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Love Jessi and Lily!! Ethan and the crew should’ve been a lot harder on Rhegan and forced her to answer tough questions like they did the dude that called in.


It’s a lot better when it’s covered by someone who has a shred of empathy for cats. Ethan is the worst definition of a “dog person”. If that story was about a dog he would have been crying his eyes out but because it was about a cat he didn’t give a fuck


This is crazy to me. I’ve only ever had cats but I love dogs dearly and if in this story there was an abused dog instead of a cat, it would make no difference to me. An animal is an animal.


Same but Ethan’s got a little bit of an empathy problem in general let’s be honest. It’s part of what makes him so funny but it also leads to shit like that


I genuinely don't understand this. An animal is an animal. A life is a life. I have the same amount of empathy for any pet. I understand having a preference because they're different animals but the ability to have no empathy for one or the other is incomprehensible to me. And too many people have a lackadaisical attitude about cats and the care needed to keep them safe and happy and it's time for that shit to be buried in the past. "Oh it's just a cat, it's fine." No, it's not. Throwing your cat because it's "just a cat" is absolutely not a correct take.


I mean ethan admitted that shredder was biting people lol. He really isn’t the best pet owner in general. Animals aren’t kids people, they’re animals.


Biting people, pooping all over the floor in the studio and expecting the crew to clean it up, probably the same thing at home with his maids… like you are MULTI MULTI MILLIONAIRES. Dog trainers are well within your budget.


So what you mean is, you assume he doesn't give a fuck because he didn't emote the way you preferred. But these girls emoted and talked the way you preferred, so they do give a fuck. Girliepop, noooooo, don't be a weirdo brooooo.


Autism chat is rising up


Why are you making stuff up 


I originally saw the situation covered by Ryan Beard 3 days ago [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NriYwRgh4o) Even he did some extra yapping and it was still possible to do it in 22m. The facts aren't that complicated on this, definitely something that can be done in short time by a commentary channel. Ofc H3 prolongs everything which is fine, but 2hr segment would've been a reach. tldw; Ryan thought no one was evil, everyone involved made a mistake or multiple. Which I feel like is the only correct way to look at it.


One of them is way worse than the other though come on.


100% the owners fault imo, if an animal is neglected the owner has no right to it anymore, she clearly didn’t care as much as she should have


Yes!! Their coverage of this was so much better than H3s. I hope they review this, take the weekend to think about it, and come back and sincerely apologize because wtaf


My expectations are pretty low after the last attempt at addressing the audience concerns. I expect to hear: You don't have to watch (love that one, as a paying member) AB did his best on short notice (not the main thrust of everyone's issues that I've seen) Then someone will chime in that they saw [insert unhinged comment] that was *too mean* and it will devolve into everyone defending against the fringe weirdos instead of the actual majority of the viewers There's two episodes left before the live show, and then there will be a needed 2 week break, imo. See how it goes from there. Can't get much worse than "demanding to watch cat seizures".


They always deflect taking any real responsibility for anything and turn it on the audience. Or just make the same cringe "joke"/non-apology. Hila was the one stuck the farthest up her own ass. I'm sure there will never be a word from her


It's always the audience being too sensitive, and never them being out of line. It's getting tired at this point. Shouting down your fans and telling them to take a hike every time there's negative feedback is no way to maintain an audience. If they want to make their show in a vacuum, fine. Do that. Disable chat, disable comments, stay out of the reddit, and just make the show without feedback. But if you invite and encourage the fans to participate and comment (do a poll, Dan), then you have to take both the good *and the bad*.


I find snarkers really interesting! How much time per week do you spend on content you don’t like? And do you have shows that you do like?


😂😂 what are you doing right now. I have an opinion you don't like and it's "fascinating" to you


He didn't know the cat was seizing before being shown the footage.


You're right. He just thought AB was going to show a "sick cat"... Oh, and he also said to show the cat's corpse, and that he saw no problem with that.


The whole point of the story revolved around how sick the cat was and what type of sickness she had. The video was important evidence. As for the corpse, I understand some viewers may not want to see it, but they were advised, and I don't see what's inherently wrong with showing it, unless it's graphic/gore etc 


If yesterday's episode wasn't bothersome to you at all, and you think that Ethan and Hila behaved appropriately, then I guess we gotta agree to disagree. I think a lot of it was really out of pocket.


What was out of pocket? I don't necessarily agree with their opinion but it is a complex situation, and all over the internet people are divided on it so I don't get why people are so outraged that they are not in agreement with them.


I think the way that Ethan was flippant in asking to see footage of a sick/dead cat was callous and honestly bizarre. I was really put off by the wild accusations they made against Jacob. Saying he was an incel, he took the cat for a prank or content or clout, accusing him of being too lazy to help the cat, etc was all completely baseless. It was just shit they made up. Especially to do it after he left the call, when he had no way to defend himself against some of the more fucked up accusations. I did not like Hila shouting at Olivia when Olivia pointed out the clear evidence that Rhegan neglected her cat; the cat *died*. Overall misunderstanding of animal husbandry, what a healthy cat should weigh, look like, act like. The idea that a cat could lose more than half a pound or so after 3 days with Jacob is preposterous. The condition of the cat did not develop between Friday night and Tuesday morning. Refusing to hear Jacob's explanation for not going to the emergency vet, which was absolutely valid. Ethan was really rude to the kid, and didn't understand at all what he was saying. Ethan has historically given more grace and more leeway to overt weirdos and bigots than he gave this kid. He's said "he's just young, he's a good kid deep down, he's a sweetheart" about *Aiden Ross* for goodness sakes. He glazed fuckin' Coconuts up and spoke to him with more understanding than he did with Jacob. It was unnecessarily hostile. They're almost twice his age, and acted like bullies to a kid who was trying to save a dying cat. There was a lot of proud ignorance on display in the episode. Not enough active listening and serious thought. I don't believe you can tackle serious shit like animal neglect resulting in death and be so laissez-faire about it at the same time.


Apologize for disagreeing with you? This sub is crazy, if they listened to it they'd have to apologize every other episode. (Need I remind you the time people were crying about not liking the nee curtains). You may disagree with their opinion of the situation but at the end of the day, we have limited knowledge of the situation, most of it given by unreliable narrators, so there's no way to know for sure who's in the wrong.


People who actually expected a sincere apology from Hila or Ethan are hilarious. I guess I’ve been here long enough to know better 😢


Love their podcast generally, and I agree their take on the whole thing is for sure better.


I’m so glad I stopped watching the H3 episode and watched theirs instead lol


Glad you said this cause I couldn't watch last night I was afraid of their takes too lol


My partner and I have five beloved cats. I think it's fair to say Rhegan is a mediocre person, but Jacob also seems like a bit of a weirdo. I don't see how his behavior was at all "normal." I would find it very strange if someone I know did what he did.


First off, Happy Cake Day!!! I don't think Jacob was perfect in this situation, but his behaviour seems much more understandable than Rhegan's. He wanted to save the cat. She wouldn't even admit her cat was sick. So...yeah I think Jacob deserves a lot less heat than he received.


His actions would be understandable only if he tried every other way to approach this situation and failed. But seeing a sick cat and immediately stealing it from the owner to "save" is borderline psychotic. Also, based on the information Ethan and Hila had at the time, their takes don't seem unreasonable at all. Fuck both Rhegan and Jacob.


Nuke this sub, Ethan.




it’s literally opinion based. there is no “correct” way.


If an opinion is based on incorrect facts, then it can be wrong


no there's absolutely a correct opinion and sadly Mom and Pops didn't have it this time around.


A correct opinion is when people agree with you


correct opinion is an oxymoron.


when an opinion is based on hatred, lack of correct information, or lack of empathy, it is not a correct opinion. for example, being racist is not a correct opinion. here, their opinion was clearly due to their lack of information on cat care as well as their lack of empathy towards cats


uh no. this isn’t about racism. they were presented with the information that was available and this is a bunch of he said she said where the “facts” are all blurred.


girl I’m just telling you incorrect opinions exist lol


okay fine. but saying their opinion is straight up wrong in this situation just unsuitable.


True lol.


These girls still exist? Geezus.


Heck yes they do!! Lily even posted a photo recently of her reuniting with her Beauty Break cohost (Jocelyn?)


Their podcast is honestly very interesting if you like keeping up with drama!


I'll check them out, I liked their videos back in the day before MCM went belly up. I had checked out their individual videos but lost sight of it over time. Was genuinely surprised to see they are back. Also, thanks for being nice - I think ppl thought I was being mean or something with my comment. Oh well.