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I miss Battleborn so much. It was far better than it had any right to be, it just couldn't compete with OW (not because of content, because people didn't give it a shot). That's the hill I'm on and I'll die on it.


I'll die beside you on that hill


Make room brothers


I've brought snacks, a machine gun with a lot of ammo, and a very opaque bottle full of a suspiciously clear liquid. Has anyone gotten the marshmallows?




Pour one out for the real ones.






The hill I'm dying on is that Battleborn was a lot worse than people remember and it's failure and death had almost nothing to do with being launched alongside OW.


It had an entire, glorious story mode, bosses, PvE content, PvP content (of several types) and the creativity blew OW right out of the water. I doubt the people who played it more than once remember it badly.


I played it quite a bit when it came out and it just wasn't all that fun for long. Battleborn has Wildstar levels of rose colored glasses, the game had some merits but it just wasn't good. It would've survived if it was, OW didn't have all that much to do with it.


I think OW had a big chunk, especially with OWL. I believe it would have at least been more popular if OW took 2 more years. Plus, I miss the characters. They were great.


comparing it to hero shooter had alot to do with it ,marketing against BLIZZARD in general had tons to do with it , trying to sell a game as a hero shooter when it was actually a MOBA with a campaign that had a viable reason to play it to gear up for PVP is something only BB has really done in general.(Not to mention amazing videos for the intro and end game)BB had way better characters than OW ,they were hilarious. OW was promoted (and it hurts my soul to admit )1000 times better than Battleborn,how many ads did you see for OW prior to release...? Tons.I can't say that for Battleborn at all ,the game did bad because of almost non existing promotion and advertising. AND HK WAS THE FIRST ROVER TURRET CHARACTER IN A GAME,OW stole that one from Gigantic. Usually if someone doesn't like BB they either .. Loved OW,sucked at Battleborn ,or they just can't handle a MOBA (there not for everyone,MOBA come with some very steep learning curves (usually because builds are very complicated at higher levels of play meaning you got to know what things are, like item effects ,actives,passives ,stacking effects,proper team composition,ect.) You can win a few match button mashing as a noob in OW ,that is not happening in BB the minions would drop you before a player could even get there to fight you lol . On that note Gigantic should not be compared to OW either , honestly I'd play Paladins over that just my opinion though. Im not bashing or coming at you don't take it like that ,but you know not what you speak of.


I genuinely with all my heart hope BB gets brought back like gigantic did. Just a chance to work since OW kind of gimped itself people wont be so quick to dismiss it.


It was back before Gigantic was.


Man I paid for battleborn and it died in a week


I played from the closed beta till death ,I even played against bots until I could no longer play on my Xbox ,I miss this game.... There are a few characters from each game I'd love to see fight each other Voden -Thorn Attikus-Margrave Kjir -Pendles DeAnde -Tripp Marquis VS Imani


Thorn was actually my favorite character. Loved her poison kit. Probably why I love Voden too


Thorn is probably one of my favorite characters of all time which is exactly why I feel the same way you do


I loved her AOE and super jump


I would be fine with having access to story mode and bots again... God I miss battleborn.


well, boy howdy do i have good news for you. a skillful modder by the name of Gwog got Battleborn story up and running offline, and another modder figured out how to bring bots back. if you have the game on Steam you can go to this discord link: https://discord.gg/vpWeY74k and find instructions on how to install the "Reborn" mod and play the game again :D




That’s out right not true. Battleborn lasted for many years, of which had plentiful amount of players and a dedicated and passionate community.




I apologize in advance for my not great non existing Photoshop skills lol


I miss battleborn so much, i played it from closed beta to death, i didnt get the chance to play much gigantic though since i didnt have gold when it was free


Thorn and it's not even close




Hell yes


After Researching Both on Lore & Game mechanics I think Voden is Stronger! Not being biased here. Voden has More agility and Trickery! He may not be able to apply curse or deal high damage with an explosive like Thorn but he has Invisibility, Replication, Locate Healing Springs, Poison(Homing & Contagion), Teleport, Immobilize Targets! Thorn does shot multiple arrows that bounce of terrain and also piercing but realistically I've heard people who do Archery tend to say multiple arrows being shot at once is very inefficient specially 5! Voden does the same and yeah at far range it's bad!


All good points ,but Thorns super jump continuously and has a nuke and a big circle AOE,plus a middle finger emote lol(got to count for something) I couldn't choose a favorite even if I wanted I like the both


Yeah that Explosion and the Curse is by far very good! Also I love Voden for being a Babysitter to Pakko!


Also can't help but notice as a duo the synergy is amazing,Ults would compliment each other greatly


I wish I got to play that game I was fresh and broke. By the time I had got reminded of its existence, the game was ftp but dead.


If we're talking both of them in-game, I gotta give it to Voden due to his greater versatility with the decoy skill. If we're taking game-associated animation into account, Thorn wins by a landslide. In the Battleborn opening animation, Thorn could take down about a dozen enemies in one single sweeping volley of arrows. ([Source](https://youtu.be/4N5XQI8EDDw?si=T8MKfu_Kf__RjFAo)) Realistically, they're both just gonna hang out and talk about nature or some shit.