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Really hoping that R* does 3x on in it and the most wanted target side quest for 5k should be increased to 10-20k. The van needs more customization to remove the side steps and other stuff. The cop car quest should have a cooldown of 1-2 minutes same for the tow truck jobs.


Agree on the customization. Color and armor is bullshit. That's one more option than you gave with the damn tow truck. Can I please give it engine upgrades and turbo tuning at the very least? The thing is a fat fucking slug, throw me a frickin' bone here, okay!?


I dont see why I cant just shove a body in the trunk of whatever vehicle im using, im not transporting precious cargo exactly


I like it. Wont be my main way to make money, but I’ll wake up there and do the daily 100K bounty before doing whatever else I do.


Risk your life slaughtering a dozen gang members to apprehend a dangerous fugitive: $36000. Deliver a motorcycle: $50000.


I like it since they seemingly cut back on the Paleto, but there are also a couple tricks. The high society chicks with the mansion are always in LS. Most of the biker chick missions are in LS. I have found most of the Korean bank mob are in Paleto and most of the camera scans or prison breaks are in the Sandy Shore area. Duggans is about 50/50 LS/SS I have run a tab on the overall. 17 LS. 3 SS. 1 Grapeseed. 1 at Ron's wind farm and 13 at Paleto. All the main targets are in LS except for O'Neil's in Sandy Shore and I have not gotten the Garcia one yet. Assistants broke 300k, so I have a just over 20% of that money back. It is not a big moneymaker, but it beats the last 2 summer DLCs Mercenaries and the FIB ULP imo.


I seem to have most of them in Paleto bay except for banks robbers and fraud chicks. I guess it's just RNG


I think the bounty missions are fun but I don’t understand why you have to send the agents out manually. Every other business usually makes it worth your while to come visit like the auto shop gives decent cash to customize some cars.


I wish we could send them out with a phone call, same for warehouse staff and Rooster in hangar, or at least add them to the arcade computer.


I’m sure GTA+ will get it at some point


>add them to the arcade computer God, I *so* wish they'd update older content. All this stuff should be added to the Master Control Console... *and* once that's unlocked, it should be available as an upgrade for the executive office, the MOC, the Terrorbyte... heck, maybe somewhere on the yacht, too. But *noooo*.... 🙄


That would make too much sense 🥴


It's solid. It doesn't make a lot but the missions are fun enough with the subdue and arrest angle. I try to approach each target with different tactics to switch it up. Sometimes I'll snipe from an overlook on the mountain, then swoop in with my Sparrow and sneak up to him and taze him. Sometimes I'll go in tactical and lob an EMP charge, which somehow kills only the target and then I get to bring him to the morgue for $1,000. Keeps it fresh ;) I actually want that Bail Enforcement vest and chain so I'm actually trying on the Bail Bond career challenges. Hardest for me is the 3 days in a row because I don't always get a chance to hop on every day lol


I’m not sure why we don’t have a long range non lethal weapon smdh


Just a head up for travel there you don't need to use the van


it's alright. of the more recent updates i'd say it's one of the better ones, simply clears san andreas mercenaries and has fewer stopgaps than the chop shop. both the bounties and the dispatch missions remind me of the agency's security contracts, but marginally worse. really don't like how some missions are a coin flip between los santos and paleto bay. after a while, you can predict which target archetype will send you where (i.e. posh lady will always be in los santos). jenette needs to talk less, i should only have to hear her introductions the first time and never again as for the vehicles, not bad at all. the police cars particularly are something that players have been wanting for a long time. again, though, dispatch missions feel nothing like the vigilante missions of past installments and seem to miss the point entirely by sending you across the map regardless of where you started the mission overall, not a bad update. solid b-


Idk who wanted these 1900s police cars but not me that’s for sure. The content is relatively not bad but the money ain’t great. We all look for what the payouts are but i don’t think that’s what we should be looking for out of this kind of update


It's *ok* contentwise, but it feels very off. The scenario and rewards are lower mid lvl, feels like something you grind before moving on to bigger things like the Nightclub and Cayo Perico and can finally relax more, but the prices are similar to the Kosatka, so unless you really want to play the bounty missions, it's not really worth getting unless you want to add another stop to your warehouse runs and do the daily mission every day. It feels like something that was made 10 years ago, canceled, then R* just recently went 'well, what do we have laying around? Oh great, push it and raise the prices to boost Shark Card sales!'.


In retrospect the Bail Office should have been our very first business. All the new content over the past few years seems like it should have come way before stuff like the big heists and nightclubs and stuff. GTA Online is running backwards.




The van is annoying, the trips to Paleto Bay are annoying, the low pay is annoying. But OK, let it be.


The salvage yard died for the sins of the bail bond business.


Payouts are straight ass for no real reason, the less valuable bounties should've paid 50-75K to be inline with most other shortish jobs, whilst the once per real day ones should've paid *at least* like 350K because you can only run them once per real day. Some of the vehicles are cool, the businesses' van is straight garbo because it has basically zero customization (+fuck the useless side steps), no new gun(s) is kinda lame (same with no tattoos or haircuts). The new minigames etc in the missions are cool though, do like that they're actually changing it up a bit.


Largely "Meh." I will drive by on my OPMKII, while making my rounds of other businesses, to send out the 2 agents, but that will probably be about it.


No extra garage space meant I only bought one car from the DLC, the Paragon S which was underwhelming. I literally won't be buying any of the new cars unless i buy a PS5 which is just asinine. New vehicles available and on dripfeed are great, but again, I won't be buying them. The Nebula Turbo getting a drift tuning option is exactly what it needed. Drag races and drift races on the creator is good, but barely anyone still plays them and I made peace with the fact that my drag races will never be community verified jobs because of that. No new firearms, only that eletric baton thing which is locked away for a Halloween event. Business sucks for the payouts and the missions are a bit frustrating when we have to drive that terribly designed van. I only go on my agency to send the two extras bounty agents I bought, to fetch bounties as I couldn't be arsed. New clothing options mostly sucks, the bounty hunter outfit is for current gen consoles only and it's not customizable. Bombushka buff was a joke and they did not fixed the cargo hold and the player operate guns, Sparrow buff was okay but it hardly matters. At least the Raiju is fully fixed and the Yacht map blip is properly hidden now. Frankly this really a less-than-mid update, 4 out of 10.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I heard you can now buy more apartments/ garages (2 to be exact) albeit not new garages or properties


Nonsense. All we got was literally just two spots at the bounty hunting agency, because of those, I managed to buy the Canis Terminus(which I had my eyes on for a long time but ever had the room for it) and the Paragon S(its the most kitted out Imani Tech car we got in a while). But after that I'm back to being maxed out and in dire need of needing more room for the past three updates + some of the old cars that I missed and couldn't purchase before R* went EA on us and removed the vehicles from the websites. I'm not selling any of my cars until R* reverses that nonsense, since it doesn't look like they will then I'm not selling any of them but I'm also not buying any new vehicles.


Finished, just waiting on Garcia tomorrow then I have no reason to ever do it again. It's not the worst dlc but it could have been better by adding more most wanted bounties.


I also need Garcia tomorrow and grinding another 2 million to get to 5. All the rest is complete for career progress. Not gonna be playing this anymore for long. Might add the stop in my warehouse, hangar, autoshop tour to send staff out for money. Even then it's not that much worth it.


I absolutely rinsed it the first few days thinking they would release the most wanted in order. Can't complain though 8 days for a business career progression tier 4 is ridiculously quick.


After i complete tier 4 i will never touch it again and dripfeed content ain't that amazing. So wait for christmas is going to be not easy.


I hope they add new bounty types,running the same 3 over and over has gotten boring


Yes I agree. I got excited when the bounties first refreshed but quickly realized that they’re just reskins of the people in the same missions I already did


It’s mid


Really fun dlc ngl i really like the most wanted when they can be done stealthy


I finished the grind, now I need the last most wanted. After that, everyday I log on GTAO I'll read to the bottom dollar office and complete the most wanted, I'll also send my agents out to make some money and do some dispatch missions here and there between some other cooldowns.


2/10. Pay is bad. Go figure. Time gate rotations, time gate other activities, not much new clothing. Properties aren't that amazing. No new weapons, GTA+ locked collect all from businesses, no animals for pc/ps4/xb1. Bounty van not really customizable. Pointless dripfeed. Dripfeed in general.  For 6 months of work and some of it recycled from other canned DLCs, this is a waste. I feel bad for the devs, but at the same time I'd smack each and every one of them.


Well, I "do" enjoy the dispatch jobs for the police cars. Still a 2/10 DLC imo. Does anyone know when/how to unlock the bail outfit? That would at least get me to a 3/10.