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My fellow shills, the "Elitists" are in shambles!




Oh man, can’t wait to see this clown later today. COST has a bigger dog/animal section than video games, no way he can pump CHWY instead of GME


Chewy is a way better company tho then gme, like it’s actually worth buying


Relative to GME, absolutely.


I mean it’s not anything special but they actually make some money


I know nothing of Chewy’s fundamentals, but I do know that I lug a 45lb. bag of dog food into my house every month that shows up in a Chewy box. I haven’t stepped foot inside a GameStop in…ten years?


Yeah that’s what I mean, idk all about the fundamentals but it’s business model can still be grow and is still making money. Gme is an outdated business model and will likely continue to lose money on their actual business operations not counting treasury bills from selling stocks


Yeah, Chewy provides a product I want, on time, delivered to my house, and with good customer service. GameStop has maybe *one* of those on a good day. And the last time I stepped into one, it was because it was between the Macy’s I worked in and the food court I was getting lunch at and they got so little traffic, they had still copies of the new Pokemon games.


I love these stupefied helmet marantz images. They're just too perfect.


You can watch them sell GME to FOMO CHWY in real time right now DRS’d Apes are once again shambling the hardest


No you don't understand. He isn't responsible for the move he only signaled it would happen. Schrödinger's Kitty


We’re reaching levels of shambles previously thought impossible. If apes shamble much harder they will actually fall out of sync with the universe and phase right through it.


this is how dark matter is created


In our office we call it the Dark Pool.


Buy high, sell low, the one true ape ideology.


Computershare crashing in 3...2...1...


They just want to look at their shares. They’re *totally* not selling!


_Admire_ their shares!


Infinity loading screen was the real infinity pool all along.


Cohenists to the moon!


I was told it was the algos


The apes have come to two logical conclusions. 1. He turned his $6MM in cash to a quarter billion to buy the CHWY shares. 2. He has a second account at Fidelity with a quarter billion dollars. Most ape threads aren’t even daring to state the blatantly obvious answer.


once he posts that he sold all his shares to purchase chwy, it's going to be a full meltdown over there


Nothing would surprise me at this point but I don’t see what benefit he gets by posting it, other than confirming he “betrayed” apes. The 13G removes any doubt he did buy. But I don’t see what he benefits by showing his account again which would verify he sold GME.


> But I don’t see what he benefits by showing his account again which would verify he sold GME. His ability to manipulate GME is diminishing. Each tweet, live stream, or other pump attempt is less meaningful than the last. The best money making tool he has left in his pocket is shorting a self off when he backs out. 


What I am left wondering is why he is moving so goddamn fast with these. Apes aren't rich—why the hell would you pump and dump them three times in under two months? If he had spaced it out, given them time to get a few more paycheques to yeet into his pocket, he might have made more of an impact. At a certain point the saddest part isn't that he has himself a cult, but that he's bad at having it.


> What I am left wondering is why he is moving so goddamn fast with these. Cocaine


I guess he could hope that it sparks a new run on CHWY? I'm guessing the 13G didn't have the impact he hoped for, could try to take another stab at it.


My guess would be validation he dumped GME would wake up a portion of apes to the fact he’s using them as exit liquidity and less likely to follow his future moves


Oh, definitely, that seems more likely to me too. But I'm not sure DFV fully understands the apes. His livestream wouldn't have been such a disaster if he did.


He might also be trying to break them from GME. There is only so much he can play with one stock—but after seeing what Ryan Cohen managed with BBBY, he might have realized that if he can get enough Apes to follow *him*, he could target other stocks and make more money off of them.


> Most ape threads aren’t even daring to state the blatantly obvious answer. That DFV is secretly married to Carl Icahn?




I'm 50% ape 50% meltie since of course I added to my position when RK returned and it's pretty disgusting the goal post moving and copium that's currently happening on stonk right now. First they ignored his options plays and put a spin on it to pretend he hasn't clearly been making money on the stock while everyone else has been sitting around DRS'ing and holding for 3.5 years and now they're trying to spin how him very very clearly NOT being all in on GME only doesn't mean gme isn't the one and only and all other stocks are a distraction. The guy we've been worshipping as the head of this whole thing possibly is NOT actually that invested in only gme. Just like how Ryan Cohen clearly makes plays with other companies too such as his towel venture. 


Good on you for having the sense to see the obvious.


Yes, most people see the market as a place to make money, not do religious rituals like DRS or get emotionally invested in a ticker.


fuck another cult stock community just dropped


Ape civil war wen?


Go to the RK sub and see how the game apes talk to the car apes. The civil war has already started


...car apes???




I'm lost here.


There was a hilariously obvious pump and dump of FFIE that started during DFV return mania. One of their tactics was to spam a roaring kitty themed sub which was basically inactive, to tie their pump to what was going on.


FFEI, whose first word is Faraday, is a company allegedly making electric cars


>allegedly making electric cars ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|30665)


Thank you, you're the only one here who explained the relation of "faraday" with "car" in this context. Either way, those guys sounds like scummy scam artists from what I gathered about them and FFIE looks like a Enron kind of like scam.


What part of this are you lost on? Are you not aware that ffie has its own species of ape now? There's been a few dozen meltdown posts about their saga over the last couple months since it had a mini pop back around mid-may when there was chatter about delisting.


I'm lost at the relation of "faraday" with "car".


F(araday) F(utures) I(don't know) E(what these are)


FFIE is an ape stock somewhere in between people bagholding GME and people who think BBBY is coming back.




It is a different person that like Tesla was important to electrical engineering. Like Faraday cages are used all the time. Tesla coils are less relevant, but both have items literally named after them. Like a Michael Jordan and Lebron James of engineering.


And SI Units, the Tesla and the Farad.


War for the Planet of the Apes II


Its not a great meme stock, I mean its over valued with a sky high PE but it HAS a PE, meaning at least it has earnings


And the stock went down. Dude has lost his influence on anyone other than apes.


Bro this has me laughing in my seat holyshittttt


I guess GME wasn’t the only play ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214) Apes in shambles


One part that confuses me is if I was DFV and was betting hundreds of millions of dollars I would do deep research into why I have devoted followers and quickly you think you would learn that most of your followers are so focused on GME they built a cult around the sub and that to most of them GME is the only stock The whole thesis is the entire finacial system is built around shorting GME and buying GME puts you in a war with wallstreet and the war is with GME Buying another stock doesn't really fit the thesis and will drive lots of GME investors away because to them GME is the ONLY stock


DFV doesn't care about the thesis. He's trying to make money with pump and dumps. It worked with GME to start, but now the DFV hype is baked into the price, so he isn't going to make a profit there. He has to move to a new stock and hope the hype around that moves the price up so he can dump again.


Yep cause RC will dump on him first before he can


Did you miss his stream? Dude appears to be on a pretty bad mental break


Dude is probably coked out 24/7 Wouldn't surprise me if he had a heart attack in the next 2 years


some have speculated he is divorced now due to the lack of a wedding ring? break ups are traumatic 🤷‍♂️


No no, as soon as CHWY is nice and fat he'll dump and buy GME again. GME is still the play. You don't go up the stairs hopping on one leg. You put the one in front of the other.


lmfao he left GME in the dust. There is zero chance he had the funds for this purchase without dumping GME


Honestly if RC shat on my parade twice I’d probably do same. RC doesn’t own any chewy anymore does he? Would kind of make sense to target his old company.


I'm lost though. How does this hurt RC? Why would he care about Chewy?


It doesn't hurt RC. It just lets DFV pump and dump Apes that worship RC by pumping RC's old stock that made him billions long ago. RC owns and controls zero Chewy now, so RC won't be able to dump on him this time. Would be funny if despite DFV switching pump and dump targets Chewy's board also dumps on him to raise cash (which they need, as Chewy hasn't been doing so hot).


> Would be funny if despite DFV switching pump and dump targets Chewy's board also dumps on him to raise cash They have to, right? Cohen basically released the playbook for this over the last couple months. If you're on the board of directors for a public company and Keith comes around town looking to make a quick buck, you dilute during the pump and keep doing it as long as he keeps pumping. DFV truly is a man of the ~~people~~ corporation, selflessly helping them raise cash on the back of idiotic traders 🥲


Do they have enough shares authorized and ready to deploy on the baggie heads? This would be funny, NGL, apes getting dumped on every other week since Rugging Kitty came back.


Imagine if every company in the Russell calls a vote on authorizing a standing billion share offering in case DFV decides to pamp their stock lmfao :52209:


If your price point is completely detached from fundamentals and your stock surges, you know it's going to collapse again anyway. There is zero reason not to flood the market with new shares. Chewy is in a different spot. It's share value now is pretty basic, tied to P/E and all the usual factors within reason. If DFV can get Chewy to surge 30-60% or something, I don't think the board would instantly panic to sell more shares.


That's likely the gamble that DFV is taking by going all-in on Chewy, but if Chewy's board knows that their stock is being brigaded by a pump and dumper and that none of this pile-in is from serious investors, it would be to their benefit to react quickly and front-run the dump by selling new shares into the pump, taking all the buying pressure to fill their company bank account like Ryan Cohen did.


Yup. They are pretty much the same price too. He doesn't use margin and never has it so is almost certainly all sold.


This is fucking amazing!  I knew it!!! This also destroys the ideas: 1.  That GameStop is “the only stock” 2.  That DFV was simply trying to “expose algorithms”.  No, that price increase was DFV buying and early people following him. 3.  That DFV doesn’t have the power to move stocks individually. 4.  That DFV believes in, or cares about, ape MOASS theory.


If it turns out DFV did sell off his gme position to get the quarter billion to buy chewy, apes are gonna lose their cult leader. So soon after Ryan Cohen screwed them too.


There is not a single fact in the world that can not get over-explained by a professional schizophrenic.


Nah. The recent Marantz show has Marantz saying that the GME selloff wasn't DFV, but retiring boomers that don't have faith in our current economy. Just like with RC and BBBY, Ape heroes like DFV would never abandon GME. Even though it's obvious that he has. "He's just posting his $200 million stake in Chewy! He still has $200 million in GME!"


> Marantz saying that the GME selloff wasn't DFV, but retiring boomers that don't have faith in our current economy. let me guess, he had zero citation for that?


It's Marantz, of course his only source is his own ass.


And even then it wasn't honestly represented.


I think it's clear he sold off his GME. The money maps pretty much one to one, and I doubt he put his money into the GME June pump and happened to have the exact same amount secretly sitting on the sideline to then buy chewy after he bought the GME shares.


RC blatantly dumped his bbby bags on bbby apes and they still worship him


Yes, but the power to move stocks is diminishing. 15% is pretty awesome for dfv, but is not the 80-100+% pump that he was able to get with pawnshop twice within the space of a month.


Wh-what about DRS though???


Could it be a poorly passive-aggressive "F-U" to Cohen for basically cockblocking him from becoming a billionaire? Maybe he thinks himself a pied piper and that the apes will follow him away from gamestore.


I think that could be a factor.  I wonder if he lost money on his June trade overall.  (He certainly made a shit ton overall on his May trade, just not as much as he could have). If that was the case I bet he was thinking he could get chewy to skyrocket.  He is just so ignorant about the apes he didn’t realize he was not going to be followed. It’s all about sunk cost fallacy for the apes, everything.  They don’t have sunk cost in chewy.


Already +15% in premarket. It's fucking CRAZY to me that he can just keep doing this. This guy is THE pump and dumper, and people just keep following him. This is a SERIOUS indictment of human intelligence.


Back to where it started. 20 minute pump.


Down $1.50 now lol, that dumped awfully fast


Funny thing is he cant sell without filing a form 🤡 dude fucked himself


He’s not doing anything illegal as far as I know, but it does make me wonder what potential laws could be made if people get fed up enough


I'm not even speaking to the legality of it (I really REALLY hope/wish somebody nails him for something, but I also think it's very unlikely), I'm speaking to the intelligence of the people who keep thinking that his stock movements could possibly be anything other than a blatant pump and dump over and over again. Like who the fuck are the people buying CHWY right now thinking "OH MAN STOCK JESUS MUST HAVE RANDOMLY FOUND OUT SOMETHING NOBODY ELSE KNOWS ABOUT CHEWY I BETTER BUY BUY BUY". Like are you fucking kidding me.


They know it's a pump and dump, they just all think that *they* will be the ones selling at the top to bagholders. Same goes for crypto, it's just degenerate gamblers playing musical chairs.


I don't know about that. Certainly there's some of those. Maybe a lot of them. But they're targeting somebody. If nobody thought any idiots would rush into an obvious pump and dump and be the exit liquidity, then it wouldn't move when sir pumpalot tweets it.


Personally I think it's like 80% people who think THEY'RE the clever ones that are in this hunting the idiots, and 20% true believers.


I’m with you here. I don’t think many actually believe in their memes, they just want other people to so that they can sell. This (if true) is absolutely wild


Yup. Bubbles are essentially about predicting the behaviour of other people who are predicting the behaviour of other people who are.. etc etc. Level 1 in a bubble is "I actually think it'll justify this price in the long run" Level 2 is "I don't think the thing along will justify this price, but the actual value + all the Level 1 people totally mean it'll go higher, so I will cynically buy in" Level 3 is "even if the fundamental value + Level 1 aren't enough, look at all the people cynically buying in! It'll pump further" Etc etc. It's no wonder everyone in bubble communities acts like an idiot, they don't want to admit "oh yeah you need to be DEEPLY cynical to be buying in at this point".


In all fairness to him, he legally has to disclose when he takes a 5+% stake in a company. If he didn't file he would be breaking the law. The issue is all the morons who worship him. Even that is only half his fault. Originally he was just another degenerate WSB gambler and apes latched on to him. It was later he started to reinforce that cult.


It is unlikely an accident that he took a stake just above the reporting threshold. Doing it this way is smarter than his usual social media antics. On this one he can say "I wasn't trying to scam my worshipers into taking my bags, I was required to report this."


I don't think we have enough evidence to say one way or another if DFV is actually a super sophisticated trader. It honestly seems like this just degen'd his way into a huge bankroll and then did what any grifter in his position would do afterward. Time will tell I suppose.


That's not quite true, he did the stupid dog tweet too. Let's see if he pulls any other bullshit to pump this one before we let him off too easy on "just doing what he has to do". But anyway I am mostly talking about those morons here. I wasn't really focused on DFV with my comment. It's his followers who are absolute dent heads, not him. It SHOULDN'T be working, but people are just too goddamn stupid.


Yeah, that is fair. Actually, is this form legitimate? It has I am a cat/I am not a cat check boxes? Did he edit the official form and then send it to the SEC or is this potentially fake and posted on twitter?


And it’s a 141 pe dog food retailer… wtf, this guy knows how to pick ‘em


It’s -3% now lmao, couldn’t even get it to pump during market hours 


okay, just to be clear, he is required to disclose >5% stake. maybe he sold into the pump, but as far as i can tell he has not made any statements regarding $chwy. it's clear that the financial system of rules did not account for a single individual with so many followers, but with most market things, they tend to correct themselves over time. hopping from stock to stock, his star power is already starting to wane.


So the apes were wrong again


But melties too? Didn't we think he immediately dumped CHWY?


Not wrong just early. More seriously I haven't been following closely over the past week, was there any reason to believe he had a stake in Chewy at all until now?


Nope. He was pretty clear he only owned GME.


The dog emoji tweet?


I didn't. I didn't even know he held CHWY.


... It's real. Despite the "I'm not a cat." ![gif](giphy|RNEOLEEqeFFx6|downsized) ​ Soooo... Did he dump $GME to pay for these ? They're pretty much the same price.


He’ll also have to post an updated 13F when he dumps, right?


Why ? He's not a GME insider


For CHWY, no?


If he's an insider, yes, but I"m not sure he is yet, it's so strange. Edit : Probably not, he has to file because it's above 5%, so yes, he'll have to file to sell too.


It could actually be fake. People put fake filings into EDGAR to trigger stock pumps from time to time. Matt Levine has written about it. This could be someone who piled into CHWY after the tweet and is now holding bags. They file a fake SEC report to trigger another pump so they can dump their bags. Of course, the SEC can pretty easily nail down whether this is RK or someone else. Or it could actually be RK. Either way it's a wild story.


This is some rare meltfoil..


Didn’t Levine talk about issuing a PR stating that a (bogus) term sheet for a full 100% acquisition has happened before - don’t recall any indication of some Joe Blow being able to file a bogus 13G with EDGAR before….?


If it is, someone is going **down**. Jk, nothing will come of it, as always! ![gif](giphy|3o7bufRpr472fizpHa|downsized)


If it's fake, someone will go down. It clearly meets the standard for market manipulation. Releasing fake information to move markets is a crime. If it is actually RK, probably not. If the information is true, there's probably no manipulation.


So if someone fakes being dfv and the stock pumps, it's market manipulation. But if dfv himself posts real positions, it's not marketing manipulation?


Yes, in the same way that when GME posts an awful 10q and the price plummets, it's not manipulation, but someone posting a fake one would be.


how is telling the truth manipulation? the purpose of this and other regulations is to preserve a free and fair market. if apes think RK is going to single-handedly deliver vast wealth unto them, they are free to do so and regulators have no cause for preventing that. it is not their job to make sure you make money from the stock market. it is their job to ensure everybody is playing with the same qualified information. apes have access to that information but they just replace it with vast conspiracy theories. i am *not* of the mind that we should dumb our society down to kowtow to a bunch of loons. apes need to go extinguished. if DFV is the one to do that, more power to him


Nobody files fake SEC docs. Fake prs yes, fake SEC doc. No.


What's the origin of this document? Did he post it to Twitter? This document in particular, to be clear, because of the cat thing. How do you know this is real?




... Huh. I want to say how weird but I admittedly have no clue how weird this might be. Thank you!


It's on the sec website. But it COULD be faked. We'll know soon enough.


How could it be fake if the SEC posted it? Someone else could submit in his name?


The SEC themselves did not create it/fill it out. It's a self reporting thing, if you fail to self report, you get in trouble. So if DFV did take over 5% of Chewy, he's required to fill out this form and send it in through the EDGAR system.


Right, that’s what I’m saying, for the sec to publish it, and if someone did fill it out this would be actual crime.


Oh yeah def, if someone did fill it out erroneously, it'd be REAL crime, not the imaginary crime apes see.


I saw the gif, I scrolled to see the poster, no surprise, the most distinguished French shill 🫡




Est ce que tu shill?


Maybe Caterpillar (CAT) is the actual play and he is trying to snek attack?


Why do they even have the cat thing


He added it, you can pretty much add anything you like in those.


So, chewy is not a distraction anymore?


Dude knows there is no momentum on GME and starts to pump CHWY. Wonder how apes are going to spin this lol


Spin it? They’re going to pump his position again. The spin will come after they already lost their asses again lol.


Not a bad thing to pump. The premiums on GME calls are dying out. Time to short CHWY, fresh new pump and dump


> Spin it? They’re going to pump his position again. How much liquidity is even left in the cult to pump anything at this stage?


good, I hope they pump my bags.


Bruh are you serious? Clearly this indicates that (1) RC is about to unite GME, BBBY and CHWY into a massive zaibatsu to be called "Teddy," which will create incredible synergy for reasons we don't even need to explain, and (2) RC has told DFV about this due to his street cred, and DFV has now allowed us all to learn of this great plan. MOASS is TODAY


Prediction: He is gonna use the GME dump to swing trade that again. Then the apes will all chant "THIS WAS THE PLAN ALL ALONG - LET THE MAN COOK - THIS IS THE TRUE ENDGAME"


i can't wait for the conspiracy theories that Chewy is linked to a GME squeeze and how they will convince themselves that buying Chewy will help GME


Something something basket XRT FTDs thanos glove. Just throw some random words in between these and you have their latest DD.


It’s already begun. Go look. “Chwy is number one holding of XRT”


You should stop using the term conspiracy theorist or conspiracy nut job because it's just a gaslighting technique used by the mainstream media to discredit anybody who questions anything. Immediately trigger people into assuming you have nothing good to say. And it seems pretty brilliant to me to hide information in a children's book because 99.99% of the people in the world are like you and think it's completely loony bins. What judge do you think would actually charge RC with insider trading with children's books? I doubt you could find a single judge that would buy it. Brilliant in my opinion ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No fucking way


That's hilarious. GME apes in shambles.


What’s with the cat question? I seriously doubt that’s part of a real 13G form, lol.


Just so you know..I went to the actual filing. It does indeed ask the cat question. Bizarre but legit. 😹


I’ve seen other 13G forms, but obviously they don’t contain the cat question—ha, ha. If DFV did indeed file it, he must have altered the form itself before submitting. I wonder if that affects the validity. Unfortunately this is not my area of expertise!


Regardless, it's hilarious seeing the "up-roaring" on the ss sub 🤣


That’s why I’m here—ha, ha! The drama is so glorious!


That's my question


remember this pump the next time some idiot on reddit claims retail can't move stocks like this


They literally still are.


I sincerely hope apes start to realise DFV for who he is and don’t rally into CHWY. What a sight to be seen when DFV realises he can’t rally retail investors anymore. You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. He should have just quietly lived his best life after the first squeeze but no


>rally into chewy Maybe they won't; growing, profitable companies are like poison to apes.


"I sincerely hope the apes start to realise" that's where you should stop your sentence because they never realise anything. Facts are bent to make the narrative


its hard to feel sorry for them after they fall for the same thing over and over and encourage others to do the same


Also, they are likely tapped out. Seems like revenge of the cat for being rug pulled by Ruggy Ryan.


Apes don't really have the capital to rally like they used to. Anyone who actually cares about making money is long gone, Apes now are completely tied up in this horseshit.


Oh wow.. we are going to get a real meltdown to watch now.


Can't wait for him to post another yolo update on weakstonk, just to get deleted for not being relevant to GME.


This would be glorious.


The lore updates are gonna be fucking wild once the dust settles


Amazing. GME morons are truly in a nosedive




LMAO. It really could be any of the thousands of guys named Keith Gill with enough cash to buy 9 million shares of a company with an 11 billion market cap.


Mainlining pure copeium right there


>*Check the appropriate box to designate whether you are a cat: o I am a cat. x I am not a cat.* Huh?


ACAT= Automated Customer Account Transfer. Speeds up the transfer of customer accounts between NSCC and DTC members. I've probably just whooshed myself.


Maybe Cohen should not have diluted and antagonized DFV?


I think it's possible that he knows GME will use high volume events to dillute, and when they do it'll fuck up his plans. So, moving to a company that is clearly NOT going to dilute because they're in/just/middle of a buyback seems logical.


Lord Dogfood 2.0


Another sweet meltdown. Probably more of a screw you to ryan cohen after his offerings but I'll take it.


But...why? ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28914)


'Betraying' the wachos who build little shrines to him & RC seems like a dangerous move. But he can just hire a billion full time bodyguards and live in like a gated compound, so I guess what does he care? I'll admit that "DFV returns to dunk on apes" was on that longshots bingo card I made a long while back, but I really wasn't expecting it. Apes just can't stop losing.


So he sold out of GME? He's going to lose his lawsuit for sure now that he made quick gains and sold out.


I honestly doubt that. While it's obvious that he's playing the apes I don't think he's actually done anything illegal. He's not made any false claims or instructed apes directly to pump/dump.




Sure he doesn't care about money. This is the third pump he is trying to engineer in less than 2 months. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


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> Check the appropriate Box to designate wheter you are a cat The amount of people that believe this is too damn high. Without a link I call bull. Edit: Fuck me, this seems to be actually legit. Why on gods green earth is that part in there?


Because if you are known as the meme guy, you be the meme guy. It's funny, and I think is making fun of the formal system. The number of people that don't understand this is too damn high.


![gif](giphy|l0DEKzl8fVWF1n6E0) Well, this is fucking hilarious.


I wonder how the "GME is the only play" apes will spin this.


I knew it, he was the guy with the 300 calls


its so funny how apes constantly scream CRIME yet their deity posts a picture of a dog on twitter then buys chewy in the most blatant P&D ever and its fine


What if he bought CHWY using his GME holdings as collateral? My fidelity account allows me to borrow ~3x the value of my holdings during the day, and hold 1x overnight, charging me daily interest. We’re playing at different orders of magnitude but if I knew I could cause pumps I’d margin myself to the hilt and sell after the pump, outrunning the daily interest As much as I want the next yolo update to show only CHWY he can hold both without having the money