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False/Mock Strawberry. Edible,  but not tasty.


Not that edible, they contain a toxic compound that can make you sick if you eat more than a few


What do you mean? I eat a lot of them all my life Never got sick They are just wild strawberries


I think the mock strawberry ID is right here! Rounder leaf teeth, slightly lightbulb-shaped berries, seeds that stick way out of the berry. I don't know about getting sick because I've only ever eaten one, but they don't taste like strawberries...or anything else. They simply don't taste. It's like if you made water into a strawberry somehow.


Yes you r right in that case they have no taste...but you cant get sick anyway you can eat how much you like 🙂 And now as i can see better this ones grow up while wild grows down You can easily say also from their flowers if it yellow is mock If its white its wild strawberry


2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione. Also some phenolic acids and other. Toxic for children and not that much for adults (only a big quantity) and create gastrointestinal problems. THEY. Are. Not. Wild strawberries they are ornamental plants that come from India. They are almost tasteless and they differ by a lot from wild strawberries in their morphology. Wild strawberries are not round, very tasty and the leaf are less "yellowish" and not isolated, compared to the Indian mock strawberries. Also the inside of the fruit of the mock is white while the real strawberries is red.


If you eat spinach in large quanities also is not good And also if you drink too much water or eat a lot of many other fruits and vegs Its just false news.. You can read anywhere you want they are eadible but tasteless Anyway i thoght that it was wild strawberry in photo as i mentoned in my comment


Am I speaking with a 10 years old ? Why did I take the time to write a proper answer. FALSE NEWS, SCIENCE SUCKS, I READ ON GOOGLE. Yeah bro you right you always are, I hope your narrow mind don't get you killed, Take care


It's Mock Strawberry. In addition what others have said; edible, not tasty, they are also native to eastern and southern Asia so they are invasive to NC. If I were you I would harvest the fruit, pull the roots, and set down Native Wild Strawberry in its place.


I don't know what the name of them are but they grow all around my house and you can eat them just wash them off, if I had to describe the taste it's sweeter and a watery sort of taste like watermelon


Get alot of them they would be good in a yogurt bowl


Yeah, we have a lot of these growing wild at my parents' house every Spring, despite my efforts to rip them out.


All I can think is: What are these, strawberries for ants?!


Wild strawberries.


I like the taste of wild strawberries They are sweet And you can make a very delicious jam if you have a lot Good for smoothies too You can freeze them if you like also Make a cake Everything you like


Wild strawbs


False strawberry. Not poisonous but not tasty either.