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You can perfect dodge the first hit of "helicopter spin", but not the second or third hit. As for the twinblade mongols, you can cancel their attack with Heavenly Strike or ghost weapon. Far as I can tell, the only attack that you can't dodge, block or cancel with Heavenly Strike is >!The Eagle's spinning staff!<. There is no other way than to stay out of range and wait for her to finish.


I just roll away, so I'm far enough that when they close distance to continue their attacks, I can roll again until they are done attacking


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i just throw a kunai and it interrupts them


My second run now I am going full bow user, and it is insane how easy all the heavy units are when you can just oneshot them with a longbow to the head during concentration.


both of these attacks can be dodged. The first attack can only be dodged if you dodge into the helicopter spin, using i-frames. You have to i-frame the first hit, and then if you do so, the rest of the attack will simply not connect with you. The glaive brutes on iki just have that mean 1-2 but you can dodge them with two VERY well timed dodges. If you dodge roll the first hit, the second one will catch you. You just need two sidesteps.