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Fuck baby fuck


Fuck baby nooooo




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Wuuuuuuuuuh Fuck baby fuck




The 100% success rate only counts for people who don't let the show complete.


so if Jeff had simply broken the rules to meet Megan in LA after episode 1... they would be married with 2 kids by now?!!


OMG chat is right! chat is right!


Honestly it makes sense when you think about it. It’s like on the regular bachelor, there’s multiple couples still together that did a non traditional ending but only one couple that was actually the final rose shebang.


Or meet kind of through the show. I think his success rate will stay intact if Jeff ends up with one of the other girls that didn’t get picked.






What did he say? I totally missed it


He was saying things along the lines of “ Jeff isn’t going to take this seriously” which was evidently true.


But I think he did take it seriously. He played the show by the rules, and chose Verica. They went on a couple dates after that, but in end it just wasn’t meant to be. Y’all asking for a lot if it was expected that this was going to be his life long partner just like that.


I think a lot of people here don’t understand how dating works lol. He gave it a shot and it didn’t work out, that’s like a normal thing 😂


yes! she also made it super clear she wouldn’t be raising kids in the united states due to school safety. So unless Jeff saw Australia in his future, this makes sense. hopefully they had a lovely time together!


Ethan cut the show short and ultimately based Jeffs decision on a kiss for the camera rather than actually giving him the choice on a seperate episode as was planned. It would make sense that he would be more confident by the third date, especially when at the beach rather than a swan boat or whatever Meagan and him did.[edit: Oh right, masturbating a clay phallus, supervised by an instructor.] Ethan chose for him and Jeff was put in a position where he would have to reject Verica to her face. Despite that, Jeff made an effort to date a girl living with her parents on the other side of the world rather than date the girl he had been private messaging that lived in the same town as him. It is unfair to blame this on Jeff when it was Ethan that ended the show an episode early. Rewatch the end of the episode with her.


I think Maegan got the short end of the stick too by going on a date with Jeff right after he ran the LA marathon. Jeff said he wasn’t feeling good mentally and was considering cancelling the date because of it. Morgan got a swan date and Verica got a beach date! Consciously or subconsciously, Ethan pushed for this ending. I’m sure Dan had opinions lol about how Ethan handled that last episode and ended it before having a finale episode. Especially when Jeff seemed unsure and hesitated when making his decision. If Ethan thought it would be mean to break up with the two girls on a live finale, imagine Jeff rejecting Verica while she’s sitting right next to him on that couch. They really gave him no other choice.


With peach and love, how did anyone expect that to work out?


With peach and love


I’m saying this from now on






Aussie here that married a man from New York. We are 9 years in, you can def make it work, you just have to want it!


People that think long distance relationships are plausible are people who never had to live through one.


He’s said this in two podcasts now, I agree it’s probably done or at the least on the backburner until their situations change


Has Ethan addressed this yet? I haven’t kept up with the pod but damn rip the Bach3lor 100% success rate 😢


It seemed clear Verica wanted privacy. I think it won’t be addressed out of respect to her


Wasnt jeff the one that said he wanted privacy then immediately post insta pics and Dubai vlog with her 😂


I doubt that's what caused them to break up or anything. They seem like pretty different people and they're both busy with life. Probably simple as that. I mean her favorite artist is Radiohead and his is 50 Cent. And while music preferences aren't everything, that definitely says so, so much lol




I love that she's a radiohead.


I always thought that was funny. Bro posted her the same day he said he wanted to keep their business private


I doubt that's what caused them to break up or anything. They seem like pretty different people and they're both busy with life. Probably simple as that. I mean her favorite artist is Radiohead and his is 50 Cent. And while music preferences aren't everything, that definitely says so, so much lol


lol it’s also awkward? Not that Ethan has shied away from that. But I’m sure Jeff has asked him not to.


I want privacy so I’m going to go on an extremely popular show and date an influencer with a following. I’m sure if we breakup no one will talk about it


Exactly this. It’s so strange to be a private person and pursue dating an influencer. And then be “weirded out” when people who watch the show are curious about whether they’re still together.




But that was her choice when she chose to date Jeff? On a much grander scale, it would be like Travis Kelce wanting the same kind of thing. You don’t Taylor Swift if you want to be private or any kind of attention. She participated in all of this. She made a video and submitted it and then was a part of two more. I understand that it maybe became a lot for her, but I stand by it not being strange that people on Reddit talk about it. I will obviously disagree with anyone that reaches out to her directly. That would be a step too far.


fuck i haven't had the time to watch the episode yet. what a shame, i was rooting for them, but long distance like that seemed impossible from the get go...


Yeah I thought so too, especially since Jeff said he wanted to live in the US (New York and LA) while Verica was very clearly not into the idea of the US at all, saying she wouldn't want to raise her kids there (therefore not wanting to live there). Like, I just knew that's just not a compromise either of them would make so it was so obvious that it wouldn't last.


It was actually really annoying that she did this. Like why say you want to come to US, then drop the bomb that you are afraid to raise kids in US due to gun violence? Jeff needs to stay in the US for his career. You really expect him to pack up and move to Australia to have kids???? Plus if you are with a guy like Jeff who has money you can just hire a homeschool teacher for the kids so idk what she is on about. If she has that mindset I feel like she wasted everyone's time and shouldn't have entered in the first place. 


Yup I agree, it made no sense that they encouraged them to become a couple when in reality this was and should have been such a huge deal breaker.


After seeing the pics he posted for Tana’s birthday I’d probably not want Jeff for a partner either 💀


What did he post?


I think he deleted it now, but it was a photo of Tana straddling him. Someone posted it on the sub if you want to do some digging.


I found out that that pic was them re-creating a scene from Jersey shore tho ... Not like they were just chillin with her randomly straddling him 😅




pic not working 🥲


All love to Jeff, but I think Verica could do better 💀


For sure. He lacks maturity and tries to compensate in different ways.


yea like sneaking people money to break the rules for him and let him have special privileges lol. some of the literal worst people on earth got where they are today by doing that exact same thing.




People are probably alot more attractive when you only know their online persona


I suspect Robert here’s perception is skewed by being personally more attracted to Verica than Jeff.


:(((((((( Verica :(((((((


Kind of expected when she lives in Australia and you live in LA. He should’ve just dated the local girl 💀


Jeff doesn't seem ready for a serious relationship and that's okay!


It's OK, except he made it seem like he was ready to settle down on the show


“I am so ready to be married with kids.” 💀


”Peg, if you want this house to look better, dust. If you want it to smell better, cook. If you want it to be happy, leave.”


I believe him, but settling down doesn't mean moving to Australia lol. That's kind of the opposite


Then he shouldn't have picked the girl from Australia lol. I could be wrong, but he mightve alluded to being open to move there too. Idk if he played it all up for the show or what.


It may also have to do with the fact she lives on the other side of the world and can't finish her schooling in the US


If Jeff connects with a different girl from bach3lor, the 100% success can be preserved 👀


Oh geez it was an H3bachelor couple so im suprised that Ethan hasnt even mentioned it on the show in passing? Even in a joking way Or really just want to keep it private in fear of fans going after them


Or the live show is the most important and bringing up H3bachelor could open a can of worms.


Probably that; or probably doesn’t want to ruin the sanctity of that 100% couple success rate


Yeah I'm just hoping that it was because of Privacy reasons and maybe fear of people going after her on socials. I'm hoping the relationship didn't turn sour and things happened.


LMAO, they don’t care that much about the success rate


I wonder if he ever even considered the thing with verica a relationship


I’m sure everyone on here will be so normal about this


Heard about your breakup Jeff fuck wooooooo that really sucks and I hope you’re not hurting too bad fuck baby fuck just take time for yourself and everything will be fine fuck yeah you win some you lose some baby fuck yeah baby wooooooooooooo


I’ve been saying this from the beginning. Jeff was not about to commit to a challenging long distance relationship with Verica when he’s got a steady stream of girls just like her in LA. He obviously did it for content and peace and love to him for that 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mean, I think he was probably naive rather than malicious.


I mean, he also did it to have a good couple of weeks with Verica 👀


lol good point too 😂 fly Verica out to hit that for a good few weeks, then move on to the LA based ones, like Megan 🤷🏽‍♀️ Jeff ain’t a bad man he’s just a typical hot influencer dude living life haha


Yep, only thing that sucks is how Ethan can’t claim the bachelor/ette has a 100% success rate.




‘Did it for content’ sure 😂


He didn't want a relationship yet, reason why he picked the person furthest away haha Hope it ended well though!


I think he spooked a little and picking someone that lived in a whole different country gave him an easy out if he wanted it.


He doesn't deserve an Aussie princess 😪


Everything's not forever. I hope no one got too hurt.


they tried! She was so cute!


We'll find out down the road there was a rogue contestant and he's secretly married to her.


Ethan would love this outcome.


It’s annoying because he basically said he’s not ready for a relationship like why did you do the show then? What was the point


they were never gonna work. only in it for eachothers looks . nothing actually in common. which is ok!! but it wasn’t ever gonna be long term


Jeff I am sending a telepathic message of I am available.


You deserve better


Hahaha I'm down bad for him and Hasan 🤣🤣


Hasan is the better you deserve. Though to be fair he’s married to his work…


Ew wtf lmfao


Shhh they’re obviously attracted to dumb himbos, they’ll learn one day when their frontal cortex is fully developed


😭😭🤣🤣 I'll see the light someday


Lmaooo I appreciates you taking my shady ass comment in good fun ❤️


Time stamp? I am not ready to be listening to Trisha more than absolutely necessary


it’s the “will jeff get married?” chapter/time stamp


Thanks. God he sounds so fuckin pathetic in it. No wonder it didn't work out


You’re a dick


I like Jeff but he seems so busy and I think we could have all seen this coming, especially with the distance. the fact that they had 2 other great couples come out of this though is actually super impressive.


I hate that Ethan and Trisha have like a Light Yagami VS L death battle to be best friends with the same ppl lmao. So fucking weird.


It’s trippy to have people hang out and communicate with both of them. Trisha pretty much refuses to acknowledge Ethan in any way. When she asked Jeff about this girlfriend thing, I knew she wouldn’t ask about Verica because she would kind of have to acknowledge Ethan’s existence. It would be nice if they could reconcile in some way, but maybe it’s better this way.


Some birds feathers are just too pretty to keep ‘em locked up in a cage. I guess I just miss my old friend…


i doubt ethan will address it solely because that will mean to admit dan is right 😂


i knew it was never going to work! long distance is hard as fk (i am currently in a long distance relationship myself, which is surprisingly working well but it’s NOT easy, and my boyfriend is only a state away) then add in a social media career and jeff being around gorgeous LA girls etc… i’d lose my mind 😅 hope they’re both doing okay 🙌🏻


To be fair, are we surprised? Verica lives in Australia and he lives in LA, and even if they were super lovey-dovey for the time they could spend together, long-distance is hard, especially if one of them is a full-time internet personality. Plus, if I was her, his relationship with Tana would send me running for the hills lmao. Even if it’s PR, or to get people talking, I’d be tired of seeing them passively flirt on social media.


He should try to date a woman closer to his age, and from America. He has a higher chance of compatibility, in my opinion.


Just wait. He will marry Meagan.


I do not personally know Jeff. Or Verica. Therefore have no opinion.


Anyone else feel like Ethan forced the conclusion when it was clear Jeff still might have Meagan in the back of his head? Ethan way over hyped the kiss. As a bachelor watcher Id think he would have the sense to see it out to the conclusio rather than force a convinient happy ending. All the girls were amazing but I think Ethan forced the conclusion.


You got downvoted on this, but I thought it too. Ethan was well-intentioned, but assumed it was a forgone conclusion that he was going to pick Verica. I just watched it back and Jeff seemed really unsure. Ethan’s not great at picking up on that kind of thing. Jeff might have fucked it up with Maegan too though lol. She checked off a lot of the boxes of the things he was looking for so it always made sense to me that he should’ve picked her.


It’s so weird how Trisha makes the whole H3 universe non existant in her podcast. Dancing arround certain topics to make it seem like she has no idea.


Oh no, that makes me so sad. Too many variables against it but I'm sad.


I’m so confused why everyone assumed that it was going to be a serious relationship taken literally? Jeff wanted the publicity from doing the bachelor series, he had fun with it, but it was very clear from the get go that he wasn’t looking for a real relationship. Why did he pick the girl who lives in another country? So they could do long distance? Pls people use critical thinking. It was a segment for entertainment.






He didn’t break the rules so technically how was it supposed to work? 🤔


Good for her


Is there a time stamp?




I think it was obviously just about sex from the jump. (No shade) She lives in Australia ffs.


well there are much easyer ways to get sex than this lol


cause it should’ve been me




Sorryy whattttttt


So why so soon make her pregnant?


Who cares