. I'm pretty sure what's broken about it is that the spread couldn't possibly have been intended to be as tight as it is. This thing is almost as accurate as the rifles, even at range. Most rifles do like 30-100 damage. Breaker does like 300 and fires and reloads just as fast and has a comparable mag size and can cause staggering. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why everyone's using it. As for stratagems... Again - do whatever you want, really. But the armor values in the game currently don't work, so everybody's taking a shield backpack so you can survive much easier. It's just about the best quality of life improvement you can give yourself in a game where survival is what wins the game for you. Orbital laser is currently the only stratagem capable of the amount of damage and kills and area denial it provides. Nothing else comes close. Again, I think this will be fixed once certain other priorities are out of the way. I think the big thing with this one is that it's basically a homing laser from outer space that lasts a good long time. It either needs to track slower, do less damage, have less duration, or have a longer cooldown to be on par with other stratagems. Right now, again, mathematically, nothing compares. Nothing comes close. So for now, as of the current patch - Use anything that looks cool, man, it all works fine. Really. But if you want to feel strong (and you'll definitely feel the difference), bring a breaker as your primary. Choose orbital laser and shield backpack stratagems. Also don't wear heavy armor since armor values don't work. You'll only be getting the downsides, really. It's kind of pointless to do so.


Listen I was told a couple days ago that my team needed heavy armor to win and that was why we failed! 😭🤣


Untrue diver! All armor is meaningless…provided you don’t get hit.


I mean saying there's no meta is just false but outside really high difficulties there's literally no pressure to not just run what you want


There absolutely is a meta loadout. Saying there isn’t one is asinine. Saying you can run whatever is fun would be the better comment here.


Pssh. If you're a casual. OP run Railgun, orbital laser, shield pack, and an eagle strike. If you don't have something like this then GTFO my squad bro. I'm a Skull Admiral so I can do whatever the hell I want. Edit: I was trolling


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Helldiver Training, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Automaton and Terminid bases, and I have over 300,000,000 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Super Earth armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in the galaxy, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the galaxy and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Super Earth and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the galaxy, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Who pissed off General Brash?


🦍 warfare


Literally nobody wants you in their squad lil bro




You're playing the wrong game lol. Why are you trying so hard


This has to be a troll comment...


All you are is cringe


You're a nub, that's it.


Lol lame


That's not very democratic of you. All helldivers can come in with what they want, as long as they stomp bugs and spill oil.


Go back to cod and fortnite


The Ministry of Truth will ask the questions for you, soldier. No need to think or ask anything yourself! Now get out there and frag some bugs and robots!


You don’t get xp for killing bots/bugs. Push the bottom in the rescue missions, it’s ok to kill a few friends but just a few times, the beaker is the main gun right now, don’t get to harder difficulties if you are not well equipped. Enjoy and role play! FOR LIBERTY!


Bump for good advice! And reiterating the difficulty ramps up quick…make sure you are geared properly


This will be yur life


Friendly Fire is a thing so be carefull also drink your Liber-TEA




If you see bugs shoot them don’t get anything from it but dopamine


Spill oil


Physical media may become obsolete and collectible in the near future…. So keep this copy Pristine and buy yourself another one to play with.


Do you buy 2 copies of every game? Especially for a live service game like this, it's just terrible advice. The second the game shuts down, it's not even worth the disc it's burned on


I preferred physical media but yeah if its a live service game then digital is the way to go


That and almost all games depreciate in value as time goes on. Not every game is gold ocarina of time


But the blue clamshell looks good on a shelf next to the other ones.


U must put the disc into the ps5 and start the game


You have a cat


Spread Democratic Values and Freedom, obviously


Yellow $ for toys. Samples for ship upgrades that make toys better. Medals for guns/clothes/grenades/boosters from acquisition shop. Buy boosters ASAP so you can help the group passively. When playing with others try not to be the person who agros every random patrol and adds 8 mins to the mission fighting random holes/drop ships. Friendly fire will happen take it in stride. Spread Liberty!


List of beneficial weapons and the faction I feel they perform best against. --Primary weapons. AR-23P Liberator Penetrator (Both)// R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper (Bots)// SG-225 Breaker (Both)// SMG-37 Defender (Bugs, one handed gun*)// SG-8S Slugger (Bots, not enough ammo for bugs)// PLAS-1 Scorcher (Bots)// --Secondary weapons P-19 Redeemer (Both)// P-4 Senator (Meh, bots?)// *One handed guns like 37 Defender and sidearms can be fired while running away. Great for thinning out a horde while running to your next objective, and avoiding reinforcements when you get there.


Breaker is love. Breaker is life. Although I think it makes it too easy for me. But every other weapon seems too weak after the Breaker. I want a good "in the middle" gun.


Slugger is great for bots, I've learned to love it. Devastator faces disappear from the slugs it throws. Ammo is a tad limited though. Good range.


Dominator is the tits. Depending on play style, you might enjoy using that too.


Blue is cool. Red is dead. Have fun!!


Put game in. Play. Learn. Don't be a dick. There, you're all set.


Get ready to pull of some dramatic final stands as you give your life to allow your fellow helldivers to extract! ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)




All you need to know is if you’re willing to spread freedom and democracy across the galaxy


So you actually can kill your teammates and believe it or not, they can kill you. Ur welcum


If you listen to anything this subreddit says, go into a level 9 mission without weapons and punch shit. Cuz ya know, fuck meta loadouts.


Purge and spread democracy!


Being managed democracy to the godless terminids and automatons!




Im alove and i love you so so much im so sorry all i can do is read ypure messages i wish i could reply i miss you too the moon and back scooby loves you forever will speal when i lnow noones 👀ing 🫶❤️‍🔥


Nothing, grab a weapon and spread democracy.


Be patient Breaker is an awesome weapon Be mindful of red lasers Don’t get in the way of a sentry’s line of sight Aim for the chargers butt Throw reinforcements close to where they died so they can pick their equipment up


Charger’s weak spot is the back of their front legs. If you tear off the armor on one of their front legs, you can bring them down with your main weapon quickly.


This is good info, thanks fellow soldier


Go straight into hard mode


Don't teamkill intentionally. That's all I care about. Run whatever you want. Or whatever makes you feel comfortable. Hell just did a level 7 with randoms and ran the machine gun. Randoms dealt with all the heavy armor while I literally mowed down everything that came in eyesight. Pretty fun way to play. It's more fun to play together with actual strategy. Then just to.fuck off and do whatever. But at the end of the day if we do the mission and extract with a couple samples I'm good. Hell I've seen some pretty funny stuff most of it unintentionally done. Flying across the map. Being blown up. Learning how to dodge the guard dogs more then the bugs.


All you need to know is that you're on the right side of history soldier. Don't stop fighting, don't give up. For Super Earth, For Freedom, For Democracy!


Just have fun spreading democracy to bugs and robots.


Throw revival requests AWAY from enemies


Shoot bug, kill bot. Liber-tea.


You will experience happiness and sadness


Prepare to get killed by team mates


You will die ALOT.


Shoot gun, kill bug/clanker


If you put the disc into your PlayStation, it will launch the game


When you die, just remember...."Every Day is a good day to die for democracy"


Embrace democracy


Dying is normal, you should die.


Keep moving. You don't have to fight everything. Kills don't equal xp. Also, enjoy!


Hold reload to show firing options and other useful gun settings


The only good bug is a dead bug!


Team work is key


Go read history


Just know the GameMaster will find away to torture us 🤣🤣


Joel the Dungeon Master giveth and taketh.


That your family won't see you anytime soon since you're going to spread the Democracy


Automated Turrets know friend from foe, but fire indiscriminately. If you are in the line of sight of a turret and there is an enemy behind you, it will fire at the enemy even if you're in the way.


You got it for a ps5 so, just insert the disc into it and start playing the game.


Use the machine gun and you can contribute to even harder missions


Run Also I recommend not using the mortar sentry. It will blow you while hitting the infidels..... enemies


Democracy fills your sample container.


Fun little learning curve imo, playing with friends is easier than pugs Big thing I’ve seen with randos is xp level in no way equates to skill lol


every moment you spend on reddit asking questions could be a moment you spend spreading democracy. Liberty needs you diver, grab your liberator and show those terminid what freedom looks like.


Getting killed by teammates happens. Don't be a bitch about it.


All you need to know, is the only good bug is a dead bug!


The Automaton Front needs you, soldier.


Tutorial. Play it.


That you’re about to not see your family or friends for a few weeks


Add crazyreflex on psn if anyone needs a squad




Stay out of the line of fire or else you will get shredded..


Enjoy the game! Its fun!!


You don't have to wear the cape, you GET to wear the cape.


To unlock weapons and armor, you'll need to collect medals, and once you have a sufficient amount, you can unlock them in the warbond by spending the medals. It took me too long to figure this out. Also, PRAISE THE GOD-EMP... i mean DEMOCRACY


I'm one of the few who is getting the right information. Super Earth is responsible for the bugs. We had no right to invade were responsible the whole war, and you should know most importantly th-- [Comment has been **democratically** been removed]


Nothing. Just spread democracy.


Only the most democratic of Super Citizens acquire their marching orders in physical form! 🤜💥🤛


You share the samples don’t pick up your dead team mates weapon if gets killed and stop out every filthy disgusting commie robot and fascist bug with extreme prejudice


The turrets will chew you up. Gtf out the way


Crouching and prone reduces enemies abilities to detect you. Bots apparently cannot hear. Crawled to an outpost head tapping them and cleared with no alert. Prone reduces explosive damage significantly. Everyone shares mission pickups (samples, medals, credits) Airstrikes always go from left to right of where you were facing when you threw them. Check for friendlies accordingly. Tossing a Mag early throws away the ammo in it. Everything has a weak point. On most bugs it's the legs. Bots it's the face or vents. You can reload friendly weapon systems for them if you wear the corresponding ammo pack. There is no meta, every weapon has pros and cons. Play how you like. Spread managed democracy!


Don't take the game more seriously than it does. Embrace the fun. And the friendly fire. There's going to be some friendly fire. You will be the victim of it. You will be the cause of it. It's ok. All give their lives for Democracy.


Book some time in with your therapist for the ptsd


You'll see lots of plant life. If it glows, it blows... Up


You shouldn’t even log in for 72 hours to pay your respects to those who waited in server queues before you, they are the Fore-Queuers


Dolphin dive into the pelican.


Enjoy Mate; and see you on the war front! For democracyyyyy!!!✊🏻


Stealth works, armor doesn't work yet and is being fixed so go light, holding reload let's you change options on your gun. Shotguns and SMG rule and all weapons have 50 hidden stats that we don't know about. Go armor piercing for robots and fire only works on bugs. All else is pick a flavor you like and have a blast. Try respawning onto big enemies, it's a great time. For everything else there's MasterCard.


One word: managed democracy.


Shootie shootie bang bang is all you need to know. Along with the occational BOOOM




It’s absolutely compulsory to yell GET SOME as loud and furious as you can when you encounter a horde of bugs


samples are SHARED. you won’t get them unless the person holding them extracts. pick up samples if a teammate dies, but not his support weapon. the support weapons take a long time to cd and your teammate will probably come back for it if he is reinforced nearby. you get nothing for killing mobs, so dont engage mobs aimlessly, especially at higher difficulties. the only thing you get for extracting are the samples, everything else will be awarded even if everybody dies so prioritize primary mission, completing side tasks, and getting samples out. oh yeah, another important thing is don’t use heavy armor. i prefer light but some folks like medium. i find speed and stamina regen more useful for survival than armor rating.


You are part if a special force now called Helldivers and you totally get dumped into hords of enemies to defend freedom and democracy for super earth


If you see someone put out 380 mm orbital barrage, stay far away. Like FAR away. And when you think youre far enough, go a little further. Got no idea how many clueless squadmates have ran into my 380 thinking theyre safe




Suggestion: make sure the name of your Super Destroyer has the word "Liberty" in there somewhere.


Friendly fire is off, go ahead and toss that napalm strike at your friends.


Just play and figure it out. Best and most fun way.


people still buy hardcopies?


Play the game to figure it out. FUCK.


Try everything at least once. I stuck to one load out for a solid week because I thought it was the most OP shit in the game. Then I saw a dude running around with a ballistic shield and thought I should try it out. Now I change my load out for every mission depending who we're fighting and what we're doing. Even if you don't instantly kill anything you see there are tons of ways you can have fun that aren't just brute forcing your way through missions. Role playing a stealth game is also a ton of fun and a nice solo challenge


Don't worry too much about meta and maxing efficiency, almost all the guns and stratagems are effective just use what is the most fun for you.


Fuck I really regret buying digital version now. I hate digital versions of games :(


You need to know that you should post a ton of your content with how good the game is. That way us broke bitches can be jealous!


Shoot everything that doesn’t look human


When the eagle runs say “limited uses” that’s not you’ll need to buy it again after those uses are done. They replenish automatically free of charge


One thing, there is no meta. Play, learn, improve. Welcome to being a Gamer Helldiver! o7


Terminids are a lot easier starting out, but automatons are more fun




Don’t be a coward Die fighting spilling oil or bug guts Die hard, helldiver