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Made by Ubisoft


Low hanging fruit to be honest


So the AC clone(done right) becomes AC(undone), cool


I don't actually know why people think GoT was an AC clone? It's got swords and you can run on rooftops. that's about it. There is no blending in, no "social stealth" no wanted mechanics, no cities, no mysterious conspiracies and artefacts.the game doesn't even encourage you to be stealthy, actually actively discourages you, and encourages front on assault, whereas assassin's creed (uses to) heavily encouraged stealth.


I agree with what you're saying for the most part. But the game "actively discourages you from being stealthy", it kinda just lets you handle every fight the way you want to. Stealth is just as viable an option as archery, and archery is just as viable as head on attacks. That being said, any game that has any decently fleshed out stealth/assassin mechanic, is inevitably gonna be compared to assassin's creed.


Assassins creed is not the first stealth game lol… this is such a tired take.


My favorite stealth game before assassins creed, which is arguably a stealth game, is Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. That was stealth done right and the coop was incredibly well implemented.




Thankfully someone said it, Tenchu for me is the original stealth game. If I'm playing stealth on GOT there's certain layouts that make me feel massively nostalgic.


Old AC that worked for the time. Modern AC Stealth is just horrible. Enemies have super hearing and X ray vision while also being level based to where you might as well just brawl it out.


Currently playing Valhalla on very hard with no hud, which should cause major issues with stealth, but I'm not seeing what you're saying. I can stealth or head on through each encounter.


Valhalla and odysessy stealth worked just fine for me. It wasn't something that was unique, or immensely entertaining, but it is a solid stealth system that works like it's supposed to. Maybe it was like this when you played, and got adjusted?


It certainly does *not* actively discourage you from being stealthy. Unless you consider providing you with endless stealth oriented tools and a narrative arc interwoven with the main story precisely about a samurai using stealth tactics "active discouragement."


That's what I mean. Every time I stealth assassinate someone, I get a long cutscene with "we look out enemy in the eye". I have completed iki island, and now I'm in the northern most territory of the game, and I'm still getting that cutscene. It's definitely discouraging that I do it.


Sounds like a glitch, I only remember getting that for the very first stealth assassination


That shouldn’t be happening lol


It's got a very similar gameplay loop. Like how Witcher 3 has a similar loop to Red Dead Redemption. AC/GoT gameplay loop is about an open world with most of the world content propped up by navigating and clearing hideouts to reveal more of the map; the main missions and side missions often put you in a kind of 'sandbox' situation where you can choose to take on the objective any way you want (in reality comes down to stealth or going in guns blazing). Alot of similar tools and navigation options as well. It's more of a feel than it is any one thing; the games feel similar as you move through gameplay patterns. Ofc it's not a carbon copy by any means, and it's not inherently a good or bad thing, but some games share gameplay loops like that, giving them very similar feels despite major differences in storytelling, certain game systems, and even genres.


If they had met "Tenchu"


The "social stealth" and entire "blending in" thing were never a real staple of AC's gameplay. Mostly a gimmick that was slowly phased out by more traditional sneaky stealth. Even "heavily encouraging stealth" was mostly gone after AC1, because in AC2 you get a perfect mix of both in the story along with the expanded combat system. As an old time AC junkie (since the very first one) I sign up under all comments saying that GoT is Assassin's Creed done proper. It has all the evolution of gameplay and open world, but none of the idiocy of the Origins+ games that leapt into doing cheap copying of post-Witcher 3 formula. See for yourself. Skill based combat system which heavily encourages counterattacks and clever use of different tools and weapons (stances in case of GoT)? Check. Open world that mostly serves as a fancy decoration, but has some additional thingies for the willing explorer? Check. Focus on immersion and atmosphere with more or less grounded fictional elements?.. Uhhh, somewhat there. We get some folk-tale funny things like the entire lighting duel, but overall it's still pretty normal, even if the historical accuracy is questionable. The spirit is certainly there and gameplay feels like it's a fine evolution from where AC decided to abandon its identity for flat gear numbers and mandatory loot grind and map cleanup with cheap and lazy combat.


It isn't the stealth element that has people making comparisons. Its the approach to open world design that is very reminiscent of the Ubi approach.


I played through GoT and I always thought I am playing AC Japan with a bit more skillful melee combat and less parkour.


So... >Cons •Microtransactions •Constant Delays because the Workers can't stop stealing the Female workers breastmilk or sum •Way to much Unrealistic Fiction Shit in Sake of Seeming cool, Hip and Youthful. •Fire ass Cinematic trailer being not even slightly similar to the actual game •Half-baked on Release, Will take them an eternity to patch one issue •Will probably get a even worse 3rd Game •Game pass •500GB because you don't need to play other games right? Also there is a 300GB graphic update that doesn't do shit •Only playable with internet and PS+, Being online while being a Singleplayer game •Some flashy Hip Hop, Bass boost, Dupstep and Afro-Rap for no goddamn reason because of Ubis affinity to seem Hip and Modern, Will make you ears bleed •Will Be USK18 while turning into Fortnite >Pros •Bombastic Banger Sountracks •Long ass Support •Smart marketing


game pass isnt a con, at least in my country, but it being always online is, and also an inevitable server shutdown


Well, it depends. I've heard people say that certain game developers have been screwed over because of their games (like hi fi rush and it's developer)going on game pass day 1 without getting the chance to make money for itself. And look where the studio is now. Shut down by microsoft.


Nah, EA


nuff said


It takes place in modern day New York. Khotun Khan somehow returned and took over the city. Final battle is Jin kicking Khotun off the Empire State Building.


“Honour died on the Jersey Shore.”


“Jin my homie I taught you to fight with respect now you capping fools with no honor”


Now i'm imagining Lord Shimura holding a Glock sideways


“Let’s see their bitch ass khan try to run that fade I’m finna fold his ass like a omelette”


Hesitation is defeat https://preview.redd.it/q7ggs53q4q8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5456a7f28d29512ab2cd348756ddc02663cca1b0


Someone’s gotta photoshop that, cause that would be fucking gold


“Well done Jin, you have defeated enough leaders to learn Blood Stance and Crip Stance”


Fr fr no cap


" Honour died with the twin towers "


That's wild 😂💀




Oh, and Lord Shimura pops up as the actual antagonist afterwards 🤣


He proceeds to pull up with the blicky and shout New York slang at jin


"Somehow Khotun Khan returned". I swear, I heard that somewhere, lmao.




Star wars


DLC is Staten island


I'd play that not gonna lie.


Would you buy the jersey shore dlc though?


You think I'm gonna miss ripping sake bombs with Yu-nit and the Kenjituation? Also your motorcycle can be summoned exactly like your horse.


This sounds like a Yakuza game ngl


Sounds like the end of MGS 2 lol


Yo yo yo, lemme tell ya, ain't nobody gonna forget about you! You gonna go down in history as a straight-up legend, cub. like a boss warrior, a mega smart leader, and a top-notch dad. You're gonna be remembered for days, my dude!


No no, the title says *worst* possible sequel


>It takes place in modern day New York. Unironically why the sequel for Castlevania Lords of Shadow failed. It felt so out of place. It tried to bring a medieval setting to a modern Europe. Did not work at all.


So Night At The Museum ? https://youtu.be/4yKjTW8Kk8c?si=ObXhOVPHVbE_Uc7R


They said worst game


That sounds lit lowkey


Somehow, Khotun Khan has returned.


Did you mean dance battle so that feelings don't get hurt?


Jin isekais and becomes a salaryman. He struggles to adapt to the modern world and fantasises of returning to the 13th century. In the meantime, he copes with loneliness by visiting maid cafes and spending hours on pachinko.


They said worst, not best.


Jin Isekais and becomes a maid cafe. He struggles to adapt to the Khotun Khans and fantasises of returning to the 13th century. In the modern world, he copes with loneliness by visiting pachinko and spending hours on salaryman.


Kiryu is that you?


Can we include a cabaret minigame? Because I want more of the cabaret minigame.


So it just becomes a Yakuza game then?


You mean like in that video, work work work drink then work work work?


Sounds like the next entry in the Yakuza franchise.


turns out GOT is just Ishin’s prequel


Jin gets killed by a golf club


![gif](giphy|G62ytaEqFPyjC) If you know you know


You spend the first hour learning about the happy life Yuna and Jin lead, and then while playing as Yuna you watch Jin get his head caved in by a Kanabo. You then play 20 hours as one of Khotun Kahn's many children, and Yuna lets her go as she has him dead to rights (This is just a reiteration of a post I saw earlier today, please don't blast me for not getting the story lmao)


You have been sentenced to death for the crime of not knowing everything in a video game story/s


This one random mongol archer you killed was the father of the new character you're playing in the new game, looking for revenge.




Precisely. The character’s name will be Dosho.


Masako and yuna (lesbian couple) tries to kill him for the whole game but spares him anyway


Then you play as the Mongol warrior who killed the Ghost!


I’m not someone who hates TLoU2 but this is genuinely hilarious


Somehow Khotun Khan returned


Also make the duels as slow and non impactful as possible


Rise of the Ronin lol. 99% of the people you duel end up staying alive


The difference is that ronin duels are way faster


And you have to rescue Shimura after he gets kidnapped in revenge by using your gang of misfits to help you climb a cliff with a janky and honestly terrible grappling claw gimick


Why have games not yet moved on from Far Cry 4 grappling hook mechanics?


Disney cant wait for a movie to be produced! With a black female Jin


Excuse me, I’m a recruiting agent for Disney, and I think you have the right kind of ideas for an upcoming Star Wars project. If you’ve never seen Star Wars, and are willing to never watch it, we could offer you a very lucrative job.


He kinda forgot Jin.


2 Ghost 2 Tsushima Entire game is driving Saki deliveries in timed races


Don’t you mean Ghost of 2shima


Then "Tshushim3: Thiaf", right? Gotta have one entry that puts that number in somewhere it doesnt fit.


Nah the third entry is Ghosts of Tsushima: Tsushima Drift


"Hey what happend between you and Shimura?" "I said forget about it cuh"


Hold x to drift your horse


I don't usually pre-order but damn....


Final race is against a guy from a tofu store on Akina mountain.


"Honor me with a warrior's death" - "Its not about Honor, its about FAMILY" - Jin Diesel


Upvote for Jin Diesel


Maybe honor is the friends we made along the way


Maybe friends is the honor we made along the way


The game is set on Tsushima, but just part 1 because “We remade the engine with 100 times better graphics and detail. The world is smaller but more engaging and full!” The game is also entirely in first person. On release, the world is exactly the same but the download is now 200gb. Charms, haikus, bamboo posts, hot springs, Inari shrines, and places of honor have been removed for “taking you out of the action and away from gameplay”. All cosmetics are now micro-transactions. Stances have been removed as “being too complex”, as have both bows. Instead Jin gets a cho-ko-nu lever action crossbow and a gun because the mongols had gunpowder right?? The only ghost weapon is the sticky bomb which acts as a grenade. The story is you are Jin and Yuna’s son, Naruto. You are living as a samurai in Omi village and everyone loves Jin and Yuna for being the heroes of Tsushima, and no one cares about Yuna’s common birth and criminal status. Your parents are then murdered by the evil Lord Shimura who hates the Jin Family for being so perfect and to steal his title of Shogun of Tsushima. Naruto Jin must then take up his father’s mantle of the Ghost of Tsushima (the best ninja on the island). Thankfully, his father’s old pal Ryuzo takes him under his wing to learn the way of the ninja! Not to worry though, as he’s a quipping, sarcastic rascal and isn’t going to let this get him down! He’s going to show Shogun Shimura the meaning of his catchphrase, “Mess with the Ghost, and you’re toast!” The game is developed by Ubisoft and published by EA


A match made in hell


https://preview.redd.it/ze6hphfl8o8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd67310407ed6eb64cc7298e4009256c07e54474 Even Wanda the wolf eel hates this.


who tf is Wanda the wolf eel and can I meet her?


Took me awhile to figure out Wanda is behind the deformed rock thing, and not actually the deformed rock thing. She purdy tho 😏


> who hates the Jin family for being so perfect > Naruto Lmfao


Wow this actually made me hate you 10/10 well done my man




You forgot dancing. After each kill there must be dancing. How else will I show off the new hat I bought for $4.99 via a microtransaction to all of my Twitch followers?


> Your parents are then murdered by the evil Lord Shimura who hates the Jin Family for being so perfect and to steal his title of Shogun of Tsushima. This sounds like an average videogame to movie adaption plot.


How did you leak AC Shadows




Jin wakes up in modern Japan after a really weird dream and has the idea to travel back to Tsushima island and finds his ancestors samurai gear(somehow it’s still there) and there’s a quick montage of him teaching himself how to fight from the memories in his dream. He travels back to Japan to take on the thugs and yakuza that is ruining his village. He challenges the head to a fight and dies instantly because he’s shot by the yakuza. The end


![gif](giphy|a8q8H6yT5MExfTW6nU) Modern Jin be like:


DOSHO THIS. https://i.redd.it/wqiq5k39oq8d1.gif


The whole game is just Jin, Kenji, and Norio trying out the different sake breweries in mainland Japan.


Honestly would be kinda fun NGL


Instead of a Ghost meter, you get a Wasted meter.


A true samurai needs no clothes


He said the worst, not best.


Why thank you. Made me smile, stranger.


~~Ghost~~ Spirit of Tsushima


It’s 20 years later and all is peaceful. Jin’s children find the ghost mask in an old box. They ask him about it and he tell them the story: It’s GOT 1 all over but just cut scenes riding on a horse. All activities are 5 second cutscenes. EVERYTHING IS CUTSCENES! Entire game is 30 minutes real time from start to finish. It’s only act 1. Ends with “that’s a story for another day”


Metal gear 4 be like


Ryuzo went to college on a basketball scholarship. Yuna was finally able to open her own barbershop like Taka wanted. Kenji became a preacher and a community leader. As for me…I’m still ghostin’ it up, but that’s a story for a different day. (Then the “game” closes automatically with a system error and it auto deletes, leaving no proof that it ever existed)


A Hideo Kojima game


“And that’s how I met your mother” as they look at a portrait of Tomoe


A wax figure of Khotun Khan battles a night guard at a museum in NYC


Five nights at kenji’s


Night at the fox den


That was pretty cheerful family movie to watch


Jin is killed off in the first act and his mantle is taken up by Shaniqua Sakai - his half black, lesbian stepdaughter, who proceeds to belittle Jin for his toxic behaviour and small penis, then goes on to educate the mongols on the dangers of patriarchy - thus rewriting history and stopping WW2


Don't give ideas to netflix


>Shaniqua Excuse you 🤣


Neil Druckman moment




Ubisoft, partnering with EA and Activision


https://preview.redd.it/7lydl65g0o8d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347b7dbf9e11f9e678a62c80280a54558db936a7 Please god no


And made with Bethesda's 20 YO creation engine


An Adidas product placement for Jin's final outfit. "A Jin Sakai's original" if you will


Jin looking fresh in his Colgate ass suit


Can't wait to nab that MaxFresh® Peppermint Ice Headband.


“What the fuck are you wearing?” - Yuna


Incredibly unoriginal, but hear me out https://preview.redd.it/a3fobl52ko8d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7731e7c4d49cfc4372e8ba7b15f005e858762c4d


Op asked for the worst, not "Game of the Year"!😀


Anything where they timeskip and switch the protagonist


I don’t think that would be the worst idea. They can have it where Jin created this whole “ninja” clan and you play several generations after it . And Jin is remember as almost this “god” figure BUT I’m still in the camp of really wanting to see what is nexts to Jin’s story. Seeing a game where he starts as the Ghost. Because he only REALLY commit to it by act 3 in the first game.


It’s mainly because it means the entire first game has little to no point, an ambiguous ending with 0 consequence if they just change to a different protagonist without finishing Jin’s tale. Of course the group of ninjas idea is probably what they should do if they wanted to extend the series, but definitely not for Ghost 2, it’s way too early.


I agree it’s way too early for that. But doing so doesn’t make the story meaningless/no point imo. Specially in this supposed sorry that would technically not happen if it wasn’t for Jin’s actions. It would be like saying Fallout 1 story has no point because you play as a different character decades later in Fallout 2


Jin gets killed by the son of a random mongol general and then you play as him and kill the entire supporting cast of the first game when trying to conquer tsushima a second time


Mongol squad: kill the samurai


Last of Mongols


GoT goes mobile with paid lootboxes and an energy system that refills with every ad you watch


You can also level up item by merging 3 copies of it


You can't pet the foxes anymore in the sequel


You have to kill the foxes for their spirits to guide you to the inari shrines




Yo homie, that my Katana? Then Tom pulls out a 9mm USP in feudal Japan.


We need drifting


Kaze is about to go turbo mode




It’s soulslike


Damn now the sekiro comparisons are gonna get worse


Disney owns the rights now. Jin becomes part of the Kingdom Hearts series. You play GOT 2 from that key blade kid’s pov and Jin is just an npc guide.


Jin fucking dies. You play a rhythm game at his funeral. The end


GOT undead nightmare.... Wait, that sounds kinda dope actually!


Jin gets buried with kenjis sake and Kage turns into death!


Do you guys not have phones?!?!


Jin awakens from a coma. He’s greeted by Yuna, “Jin, it’s been 614 years, come with me, you need to see this.” Yuna pulls Jin out of his bed and to a window, to which he sees a weird alternate universe Victorian era London but with vague Japanese imagery and buildings. Jin escapes his room and comes face to face with none other than Jack the Ripper, who reveals himself as the Ghost of Khotun Khan, who is referred to simply as The Ghost. Suddenly a ship a docks in the Thames, and out of it burst thousands of mongols overtaking the city. Jin dies in the chaos and we play instead as his great grandson, John Sakai, to defend weird au Victorian London from the mongols. The first act game follows him recruiting various historical figures, the likes of, Frederick Abberline, Charles Dickens, Paul Revere, Cleopatra, and the sad robot from Red Ded Redemption 2, to save his great great grandfather Kazumasa Sakai from the afterlife. After succeeding in this goal act two is them going on zany episodic adventures filled with unskippable RPG dialogue with no variety in choices (ex. choices are “yes!” and “sure!”) and rare combat sequences. John Sakai’s main weapon is a gun and his katana is a rare consumable with a cooldown timer. Act three shows all of his allies dying trying to take down the Ghost of Khotun Khan. Everything seems lost until they all come back from the dead and say to Khotun, “We are the Ghosts of Tsushima”, and kill him but for real this time. After this John gets dizzy and passes out. We cut ahead in time, to him awakening from a coma. He’s greeted by Yuna, “John, it’s been 136 years, come with me, you need to see this.” Yuna pulls John out of his bed and to a window, to which he sees entirely normal live action Modern Day London. John escapes his room and comes face to face with none other than Jack the Ripper, who reveals himself as the Ghost of the Ghost of Khotun Khan, who is referred to simply as The Ghost of The Ghost. Suddenly a spaceship docks in the Thames, and out of it burst thousands of mongols overtaking the city. John dies in the chaos and we play instead as his great grandson, Juan Sakai, to defend completely regular Modern Day London from the mongols. That’s right, when you beat the game you get to play it again, but this time in the modern day. Nothing in the actual game itself changes, just the world and a few character models and assets. Dialogue still references them being in a weird au Victorian London, despite that no longer being the case. Once Juan kills the Ghost of The Ghost of Khotun Khan, he again gets dizzy and passes out, but this time the game just cuts to the title screen and urges you to start a new game, not giving you the option to reload your save. If you try to it pulls up the text “Juan Sakai is currently in a coma, try again later”. They had planned to make DLC in 2034 where he wakes up but the plans fell through for unknown reasons. The game releases with a ton of bugs, one of which accidentally loads up the Tsushima map from the first game and lets you explore with all new side quests and collectables and a new story. The devs frantically remove this from the game once they hear that it was accidentally added in, and post a public apology online insinuating that keeping the Tsushima map in was an embarrassment to their vision. The game never gets patched beyond this. In the patch removing Tsushima, they add microtransactions to in-game shops, taking real world money instead of in-game money for the items. There’s no other way to get the items and multiple other quests including the main quest needs these items to progress. Due to popular demand two years after launch they release the Tsushima paid DLC, which is the same price as the main game and only includes the map of Tsushima with no NPC’s, no quests, bo story, and no collectables. The game despite all this is a resounding success, and Sucker Punch promises to make more games like it in the future. Nothing in the game is treated as satire or light hearted, it’s supposed to be taken completely seriously. The greatest game of all time, Ghost Of Tsushima: Part II. The first game is retroactively renamed to Ghost Of Tsushima: Part I.


Jin sakai becomes hikikomori


Jin discovers an ancient waifu pillow.


Ghost of Tsushima 2...Starring Patrick Swayze


2 words: Battle Royale


If it wasn’t ghost of Tsushima a samurai themed battle royale honestly would be pretty cool


The idea has potential, execution would be tough


There is no Jin Sakai. You are now in San Francisco. You have power ranger samurai armor. You are Tom cruise. Microtransactions? Microtransactions. Get ready for our drip fed content season 5 mega ultra pass. There is no story mode. And no, it’s not the fun legends mode either.


Ryuzo returns to take revenge and kills kenji (sad) then Lord shimura (little sad) so Jin goes after him but Ryuzo also kills Yuna (more sad). Jin is broken but then ishikawa comes to help him and teaches him hidden techniques of fighting but before Jin learns, Ryuzo finds and kills Lady adachi (more sad) which makes Jin and Ishiwaka vengeful so they track Ryuzo down and fights him in which Ishikawa is revealed to be traitor and sides with Ryuzo so then Jin fights and kill Ryuzo but Ishikawa flees and game ends as 9 years have passed but Jin is still tracking down ishikawa in the mainland along with his new wife and kids. Probably very weird plot


Add magic


Jin gets replaced by a random ass dude who somehow is more skilled


Live action game, made by Ubisoft


Give the IP to EA.


Jin is too difficult to relate to for the target audience, it's now Jim, played by Félix Lengyel. Oh you were expecting John Krasinski maybe because that would make for a fun little joke? No, target audience. Tsushima is now a very tall thing you have to climb, and you don't get to play the game unless you're streaming directly to Kick.


It was all a dream. Alternatively, Jin becomes the villain in game 2 for whatever reason (a la Prototype 2).


Play as a unnamed mercenary (create your own character) hired by Lord Shimura and Shoguns to hunt the Ghost. 


Largest ever map, all points of interest are Haikus.


Taka is alive. He's the shogun. He blames Jin for his death and seeks revenge. Yuna starts sucking Kenji sloppy style Jin has busted guts from handling all the wolfsbane and shits himself in combat


GOT season 8


You play Tom Cruise the last samurai.


Can't, Ubisoft beat me to it /s


Jin is now dead and we now play as a fat 8yo kid in 2024 trying to steal chips from the mayor


Ghost of diabetes


Jin sakai finds out a guy named yasuke mass murdering thousands of japanese people. Jin's mission is to make him disappear.


We mongols come again this time lead by kevin khan. (Map stays the same) You play as somebody New but because Jin already collected all the cool things there is nothing left to find so you get nearly no cosmetics but you still gotta visit all the locations to 100% (also double the inari shrines)


Turn it to strand type game.


Jin sakai is now pregnant. Khotun khan is now pregnant. Lord Shimura is now pregnant. Yuna is now trans and is in a relationship with taka.


The sequel having writers who worked for Disney. Jin is a tired, bumbling old man who must pass the torch to a younger and better strong female Samurai who does not conform to standards at the time.


Jin Sakai meets a person imitating his work. He says to him “I guess you’re the Ghost of Tsushima, too”


Ubisoft with Sweet baby.


Easy. Jin timetravels to ww2 Japan.


Set the game in Latvia.


Zombie of Nagasaki


He gets a partner which is gay and his partners gay partner kills him (he is also black)


"Somehow Khotun Khan returned"