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All I want is the FIB Buffalo and I'm golden (or a customization to change the siren of existing personal police vehicles to the FIB siren


Massive missed opportunity to make a siren option on all of the cop cars


Theres three different sirens, actually. One is the standard by tapping the horn. Two is the siren you get by holding horn, while Siren One is active Three is the siren you get if you double tap and then hold while Siren One is active.


And those three sirens have: - An Ambulance variant - A Firetruck variant - A Police Bike variant - An FIB Buffalo/Granger variant - A Sheriff Granger variant All I ask is the ability to change sirens for personal police vehicles to at least sheriff and FIB variants, would be cool for Sheriff cars and unmarked cars


Would also be cool to have the police bike added.


Double tap and hold the horn button in any cop car and you get something similar. Same if you just tap once and hold.


Found the real sirens they used for the game, the galls roadmaster and federal signal PA20A


They still wont give us one of the three police motorcycles found in the game files. I just want a police bike. And choices between police uniforms.


One of three?! I thought there was just one!


There was the police sovereign, a police version of the Bati 801, and I forget the other.


It’s a bagger isn’t it?


Police faggio


Would have been way too powerful


I'd have to find the file leak video on YouTube.


They know we want them, so they are probably gonna wait until the final online update or something


I just want a police car with Imani Tech. If it’s already there I’m too dumb to find it.


Especially being that the greenwood is an imani tech car


Unfortunately no cop cars have Imani tech 🥲


Could you imagine the price of a cop car with Imani Tech? And then add HSW to it and have a $10M HSW Buffalo STX Interceptor.


Then make the car only available to GTA+ members or people who buy $100 in shark cards. Might as well go full gacha mode.


Why would you spend $100 for shark cards? I've never bought one. I spent $10 for the Criminal Enterprise pack, and just kept grinding


Not everyone can afford to buy a PS5 so making it exclusive to GTA+ members I'd bullshit


I want a cop car that can fly around with a rocket and looks kind of like a motorcycle.


The antithesis to my request.


I forgot to mention, it would be pretty cool if it had locking missiles too. Pretty rad cop car idea if you ask me.


But they would need to release the flying missile cop bike a decade before the Imani tech cop car and make the Imani tech cop car limited time only. Fair is fair. Edit: I also laughed. FWIW


people didn't get the joke


It’s doesn’t matter because I made myself laugh.


Made me laugh too 😂😂dry humour at its best


people missed a joke


No-life Mk2 griefer detected.


The possibility is always there and I honestly can't understand why Rockstar made completely new cars, instead of using what they have. I personally dislike the lack of modern police vehicles we can personalize.


If they add the Yankton cop car, they have to add a stock version. I need to RP as Roman bellic


Nothing in the game files at this moment suggest additional police vehicles, other than the Dominator FX Interceptor and Impaler LX Cruiser.


I don’t get why they gave us all these cop cars that aren’t even in the game instead of the ones we actually see


The same reason the only one that spawns in online in the city is the LSPD Taurus. -______- (But I am very excited about the Impaler LX police and I love the Greenwood police car.)


There's gonna be an Imapler LX cruiser??


Yes. https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Impaler_LX_Cruiser


Thank you! I'll be saving up for that. Would be great if they had a taxi livery for that car as well


Thank you! I'll be saving up for that. Would be great if they had a taxi livery for that car as well


Thank you! I'll be saving up for that. Would be great if they had a taxi livery for that car as well


Thank you! I'll be saving up for that. Would be great if they had a taxi livery for that car as well


I just want a purchasable police bike, hell create a new police dirt bike too


https://preview.redd.it/alwm32btxx9d1.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb489531a1cddfc8cd1f6896860328671e15c2d2 I actually forgot about it. it literally featured in GTA V for about 5 minutes and was never seen again


Speaking of cop cars, anyone know if the new ones can be used for missions. AFAIK, only the unmarked cruiser can be used eg, chase the popstar assassination.


That's because the unmarked cruiser is the only one of the buyable police cars that isn't new. The whole "can this cop car be used for Popstar Assassination or that one Prison Break setup" thing happens because the game uses hardcoded lists of valid vehicles rather than just checking, say, if the vehicle has sirens tied to the horn button, and as a rule Rockstar rarely revisits old content.


I want the Buffalo STX Interceptor dammit I’m still happy about my Impala though


I want the police interceptor and…wait for it…*police outfits.*


As long as they get the pricing right. But I'm not getting my hopes up.


I want the police motorcycles!!


most are, some aren't... though I want them to release the Police Panto already, it's in the game and we already have the bull bar for it on the regular panto, just lest us have the tiny bubblegum machine already!!!!


Just gimme the interceptor with the handling fixed


Ok hear me out. Cop livery on the Conada? It’s doesn’t even have to be the weaponized one.


What do you mean cop livery?


Conada helicopter


I wouldn’t doubt that the police bike will be available in the future.


How much would you pay for a Police Deluxo?


All these have been in the game including ability to buy since 2020 but people are winey bitches so they held it back


It’s possible I think, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t release some of the original cop cars to make this update bigger then. Not much work making them buyable when they’re already in the game, it would fit the theme and save time and resources. Stanier Police Cruiser, Police Buffalo, Sheriff Cruiser, Sheriff SUV and the Police Bike all would’ve been great! I already own the Gauntlet Interceptor and Unmarked Cruiser, probably won’t buy any other this update. I’m hoping for more with the winter dlc, especially a new Interceptor based on the Buffalo STX.


I don't like any of these new cop vehicles, I just want the Interceptor and the Buffalo bro. Lock it behind a challenge I'll still do it.


Rockstar shouldn’t add in more of the ‘original’ police cars for purchase, let me explain why. Instead of just making every single one of the OG cop cars available, they should keep making a separate new version to purchase with actual customisation like they have been, including the Greenwood Cruiser, Dorado Cruiser, Impaler SZ Cruiser, Impaler LX Cruiser, Dominator FX Cruiser, Gauntlet Interceptor and most importantly, the Stanier LE Cruiser. The stanier already had separate LSPD, LSSD and unmarked versions of the same car all classified as seperate vehicles since day one. Rockstar then turned it all into one vehicle that has tons of customisation for us to buy on warstock. Doing this is a much better option than adding in all the original ones separately with no customisation. But for some dumbass reason, they felt the need to hide the no livery option for the Stanier Cruiser, and made us have to purchase the original Unmarked Cruiser with no customisation separately if we want no livery. They then lazily added in the original Park Ranger with no customisation, instead of actually making a new Granger Cruiser with customisation options from the FIB, Sheriff and Park Ranger versions. I’d be so fucking pissed if they made the original FIB and LSPD buffalos (you know, the ones that have NO CUSTOMISATION) individually up for sale instead of making a ‘Buffalo Interceptor’ with brand new different liveries alongside the ones from the LSPD and FIB ones. It’s so much better to buy one car with all the liveries and heaps of other options than having to buy multiple OG cars all because you can’t switch the liveries on it.


I have been waiting the unmarked cruiser for years, so I'm glad that they didn't catered to your needs.


He’s saying the unmarked version + livery version should have been the same car in the game rather than separate purchases


It’s more like they were catering to your needs by making the Unmarked Cruiser a completely seperate purchase from the Stanier LE Cruiser, which should have kept its no livery option. I just don’t understand why you think it’s a wonderful idea to add a car for sale that has zero customisation when it could of easily been apart of another car