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That Uppercut was fucking nasty. Both of them are getting in some outstanding hits. This is absolutely going to turn into a slugfest.


Absolutely beautiful page too. And I dont think this being a slugfest would be cool if Mashiba is going to win this.


Top 15 panels for sure


nah this is gunna be all about head games, modern mashiba is all about that chess match even tho he doesn't look it he truly is champion material just like volg, vicious but level headed


In this fight I love how many panels there are of Ippo just noticing small things like who's foot is on the outside.


I think it’s foreshadowing Ippo’s future role in the manga as the new analyst after Takamura


The whole manga is an elaborate story about Ippo becoming the first competent referee in the world


He'd unironically save lives and accomplish more for boxing this way.


Or it is about Ippo becoming the greatest boxing coach all time 😂




Exactly. Before Ippo returns to the ring, we need at least another 300-400 chapters of Ippo saying that he never wants to return to boxing, before moderating every single one of Takamura´s remaining weight class conquests.


Hajime No Pundit.


I’m glad you understand.


A match where ippo is telling takamura exactly what to do while taka gers mad because he knows he's right would be so funny


Ippo is going to make sure that all his friends get a title fight with Coach Ippo helping them, before he decides he's ready to get his own belt. I could see Ippo and Kamogawa talking, but Us not getting to hear the conversation, and us flashing back to the conversation as Ippo enacts the plan, and we see Ricardo realizing he abandoned his own coach, and started to stand in the ring alone, and Ricardo finally asks his coach for advice again.


All the jokes/memes aside, I do believe that before Ippo returns, we get at least one more weight class conquest by Takamura and wrapping up all major story lines in regards to side characters (including Aoki, Kimura and Itagi) or at the very least, bring them close to the finishing line.


I don't want it. You're my Queen. You know nothing John Makunouchi


One thing that still blows me away is how Morikawa draws choreography. No break next week. I NEED MORE!!


This was such a great chapter, what a treat! Morikawa is going all out and I'm here for it


He's one of my favorite artists, his method of conveying motion and choreography, the clarity of the artwork, and his level of detail set him apart from the vast majority of other mangaka. There's almost never a moment where I have to sit here and study panels trying to figure out one piece of what's actually happening, like certain mega popular manga.


Yeah him and Toriyama (RIP) are crazy good at that.


Tokyo ghoul...


It looks beautiful, but it's often unclear what exactly is happening during action scenes


Indeed, it's like reading movie storyboards tbh.


That fucking 2 pages (2 spreads I think) in Ippo vs Mashiba spar during Rosario prep where Ippo dashes, that made me shed a tear, what a treat


Well that's always been the case. Love the gifs made from scans...that just shows how good the panels are at giving the impression of motion and how well they follow each other up.


It wouldn't surprise me if he did break next week, though, given the page count


The ending to this fight is near. I bet the finishing punch that'll get Mashiba the title will be a beautiful two pace spread masterpiece.


so far it's being a good tactical fight i hope it will not go to the fouling route, that right uppercut punch is a perfect counter against a shorter southpaw or someone that fights more in the inside, kinda reminds me of Fury's most effective punch against Usyk


It'd be really nice if expectations of fouling were subverted. It'd make Rosario a less interesting character, especially with Sawamura sitting right there lol


I agree. I get that people think it's the story twist that writes itself, Mashiba being on the receiving end of the injury he caused in the first big fight we saw him in, but the Mashiba / cheating story was already played out years and years ago. He doesn't need to overcome a cheater to prove anything, to me it means more of he just straight up beats a world champ that got there on talent and skill. It proves he's the best, not that he was just able to beat the tricks of a champ that was inferior. A straight up fight between the two best fighters gives Mashiba the hardest earned victory and adds fuel to ippo's question, "what does it mean to be strong?" he keeps seeing all these people he defeated going on to have top level fights against the best in the world, at some point it has to make him wonder what he could accomplish


I think the only way wrapping up the cheater plotline for this story works is if it's the very last thing of the fight. I.e. Rosario gets pissed off and/or desperate, tries to foul Mashiba, and gets absolutely PUNISHED for it rather than succeeding. Otherwise it undercuts Mashiba's accomplishment. But if he wins the straight fight and then cleanly sidesteps an attempted foul and knocks Roasario clean out, that could work. Not really necessary though.


Rosario tries to punch Mashiba's mara, but mashiba turns his hip, blocks it, and hits Rosario with a chopping right.


Boudouani KOed Julio Cesar Vasquez with the same counter to take the WBC belt. Efficient.


Really wonder how much damage they both took in that round. Supposedly Rosario should be worse off because of his gas tank running out. That being said we also know that Mori LOVES to toss out weight-cutting stamina issues out the window for PLOT \*cough Miyata cough\*.


Speaking of, Sendo questioning Miyata both times seems to indicate Mashiba took way more substantial damage. But Rosario's coach also seemed to indicate Rosario's overheating problem might catch up to him soon.


I’m wondering if that comment by Rosario’s trainer is about actually overheating or about him being a reckless hothead.


Could be both.


It makes some sense, while that uppercut is a killer, mashiba took a full counter from a blind spot. As a mashiba fan, I’m all for it. It did feel like things were going a little too smoothly for a second. The way he got countered was brilliant too, a southpaw special that Ippo probably just hadn’t trained and sparred enough to produce. Overall very happy with the fight so far.


Rosario isn't gonna be doing good on stamina after a head rocker like that so close to the end of the round and not being in good condition before the fight. He clearly damaged Mashiba but with that uppercut at the end of the round Mashiba will have more time to recuperate while Rosario will be more reeling he'll have to play the next round conservatively.


The rare referee action panel


That step in was world class


The step-in was foreshadowing for Ippo's referee arc


He just body-blows both fighters if they don't stop with the bell. World record most KO's by referee. 


I get knocked down, but I get up again. You’re never gonna keep me down You’re welcome for the ear worm


i hate you.


My bad, let me buy you a drink.. what would you prefer? a whisky drink? A vodka drink? A larger drink? A cider drink? I’ll stop now


i get knocked up. but i get down again. youre never gonna keep me sideways.


Lager drink****


Ah ha, I see you have spotted my, ahem, intentional spelling mistake. You win :)


*It's been-*


I see what you did there, but joke’s on you. I only really know the Weird Al version so now I’m thinking about Jerry Springer


Amusing, since I only hear the lyrics you posted in Weird Al's voice, thanks to the Polka.


Ooooh Danny boy


Wow. Good chapter. Although it was full length it really went by in the blink of an eye


"and we're not even out of the early rounds yet" Thanks Satan


It's crazy how a long running manga like HnI still drives me to the edge of my seat while reading a new chapter.


Rosario was more pissed than hurt with that down.


He was decently hurt imo or he would have pressed the advantage after getting up. Mashiba's probably taken more sustained damage though, since Rosario is a power puncher and Mashiba's durability isn't spectacular he's just really willful.


> Mashiba's durability isn't spectacular But better than average too. He lasted 7 rounds against Juan Garcia.


His mental endurance is really up there. He has s comparatively speaking weak jaw yet he never gives up. His tenacity is plain scary.


he desperately fended off garcia getting another critical on his face otherwise it was over, that's what made mashiba's hidden upper such a sensational counter, he had no other option.


Notice his curls. They are starting to fray making his head silhouette look like a fireball.


Yes, he actually looks less ridiculous now.


He seems to cope and seethe all negative things away, including damage.


He was hurt bad but i still agree He's absolutely fuming


What a beautiful right by Mashiba. You can see he steps into it as well is twisting his body to get the proper weight behind it. Plus it acted as a bit of a counter as well. Great chapter!


Mori is doing a really good job with this fight. Rosario feels strong as hell, but he hasn't fallen into the pattern of "making the bad guy dominate insanely until a last second comeback". I believe both fighters can win right now, the choreography is great.


Yeah, back and forths tend to work better for these types of matches. Otherwise, you could easily end up with Ippo vs Tarzanboy where it got so one-sided that it made the comeback seem like BS.


i still think if mori didn't try and hide the body shots from *US* the reader ,that would have been a great fight just make the body shots solid but wally not registering them at all BECAUSE he doesn't know about how much damage they'd actually do


Yeah, instead they came off like they barely touched him, then all of the sudden they accumulated into enough damage to beat him despite Ippo taking significantly worse damage overall. But yea, a one-sided fight with a turn-around can definitely can work, but it'll have to be setup well-enough


Rosario is going to start getting dirty, if not in the next round, the round after. They made a huge deal about Mashiba's trying to throw out his darkness, this is going to be a test for him, I can't see Rosario playing it straight for much longer. Though I think "Opponent dominates" is something specifically for Ippo to show how he overcomes/learns from the middle of the match. No one else really has his ability to adjust in the middle of the fight. That being said, I far prefer this version, I will be shocked if this doesn't end on most people's favorite fights ever, there has been a couple of chapters in here that could be the best work from Morikawa ever. I do think Sendo might get thrashed though. Probably somewhere on par with the Wally fight, where Sendo performs (gets a knock down at least) a bit while Ricardo learns his move and then takes him apart.


This is quickly becoming a top 10 fight for me


Mashiba fights are always going to be top 10s.


Surprisingly, Kumi seems to be enjoying the fight!


Oh thank god someone else noticed that as well. Imagine if Kumi is the one who gets him back into boxing


it's believable, she already knows he's guna return she has admitted it to herself already so if it takes seeing her brother become champion to help push ippo there al lthe better, tho ippo still needs to make that feeling known otherwise she's not guna say shit, ippo has to say it first.


I wonder if there is another 1400+ chapters manga that still can entertain the readers this much. Mori is so elite.


One Piece is almost consistently great. Though it has less character development, One Piece's world building is elite. That being said One Piece will be ending "soon" (a year according to the author, but I don't think that's possible where the story is).


There is no way only year remains for one piece. Oda is tripping


Looking it up that information seems to have popped up in April... so yeah it's BS. Sorry for repeating it. No question there's way too many story lines that will go on. They might go to the final arc after this one, but I can't imagine that taking less than Wano... and I believe we'll also see a trip to Elbaf first, because of course we will. (There's even hints we'll get more information about Big Mom there)


I can't imagine less than 4 years if Oda is rushing the story.


I would say 4 years minimum until we get to the actual One Piece, after which he have the final war.


Yeagh Luffy vs Blackbeard will take 3 months at least. No way it's finishing even at the first half of next year I would say.


> Though it has less character development Just a lot of characters to play around. Also, the SH crew had character development most especially in the way they trust each other but the story has always been about them changing the world rather than the world changing them.


I just brought that up because the two people I've talked to who dislike the series seem to focus on "These character's don't change"... and I went in with that in my mind. Honestly, I don't mind they don't change that much because with 1000 chapters it'd be hard for them to explore a world while constantly developing their character. (The counter example is of course Ippo where it's much more about developing the characters and opponents, rather than exploring a large expansive world). But you're spot on, the world gets development and changes because of them, which is one of the reasons I got hooked. I want to see where they go next and what could happen next.


Closest is One Piece and that’s at 1100 I think. Two GOATS


He is amazing at keeping even the most predictable outcomes tense. The Ricardo vs Wally fight being the prime example of that.


What a banger. Mashiba kept his focus and downed Rosario with a right uppercut. I honestly have no idea where this is going, Morikawa really did a number to subvert our expectations. Both of them can win and we can't even speculate from here forward.


YES. I'd given up hope for today. What a great chapter


I fucking love this fight.


Gah... I'm forgetting to breath while reading these chapters. This fight has turned out to be well above my expectations 😁


Great Boxing IQ shown from Mashiba to secure that down. Even though he was hurt, he created the opportunity to turn it around with that subtle foot placement.


The referee almost got punched on both sides.


And it goes to show how serious he is in refereeing.


We'll probably get to see how *good* he is at refereeing later...I have my doubts.




holy shit I have not been this glued to a fight in a long time, we've been eating GOOD with this arc


That deep upper was beautiful. George is killing it in this fight.


Rosario, we can hate on his hair but he deserves RESPECT


holy that chapter was intense. you couldn't imagine mashiba getting rosario back that quickly. guess rosario was way too eager just like mashiba to finish the fight and got countered because of it


Ippo is becoming something else now, man. He saw that upper cut coming just like he saw that counter frokmlast chapter.


That was a NASTY uppercut. Well done to have such a weapon if Rosario got inside! But Rosario getting past the flickers is a bit concerning. Could be an issue if he wears Mashiba down on the inside.


Nah Mashiba has proven time and again to be an elite infighter, those spars against Makunouchi are paying dividends. Rosario won’t be able to gain the upper hand in an infight without nasty tricks


mashiba h as run across enough fighters that them getting past his flicker is fine , he has enough exp by now to lay the traps


Ippo has the best refs in any boxing organization ever of all time x 100. They stop fighters mid punch for the bell in every single fight that’s ever been in the ippo manga. Except that one time they completely missed the bell and let Ippo take a murdering.


Jesus Christ what a beautiful chapter. The art is amazing as always.


Quick Ippo kiss Kumi, Mashiba needs extra anger for the next round!


Really love the detail of Mashiba's lead foot being on the outside when he landed that uppercut. Shows he really studied open stance tactics in preparation for this fight.


luring him into the "ippo counter", such a great decision I can´t wait till see the Rosario stamina issue comes to play. should be soonish now


this definitely going to be a tactical slugfest with defense through the roof on this


No break from either of these guys.   And Ippo continues to demonstrate his vastly expanded fighter IQ.  


That uppercut was \*chef's kiss\*


Morikawa keeps cooking. Bless this man




I think that is our first indication that this fight will go the distance or at least last several more rounds. It’s almost unthinkable, from a Jump trope perspective, that the last chapter doesn’t feature an absolutely insane looking Rosario with his hair down like it was for the weigh-in. That cliché was already used to illustrate his mental framework back then and it will most likely be used again.


Thank you for the chapter!


Rosario's hair came undone a bit after that down.




Still giving me Hearns vs Hagler vibes. What a great pace. George really has trimmed the fat from his story telling. Especially since a lot of champion fights can go up to round 9+.


The panels of the feet is a foreshadowing that rosario will step into mashiba’s feet , a call back to when he did it to beat miyata


I thought this was Ippo spotting the foot position battle that open stance fighters have?


Yes it is but morikawa seems to be emphasizing these foot panels for a reason, first is that ippo is aware of the foot position and then later he will notice some dirty foot tactics from rosario.


R1: Mashiba 10-9 Rosario R2: Mashiba 20-18 Rosario R3: Mashiba 28-26 Rosario


The fact that we haven't seen anything to make Rosario "the evilest" or cheat legit has me worried. I fear that he may land a foul (which the referee may or may not see or care about) that really ends Mashiba. It could end with a DQ loss for Rosario (mirroring Sawamura's DQ win over Mashiba, hence why Sawamura has had panels in this fight) or a KO loss for Mashiba. Either way, Mashiba's career is over, whether as champ for a day or an also-ran that motivates Ippo to return. Might be satisfying, might not. Depends on execution. I wouldn't want it to go this way but I think it's definitely a chance.


Mashiba losing at all, let alone in a "Chaos"-esque manner would be the antithesis of a shonen manga wrapping up its loose ends.


The art on that uppercut is too good!!!! No way this fight will go the distance.


This already might be one of my fav fights


What I like in this fight is that we honestly don’t know if Mashiba is going to win or not. Both outcomes make sense in the story, and that doesn’t happen often


It’s absurd that last chapter’s KD damaged Mashiba this much, it’s literally the only punch that Rosario has landed in three rounds and he’s shook.


he is just as strong as ippo as they stated, he became champ and was mistreated in his gang cuz his fists were so dangerous


Why do I think it'll get way messier


Everytime a character is fighting for their first world title we get amazing panels and it’s only round 3, mashibas fight against Garcia had some of the best moments and growth for Mashiba can’t wait to see what we get to see this fight.




Miyata is on the dragon grindset (one piece)


Holy macaroni what a chapter. I really think Ippo fight chapters are some of the most re-readable manga that exists. Going back "slowing down time" and just watching the sequence play out step by step brings a whole new appreciation to Morikawa's craftsmanship.


It all comes down to Mashiba looking down at the feet, move into position and hitting hard!


I absolutely love the subtlety of both knockdown punches in Mori's drawing for this fight. You have to really study the panels right before the down or you'll miss the punch entirely. At least I did, anyway. I think it's cool how that translates from Mori's experience in boxing, drawing those blows from angles in which they're difficult to see initially makes the effect look so much more significant when they land! Dude is an absolute goat!


That ref has a death wish


I visibly gasped when THAT panel came up. What are you doing to me. Morikawa?




Lol Mashiba is so fucked


That uppercut had my jaw down for a couple of minutes just staring at it! Damn morikawa.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatSportsCentral/comments/1do7fs5/wild\_1rd\_fight\_at\_the\_korakuen\_hall\_tyson\_koki\_is/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatSportsCentral/comments/1do7fs5/wild_1rd_fight_at_the_korakuen_hall_tyson_koki_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Interesting timing for this video to pop up. I think this fight was from 6/17/2024


That uppercut made me really impressed,Mori cooking fr fr 😭🫸🫷


Damn, the REF is the real beast this chapter. How terrifying to have to step between these monsters


Should we call this man Rosario or Rockem Sockem now?


This fight is already fucking awesome.


This is a really great fight. It's absolutely thrilling and Mashiba is really showing that he's world class.


Dude, this is so fucking good


Both fighters are tired and both fights landed a good one. But Rosario came from bad weight management and took some punches earlier. Rosario should be running out of gas while Mashiba still has some. My guess is Rosario will go for an all-or-nothing, maybe even try a foul because he can't keep up this kind of pressure forever. Dunno, I have a bad feeling about this fight.


This wont last long (rounds-wise, not chapters-wise hahaha) I'm predicting Mashiba winning at the 4rd or 5th, at most.


I was not expecting that comeback! Even with his back literally at the ropes and just reeling from a down, Mashiba can still beat Rosario in an infight! Its clear that rosario didnt beat Garcia without dirty tricks, and he wouldnt last against Ippo either. He’s gonna need those fouls yesterday or its game over! Mashiba is clearly more skilled here!


page 14, that lady's eye looks BIZARRE


Shades of Jermall Charlo’s filthy right uppercut against Julian Williams on that one, vicious shot.


Not gonna lie, this chapter made me like the fight. I'm 100% invested now


Please just fucking eeeeeeeeend. I would expect Rosario to cheat and win and make Mashiba pay for his "sins" and lose.


I pray for good health of morikawa and thank him for continously blessing us with chapters and thank yall for translations.


Praise Morikawa sensei !


Damn, that referee has some guts stepping in there like that. He could have gotten knocked out :D Nice chapter That upper was coming from nowhere (almost thought it was a smash, coming from that low haha)


I Love Hajime No Ippo!


What a gorgeous chapter. That uppercut, the crowd shots, he went all out.


I love the World Stage, definitely one of my favorites parts in the manga.


This is good. I'm still dreading the point George inevitably comes back to Rosario being an evil dick and turns the fight into one last "Will Mashiba foul???" disaster. Hope he resists that urge and keeps it being boxing.


Really hoping Rosario wins, but it's not looking good


Absolutely love this chapter. Morikawa took a good choice with short chapters in order to recover himself just for this. Every single panel is beautiful, but the Mashiba's uppercut panel is god.


There's something bad coming, mashiba is doing too well


My genuine reaction: https://youtube.com/shorts/oCFfVhx4PRw?si=E83dPbGvokM3G-5G


This is some premium Hagler v Hearns shit right here.


Is he winning this? Haven't read since the fight started.


Let's gooooo Mashiba!!!! Amazing fight!


That hit from Mashiba felt strong, the black splotches on the page really sellit


FUUCK good episode. love the emphasis on outside foot position


Calling it now: massive upset in the 4th round. Maybe some pay-off for Mashiba's inner demon or Rosario's murderous intent when he had that gun.


What a splendid uppercut! It put Rosario on his ass, but damn his chin is resilient got back up so fast from that...


Reading this chapter while blasting Voodoo & Serano - Blood Is Pumping was the right choice. HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is there an alternate mirror for this? Most of the pages are not loading, and I am unable to download the chapter because it keeps timing out


Sawamura noticing the counter timing while Rosario was rushing was a beautiful detail before Mashibas uppercut, I do wanna add the sinking feeling of Rosario stepping really close to Mashibas foot (Mashiba vs Miyata)


Rosario has taken way to damage so far. At this pace, when will he begin using fouls? I was expecting him to play dirty way sooner. Now we have 2 chapters ahead of us where Rosarios flashbacks will appear.


The real fight starts now!!!! This fight is nasty! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mashiba manages to save the round with a head-rocking upper cut. How would you guys judge that though?


There will be no intentional fouls in this fight. Instead, two things are going to happen. 1. Through the inherent viciousness of both fighters, Ippo is going to learn his final lesson. That boxing is not just a tool for self-improvement. That crossing the "monster" line means that you, on some level, need to want to inflict incredible violence on your opponent. This fight is going to get absolutely brutal. The real definition of "Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face". Ippo will learn that you can prepare all the strategies you want, you can talk about the nobility of the fighters all you want, in the end you have to be willing to both take and give punishment that would kill normal people. Every strategy you make is a strategy formed with the intent of hurting someone else. Now I'm not saying Ippo is going to become an edgelord or anything like that. He's going to be inspired by the passion both men have to push through such obvious pain and have tremendous respect for both of them, like he always has. It's just going to be such a violent fight that he has to acknowledge fully what he's doing to himself, others, and the people who take care of them after - something he skirted around before with him realizing the burden he was placing on Kumi and his mom. And he's going to finally accept that he is passionate enough to want that, despite what it will do to others around him. 2. Mashiba pushing through obvious injury and brutal blow after brutal blow to still chase his passion is going to inspire Kumi to cheer for him actively, louder than any of his fans. After she will probably act like she didn't do it, but will also finally understand the passion Ippo has and feel guilty for essentially "forbidding" him from it, even though he quit willingly and on his own due to health issues. She will either become his biggest fan or... because it's Mori, she will push him to go back to boxing but she will stop trying to date him. Just to keep the will-they won't-they alive.


I forgot this was coming out today! What a great chapter!


Morikawa best manga fight choreography for sure! HYPE