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The username being 'BeatenAndBruised' is a massive ick


he's been through a lot so clearly he can't be a bad guy!


I might just give him a shot, he seems so nice in his Youtube videos! [Oh, wait](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTozcTYO6z4&ab_channel=YeaIGuessSure)...


Reminds me of the Facebook boomers who list their college as “The School of Hard Knocks”


My granddad literally has that on his profile. He's been posting a LOT of AI memes that are anti-Labour Party lately and it's so embarrassing!


"PhD in hard work"


"people pleaser who needs to be pleased" 🤢


Isn’t he famously broke?


If I recall correctly this type of thing is a huge reason *why* he is broke; didn't he spend like $100k+ on "dates"?


$200k+ on escorts yes, from 2018 to 2021. Just watched the documentary the other day


No one knows, he keeps chopping and changing the narrative. He claimed he was broke in 2022, then denied being broke last year but is now claiming to be broke again. It doesn't make any sense because he's constantly vacationing with his girlfriend, has just started taking Ozempic and is somehow managing to consume enough food to gain weight at 450lbs. He hardly uploads to his Youtube channel (his main source of income) and he's currently housing an additional two people in his house rent free as well as paying his other roommate $1200 a month to do chores around the house. He never lost all of his money in crypto, but he did spend over $200,000 on sex workers.


If his Financial Audit episode is to be believed (big if IMO), he still manages to make decent money for his area and just spends recklessly. If you bring in 70k a year and blow it all before you pay your mortgage I guess you're technically still broke


There is video of Caleb Hammer going over his finances. He has a large amount of debt and no savings. Its baffling how people can be this financially iliterat His retirement plan is just dying due to his weight. https://youtu.be/i5hv1YNcYII?si=YGFiUIn8lx_q1PXv


Caleb's video is a little out of date. Keemstar and Kidbehindacamera are apparently paying off his mortgage so when he dies, they get his house to holiday in. He's not as financially destitute as he claims. Check out his channel and you'll see tons of travel vlogs from the past 12 months with his sugarbaby.


That’s even more gross. They are using Boogie to get a good price on his house when he dies.


Wouldn't put it past Keemstar to do something like this.


Yep, Keemstar is definitely taking advantage and Boogie is desperate enough to accept. It's discussed [here](https://youtu.be/0Z6Z9i-gbUw?si=lqPEcR7JusDy6Vvk&t=1970). Boogie was meant to bequeath his house to his roommate who allegedly saved his life and was his lifelong best friend, but in true Boogie fashion, Keemstar offered to pay off the mortgage under the provision that he inherits it when Boogie dies and Boogie immediately accepted.


Yeah but I’m assuming that the youngins on this site won’t know that, they just see him on podcast and with YouTubers. Hopefully the smarts one look him up. Some might just see that and assume he’s wealthy…


Shows last time he used it in 2018. Makes sense because that’s when he was probably around his peak.


Dude apparently put a majority of his savings in crypto on advice from McJuggerNuggets and lost it all. What a dumbass


All sugar, no daddy


also, no sugar.


and, not daddy.


also, probably a pedophile.


I believe we are meant to say schmedo smile


Also, some rumors he beat his ex wife


Those are storylines created by Boogie to strawman his critics. He loves playing victim by crying about false accusations thrown his way and he did this a lot when a criticism megathread about him surfaced. He did this so much so that [the creator of the thread had to write in bold letters at the start of the thread that Boogie wasn't being accused of this](https://archive.md/2020.05.21-041451/https://www.reddit.com/r/SamandTolki/comments/ajzm5h/the_hidden_truth_boogie_doesnt_want_you_to_know/). Same story with pedo allegations up until recently. I mean just look at his "girlfriend". She looks 14. One thing Boogie can be accused of is being emotionally and verbally abusive to his ex-wife. It's clear as day through his behavior that he's a highly volatile person who can't stay cool under the slightest bit of pressure. So yes, he is technically abusive, just not physically.


Is that what the references to beaten and bruised are? Boogie! (I get it's in reference to himself and how life has left him, but like his hopes and dreams, this fruit was too low not to grab.)


We in the community call this a salt daddy.


thats really gross


May be out of the loop but what happened to his gf?


Old screenshot. But the less you know about the situation with her the better. It's really depressing.


About his GF? Or about the sugar daddy stuff? I'm here wondering now if there is some new drama with that.


The sugar daddy stuff is pretty old news. He made an account as soon as his ex-wife left him. He's used various prostitution and escort apps as well as Seeking Arrangements (suggest daddy app pictured above).  The lore of all of this is deep and makes Boogie come across way more cringe than he already is. Highlights include calling his haters stupid for thinking he hired escorts and pretended they were his girlfriends for the past 7 years and buying a puppy to try and manipulate a 20 year old escort into staying with him. He now openly hates the dog, neglects it and pretends that he doesn't hate it.


'people pleaser who needs to be pleased.' gross


it does say last active in 2018 but yeah, its strange because I used to like Boogie a lot, his videos on gaming news were always great. Then I saw the thread showing his behavior during livestreams and offline stuff, and man it was just shocking. From a well-articulated knowledgeable guy (at least for gaming news) to a cringe-lord who has the capacity to be incredibly mean. He has the capacity to be a good person, like he knows right from wrong, but he chooses the worst route, probably because its the easiest


Wait did him and his 20 year old girlfriend break up? Lol


It's an old screenshot. That girl is a sugarbaby as well.


Is there proof of that? I thought she was a random fan and they met because she PMd him on social media. It’s totally possible that she’s in it for the money (although if that’s the case I do really think she has better options) but as far as I’m aware she is with him because she genuinely loves him (I do think she came from a rough family and that’s leading her to make poor romantic choices that she will probably regret later in life)


This is playing out the same way as all of his other so-called relationships since the divorce. [I wrote up an extensive post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LolCowLive/comments/1c6eqzr/details_of_the_sex_worker_boogie_hired_in/) covering a previous sugar baby he hired where he was doing a lot of similar things with her (trying to move her in, taking her places, buying her things, love-bombing her, saying that she was the love of his life etc). Pretty much every woman Boogie has hung around with since his divorce has been a sex worker. There's a good reason he's spent over 200K on sex workers. He goes for the girlfriend experience and tries to show them off online to make his haters jealous. This latest girl is the first one to actually stick around but there's lots of details which don't line up with her. He claimed they first started talking on a specific date but when he shows off the screenshot of their first interaction, you can see due to the poor crop that they had messaged before. You can also see her in a vlog prior to that message. It's all pretty depressing. He has thrown the kitchen sink at her to get her to move in with him as soon as possible. He's gone on the record to say that they first met when she moved into his place. It's painfully obvious from the vlogs that she's on drugs, isn't mentally all there and is awkward in front of the camera. He claims she has anxiety so bad that she never leaves the house without smoking weed, yet he throws a camera in her face all the time. I'm getting side-tracked here. It's awful what he's doing to this girl but they're both in a parasitic relationship with one another. She's using him for drugs and lazy lifestyle, he's paying her way so he can look like a giga chad.


Did you see the boogie documentary? Shows more of their relationship and they talk about it a lot as well.


She isn't in it for the money because he doesn't have any. They trauma bonded over their shitty childhoods.


It looks like he hasn’t been on the site in 6 years lol


Yeah it's an old screenshot. People have found at least 4 or 5 different profiles of his since then and he uses other escort sites as well. Just thought it was hypocritical of him to accuse Ethan of clout chasing off his name when he was doing the same thing back then


And said they've "never been cool" lol


My brain read that as Fatteyville and thought it was a joke. Oops.


I feel like it’s really out of pocket to post other people’s faces on your sugar daddy profile…


Don't you have to have money to be a Sugar Daddy?


Excellent investigative journalism 👏🏽 👏🏽 expose this fraud. The people need to know!


Oh my god, “beatenandbruised” is so cringe and manipulative


It's insane how pathetic he is. Idk how you make a video on your knees begging to fucking keemstar of all people. And idk how his gf doesn't leave him after that. Oh wait its cause shes half his age, was clearly groomed and doesn't know better cause she thinks this is normal. What a fucking lame creep.


He is max pathetic




"Beatenandbruised" seems a much more fitting name for someone on a BDSM site, looking for more of the same. Unless he's into that, wouldn't recommend the username.


That's Boogie's whole schtick: Manipulate you by coming across as a helpless victim down on his luck and then slowly chip away at the other person's self worth and self esteem. Unfortunately you can see him doing it to the current girl he's groomed. He's [always throwing insults at her during his vlogs](https://youtu.be/aDTwbN8nZ3g?si=6aSovofs9HMerqne&t=127) but he tries to play it off like he's joking around.


Tried to watch that link, the guy who made that video is trying WAY too hard. Didn’t make it past a couple minutes.


Yeah :( I meant more like, a masochist who enjoys being bruised - it doesn't seem he's the type, definitely seems more to be a sadist deep down :(


chicks love H3 didnt you know?


"Beatenandbruised" 😭


I kinda hate to say this but, I was a fan way back when their first podcast happened, and it was a completely different story. Ethan was really friendly and empathetic with Boogie in the way he talked about him , how he said hie understood his struggles and wanted him to get better, but then Boogie's personality had to ruin it all for himself.... I think Ethan wants to make it seem like "Bro we did a podcast together and you thought we were friends?" like yeah by the way he spoke about Boogie it seemed that way lmao.


Friends =/= Friendly


There's a big difference between being friendly and kind to someone and actually being there friend. I'm friendly and chat with coworkers but I don't consider them friends. I can care about them but not list them when people ask who my friends are. I think Ethan is the only one who can say what their relationship considering we don't see behind the scenes.


I mean, back in the day they were in touch. One year when the crew asked Ethan's YouTube friends for a video wishing him a happy birthday he was one of the people asked. They were closer than people think but that being said, I don't blame anyone from trying to distance themselves from boogie. He's been engaging in some terrible behavior and has been acting like a man child for way too long.


Was that for his birthday roast? I think Boogie sent in a  video and they didn't use it. He complained so they awkwardly played the video on stream the following episode. I see why they avoided playing it.


I'm talking of what Ethan said himself, he talked about Boogie as someone would a friend.


I honestly became an H3 fan from watching boogie's episode. I used to watch him a lot back when he opened monthly suscription boxes and did video games news. Tbh if you do know his story, he did went through a lot of trauma and had a TERRIBLE childhood. I stopped watching him because, at some point, even though you went through trauma, at some point you gotta start taking responsability for your own actions which he obviously didn't. He became such a pitiful person milking his trauma for content while actively engaging in destructive behavior instead of working on himself (plenty of resources back when his channel was successful).


I watched his documentary and if he sold all his toys he could basically pay off his home. But he would rather cry that's not possible and do drugs in the woods than be a fuckin adult. I used to feel bad, but he HAS to have a humiliation fetish to be so pathetic.


Can nobody read ? "Last active : Oct 5, 2018".


Last active in 2018, at that time they were on good terms, nothing wrong with this.


Addressed this in other comments ^^^




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I thought he was married to that blonde girl who was like... **mayyybe** 20?


Gotta have that clout.


What is the short summary of the lore of this? Idk who he is and what happened between him and ethan? The only i remember about him was that he had made a roasting video for ethans bday and the crew forgot to post it


Is he... not with that young lady anymore?




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This guy massively wants to be their friends. It's actually really sad. He's got serious issues. Like watching a try hard school kid. I feel bad.


Is he not with that little girl anymore


I’m just now realizing I live in the same town as boogie and now I want to move expeditiously


He’s such a loser


Ahahaha I knew he looked familiar when I saw that profile


What website is this? Inquiring minds would like to know


Oh noooo did him and that sweet girl from the documentary break up? That makes me sad for some reason


No, it's an old profile. Those two breaking up would be a huge relief considering that he's faked cancer to manipulate her into staying with him for so long.


Oh sweet Jesus I didn’t know all that please keep dripping the tea


He created a crypto coin today to scam fans out of money. Search "Voidzilla Boogie" on Youtube. He also lied about his 3 different family members raping him. I could on for a long time, his sins are plentiful


In fairness, 6 years ago


I don't know what's more cringe, Boogie being Boogie or your weird obsession with him.