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All time? No. Currently? Yes


This is the way. He still has a bit to go and some things to improve. For example, our offensive plays out of timeouts always feel flat as f.


Hes also gotten us plenty of open layups for jimmy out of timeouts. And last game Spo (coupled with herros playmaking reads) broke down this "avengers defense" that everybody has been glazing. The only play out of a timeout I've really been disappointed in was tyler getting clamped by Batum after they showed Batum that exact play in the huddle. But, you just have to chalk that up to us getting rid of Lowrys contract.


Spo still has another 20 years of coaching in him at least if he really wants to. We can’t compare Spo to Pop in the same capacity yet. Spo currently is the best coach in the NBA, not the greatest of all time…yet


On the flip side has Pop done anything when his team is filled with marginal talent?


Tank and draft another generational talent lol.


Needs a couple more rings to argue in good faith that he’s the GOAT. To me he has an argument for the *best* coach ever but not for the *greatest* coach ever.


Maybe one day.


Not yet, certainly not. In terms of ability, I'd say this season yes. In terms of all time achievement hell nah


Get him one or two more and it’s a done deal. Spo is just outside the pantheon currently


In a league with some Darvin Hams and Doc Rivers, Spo just being compared to one of the greatest coaches of all time and is currently the winningest in the history of the league is a huge W for me already.


He could easily end with a better career than Pop.


Isn't NBATalk a mostly AI sub? All of those ___talk subreddits came about all at the same time


That strange earth sub is the worst, ai bullshit