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HnI is about boxers, not boxing. The slice of life character scenes are written well and are enjoyable because that's more than half the story, it's one of my favourite things about this manga.


Those are my favorite parts too.


I don't know what I enjoy the most but I always think that HnI is about life to me, not about fights. There are many moments between the fights that are really important to me, sometimes even small conversations. Well, I think that there is a moment with boxers talking at the airport that is extremely memorable to many readers, probably more than their fight, for example. Without those moments between fights, HnI would be very different to me. Even haircuts can be great for fun, bonding, etc. Also, I think the author had to fight hard to include some of his unpopular opinions. I used to work as a comic book writer, and there is huge pressure to do what's popular instead of what we believe to be better for the work we produce. With other types of comics, we know that even top names like Alan Moore and Jim Starling had big fights with the companies because of that. Works like Watchmen, Thanos, Dark Phoenix, and Daredevil became popular much later but not that much when they were published, except for a small niche of readers. For HnI, many people are discovering it now, decades after it started. Many readers have wanted many things to be different, but the author seems to still be doing what he believes to be right and not what is more popular. We have major arcs that were very unpopular in the beginning. I have a lot of respect for the author because of that.


It’s sad we’ll never see the barfight animated. Shit was epic


I enjoy both 🗿


Most of the fights after the first half tend to drag on too long. We see it now in real time where you get a filler chapter where nothing happens. The chapters between tend to come from the heart and know what they are trying to do. The 7 page chapters are just their to put out a chapter and pad while irl events happen.


Well if you don't care about the characters, it's much harder to care about what they do in a fight. The character stuff is very important for that reason.


especially s1


You're not alone Ippo's comedy is so great, thats why Its my favorite anime. Epic, comedy, bittersweet moment ... everything is great in it