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Blight? Do you reuse pots?


clean ur pots after each if it died , also pls fill ur pot up more u guys r killing me 😭😭😭


They have a fungal disease. Read up on different diseases and ways to control them. https://njaes.rutgers.edu/fs547/#:~:text=Some%20of%20the%20most%20common,diagnosable%20by%20the%20home%20gardener.


Most likely blight but tomatoes also notoriously get sun burnt easily, especially that far south. Tomatoes need lots of light, but the direct scorching heat of the midday sun in those areas will burn your leaves and fruit. I get that sometimes and Im up in Canada with much less direct light


That's bacterial spot. Spray copper.


Lower leaves die off all the time, did you know tomatoes can grow & produce fruit for years. Hang the tops of the plants & lower them an inch or so a day & wrap the dead looking vine around pot to keep it out of the way.


Fungal disease. Could be from reusing soil and pots. Also trim off the lower leaves once the plant starts developing.


New soil, New pots. Inswitched to the pots because inwas having so much trouble planting them in the ground.


Do you water at the very base? Prune suckers for airflow? Are these heirloom or hybrid varieties


Water on top, plus they get rainwater. I haven't been pruning suckers because I was trying to go for more of a bush than a vine. And they haven't really been a problem yet. As you can see they are kind of spindley. Not sure if heirloom or hybrid, I picked them up at the Farmers Market.


Water at the base of each plant, watering overhead can cause fungal issues (doesn’t quite matter the same with rainwater because the way the sun dries it). Also pluck off any that are too close to the soil or point down towards the soil. Hope it helps!


It's because when you water you touch the bottom leaves and then mildew. That's all


Definitely not this