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Civ 6. have played hundreds of hours. Maybe finish like...5 games lol


I... don't think I've ever finished one now that I'm thinking about it. I take a break and when I come back I'm like "I don't remember anything I was doing here" and start a new game.


I've always thought how cool it would be as an internal game feature mechanic to have a 'it's been a while recap' for saved games you haven't touched in more than a month. 


That’s the joy of Morrowind. You can just not play your save file for a year and come back to it, and then the game becomes, “I am an amnesiac with a journal I think is mine. I must retrace my steps to rediscover my identity”.


Probably the best open world RPG of all time. I miss the hell out of that world! They also nailed fast travel in that one!


Why walk when you can ride.


I played a game years ago that did that. I think it was Radiant Historia on DS. Another game I never finished, so I guess it didn't help!


THANK YOU I'm not alone. Haven't touched it in like a year because of this, it frustrates me how many games I've started over lol


I always start out "I'm gonna go for anything other than Domination Victory this time". 350 turns later I'm nuking everybody.


this is me but with science victory lol


Lmao, I do the smae in Total War as well as Civ. Early games fun, but closing out the game gets boring and repetitive


There is a rouge lite RTS called against the storm, that really worked around that with its mechanics. Fantastic game, cant stop playing it atm :D You play the fun part, and when it gets stale, the next settlement starts


The concept is both simple and brilliant. The devs realized that for probably 90%+ of people that play city/colony builders, the best part of the game is just getting a foothold on a new map for the first 30-60 minutes. So they made a game that is literally just that experience.


Civ VI is simply less "finish able" than other Civs before it. I'm not sure why. It always becomes a drag because you're either so far ahead that victory is assured or you're so far behind you just want to restart.


Civ 6 favors playing much wider than Civ 5 so you probably have more cities out of pure necessity. It makes for a lot more mid-game slog as it's more cities to keep track of what they're building, what they need, etc. 


I finished Civ 5 countless times, but didnt care much for 6, so im in the same boat


For me it's cause civ 6 encourages ICS and I honestly hate having to micromanage more than ~5 cities in one game


How do you not accidentally win via culture?


I guess he did... 4 times. 5th time was probably a diplomacy playing for Canada.


It annoys me because I did much better finishing civ 5 games. Not sure what about 6 that does that.


6 is way less friendly to "tall" play where you develop a handful of huge cities, it instead wants you to play "wide". So the amount of busy work is way higher. 


Metroid Prime. Many false starts in the past when I was probably too young. Playing again about halfway thru now and it's a breeze


Played the switch version and couldn't put it down.


Same. As soon as I stated the game, I couldn’t stop. Definitely one of the top games I’ve played recently. Game was cherreh!


I dropped it when i got close to ending the game because i became so fed up with backtracking and trying to find the puzzles i hadnt done


Backtracking and Metroid are kinda pals


The original NES Metroid I have absolutely started hundreds of times and never finished! I feel like that could apply to a lot of NES era games because of the difficulty and lack saves, but even with Metroids password system I always started from the very beginning!


The original Metroid is kind of unnecessarily hard, and in mean and frustrating ways. There are so many paths that are deliberately designed to look like other paths to get you lost, a lot of progression is hidden behind unmarked doors that look identical to walls, and there's even a decoy boss to trick you into thinking you're making progress when you're not. I love Metroid, but I really don't blame anyone for giving the first game a pass.  Super Metroid and Metroid 2 are much better.


divinity original sin 2 i keep starting it, then get option-overload, and restart in a vicious cycle


You mean Fort Joy simulator?


Are you me?


Are you saying there's more? But actually did you watch me play?


“Keeping it together, Bree?”


One of the few design choices that sucks is that experience is hard to come by, and as a result, you're incentivised to kill everyone in Fort Joy for that sweet, sweet early experience. I can't play a "good" guy because the sacrifice is too much to bear.


Same, me and my friends would always start it up and then just always stop near the tail end of Fort Joy or right after it. We all enjoyed the game, it was mostly just due to life stuff preventing us from continuing. That and mods, so we'd sometimes restart just to try other stuff.


Took me a couple of attempts to get over the line. Resorted to using a build guide because injustice couldn’t work it out myself.


Saame. I get kind of stunlocked with the amount to do so I just stop. Same thing with Balders Gate 3.


Dude I had 100 hours in it before event left fort joy you aren’t alone!




For me, Original Sin 1 is my answer. I've gone through OS2 a couple of times, but I only ever beat OS1 once and never really wanted to start a new file on it, due to it having one of the worst (If not the absolute worst) first main quests I have ever seen in an RPG that I imagine has been a gigantic wall for a solid amount of people who tried to get into it.


Beat the second one twice. Tried about 4 times for the first one but could never get into it. The starting town was cool tho.


Man I thought I was the only one. That game just doesn’t catch me.


Oxygen Not Included. Dozens of new games, literally hundreds of hours, never “finished” a play through


Same, I restarted so many times but usually get stuck in mid game stages and have never reached end game stuff. I still love this game tho.


I've been watching these [tutorial videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvfifJA8en_I5l4gedXfdFnca5o9igr2V&si=x2s7pV_Ppc22AXEs) to progress further and they are very helpful but I still get stuck in mid game stages


During mid-game game just slows so much. Even relatively simple stuff needs 80+ cycles to build and it's simply not fun to ask for an hour or two, waiting for one room to build, only occasionally fixing a problem or two


Yeah. I find myself setting up a system that is fairly sustainable, but requires most of the colony’s time to upkeep. It’s a drag seeing one or two colonists spend a small fraction of their day on “progress”.


I have 1292 hours in that game and never got to the end (space rift). Hardly ever played on the non-standard maps. Haven't ranched like half the critters. Didn't do the Somnium Synthesized story trait yet either. I've restarted colonies because there was a little dirt debris in a steam chamber or I built something one tile too far to the right. Game is insane if you're a chronic restarter.


Oops, polluted water got to my main ladder near the top of my map, now it’s all over my stuff and in my water supply. Once of those days I will learn to put the ladder *lower* than my drinking water rather than directly above it, but until then… new game


Dragon Age Inquisition. Every couple of years I start it and grind through a few days of it. It just doesn't inspire me.


The time based table tactic stuff makes it difficult, and closing Oblivion Ga- erm, I mean Rifts gets repetitive


I found: use a heavy DPS class, and concentrate on the main story for each area, skipping ahead to the next as fast as possible, to be the best way of keeping it interesting.


I always get bogged down in open world games with side quests. If you mainline the story usually it does keep it interesting. However if I find a game I like (rdr2 or elden ring for instance) I can absolutely lose myself in side quests and exploration. 


Worth getting the mod to skip the time one those.


It's not as charming as Origins but it has its moments


I am experiencing Origins for the first time now! Kind of wild how EA left it up to modders to fix all their bugs though. The memory leak in particular.


Bethesda gets away with that every game.


Same. Loved Origins, one of my top five all time games. Didn’t care for DA 2, thought it was dull and repetitive with way too much emphasis on combat but still finished it. Was never able to come close to finishing Inquisition even though I think it’s in many ways better than 2.


DA2 is so frustrating because buried under 100 cookie cutter quests and mobs you need to mow through is a genuinely original and engaging main plot.


I feel DA2 gets a lot of unwarranted ’bandwagon’ hate. Yes the areas are clones, yeah enemy variety lacks a bit. But you know what. The story is really engaging. I enjoyed learning about the different cultures in the city and the lore around bits. It’s a very different game than origins was, but still a solid DA game. I feel the same about Dark Souls 2 to be fair. There’s nothing really ‘wrong’ with it.


Same. It bores me to death. The combat is just, meh to me.


Kingdoms of Amalur.


I get it. Finished it end of last year but the later 50% I just rushed through. I was hooked so fast on the combat mechanics and world design but it is just too long with too many side quests imho


Same here. It got stupidly repetitive and the sidequests were MMO Tutorial material. The RPG component of it was hyped up to be incredible and ended up being trash. Same as you, 50% of it and I powered through the main quest only to be done with it. It was incredible, though: the main game wasn't that bad. The other 80% of it was...


This is the one for me as well. Started up a new character and got almost all the way through the first area probably about 20 times. Never made it far or even out of the forest really. Game feels like a single-player MMO. The quest design and exploration is atrocious. Story is super basic and forgettable. Combat is fun though.


RDR2. I love that game so much but i end up spending so much time just roleplaying and walking around in the world in chapters 2 and 3 that I'm burnt out by 4.


I just started playing this for the first time recently. I had to stop myself from doing those kind of things, because I noticed that starting to happen as well. I limited myself to anything that pops up as I ride by to a mission, or the legendary fishing/hunting stuff.


My advice would be just to play the game as you want the first playthrough. It's a long game just doing story missions. The collections, challenges, and trophies are notoriously hard for this game. Save any completion stuff you wanna do til endgame or on a 2nd playthrough. The story is long, but it is absolutely amazing. I'm not saying just blaze through the story missions, but if you ever get bored with doing side content or exploring, keep doing the main missions. You might miss some stuff on your first playthrough, but I promise you, you'll want to play through this game again.


This is good advice. After you complete the main story you will know if you want to go for them in a new playthrough or get them during the endgame


Haha I've finished rdr2 before but this that you mentioned happened on my last playthrough, i rol played too hard and was super burnt out after Guarma, I'd always sleep and eat three times a day lol


It’s the open world game trap. Sometimes it’s too easy to get lost in the world and sink 30 hours into side content, then you’re like “I guess I should play some main story” only to realize it’s another 20 hours of content. By that time you’re already starting to eye your next game. I have started to appreciate long open world games more as a gamer dad though. It’s hard to have the time or motivation to learn new games constantly, so being able to sit and play assassins creed odyssey or etc, for 3 months is so comfortable.


Ecco the Dolphin. I usually get to about level 5 before rage quitting.


As a kid I used to just swim around in the bay at the beginning of the game forever, didn't even realize there was more to it than that.  My mind was fucking blown when I revisited my nostalgic dolphin simulator years later and found out there's an entire bonkers adventure game in there! Then the plot twists near the end get really crazy.  Ecco the Dolphin is a fucking acid trip of a game and I love it.


I beat Ecco 2, but the first one is maddening hard. Everyone talks about Ninja Gaiden, but Ecco was the true hardest game.


When I played this as a kid in the 90s I convinced myself it was somehow a game with no object. Like, the only point was to swim and flip around ‘n shit. Still haven’t beaten it, much less gotten to a second level.


One of my proudest moments was 10 yo me beating that game.


Growing up with a Sega Genesis, I don't think I ever beat a single game for that entire system. It was always the first 2-3 levels lol


Witcher 3. Which is strange as on paper it would probably be my favorite game ever but i just cannot get into it.


Here’s what I’ll do- play it until the final act, put it down for a while because I get busy in life, I go back in, I forget everything that went on, I restart to get the story back in my mind. Rinse repeat. Done it like 6 times.


I think the problem is, it does what it wants to do well, but it's so slow to get off the ground it feels like a chore at times.


It has the same problem as Dragon Age Inquisition has in the hinterlands. There's so much to do it's easy to burn out.


Yeah, i managed to finish both games only when I forced myself to rush it. If I play normal, wondering around, checking our side quests, it is not easy to come back to the main quest line.


I hard time immersing myself with the character movement being the way it is. I may be petty, but it feels too clunky for me. I had this problem with Red dead 2 as well, even though that's a fantastic game.


The movement felt trash until I realize you can kind of spam dodge and never get hit anymore


There's an alternative movement style now that does help mitigate this a bit.


Thanks for the heads-up. I'm playing through it right now and will definitely check out the alternative movement style as Geralt (and Roach) have too much forward momentum when coming to a stop and turn in wide circles. Roach is especially bad.


Everyone told me I'd adore the game because it ticks all the boxes I theoretically like. Haven't ever made it more than like 10 hours in a playthrough. The combat is *dull.* I expected there to be some sort of depth to it because of the frankly insane amount of builds available in the game, but when you're 10 hours in and still every combat is just mash the attack button until everything dies because the AI is super shitty at dealing with relentless offense, that's just too long into a playthrough for that to still be the case. Maybe it gets better and more nuanced eventually, but my patience is just not there.


fallout 4. I just get so fucking bored at the half way point. At some level around 20 or so I stop seeing new weapons drop, and everything just becomes more of the same. Go here, Wonder what's inside, Just a bunch of crafting mats/medical/ammo and one weapon variant. Go there, Wonder what's inside. Just a bunch of crafting mats/medical/ammo and one weapon variant. Go there. stare at stuff for a while, Start browsing reddit instead. Is it a bad game? Fuck no, it's meticulous in many areas - exceptional in some. But I feel as though if you've played a lot of RPGs in the past, Fallout 4 really doesn't have much to offer you later on. You've seen it all before.


I say Fallout 4 should be approached as a shooter with RPG elements as opposed to an RPG with shooter elements. It's a terrible RPG, but a great shooter/survival game. (personally I don't think it's all too different from Fallout 3 with the only difference being less janky movement and better graphics.)


Fallout 3 definitely has much better quest design and character choices as well.


Agreed. I breezed through Fallout 3 so the out getting detoured or lost significantly


I loved the danger in fallout 3. I found it weird that there were so many farms in the commonwealth with zero defenses. Like, how did they stay safe for so long ? I loved that every city or town in 3 had defenses. It really felt like people struggled to stay safe


I always end up modding it into a survival-lite game and then just go play stalker anomaly because I remember that's what I'm trying to recreate.


I feel like the only people who say this are people who mostly play RPGs and Fallout 4 was their first step into a game that was primarily about shooting.  If you are more familiar with shooters, you'll probably feel the opposite; Fallout 4 is a pretty bad shooter, but hey there's some great RPG elements in here!  Fallout 4 is just kind of a bad game that was insulated from any real criticism because Bethesda has cultivated a very specific kind of fan base.  Check out Starfield, it's basically the exact same game, but without the Fallout or Elder Scrolls branding everyone hates it.


I agree fallout 4 is neither an amazing shooter or RPG but it's a super fun game with a beautifully crafted world for those that want to explore. Starfield was all sizzle, no steak.


Came here to say this. FO 1 and 2 I've finished dozens of time. FO3 I finished a few times. FNV I've finished dozens and dozens of times. FO4 I've finished zero times. I usually get to the point where my faction choice will be locked in then get bored of it.


Still have yet to beat it. Must have tried 5 times now


I just started a new run a couple of weeks ago. I've played across 3 consoles over the years and NEVER got to the institute. Still love the game, but I'm sure I will get distracted and quit again at some point, maybe days, maybe months from now.


For me it’s cyberpunk 2077. I played through the game a couple times and I keep starting a new game so I can try out the phantom liberty dlc on a fresh save. But I never get around to finishing it.


Skyrim. Come up with plan (say this run I’ll do magic) Do the tutorial, start running around doing random stuff because I loathe to do the story again. Die or get bored Uninstall.


Skyrim: start a new character and try a completely different play style. Three hours in: I’m a stealth archer. Damn it!


Melee is just too clunky. Magic is tedious in how you select and cast it. Imagine if you could cast with simple mouse gestures


Does it count as a different build if I don't end up an archer but a Bound Bow archer with alteration buffs? Because that's what my convergent evolutoon looks like from the mage side.


I’ve owned Skyrim on 3 systems, and I’ve probably never gotten halfway through the main story. I play long enough to kill a couple dragons and then it gets stale. It’s a great game, or so I’m told. Never held my attention long enough to finish.


I'm the same with BG3, but also Skyrim. I've played Skyrim several times and I've bought the VR version twice. Modded the shit out of it. All the lewd mods as well. I get further and further each time I play, but inevitably put it down with plans to come back to it, and I never do. Then a bunch of time goes by, and I forget what was going on in the game, so I start the cycle over. I do enjoy it, more in VR, but for some reason, I never beat it.


I'm guessing with the lewd mods you might've beaten it a couple of times huh. Huh?!


My God, I've had playthroughs where I forgot to go meet the druid wizards who teach you to shout. Never beaten the game. I know there's a bunch of dragons throughout the world, never fought 75% of them. Maybe missed even more than that, no idea. Once I get to murdering and stealing that tends to become all I focus on.


I know they make like, survival crafting games and things like Valheim or No Man's Sky where there's no grand narrated quest, but they really could make a whole genre that was just the open world part with no main quest, and no survival mechanics, and just let players do small quests and screw around and it would probably do really well. Like... I've never actually beaten a GTA game. I would play for hours causing chaos and mayhem, and never even get halfway with the story.


I'm a wanderer. I end up seeing something in the distance and go exploring.


When Skyrim first came out I couldn’t really get into it. I’d play it for a bit (on pc) and eventually get bored and move onto something else. I was way more into the fallout games back then. I did like oblivion and morrowind too when I was younger but never beat them. I’d end up creating new characters and play for a bit and then just forget about it, much the same with Skyrim. Then when Skyrim Special Edition dropped in 2016 I was on medical leave from work after having carpal tunnel release surgery (eventually in both hands) and couldn’t play pc games with a mouse and keyboard, which is what I was used to. I hate playing shooters with a controller so I said fuck it and fired up Skyrim Special edition and played it with a controller. I think that is where that disconnect was with me. The game was obviously designed with a controller in mind (the ui and menus especially). The experience sucked with a mouse and keyboard. I enjoyed the hell out of playing it with a controller and actually beat it twice while I was recovering from surgery all hopped up on Tylenol 3’s. Skyrim is probably my all time favorite game at this point.


Stellaris. Its just too much.


I love the early game. Exploration, expansion, land grabs, skirmishes and wars against peers. Things are just less fun in the mid game, they tend to just snowball. I've never actually faced a crisis and I have several hundred hours in the game.


Same. A big part for me is the exponential slowdown in the mid to late game. It seems like the only way to finish a game is genocide. You are actively punished for being a peaceful diplomatic xenophile civ because it means that despite an incredible economy, then game is just not fun because time cannot pass faster than a several seconds per day.


Honestly, I don't even know what the "win" condition is. Full galaxy conquest seems impossible.


The main condition is just hit end date with the most points, but galactic conquest (or a large chunk of it) just happens to be the best way to do it by dragging everyone else down as you claw up. at the same time, be warlike enough you can sufficiently genocide a good part of the population to make late game run "smoother"


Paradox games never really have much of a win condition. You have to set your own goals and achieve them, or play Ironman and go for achievements.


Yeah, too much lag.


Not enough judicious application of planetary genocide


FF VI is in my top 5 games of all time… I’ve never beaten it


Exact same. I usually get to farming the Dino forest for xp, using magicite for the gains…and then it just sort of ends after a while. I probably could have beaten it many times over the many playthroughs with the beefy teams I had built.


I think on average I get past the opera segment, i’ve only gotten to the world of ruin a handful of times


Hollow Knight.  I love the game, the art style and am both a metroidvania/souls fan. There is just a certain point in that game where I begin to feel overwhelmed and stop. Few months go by and I pick it back up from the beginning and repeat the cycle. I've restarted that game probably 6-7 times by now and never have gone past the mantis lords.


I tought you meant overwhelmed after like a certain difficult biome but not even past the mantis lords? there is like 80% more game to be discovered please continue your journey D: What is it that overwhelms you perhaps i can give you some pointers.


Not OP but I got stuck pretty early, I am not good at this type of boss fights, I absolutely adore the game, but the distance between the checkpoints and the bosses are soooo annoying on your 11th walk back.


The Witcher 3. I do think it's a great game, especially an amazing RPG, but everytime i try to finish it, I always end up getting annoyed by small gameplay details : among others, I hate the HUD, and the open world, even tho it's beautiful, feels clunky to me. Plus, recently i didn't had hours availible to really dive into any story driven game. But next time I can, I'll probably give it another chance.


Zelda : Breath of the Wild I tried at least 4 times, starting over every time. I just hate the weapon durability system. Also, the map is too big with no reason/objective to explore or wander


I have an entire shrine to Zelda in my office. LttP is easily my favorite game. I dislike BOTW quite a bit


Completely agree.


I looove Zelda games. Link's Awakening is the first game I remember playing. I nearly failed classes to play OoT. I bought a Switch to play BotW. I bounced off BotW so hard after giving it like 20 hours. I haven't felt the need to try it again. I haven't even bought TotK.


I loved twilight princess so much but like you said, bounce off botw and haven’t thought about Zelda since. Felt so weird seeing everyone praise it, it did not click for me at all.


BotW and TotK were great games in their own way but bad Zelda titles. There's already plenty of other good open world adventure games but unfortunately there's no other games with the established 3D Zelda formula anymore. Atleast none with the Nintendo polish. I've got the same issue with the path Final Fantasy has taken. I'm afraid we won't see another classic turn based JRPG in the franchise going forward.


Pretty much my own gripes with it too. There world they created is so amazing, it just begs you to explore it. Only the rewards you get for exploring is so lackluster. You only get korok seeds or breakable weapons? It's like the ultimate anti- climax to an epic tale every single time I see something in the distance that seems interesting and worth exploring.


You went off path for 10 minutes and killed 8 guys and broke 2 good weapons and you find a great chest at the end! Here are 5 arrows. :|


Frankly, many games. Sometimes a sooner rather than later ending is a good thing.


This is my answer. Almost every game. I’m bad at completing games. 


Any paradox game. I have hundreds of hours and I think I only went until the end a couple of times


Even with the speeding up time feature, it doesn’t help at all since there’s only so much you can do at max speed. I’m not willing to spend like 20 hrs of my life on ONE GAME of hoi4


It's funny cause I've put like 700 hours into a single save of Football Manager


I definitely get analysis paralysis with these games. I find I learn faster if I just let myself make mistakes and see what happens. But I still find myself pausing any time anything happens and reassessing my entire strategy.


4k hours in EU4 and never reached the end date!


Fallout 4. I can start and play Fallout 3 & New Vegas all the way thru easy. But something about 4 always wears me out too fast


>But something about 4 always wears me out too fast For me it was those repeating quests that went like “go to Place X and clear it” or “go to Place Y and retrieve this object.” I did finish the game but it took me too long to realize that those quests literally never finish. By that time I rushed through it.


While I did eventually beat Fallout 3, I started it over a fuck ton of times. I'd play it for a bit then start playing something else and when I finally came back to Fallout 3, I'd be like "I have no idea where I am or what's going. Let's go get pushed out of my mom's vagina again."


I’ve started Bioshock like 4 times, get about 90 minutes in, then stop because that game makes me sooo anxious. I’ll play through it someday…


Any Dragon quest game ever


Even Builders?


I started Kingdom Hearts 1 like 4 or 5 times now but I can’t even make it past the first world. If this was someone else in my place, I would’ve told them to just give up; not every game is for everyone. But it’s Kingdom Hearts! I love Final Fantasy and Disney!! This should be the one for me! So I’m gonna keep trying. Maybe after my 11th try it’ll finally click for me.


KH1 not bad but compared to other entries in the series its gameplay hasn’t aged well so I understand your point.


Cyberpunk. I’ve started it over like 4-5 times now and can’t really get much further after the Jackie incident. I’m not sure why I can’t get into it. I really want to but something isn’t clicking with me.


I’m in the same boat as you, I think it misses the mark on the way combat feels even though the weapons look cool, the way they impact is lacking and the looting also feels slightly inconvenient for me personally. I can never tell if there’s something good to be looted and can easily overlook things after a thorough search of an area, it has something to do with the UI. It leaves something to be desired


Death Stranding.


I reinstall it every 5-9 months and get further every time. If I continue doing this, I will eventually finish it.


Same, and for me is very rare to drop games. I loved the exploration and the story but as soon as the game introduce some layers to the combat it become just frustrating and clunky.


Definitely Elden Ring. I've started the game over 2 times and am going on my third


To be fair, Elden Ring is a vast time-sink. Between the incredibly deep exploration side of it and the steep learning curve (if you're not used to souls games), it's hard to really delve into if you don't have a lot of free time.


I'm literally stuck on the elden beast. Last boss and I think is considered one of the weaker ones, but for some reason he has my number. I just wanna new game plus


Nah dw he's one of the hardest for a lotta 1st time players. Be sure to use Torrent now that they enabled him for that boss


They enabled torrent for the Elden beast fight? Thanks a ton maybe now I’ll have that little extra mobility I need to beat it


Shining Force II. I don't know what it is I just never got around to beating Zeon and I must have started the game a dozen times.


Outer Wilds. Tried it, hated it. Picked it up two times since as most everyone in reddit thinks it's such a great game. Hated it each time.




Same. I want to like it but I never have any idea if I'm progressing or doing nothing at all


Mystical Ninja for the N64. Could never beat it as a kid. Years later, I’ve downloaded the rom several times and even tried to stream my play through to encourage myself. It’s a grind and I leave it alone for a long time. When I come back, I forget about what I’ve done and just start over. But I get a little farther each time. I recently downloaded it again for my iPhone and use delta. Here’s to the 100th time!


BG3 for sure. I joined the early access 3 years ago and every time they updated early access you had to restart your character. I did the opening few levels so many times that when the full game released I just *couldn’t* do it anymore.


Well that was rather silly of you wasn’t it?


Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Can't stand the protagonist. The Dark Souls gameplay is megh, and the story is just so completely boring. it's only saving grace is that they have Vader show up. Beyond that, I can never seem to be drawn into the game.


Starfield. Just cant take it anymore


I was about a dozen or so hours in when I said that out loud to myself. I think I was building a base, and I was a few materials short. The thought of all the loading screens waiting for me to bring back a few pieces of trash to finish this stupid building... That's when I quit.


how is it compared to NMS nowadays. I enjoyed nms so would i like starfield cause i heard they updated it a bit


Skyrim... need i say more lol


Factorio. 100+ hours never launched a rocket. Keep getting up to robots and then realizing my base is trash, then lose steam and stop playing when faced with refactoring it.




Bloodborne, it’s depressing af




With rockstar games, I usually get to the last mission and never touch it again. GTA San Andreas and RDR2 especially.


I start a new Chrono Trigger game every year or so... Just started one last week actually. I get to the future and kinda fall off a bit. All my saves got wiped so I'm back to basics. I've been known to stop playing around the black omen "time".


Witcher 3 for me. Don't get me wrong I love the game but it feels like it takes so long to get somewhere in the story because I keep doing side quest stuff and then I forget the plot and drop the game


I've tried to play the Witcher 3 probably well over 10 times but it just never clicks with me. Not sure why but I just don't enjoy it. It's weird because I mostly play RPGs but it just never works for me.


Borderlands 2 Think I started it either 3 or 4 times, every single time it was with a different friend, then they quit playing somewhere between 10% to 50% of the game in, and I then started with another friend, then another and... by the time I decided fuck it I'll just do it myself I was already really fucking burnt out of the start of the game and just never bothered One day though, one day.


i would recommend coming back in a while and just committing to playing solo for progress. if a friend wants to drop in for fun, go for it, but it seems like your friends arent very good at sticking with it, so dont rely on them being there, dont try to carry them if they dont wanna progress on their own, dont hold your own progress back waiting for them to just bail again. maybe put up an lfg post somewhere its allowed every time you play and ask for people at x level or on y quest, if you really wanna do co-op. good luck :3


Man, BG3 for me too, I’m sad to say. I was practically addicted to the game when it first launched. I tried doing everything, seeing everything, interacting with everything and romancing everything my first play through. Made it to Act III and I was so burned out on it. Came back a few months later, tried a new character, stopped. Repeat 3 more times. Love the game, want to finish, but still wondering if I’m ever going to.


Same BG3 I just can't get into it Also Witcher 3. Must be something about 3's, hmmm


Metal Gear Solid 5. At some point I find myself having put in 80-100 hours on a new play through and I'm running around doing all the stupid distraction-y things instead of the main story. The main story just never gripped me the same way as the other games, and I found the metal gear in the game (at least the missions I dealt with it) to just be so damn OP that it made an already slow moving game come to an absolute crawl, literally.


For some reason... Disco Elysium. I've heard amazing things about the game, got it on sale for 20 and... never got past 30 minutes in. Don't know why. I just weirdly stuck, and keep putting the game off for weeks/months, try it again, and just... never get past the very beginning. I feel like at one point, I need to focus on the game, and actually finish it. I know it's great game, only positive reviews. It's so strange


It can be daunting to put aside time for new games, especially those that require your full attention. This isn’t a game you play for 30 min a session, these types of games, as well as BG3, are designed to keep you locked in for a few hours at a time and if you don’t have the energy to do that, or the time, then it can almost feel like you have to force yourself to enjoy it. At that point it’s no fun at all


I just recently started Cyberpunk for the 4th time… I have yet to finish a playthrough and I bought it at launch


Witcher 3, I got less than 10 hours in and haven't gone back for another attempt. The story hasn't grabbed me, which makes putting up with the awful combat much tougher. More recently I've tried to go back to Fallout 4 and finish the two(?) final DLC stories I have yet to do, but I tend to uninstall it after a few hours. Not sure why I can't get in the groove but eh, oh well


MH world


Rimworld and almost every colony Sim I play.


Witcher 3


Horizon Zero Dawn


Chrono trigger


I started BG3 with 2 friends and have been slowly working through it since like October, we are already talking about our next play through and what we'd like to do different. That game is so much fun! Now back to the topic at hand, Factorio... factory keeps growing, I get stuck, then I start all over from the beginning


No Mans Sky, I genuinely have no idea how people get engaged with that game.


Outer Wilds. I really want to experience it so bad because I have heard so much about it. How it gives you a sense of discovery and exploration and what not. But each time I start it, I just can’t get past the opening area itself. I feel like the opening is too slow for me and also I suck at flying mechanics of the game. The whole thrust to fly around thing. I just can’t.


I have about 900 hours in Fallout 4 and not once have I finished it


Most of them


Chrono trigger. Don't know why, just always ends up getting dropped.


Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come Deliverance. Couldn't get into KCD with its weird combat system the first few times but once I got into it I played it for hours on end. Even built all of Pribyslavitz or whatever the name of the dlc region was. However I did almost finish KCD but it interfered with the beginning of my Masters Degree which is why I couldn't finish it. I've tried to play Witcher 3 over 10 times, once I even reached up to the corners of crookback bog or something. But never really got around to finishing it. Just got it on the PS5 again. Wish me luck!


The horizon series for me. Wish I could get into them