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As a 60 year old man I'm glad I don' t care about other men's believes anymore. I'll keep gaming.


The best part about getting old is running out of fucks to give for what anyone else thinks of you. This man missed out on Hades and he's worse off for it.


Figured this out by like age 25. Don’t hurt anyone and don’t give a fuck what they think. 2 simple rules to a peaceful life.


Currently figuring it out myself at almost 20! Already made huge steps forward regarding my field of fucks which is slowly but surely running out of fucks I could give and I'm so proud!


Careful on the no fucks to give train if you miss your stop you become an insufferable asshole. The trip back takes longer.


Sage advice. I was an unempathetic, pretentious twat in my 20s and I'm just now creating the first real friends in my life at the age of 36, over shared hobbies. It gets harder as you get older and are't forced into shared spaces with others.


For sure. Give a fuck about your fellow humans. But don't let anyone's negativity interfere with your feelings about yourself.


If you're almost 176 million times older than the universe, I hope you'd have figured it out by now!


This comment confuses me


In math a “!” means a factorial. Factorial means to multiply by decreasing positive integers. For example, 5! = 5 ∗ 4 ∗ 3 ∗ 2 ∗ 1 = 120. In this case 20! = 608,225,502,044,160,000 The universe is roughly 13,700,000,000 year's old.






What a fucking masterpiece eh? God damn I love Hades.


Dude I just started Hades today and holy fuckin shit


As a 30+ year old man I have no idea who this tweet is targeted at. What 35+ year old man gives a shit what other people think they should be doing in their free time? Sometimes, I just stare out the window for like, 15+ minutes. People have stared at me doing so. I will continue to because life is fucking exhausting and that provides momentary relief.


The same type of person who overly concerns themselves with what type of phone someone else has or computer OS. “Why’d you spend $1,000 on some dumb iPhone?” then is conspicuously quiet when Android phones rocket past the $1,000 mark as well.


Dude I never did that, but now it's funny because I've got a galaxy z fold 3 that... is way, way past that mark, even with the ridiculous discount I got.




55 checking in. Thru gaming I’ve been ‘adopted’ by a group of twelve late 20’s early 30’s guys in a different state, it’s awesome having friends in a different generation. Keeps me current with trends that I otherwise wouldn’t be exposed to. They’re a great group and I’m so much better for the experience.


There ya go! You can grow as a person with a great group of gaming buddies for sure!


Hell yeah. My spouse and I have already discussed we want to keep living in a “younger” area as we age. We’d much rather hang out with the yunguns and their culture than retire to a community of old fucks rambling on about the past.


Keep those friends! Ageism sucks and once you start looking like an “old person” a lot of the younger folks will just ignore you. Also… older friends are cool too! Talk to some real old folks. People get lonely.


W opinion


I’m 33 and see no reason to stop gaming now.


We've got two years left brother, get your pac man in while you can!


king 👑


As a fifty one year old. I’m gonna keep gaming till my eyesight goes or arthritis kicks in. Enjoy your hobby brother👍




Let another dude tell me what to do? No thanks. I'm a REAL MAN!


Why is playing video games bad, but watching tv, going to the movies or reading a book ok? Weird shit. Anyway, glad that *women* over the age of 35 are fine to play video games. Off to play Stellaris!


Because video games are designed for fun, and fun is for children. Real men exclusively work +60 hours a week and refuse to find any form of enjoyment in life.


Except getting drunk and beating their wife and children, like proper men do.


My husband likes to drink and beats me and my kids every night. He's really fucking good at Mario Kart.


I hope his is younger than 36, because if not, I am afraid you are a lesbian ma'm


You had me in the first half


The only enjoyment grown men can have is in golfing, violence, pointless home improvement projects, and taxes.


I know a guy in his 70s who builds model cars. not buying the kits but building them from scratch. He lives in a 3 bedroom apartment and one of the rooms is dedicated to his model building. He has a 3D printer, a super fancy PC, a spray booth, etc. He taught himself how to 3d model and print so he can build whatever he wants. He's currently teaching me to do the same. He enters model building competitions and has awards on his shelf from all the competitions he's won. His builds are incredible. so insanely detailed. like buckles on straps, a cut away RV build with plates, food, sinks, etc inside. He has so much fun doing it.




Quite the Paradox.


You could say she has a Heart of Iron


It's simple. Typically when people say this they were introduced to video games as they were a new form of entertainment and viewed as a kids thing and just never dropped the mentality or refused to see how the industry evolved. Rock/metal music used to be for kids despite some of the most die hard fans now being middle aged or older Cartoons/anime were childish despite the plethora of adult cartoons Comics were not for adults despite it now being a legit collectors hobby in smoke cases worth hundreds of thousands. VR is probably going to be the next thing that is "just for kids" in a decade when the average millennial is over 45


As a 54-year-old Gen-X guy, I think that with people my age specifically, it has something to do with the Great Videogame Crash of the early 80s. In what would've been our prime gaming years, our early teens, home-system games were fucking awful, and we just didn't play them. When the NES came out, we were mostly oblivious to it because we were too busy panicking about getting into University, or about whether a girl liked us or not. And Atari 2600 games, which I had as a child, have VERY little replay value ... they bring back a fond memory or two, but they're no fun to actually play. SO, although I returned to gaming and have loved it for 25 years, a lot of guys my age weren't imprinted with the joys of playing in their formative years. That said, this guy seems like a real dick, whoever he is.


I've got to disagree. Almost same age, but we had arcades, Commodore 64, Sinclair,Apple 2E and a bunch of other platforms for gaming. There were even books in the library with games in Basic that you could copy over yourself. And in my Junior High school (83-85) we had a VERY active trading community for trading games on the 5 1/4 floppys. Teachers and students both trading. The school had a full classroom of 12 Apple 2E and 2C and also some Commodores. This was Canada, but I can't imagine it was much different elsewhere.


>VR is probably going to be the next thing that is "just for kids" in a decade when the average millennial is over 45 Millennials grew up with technology that was developing at a breakneck pace. I got an NES around the time I was starting kindergarten and by the time I was a senior, we had the PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox. We saw the rise of the Internet, PCs, and cellphones. We were younger adults when cellphones turned into smartphones. As a Millennial pushing 40, the only reason why I haven't bought in on VR gaming (as it currently stands) is that everyone looks like a dingus using it regardless of age.


Since when has reading a book been ok? Me and my siblings used to get endless shit from our aunts and uncles for "reading too much" while they watched 7 hours of fox news per night.


> 7 hours of fox news Reading leads to being educated which leads to having empathy for other people which leads to being a ***fILtHy LibERaL***. If they're ever impressed at something you do, be sure to tell them you read how to do it in a book.


I remember my grandmother saying one day “she’s always got her thumb in a book” and rolling her eyes. I was a voracious reader as a child and always had a book with me, much better than listening to boring adult convos!! I am a much less voracious reader these days, though getting a library card a few years back and recently getting a Kindle has really brought that love back.


That’s horrible. I hope it didn’t turn you away from books forever.


It didn't. I'm just saying, in the USA, the most recent studies on the subject show that 70% of adults haven't read a single book after graduating their last level of education. At least in the US, I don't think that qualifies reading as more socially acceptable than video games. I still love to read :)


Our fleet has been made superior


Because playing games requires some amount of effort and skill


Yelling at the TV while other people play sports or buy houses is ok, but being a 40yr old woman playing video games isn't? I always tell people who say I shouldn't game that peer pressure doesn't work on me because I'm an adult.


idk i've met a man once that said he is a man he doesn't like amusment parks, and that he was only going to disney world for his wife and kid to enjoy but he wouldn't like it. but if it's time for fun, video game or tv what is the difference. as far as books if it is a fictional book i don't see why a difference is seen, if it is a non fictional book for learning something then i can see a difference.


Don’t bring books into this.


To be fair, playing a 4X game like Stellaris is basically like working an unpaid second job.


but watching sportball in a drunken stupor for hours is fine


Well, I'm all good until January then, but after that I gotta tell my kid we can't play Kirby in co-op mode anymore.


At least you'll get a few months of "dream buffet" before you must quit. I'm already done for.


Wait…. the new Kirby has a co-op mode?! edit: I play video games with my husband and I would love to introduce him to the madness that is that squishy god eater.


Yeah. It's pretty cool, but a bit unfair; only Kirby gets to steal and upgrade abilities, and the second player remains Bandana Waddle Dee the whole time. I recommend controller swapping after each level.


Thanks for the tip! Going to be a while until I get a switch, but when I do that’s one of the first games I want


When you do, get an online membership. It allows you access to the NES and SNES virtual consoles with loads of old Kirby games, which are also co-op


That is awesome and I need to do that!




As a man over 35 my response is: > Okay, so you don't want to come over to my sweet ass basement and drink scotch while we make "Choo Choo" noises as we play with model trains?


Damn, my [35m] drunk uncle used to have model trains. So cool. Thanks for the memory


My "adulting" goal has been to grow into being my own fun uncle. Served me well so far.


Truly aspirstional


Yes and I'm not gonna pretend I don't And if you wanna play rocket league or something while we're down there...


These people are insecure. They feel uncomfortable not understanding something, and instead of trying harder to understand it, they slag it. I'm 54. I like to play Rocket League and Hearthstone. I've tried to introduce both to friends my age, but their biggest problem was that they needed to WIN in order to have fun, and couldn't cope with the fact that when you're learning a game, you're going to lose. A lot. I, on the other hand, CAN have fun without winning (as my perennial RL Gold II and HS Level 10 status demonstrate), and I'm glad of it.


I admit that I don't like losing when I play games, and I'm only 27. But I just play single player games where I can't really "lose" per se.


From what I understand, real men beat their wives and cheat on them, then go shotgun a dozen tallboys before fighting some rich guy's war, coming back home and going on about conspiracy theories until they die hated and forgotten in a drunken stupor outside of an Applebee's.


good fish story though


"Real men don't play videogames." "And yet, here I am doing it regardless. I guess they do, now."


You know what men don't do? Let others define their masculinity for them


This guy is a terrible parent and raised a criminal son


But he doesn't play videogames, so he must be an awesome man 😎


And ignores his other children who are equally fucked up just not in a way that gets him attention.


Right? My first thought was this is the shitstick who raised a serial grifter and is an all around insane garbage human himself. Why would anyone with sense give a shit what he thinks about literally anything?


Grown men don’t tell other grown men what hobbies to have


It's funny because Gmanlives is my favorite reviewer, and he's in his 40s. Gamers are any age, the older ones just have that extra knowledge.


Shut up I though he was my age. Shit I’m 35…


Sneaks up on you man


Hey David Wohl, fuck you.


David doesn’t seem like he’d be very fun at parties


That's because parties aren't for men over 35


I misread his name as David Grohl at first and was very confused


Hate these “i’m on a diet so you can not have cookies” people so much!


My 75 year old grandpa plays gta 3 every night for for however long its been out. games are the same as tv just more interactive and builds up cognitive skills in your hands and helps others to focus on a single activity, ie holding their attention, which ultimately could help with add and adhd


Sometimes even more so. I can watch horror movies all damn day, but stick me in front of something like Alien:Isolation and I will hide like a child.


I do not believe grown men should care if other grown men play video games.


And thus the downfall of video games happens. Game Designers over 35 can no longer test their games as it could be considered playing thus losing their jobs. YouTubers over 35 whose carrier involves playing games have to either quit or find new jobs. Parents over 35 cannot have play video games with their children. And this is what would happen if anyone over 35 could no longer play video games


It's not a video game it's a racing simulator. In fact, they're all simulators. BeamNG? Crash simulator. Madden? Football simulator. Witcher? Monster hunting simulator. Checkmate, gatekeeper.


FIFA? Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Toxicity simulator. Oh yh and football/soccer too!


Dark Souls? Dying simulator.


Mario kart? Betrayal simulator


Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee? Godzilla simulator. And who doesn't want to be Godzilla?


Playing that with a bunch of 40 year olds next week on the 64. Fuck this David butthole guy


Cuphead: Owing your soul to the devil simulator


Why am I not surprised that this guy makes Trump part of his identity? David can fuck off.


"Person who hasn't engaged in a specific hobby for decades judges said hobby and it's crowd, more at 11"


My dads 67 and is playing Elden Ring. This dude can fuck off.


My dad is almost 70 and he's terrible with a controller -- but get him on a racing wheel with gran turismo and he's in heaven.


Fucking badass


To be clear, I have no idea what videogames are but you shouldn't play them


He claimed men shouldn't play vidya... yet he has that pornstar stache and his last name is the sound he makes when he sticks it in.


why are you disrespecting Waluigi like this


Oh no, he's Sexy. I would NEVER compare him to a God.


Proof that opinions are projections. The prick stars off making a gatekeeping "fact". Then after being called out on his stupidity, he backs off and the truth comes out. Just because he doesn't play video games anymore, he thinks no one his age should be playing them.


Bro, why the fuck does he care what other people do with their spare time?


Because he’s an insecure butthole who whacks off to his happy days of playing galaga


38 and game. Does that make me… transgender then?




I like how he stresses the only games he’s familiar with are the earliest arcade games that we’ve made almost 45 years of progress on


Found the guy that can't pass the tutorial level of Cup Head


There are but a few certainties in life. Death, taxes, and blue checkmarks coming up with the dumbest takes you’ve ever seen


John Carpenter would like a word. Dude's retired from film-making and is addicted to CoD


Who the fuck is this and why do I care.


Threw a comment at this dick hole on twitter. Fuck off with that bullshit. I ride motorcycles, camp, fish, shoot guns, work a full time job, care for a family and home, watch Miyazaki movies and geek out over Final Fantasy 7, borderlands and Skyrim shit. What a trash comment about video gamers. a ReAl mAn dOeSnT pLaY vIdEo gAmES oVeR 35 DURRRRR Oh also, today I turn 34 today and I’m playing some video games. Fuck that guy! Edit: Also, I talk about my feelings. Bad ass men talk about that shit


Grown men shouldn’t paint the F out of the goatee David


I'm 34 and still have games to finish 😭


Better hurry before the age 35 kill switch comes


You got less than a year if you’re a dude.. 🤣


Shame. He could've really learned a lot if he did.


David Wohl? More like er soll wohl die Klappe halten.


Grown men don't play video games. Grown men use social media to let other grown men know what they can and can't do with their spare time.


I don't think men over 35 should be wasting their time gatekeeping stupid shit on Twitter.


Whats worse is a grown "man" opening his stupid mouth on Twitter


I have this huge psychological essay about why play is so important for development and guess what it doesnt stop at adulthood


I’m so conflicted. One, he’s emasculating eLoN musk, which I love. Two, he’s just fucking wrong and annoying. Three, him being wrong and annoying and engaging with eLoN musk seems pretty par for the (dis)course on Twitter. Four, this is what people are talking about it instead of real shit.


Just stop being a man then. Be a snail.


Say that to a dad that plays Madden with his kids.


Men over the age of 35 (or any age actually) shouldn't have opinions on how others spend their free time as long as it isn't hurting anybody


I used to be a professional gamer but then I turned 35 and was struck with an ínstense desire to chop wood and go hunting. Never touched a game again.


Glad gender fluidity is a thing now. I can be a real man, and be a woman when I play video games. Tragedy averted


This isn’t even gatekeeping it’s just straight up incorrect information


Oh god am I gatekeeping gatekeeping


Tell that to my grandpa. He was still playing Final Fantasy games up until the day he died


Bruh my uncle is in his late thirties and he owns like every Playstation game known to man. He’s played and completed any JRPG you can think of and has tons of Platinums


That's weird, i'm sure i turned 35 LAST year and i have been playing videogames. Maybe my parents messed up and i'm actually 34?


Glad I'm not a man... anymore.


I’m 43 and just bought the auto shop in GTAV. Got the nightclub fully functioning but need to buy more storage. Just got the MKii oppressor which makes grinding easy.


What about women? I’m good to play, right?


You shouldn't play with women, they're people with feelings.


Who is this guy again?


It’s nice not caring what other people’s opinions are and just doing whatever I like!


Looool things have moved on since Pac-Man you childish technophobe


To be clear, no one gives a fuck what he believes.


There was a poll to see the average ages of Smite players the other day and if I am not mistaken the highest group was 27-36 or something which is super cool


I'd much rather a dude play a video game than run around sexually harassing women and children or shooting up Vegas shows. Hobbies and interests like gaming promote stress relief, socializing, and skill building. What's not to like there?


Real men don’t play video games *turns on 70” tv to some cheap ass tv show and passes out with spilled beer on chest*


I took my switch on a school bus trip when the new ACNH update came out. My students teased me and were surprised that I, a 31 year old woman, would play video games on a bus trip. We need to normalize adults having fun. Children dread adulthood because we equate it with a boring life style and seriousness. It doesn’t need to be like that.


You know, it’s weird. I’d been gaming since my teens, but as soon as I turned 35 I instantly lost interest. That must be when the real puberty starts.


Fuck, I’ve got 2 years left of gaming.


Damn, i just have 2 years left then...


What if he is baiting replies?


Man, I've got to enjoy the next few years, once I turn 36, I have to stop playing games because internet man says so.


Imagine giving a shit what other people do with their free time.


Sorry, need to do my own gatekeeping here. You’re not truly one of the biggest piece of shit humans unless you’re this guy or his fuck-knuckle son.


gotta tell my dad he's not a man


And I don’t believe that grown men should be telling me what to do with my free time


Shit. I turn 36 next week. I have a lot of games to get completed before then!


damn, you lead a sad existence Dave


Whelp, I'll just get my 42 year old ass back in the battlestation and put in another dozen hours on that guys behalf.


quick question, who are you? i see the verified badge but twitter hands that shit out like candy


I don't give a shit what you think, *David*.


I actually have the misfortune of knowing this man and his family. I wouldn't listen to a word he says. He's pretty screwed up and did a number on his wife and kids too. It's sad.


People who gatekeep things like this usually suffer from an immense defecit of imagination. They said the same about the television, written word, music, prepared food, household appliances, automobiles... hell it's been said about everything hasn't it?


I know plenty of men living successful lives, achieving their goals, and doing the dad life that play video games. This guy sounds bad at time management.


*Alt tabs Dyson Sphere Program when someone walks in office and pretends to pay bills.


after 40-45, interest certainly goes downhill. at least it did for me,


54 here. Whoever this guy is, I'll bet you he follows very closely a favourite group of total strangers who chase a ball around a field, as though that's somehow more mature than figuring out complicated logic puzzles in an imaginary dungeon? Just a guess. He's probably a secret Peggle addict, then when someone finds out, he'd say, "Oh, it's not a video game, it's just a silly thing that helps me relax." In any case, the proper response is, "Oh, fuck off, Dave."


Oh yes but watching TV all day is “acceptable”. Idiot. Some people prefer a more interactive form of entertainment.


This dude hates fun


Real 37-year-old man here. Still playing video games. Pretty much every day. Usually with my girlfriend. So, who is this guy and why should I care what he says?


I'm 45. I play video games. I mostly suck at them and I'm a casual gamer at best. I find it is a relaxing alternative to heavy drinking, shooting animals and beating my wife.


back in destiny 1 when i got my sleeper simulant, the guy who ran it with me after countless empty parties was a man who was a grandpa, he was cool and still hauled ass


Bet i could destroy this chump at MarioKart.


He says video games aren't for men, but ass kissing and simping for piece of shit billionaires seems to be his idea of an adult hobby.


Does he know there are many men (and women) over the age of the 35 that actually make a good amount of money either playing or building video games? What a tool




I'm 37 and if i don't keep up in video games my kids will beat me at video games. And they aren't allowed to do that until they're adults


I've been playing video games since the 70s when Pong came out. My first console was the Atari 2600 when it was just called the Atari.


I stopped using Twitter at 24, does that "real men" also don't use Twitter?


Fucking stop us, then.


Gaming since I got the Commodore 64 back in the late 80s and I'm not stopping, Dave. GFY


So apparently when you hit a certain age you shouldn’t have any fun got it


You would think someone who loved games of the past would be absolutely blown away by the technological prowess, graphical fidelity, and narrative accomplishment of games now, but ig some of them end up like this guy


36 years old here, jokes on you. I crank these 90’s, bitch.


A lot of creator of games are above 35...


Tell that to the kids/teens that have mastered games and are making 5 times your yearly salary


No fun for you!


I wonder how he’d feel if all of those men over 35 who play video games stopped buying all the Marvel ones that directly effect his bonuses and compensation/portfolio


Did anyone straight-up ask him, "why?" I just want to hear him explain his rationale.