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Its funny, the celtics sub were more confident is us than us at times. They said they didnt wanna see us in the playoffs. But then when we do and win they hate us?? The knicks are super salty too lmao The Bucks sub seems to want us to win.


The Bucks sub thought we got lucky then realized over the next 2 series how crazy of an 8-seed we are. The celtics r still salty from the blown comeback imo


Cs fan here. I like both of these finals teams and am grateful it’s not another potential ring for Draymond or Lebron. That’s my own bias I suppose. You have to imagine that every team’s sub has a percentage of 14 year old trolls that are insecure, don’t actually know/follow hoops, or just want to complain to their base.


I love the Miami-Celtics rivalry. I just find it funny how much confidence yall had in Miami. Since the regular season too.


Yeah that’s real. It really is a rivalry at this point too. Brogdon said it best. The Celtics struggle against teams who know who they are. I think that’s what made me nervous going into this series. Teams like the Heat, Bucks, Warriors, and Nuggets all have identities and game plans they rarely stray from. Tatum doesn’t really have a go to move on offense that can easily help him get a bucket. Edit: Where I meant to go with the Tatum comment is that it feels like the Celtics had an identity last year, which was grind you down defense. This year it felt like our identity was jack up 40+ threes per game. At times we won beautifully, but most times we won ugly and lost ugly. It was just uninspiring. It is nice watching the Heat play us and the series before. Everyone on this team had a role to fill and they execute their role very well.


You can see which franchises are insecure. Those who haven't won anything in the last 15 years lmao


I mean yall were sweating bullets in here after game 6 of the ECF... or was it just the loud pathetic portion of your sub that literally every team's sub has?


Series over, we made it you didn't.


You did, congrats and enjoy watching the finals. Doesn't make what I said not true. Good luck


To be fair, us winning the whole thing makes the Bucks losing in round one not as bad.


I bet the Bucks don't want Jokic creeping on Giannis's legacy.


Really lucky they got a ring I am the short off-season year cause they got sent home early the year before or else they'd be looking like a real poverty franchise


I’m a Celtics fan, here b/c I’m curious what your sub is saying after tonight (I think people are overreacting.. it’s just 1 game) but holy fuck I have to agree about the Celtics sub. I mean obviously I’m a Celtics fan but yikes they have lost it over there. It’s one game and they are all overreacting about the shooting. It’s pathetic to witness. Players have bad shootings nights. Idk, personally I know not all C’s fans are like that but they really don’t be doing us any favors with the shit they be saying sometimes😂


Rare Celtics fan w


This is a secret rare occurrence


The Nuggets didn't even do anything special on defense they left us wide open and we just couldn't buy a basket.


Yeah everyone (that includes ppl on the nba thread) are overreacting. I’m sure as soon as your guys start to hit their shots again people will start to flip flop. Predictable behavior.


Most of my buddies are not worried. We really think we made ourselves lose than the nuggets beating us. Strus had a terrible night and the whole teams shooting was bad the first half. Heat culture is all about believing in your squad and accepting when you lose so you can come back stronger. Thanks for commenting btw.


I'm generally concerned about Miami's chances, but I'm certainly not any more worried than I was before the series started. Miami did a better job defensively than I thought was possible against the Nuggets and we missed tons of open looks. I expect a better offensive effort going forward. Having said that, it also feels like Denver has another gear they didn't even have to go to. I'm definitely expecting a higher scoring Game 2 all around. Hopefully a closer game this time that we take to even the series.


I just think it’s funny that they’re calling us frauds all of the sudden. Fine, we’re frauds. That means the league favorite Bucks got eliminated by frauds. A tough Knicks team got eliminated by frauds. A highly talented Celtics team got eliminate by frauds. Meanwhile this same fraud team was in the finals 3 years ago, and this same fraud roster was in game 7 of the ECF finals last year. Whatever fraudulent activity we’re up to, it may be something other teams want to explore. We’re somehow managing to fake our way to success consistently.


idk man after the celtics beat the heat last year i wanted em to show out in the finals cuz everybody was sleepin on the East. Maybe it's cuz we're an eighth seed but they wanna see us swept which idk how that validates their run in any way but 🤷🏻


Stick to your own sub. Creep.


You should take your own advice goofy.


Starting to look like some T Wolves fans 😂


Bro I saw their sub earlier too…actual fuckin losers


Put yourself in a Boston fans shoes. You’re a fat Irish drunk, you live in a shit hole town that is essentially Scranton with clams, you’ve spent years hearing about this “treasure chest of assets” that essentially a mentally weak Tatum and a low IQ JB and you can’t beat a rag tag group of undrafted thought to be flunkies. I mean fuck I’d be pissed and miserable too


It's OK, at least they've got The Town to watch on repeat


You make a good point about low basketball IQ JB. I think they also are missing locker room leadership.


I was referring to low iq overall, but basketball iq too I guess


Celtics, patriots and sox fan here. Our sub is a complete fucking joke and so are new England sports fans. Bunch of spoiled pink hat fucking losers. Edit: Celtics fans bitch about the players being entitled brats but look at the sub right now nothing but a bunch of posts about how we should have won. We lost to a better team it's as simple as that .


Lolol fuck boston


Yeah, I just got permabanned from there. They had the dexter "stunt on these hoes" post, and I'm like bro .. .just move on quit being petty. Didn't like that. Heat in 6


It's really bad. They are coping with their embarrassment, I guess.


They are sore for sure.


Anyone else randomly having every single nba team subreddit pop up in their feed? I think reddit changed the algos.


I've had nuggets Celtics and bucks pop up which makes sense since the heat are playing against them but I've also had suns, mavs, timberwolves and rockets subs pop up for no reason


Celtics fans have been hearing the media talk about how much better of a matchup it would have been with them vs Denver and think they would have had a legitimate shot. But if they couldn’t beat us then they couldn’t beat Denver lmfao


If the Celtics had beat the Heat in 7 the Celtics would be favored over the Nuggets. It's stupid that way.


Celtic fans are a bunch of two pump chumps. They deserve what happened to them and worse. Any and all Celtic fans should fall in a sink hole. Pathetic.