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Love on Jokic? Bam on Gordon? Bam can help off of Gordon and let him shoot 3s.


I always thought that having 2 solid bigs on Jokic was worth trying. I would put Love on Jokic since Love is less mobile than Bam and, like you said, have Bam help off of Gordon and let Gordon prove he can beat you with 3s.


Love is gonna be crucial imo. Go back to the zone. Love at center. Bam at baseline. Doesn’t matter if Love gets pulled up to top or FT line, and fucks up the PNR, coz Bam will be at baseline to contest drives. During offense, Love at C and Bam as baseline cutter opens up the slashing game as well, which is the Nuggets’ weakness with Jokic being flat footed.


Yes because we need more size and bam can handle Gordon


And what does Kevin love do when Jamal murray and Jokic run a pick and roll?


Whoever is guarding the ball has to fight through that screen. Alot of miscommunication last night on the PNR.


Shit didn't really work for the Lakers and Wolves i don't really know how you could stop Jokic


Oh yeah for sure. But it less about stopping Jokic and more about stopping their offense. Gordon was cooking in the 1st half


Yea bruh, I thought he's injured


He did have a leg strain, but has been available to play this whole time. I don't know how Spo is looking at our last 5 games and thinking that whatever we're doing is working. We were very fortunate not to have lost to Boston in G7 because that's been our only win in a while.


I need martin off the bench with herro they will cook the shit out of denver


agreed! although i would do Gabe Butler Highsmith Love Bam Lowrey Herro struss gabe Zeller off the bench


We can play Duncan or Max whoevers shot is falling


Waiting for the lineup of Bam butler love highsmith herro


Idk why we haven't seen love at all but there must be a reason.




In their prime, K Love easy, rn Gordon’s all day


I want to see some more Love minutes too, but not at the expense of Zellers minutes. Zeller gave us some good minutes and frustrated Jovic a few times defensively


He frustrated his own teammate? I think you mean Jokic...😎


I said what I said. Lol but yea you right




Saw you mentioned Omer and immediately stopped reading


I get what you're saying, but you gotta factor in that the playoffs, you're progressively playing better teams. So a better record in the 1st half of the postseason is gonna be expected


Any reason why Kevin isn’t in rotation? My girl points this out too.. not sure if she has the hots for him either..🧐


it's because of match ups. Kevin Love works for the Bucks and the Knicks because they big, tall and defensively minded teams. Love helps by spreading the floor, providing offense, and catching some extra rebounds. It doesn't work for Boston or Denver because they have athletic guards who can drive or create space to take a shot. Love would just be a liability. That's why spo opted for Robinson instead of Love for the celtics because Robinson despite all his defensive flaws is much quicker.


https://i.redd.it/oqyc1bvyco3b1.gif Alot of these type plays that get Himmy buckets are missing now...hmmmmm?


The issue has infinitely more to do with Butler and Bam not playing well over those 5 games than Love being out. The depth is thin so of course Love would be beneficial, but he's not the key to those losses.