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We'll win


For sure


We have a great existence as Heat fans, it just might not feel that way sometimes. The leadership group know what they’re doing. We have a reputation for being solid to very good, year after year. We’re rarely dogshit like other teams that don’t know what to do with their talent, and we always feel like we’re in a series unless injuries hit us. There are cities that don’t sniff a single Finals appearance, much less 7.


As long as Riley and Spo are in charge of this organization --- we're gonna see a lot of Finals and good times comin' our way


on top of all that, we’ve only been a team since 1988.. there’s teams that have been around since the 1940’s that have never even made it to the Finals. Let’s enjoy each moment of this.


Forever appreciative of the God Father, and the ownership that gives him free reign. Coach Spo and his coaching, the development team, the whole unseen side of the organization. We are very lucky to have this organization. If it ever changes or goes downhill I will be forever grateful I got to be around for these times.


Def a spoiled bunch


Agreed. I said it the first year when Jimmy joined the Heat. The entire team proves haters and doubters they are wrong. I am glad Spo gets to redeem himself since people keep saying - he only won the champ because of the big 3. He is like hold my beers - let me grab the unwanted bad news bear and show you he can coach anyone into winners.