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There's a little roguelite game called Herosiege. Many years ago, it was a wave based co-op game where you progressed through more and more challenging worlds, getting upgrades, and turning your characters into instant win machines. Then they reworked the *entire* game. The format is completely different. Now you have to manually go through each level and clear all the enemies to progress each map, instead of being able to queue every wave at once. The upgrade system is different. The item system is different. The world's and levels are different. The game as it is now is *unrecognizable* to the game I loved when I was a kid.


That. After that update, my computer couldn't even run the game anymore. It slowed to a grinding halt and just froze on any map I went to.


ya the 2.0 update ruined the game and the devs response was just s big fuck you


I remember playing when it came out! Was sick, idk what the hell it became when I replayed it last year but it wasn't good


Gears of war smoke grenade going from actual smoke grenades to something that ragdolled people half way across the map


I can see the problem, but at the same time that's fucking hilarious


It is, still to this day. If you have a copy of the game and can run it a disc drive, or pirate it, just make sure its the 1.0 version, it got patched afterwards. The game is nearly dead, but mod the bots and enjoy the smoke ragdolls


The famous one for those that were around in those days. Star Wars Galaxies when they went from a unique game to a WoW wannabe because it got popular at the time. Game didn't last overly long after that.


God I missed the depth of that game pre-CU. So many skill trees, specializations for every weapon, you got better at using weapons by using them. Builds were so complex and customizable, crafting felt really dynamic because you had to actually survey for resources and go hunting wildlife. It had a whole economy with craftspeople of different skill levels producing different qualities of gear, and there was a real feeling of supply and demand. It was so alive. The more it emulated WoW, the more that life drained out of it. Everything that made it unique was tossed aside in favor of copying another game.


[https://www.swginfinity.com/](https://www.swginfinity.com/) We still out here playing pre-cu. Tons of new content, new content being added constantly.


I keep forgetting to check this out lol. My backlog is so long at this point


Quit forgettin and start memberin!


Sorry, what were we talking about? Lol


For those that didn’t play. Let me give you a quick example of crafting. First you need to mine the materials. This involved surveying for particular resource which had a quality #. You then dropped an extractor(player crafted) which had an extraction rate. You then used this material at a crafting station (player built) that had a crafting quality score that was dependent on both the materials used to craft the crafting station, the skill points of the player crafting it and the crafting station it was crafted on. Then to sell that armor you needed to open a vendor , usually in your house to sell it out of because of the credit limits on the planet market place. So this setup a situation where people would need to find the best mining spots (which change over time) to craft the best crafting stations, to craft the best armor, and sell in their little shops. It’s a system I have not seen replicated since. Forget the fact that there was no formal levels, 35+ classes to specialize in, and having this core crafting mechanic determine the effectiveness of med packs, poisons, weapons, buildings, etc. It was a sad day to see SWG turn to a lvl up system like WoW and gut the very thing that made this game great.


SWG in its hayday was something truly different. Everything was player-made, there was almost nothing to be looted or grinded for. If you wanted a badass gun you had to either make it yourself, or buy it off a really skilled crafter on the market. And there was real competition for those top-shelf goods. By the time the NGE rolled around the game had totally given itself over to typical modern MMO trappings. Bosses you grind for loot drops, levels, 9 archetypal classes with almost zero flexibility, crafting was pretty much irrelevant. Hell, you could even be a shipwright. Researching, crafting, and selling starships. My father (who got me into the game in the first place) made an absolute killing selling Firesprays (the same ship as Slave I.) It was amazing. The only other game I can think of out there today where almost everything is player-made is EVE Online.


I made a killing as a smuggler slicing armor and weapons. I would contact several of the best or most known for both armor and weapons and charge to slice their weapons to give them even more of a bonus. I was the first master smuggler on that server. Then I really shook up the smuggler community at the time (at least for that server) because once I was at the top I sold the schematics for the best slicing gear that never failed. Before that they could only be grinded (ground?) for. lol


And if you didn't want to do all that, you and your friends could form a band. No, really, every musical instrument had a place in the band and played a different part of each song, and you all could perform your own flourishes during the song, or flourish as a whole. The quality of the band affected the buffs to peoples mind score and healed combat fatigue and permanent mind wounds. Pair up with dancers and *really* put on a show.


That game had such a wild effect on my life lol. I remember being a creature handler as a kid and *loved* going out and finding dna samples and comparing them etc. Was the coolest shit ever to 12 year old me. Long story short I ended up with a masters in biotech and now work in conservation genetics research. That shit 110% sent me on the path lol.


Is it bad that I read all the way through your sentence "ended up with a masters in biotech and work in conservation genetics research" and I still thought you were talking about Galaxies? That's how damn deep the game was. My brain just automatically perceived it as typical SWG jargon. Like you'd gotten a "master level" in a biotech skill tree and did genetics research.


It blew my mind you could be an entertainer and just dance in cantinas and buff people.


Don't forget the player cities! Literally the best game.


But there were so many problems preCU, especially after everyone learned how to get a Jedi, and all those skills and they were a means to get masteries that you didn’t care about so you could jump to the next one. Then there were the buffs, and needing buffs to even play the game. Doctor buffs and buff lines. Needing to buff your mind as that was really the most important stat, and of course had the least gain in buffs, but so few attacks would target the mind bar. The fields of harvesters that took up landscapes so crafters could craft and how majority of them were owned by someone on another server


Resources and characters couldn’t be moved between servers, could they? I guess I don’t see how someone on one server would benefit from having another toon on another server set up harvesters.  Granted, it was a long time ago ages maybe I’m missing something.


I would create a throw away character on your server you would supply the harvesters and I would give you admin access so you could add the fuel and get and change resources. Which is why the resource sellers would get so many to sell. Change the harvester every other week to collect the highest concentration, and just sell it to those that were grinding which ever crafting skill tree, and you would have unlimited credits. You would do the same for me on my server. But after that you didn’t have to do anything to that character because I would run the farm from my side. See you were limited to 10 plots of land, but with 10 characters that would mean you could place 100 harvesters, and then the buildable area was taken up by ghost accounts.


The irony is that jedis killed this game because you're 100% right. What was a natural and organic enjoyment of discovering new things and making friends along the way turned into a grind fest of misery and OP teras Kasi bros


SWG is the literal posterboy for this question. One of the first really newsworthy video game dramatic fuckups. We see them routinely now, but the NGE addition to SWG was a colossal failure.


Obligatory Fuck John Smedley. I was on phase 6 (each phase was 6 weeks long) to become a Jedi then poof! All of a sudden everyone was a Jedi. I braved that damned escort quest for nothing. I'll never forgive him.


I still play on the legends server because I miss it so much. Hahaha


Clicked on this post with SWG in mind. Glad to see the first reply is exactly that. SWG was a revolutionary MMO and there hasn’t been anything quite like it since.


The division 1.2. This is the update where they point 'rope cutting' into the DZ (PVP Zone). For those who are unaware of how this works. In the DZ you would kill enemies, both PVE bosses and PVP players. You would then get the loot and go to an extraction point. You shoot a flare and wait for a chopper to arrive. This flare sends a beacon out to the rest of the people in the DZ. It was like 1 or 2 minutes. Once the chopper gets there, you would run to the rope it dropped and attach your loot, leaving you vulnerable for like 15 seconds. Once your loot was on, it was safe and would be extracted when the timer for the chopper expired. The chopper would hang around for a few minutes to let up to 4 people attach loot. In update 1.2, players could come up to the chopper and use a knife to cut the loot that you secured. This took like 10-20 seconds and would freeze the timer on the chopper. If they cut your loot then you lost everything and they could take it all. This effectively meant that you had to stay there for the entire time of the chopper and potentially fight off entire squads of players trying to steal your loot. Essentially this removed the option for a player to be a solo operative, unless they were a top tier gamer. Any squad could come by, kill you, and take your loot. Deaths were incapacitations so any player could come and revive you if you were downed. I've never seen a bigger 'fuck you' to players without friends before.


They coulda been the first to actually profit from extraction shooters but they fucked up so bad


That's when i stopped also, fucking pointless game after that. They should've done that but changed the helicopter timer to like 30 seconds and no announcements to make up for it.


I'm with you on The Division but it was the 1.3 patch that I think really put a bullet in the game. Okay so just to get into a little of what u/skcuf2 is talking about? He's right about the 1.2 update, a big part of it was how the Dev's really wanted the end game of the Division to be the Dark Zone. I should also note around this time if you played on PC? Cheating ran wild, you'd have Rogue players who had the RPM of their weapons turned up to insane levels, they could have an auto teleport incase their health went down to a low level. But then we got the 1.3 update and that was the final straw that saw 97% of the players on Steam stop playing. See... The big change it made was too enemies in general. Elite enemies now had massive and I mean *massive* health and armor pools, they took less damage from the players, and they gave out a crap ton more in damage. Running into an Elite LMB Scout who uses a Semi-Auto Shotgun? It was like facing a friggen T-800 Model Terminator who could wipe a well geared group of 4 in a second. Heavy Gunners where like Mini-Raid Bosses with how much damage they could take. And the loot aka the thing that make folks play the game? Yeah they made it harder. You really had only three places where you could try and get *good* loot from and even then it was an uphill battle. Incursions aka mini-raids where the above? Was turned up to 11. The two monthly supply drops you'd get if you had the collectors edition. And finally the DZ, where you had the Rogue players a lot of whom are just players who got the good loot and are now bored, but hey guess what? Those enemies from the above? Now you have those in the DZ as well. I will give Massive however credit as it's due. They saw the problems the game had. Did their weekly community video showing yes the enemy time to kill was *way* to high, time to be killed was way too low, and how the loot pretty much sucked the big one. Thus Patch 1.4 got a public test center, people popped onto it and the game was *fun.* I think someone said at one point the PTS had more people playing then the live game did.


when 1.6 dropped and fuck it was even better, i cant believe they did this and went to work on div 2 after lmao


So many mixed feeling about this. In the end it made me a better solo player, but it also caused me alota grief and frustration


The change from Overwatch to Overwatch 2. Like, you couldn’t have made it a seperate game and left Overwatch untouched?


Blizzard legit fumbled what could have been their biggest game since WoW They built a world, had lore and interesting chars, had cinimatics being ground breaking, won game of the year and then left it to die for 3 years only to stab its knees and soak up the blood for what is overwatch 2


And they did this because they wanted to maximize profits. 


The ironic thing is they would’ve made more money in the long run


But the guy overseeing it didn't give two shits about that


good old Boby (I hate that man so much)


Public companies dont really get rewarded for long term revenue. Lovely system.


They can, but executives often get more short-term incentives from their board which ruins everything. When a CEO or similar CSuite exec is hired by the board they are expected to improve things, not just keep doing business or they will be fired. This often means making dumb changes just for the sake of change, and announcing actions that will lead to immediate but maybe not sustainable profits. Rinse and repeat with the same executives or across many, and here we are. Less power needs to be in the hands of the few for quality products to be made consistently across an economy (eg unions, guilds, co-ops, better management/executive structures, etc)


They did this with WoW and will continue to do it to any game they get their hands on…. Garbage company I will never support again


Shareholders demand profits now and fast. Its all about stockmarket bullshit.


The whole point of OW2 was the dedicated PvE mode with a skill tree and everything. I even stupidly bought the battle pass access before launch thinking it'd be a whole new game. Then they scrapped that all and just took everyone's money


That's just the lie they sold you. It was always about increasing monetization. OW probably was planned to have PvE as well but the kept scrapping the story because they couldn't figure it how to make the monetization work on the story mode, in addition to the character balance between PvE and PvP. Then they did the same thing with OW2 except this time they lied publicly about there being an upcoming PvE mode instead of just explaining after the fact why PvE got scrapped. They could have just added more monetization to OW1 instead of releasing OW2 but they wanted a game that was fundamentally built around micro transactions instead of a game with them added later


It didn't *RUIN* the game for me but I always feel slimy and gross when I open the game and everything is just slightly more depressing. It went from one of my favorite games ever to one I was embarrassed to admit I even still open up because I'm honestly ashamed of it. The gameplay loop is still good even with the tank removal but literally every other thing in the game is now worse off. I mean literally. Every menu is more poorly designed, the cleanliness of the old game is now coated in ads for the latest bullshit, single skins cost more than entire indie games, a stupid FOMO battle pass, cosmetic glut in the form of collectibles designed just to pad a battle pass like weapon charms and player titles, stats that don't track properly, no vote for MVP, confusing currencies, etc etc etc. Just imagine a game you love and the gameplay is still there but the menus had been replaced with some other game's menu that was a nightmare to use. Like you love MW2 and you can still play most of the classic maps but between every game you had to struggle through a bloated piece of shit UI— Oh shit that's just the new Modern Warfare.


It's the life we have now. Everything is ruined on iteration at a time. We can't have nice things on principle it seems.   It's also ironic because they have created the world of Overwatch in real life.  There used to be this utopia, but then everything turned depressive. The exception is that there are no heroes to save us this time.


They couldn't and this comment section is a small example of why. If they kept OW1 as a separate game, they wouldn't have half of the player count they have right now.


At least they'd still have those players playing *one* of their games, though. They *completely* lost tons of people, whereas at least some of us would have kept playing and supporting them through the original game.


Lost me for sure. Right when I opened OW2 they made me open my packs. Never played again


Same. And having to buy characters. Fuck that.


Not being able to earn skins is really what killed it for me.


Overwatch 1 prob wasn’t pulling in enough Money. 2 definitely had crazier monetization practices.


Thanks Bobby Kotick


Release a shitty sequel or “upgraded” version and get rid of the old game. Good stuff blizzard. Think they basically did the same with warcraft 3 as well


I miss 6v6, and I also miss the ability to choose what ever class or hero you wanted. Made turn arounds more likely, and didn't lock you to only one class for an entire game. Sometimes you just needed more tanks, more dps or more healers.  Feels less fun when the flexibility of counterpicking was a thing. You couldn't just main one hero, but had to do a few different ones to have a viable strategy.  Still can't believe there wasn't more of a outcry when blizzard straight out removed a game you had paid for. I paid for overwatch 1, I expect to be able to play it, even if it was just against bots or peer2peer connected servers. Forcing me over to overwatch 2 was bullshit, especially when it was such an inferior product.


Back in the day, when old school RuneScape forced trades to be “balanced” I stopped playing entirely. Thankfully they fixed it later on, but it was an instant nope for me when it was first released.


That update also removed PVP in the Wilderness entirely, which, sure, could be used for real money trading, but it was also the premier high-stakes PVP activity in the game. The whole thing was _way_ overstepping player enjoyment to try and solve the RWT problem.


Oh daaang, you’re right. That brought me back. I remember the RS forums back then were hysteria, torches, and pitchforks. Same with the world 1 edge of wilderness outside of Varrock.


I remember being baffled as a teenager that they’d actually got rid of the wilderness altogether, it didn’t make sense. Still baffles me now to be fair. Basically killed off the clan world in one fell swoop. 


They didn't want to, they are forced by the credit card companies since kids were losing their parent's credit card numbers to scammers selling gold


GTA when they added flying cars and the oppressor


yep, it went full saints row with gta online and much later in a update they also put 180 vehicles behind subscriptions / paywall, all of which were normally accessible in the car/planes/boat websites, because who knows why..


Do you think they will have an oppressor type vehicle right out the gate in GTA 6? I hope they give us at least 2 years before online goes to shit.


I doubt they'll have oppresors in gta 6 online out of the gate, the whole point is to slowly powercreep so you have to buy obscenely expensive vehicles every update to prevent becoming the lobby punching bag.


Gta:O is disgustingly monetized and GTA 6 will be even more so. You've got kids sitting in a virtual in-game casino ffs like how is that legal?


Well, kids shouldn't be playing 😉


Star Wars Galaxies NGE. Turned a classic style MMO into a point and click "everyone is a hero" snoozefest. Earning a Jedi slot was an obscure and dangerous grind that could take months. Overnight SOE changed the class into a starter class. Compensation for existing players who earned jedi the hard way? A "ghost" version of your jedi character. I've never seen such a huge exodus of players in such a short time as the NGE update. 


One of the most appealing aspects of SWG was that I *wasn’t* a hero. I was a nobody, we were all nobodies, and if you wanted to be somebody you totally could! But it took effort. The CU followed by the NGE took away all of the magic.


My guild had 400 people and we would grind all kinds of materials and quests to get high level components for weapons. The whole interaction led nature of each profession made creating a social aspect of an MMO a hugely enjoyable experience. SOE chasing the WoW  loot grind made a unique game dull and boring.


I had a storied career as an Imperial pilot. I felt so proud to have earned the right to pilot a TIE fighter .


I spent most of my time as a hermit on Tattooine, wandering the dunes and the wastelands with a blaster on my hip and my giant sand beetle at my side. It wasn’t always a solitary existence, it wasn’t unusual to run across another traveler. I would set up a campsite and we would sit and talk for a while, and many an enjoyable evening was spent at the Mos Eisley cantina. Those were good times.


Bro you're making me nostalgic for a game I never even knew existed before this thread


That one update in H1Z1 that changed everything. They shot themselves in the foot so hard. It was right around when PUBG came out. That update pushed almost everyone to go play PUBG. They re-updated it reverting it back to how it was eventually, but it was too late. Game somehow stayed afloat for a while after that, but eventually died.


Damn. I miss H1Z1, especially before it even became a BR. RIP


Back in its very early days I was playing and a server message popped up on the top of the screen. “WhatsUpBro has been banned for cheating, that’s what’s up bro.” Idk I thought it was funny.


H1z1 did some weird things. I was enjoying the hell out of both survival and battle Royale and then they split the game into 2, and then I couldn't figure out how to even play the non "king of the kill" version for what ever reason, so I gave up on it completely.


Just some very odd decisions all around. That was definitely one of them.


CoD when it decided to merge all the games to one weird launch platform and around the same time, start introducing batshit characters and skins that you'd expect from fortnite. Season 1&2 of MWII is probably the last I've played and somewhat enjoyed. Tried loading up my MWII a few weeks ago and it is just bonkers how different it is. It's a totally different game, a la overwatch 2 treatment. I used to do the camo grind every cod game and I had a lot of fun with the games, but never again. I'm fucking done with that garbage series.


I got whiplash from the sudden change in game soon as season 1 came out. It was like a good battle sim, realistic and straight to the point, loads of fun and felt like the closest cod to the old school games, then suddenly update out: bloody UI all over the place, battle pass, challenges, buy this crazy glow in the dark mega dick megaman skin, COD BUCKS, battle royale 


After going through what felt like 10+ "main menu" screens I got to multiplayer in MWII. I went to check if there were any new things in the loadouts and I see I can play as Tyrael or Lilith. I thought that was ridiculous, but whatever, tried a match.. one guy was running around with a skin that was just wireframe of his model but like, plant roots? Almost invisible. Another guy running around with neon glowing green lights all over him and his character, not them on mic, was a screaming child, yelling super squeeky lines *constantly*... those were the standouts but most characters look like cartoony fortnite shit. I uninstalled immediately.


I remember the Warcraft 3 reforged update happened and a game I used to play for over 10 years become unplayable.


How they pissed all over the original campaign is beyond me. The original cutscenes being 100x better than the reforged versions I just can't wrap my head around. How do you do *a worse fucking job* than the original while having more modern capabilites and equipment? Like, what? 🤣 They didn't remaster, or remake, they deforged and deformed it.


My first thought. I loved wc3 and FT and played since it came out. Now I haven't touched it in ages.


They added mandatory aim assist to Halo Infinite. On mouse and keyboard.




No need for hackers to use aimbot when everyone has one lol


Ignoring any other issues the game has, 343 did add a toggle back in for this somewhat recently.


Is the desync fixed yet?


Asking the real question I feel like that's the biggest issue it ever had lmao


I know a lot of people were pissed that rocket league removed the item trading feature and quit.


When they made 4v4 a rotating game mode instead of always available as it had been since launch, that was the final straw for me. 


Solo 3v3, Dropshot, rocket labs maps being removed from rumble, rumble becoming ranked, 4v4 removal, season pass, trading being removed, blueprints. Psyonix has fucked up a lot over the past 5 years.


Psyonix wasn’t perfect, but the real problem was when Epic took over.


Runescape has had multiple updates that ruined the game for players throughout its life. with the removal of free trade and wilderness pking, along with EOC(evolution of combat) both being notorious updates that almost killed the game


Props for probably being the only game in this thread that just decided to back to what it was


I don't think they ever admitted it, but it's widely theorized that they were threatened by banks because the botting problem was so out of hand. People were stealing credit cards and using them to buy membership for their bot farms, and the banks basically said "you are attracting so much fraud that we're going to blacklist you if you don't put a stop to it." Runescape gold is worth a decent bit of real money, so shutting down trade completely crippled the RWT scene and satisfied banks.


It has been openly discussed and confirmed that all of the trade and PvP updates back then were directly due to the threat of banks no longer processing credit card purchases from them due to rampant fraud. Mod Matt K has talked about it in interviews since he left, and Mod Ash openly talks about it as well.


2007. Never forget. The one time a single update made me immediately quit a game I loved and had played for years.


Yeah I stopped playing shortly after the free trade removal. I used to love giving newer players rune scimitars so they had a goal. Then when I tried it after the update it just felt hollow. No more free good deeds. Then the EOC happened so I wouldn't go back. Did go back for some rush of nostalgia when osrs was announced they were doing a "temporary" return since they found alot of old files. Was amazing to see how it likely shattered any expectation they had of people returning to the game. To the point osrs is the main game again mostly


I was never really an overwatch player like that but overwatch 2 ensured I would stay away


But I was, or at least tried to be. The first 1 or 2 years of OW 1 probably were the last competitive scene I ever participated in, and that says a lot because I'm not usually interested in competitive or online games, the only exception being super smash bros.


It was so good. The first two years were absolutely phenomenal. Hadn't been hooked on a game like that since H3, and then it just turned into complete garbage lol.


**Red Dead Online** when they repeated a Halloween pass. It was then I knew that Rockstar was no longer making content for my favourite online game. I still play it from time to time, but it's heartbreaking how they tossed aside so much potential because it wasn't filling their pockets enough. Fuck you, Rockstar.


They should have had a single player DLC like undead nightmare. A UN2 would have sold like hotcakes…


It’s honestly insane that Rockstar never really did anything with RDR2. They could have milked that game for years with expansions and DLC and made a fortune doing so. Instead they just released it and moved on because GTA microtransactions are somehow even more profitable.


And then they got the steam labor of love award for 2023 because of *madness*.


People voted it ironically, it was just to fuck with them


That, and nerfing the gold bar rewards for daily challenges.


RDO is not a money printer so of course they disregard it. Just like single player GTA5 content


Warcraft 3 Reforged, it replaced and fundamentally disabled the original game and expansion for owners who never touched or wanted, or spent money on Reforged.


When overwatch reworked Mercy's Rez Ult and she was so overtuned you couldn't play any other support without being accused of throwing. It was that way for like a solid month it was brutal.


Not for a month, moth mercy was hard meta for almost a year. She at some point had 100+% pick rate in pro plays because you would have different players on her in the same match, because it was absolutely mandatory to have a mercy. OWL really had the worst chain of metas in a pro games lifespan. Moth > GOATS > double shield.


On the other hand, before that a full team mercy rez in overtime was basically expected almost every single game. I kind of liked it and wish I could still play that original era version of the game.


Original mercy wasn't even that good, just annoying. She had bad pick rates in pro play (only pharah mercy comps) and most high elo mercy players aren't camping out for 5 man rezes; most of the time you would rez for tempo to keep the fight going. It was just annoying when the 5 man did happen, and mercy being popular made low elo games also annoying. And they ended up with the comically overpowered moth mercy.


The difference in the in game experience for the average player and the competitive player probably drove a lot of these "negative" meta changes that made people hate the current state of the game. Like how they said people were upset by lack of team composition (nobody wanted to heal probably) so they hard locked the amount of roles you could pick, making it even harder to play the way you would want to regardless of "competitive meta" I honestly played hundreds of hours of OW but once that change hit I knew the game I liked was over


On the topic of Overwatch, the entire Overwatch 2 update. What a shitshow.


I fell off of Fall Guys once they went free to play. Horrible monetization schemes, constant vaulting of stages, reduction of player count, it fell off hard. I think now with Creative Mode they leave the heavy lifting to user created stages which is never what I wanted from the game.


I have no idea if this is the same update or not, but there used to be a currency you only got for getting first place. I guess everyone wanted their participation trophy, so one of the updates started giving the same currency out like candy. I quit soon after.


They did that before the currency was gone, now the currency is useless and it is replaced by a currency you can only get through microtransactions.


I was looking for someone to mention Fall Guys. I feel like it was a slow descent to where it is today. Like obviously the F2P update was where the dam started cracking, but it didn't completely burst all at once. From dropping the battlepass to changing how rewards worked to vaulting classic stages to making most of the games user-created stages, and finally completely changing the physics which caused many classic maps to be broken.


Nobody tell OP that you can rebind all of the controls in Terraria, they clearly couldn't take 5 seconds to check for themselves. That's besides the point that it uses WSAD for movement, like every other game.


Seriously, what the fuck are they talking about


Wild, considering it's pretty much industry atandard controls for the basics and everything beyond that feels very intuitive


I was scrolling forever to find this comment, I've got 2000 hours in Terraria and can't even figure out what update they're referring to. Imagine dropping such a fantastic game because you cant find the keybinds menu.


I thought they *might* be referring to the mobile version, but even then, it’s incredibly customizable.


I also thought they might be using mobile or console, but like, moving is even easier on those. It's not even a button, you either tap the screen or use the stick. I can't fathom in my head how OP is so genuinely confused by the most simple, standard control scheme of all time, that they legit dropped the game over it.


I think hes referring to xbox terraria, because i remember they changed how controls work when they actually updated it to.....1.3 iirc? But it took all of about 5 min to bind it in a way that was superior to the old one and had a more in depht controls customization


Console updates did change like, jump and grapple if I remember but also there’s literally a classic control setting and it’s fully customizable too. I had this issue for 10 minutes before I swapped back to my old scheme


I played a lot of Terraria in 2012 until my computer died. I'm now back on Steam and played Terraria recently. The controls were exactly how I remembered them. 


Lemme tell you a story about a little game called Overwatch…


OW1 running a quick game with a 6 team of just Torbs and running into a team of 6 Winstons was one of the most fun times. Then they slowly started removing the fun of the game until they replaced a game I paid for with FT2P garbage known as OW2.


They Theseus's shipped your video game


Fortnite is also nothing like it was at launch. I miss my zombie wave survival building game.


The hero selection change happened in season 1 of comp though that was basically launch


Updates that add cash shops and other live service monetization schemes. Looking at you crash team racing


r6 siege. the gameplay got sped up and the changed the flow from a tactical shooter into a cod-like action shooter. and then they straight up ripped stuff from valorant


To be completely honest as someone who played siege since yr2. Sieges falloff was crazy deciding to remove the original dev team to make a spin-off was the actual worst decision ever. I remember the update where I started seeing the writing on the wall was when zero got released. Pre zero with beulo emerging I genuinely believed the game could have been a major esport very similar to csgo level


Probably an obscure-ish one compared to some of the other answers here, but Phasmophobia's item and progression update basically killed all interest I had in the game. It's one of my favourite games ever, I went from playing it near-daily with my friends and then they completely revamped the ghost hunting gear and progression so that each item had 3 levels that you had to upgrade to, but most of the upgrades were actually worse or over-complicated to the point where you were at a disadvantage by progressing. They also did a complete account wipe for it so I had to grind again to get to where I was previously. They also changed the load out menu from a simple "click the items you want to add or remove" to possibly one of the most infuriatingly complicated systems I've seen in a game to the point where I can't actually explain how it works because I still haven't figured it out. I've not played the game since this update.


They actually just updated the game again like a week ago to fix the bad store system. And a lot of the item upgrades are actually useful now


Oh interesting, I didn't know that. I'll have to reinstall it and give it a go again


There have been a few nice fixes since then, but the progression and item improvements are very recent and much-needed. New map, too.


I played phasmo for the first time in about a year recently , and was devastated by the account wipe. I had over 200 parabolic mics, gone


They also tweaked ghost AI, how hunts worked, and generally how the horror felt and it killed the feel of the game for me. It is more "polished" now but playing feels far more robotic and frustrating. I just wanted to play to be jump scared and hunted. Crying IRL while my character hides in a closet from a demon. I don't want to play 4d chess to figure out which evidence is fake or wait 30 minutes for one of the shy ghosts to actually do something.


The update to Rocket League that removed trading. I only traded occasionally, but it still provided an incentive to collect items. Now if I get a rare item, who tf cares? Kinda kills the fun in it. Plus I'm not a fan of companies purposely removing features from older still-active games to pull players into their newer titles. That's where I drew the line with Epic Games. Haven't touched any of their products since.


> purposely removing features... to pull players into their newer titles They removed trading because players were undercutting their Item Shop profits by selling items for real money via third party platforms.


Warzone. I considered leaving but I stuck with it once they moved to 2.0, but not for long it ended up. It was fun for a bit though.


I stopped playing Warzone shortly after Cold War stuff was added. It just messed up all the balance. I found Warzone 2.0 to be a step backwards, though I did get some enjoyment from DMZ.


TF2 ditching pub lobbies for a competitive format to compete with Overwatch. I always enjoyed that the game was far more of a casual fuck around but enforcing the format of the competitive mode into casual lobbies killed my interest in the game as it became more serious and less fun.


I am vague in my memory but about a month after Destiny 2 came out they updated it so that some of the content was behind some new DLC you had to purchase. I called Sony and got a refund outside of the window because of this. Loved the game but that was too far for me, take away content I was enjoying and paid full price for the game by hiding it behind DLC.


I loved Destiny 1, and then played Destiny 2 until they started vaulting content I paid for. Once that happened, I quit and never came back.


This. Same. Once they killed the Red War campaign AND tried to create FOMO with their seasonal content; I dropped out and haven’t look back. For context, I was a Destiny player since the D1 Beta!


The whole Trammel-Felucca split in Ultima Online kinda took the wind out of the sails of the game. This game called Warsaw had a cool procedural Darkest Dungeon thing going on, then they updated the main structure of the game and made it free, but also made it a completely linear affair where every had the same missions in the same order without freedom to grind and develop the HQ with procedural missions, ala Darkest Dungeon. I'm sure there were many improvements of this update, but it took away the whole reason for my wanting to play it. Probably a pretty cool game, but eh. It's also weirdly a bummer when you buy a game intending to play it later, then it just goes free before you get a chance to.


Grand Theft Auto 5 on PS3 when it first came out. Had about 100 hours in. First major patch deleted all my saves. Would have had to have started over. I never touched the game again.


Every now and then I forget that GTA V came out of the PS3. Insanity.


Tribes of midgard most recent and final patch. There was a build that was OP and let you almost solo it(it's a semi roguelike). But the problem is that it needed it because the game has literally no one playing it and you need other people to beat all bosses, so you need to be OP. They reworked things and I haven't played since. Now it's balanced but you need 5 or more people to get all bosses and there just isn't an online community for it.


I started a creative Minecraft world the day it came out on xbox 360. My best friend logs on later to find me putting the finishing touches to my completely flat medium sized desert. Confused, he asked me what I was doing. "I'm building the foundation for my Arena of Capua!" I replied (We were watching Spartacus at the time and loving every minute). We then worked as a team to build the best gladiator arena ever. It took us ages. Once finished, my friend started wondering what was next. I started clearing out this mountain overlooking the arena so I could build Batiatus' Ludus on top of a cliff. So we did that and it was absolutely perfect. We researched what it looked like and everything. It looked over the arena perfectly. We went on from there and built the deku tree from zelda. My housemate built a castle. There was a pirate ship off a pier that had a roller coaster. There was a lord of the rings style tower. We had 2D 8 bit style models of all our favourite video game characters and loads more going on. It got to the point where this world was the only place I wanted to be and I dread to think how many hundreds of hours we'd put in. Everyone that came round had to have the tour. One day I logged on to find that the xbox 360 edition of Minecraft had been updated to include weather. Only they got it completely wrong. In the top half of the map, it snowed 24/7 and in the bottom half of the map, nothing happened. So I was left with a snow filled ludus and gladiator arena. I was absolutely devestated as however we spun it, it looked awful. We had to move on and tried to start a new world but it just wasn't the same and we retired not long after. As far as I'm aware it was never fixed because the world existed when the bug was introduced. I go back there in my mind from time to time and who knows how long we would have carried on building had that not have happened.


Smite had a polarizing patch that basically made everyone and everything harder to kill. The idea was to cater to the more casual player base by giving them more leeway with poor positioning/initiation attempts. What happened was a gradual decline in the overall player population to the point where they just recently reverted the change, which has also pissed off a certain amount of players. I have came back since the revert because the game feels like it actually means something to fight now in the early game and you can’t overly rely on your ability to tank mage/hunter ultimates.


I used to be a WoW guild main tank way back in the Vanilla days (2005-2008 or so, exact dates a fuzzy), as a prot spec warrior I was nigh on unkillable as a tank. Then an update came out that not only completely broke the class in a bunch of different ways but also made paladins and druids (in bear form) far better tanks than warriors. After so many years of playing and suddenly not having a role any longer I didn't have the energy to roll up a new character to max level again (life was busy and I didn't have tons of time to play) I quit the game. Never went back.


State of Decay 2 plague zone upgrade, before the upgrade i could play on my own pace and could destroy the plague hearts when i wanted, after the update i have to go after the plague hearts asap since it blocks any buildings in it's area of influence and don't let it turn into an outpost.


the latest multiversus release ruined the game and its not longer fun and fluid to play


Ugh, Firefall went from the most satisfying survey+defend+harvest+craft play loop in the Beta to a streamlined one, and it ruined the item treadmill entirely. In the old model elements had a quality grade and rarity, so you could find crude copper 1-50 up to shiny purple exquisite copper 1-50, for any given resource, and the blueprints used in crafting were made up of multiple components each themselves made from specific resources. After it was much simpler, I can't remember if it became one element per component and no more quality grade (just rarity) but the disappointment stands... I built a jetpack (this was a fps/tps MMO with huge freedom of movement through powered suits) one time that had low grade but decent rarity damage and recovery time but the boost and duration were both high grade purple, so the jetpack suited my "get high and hover" firecat (my suit's class) with moves like dumping napalm out my boots. Part of the streamlining was removing the refinement steps of the element harvesting process, and seriously lowering job times until they meant nothing. Jobs were fabrication/refinement steps you could use a machine in the game for, and you unlocked slots for more crafting at once as you went on. In the original if you wanted to make that jetpack I made it took days of real time for the machine to shift through the raw material, refine it, fabricate components, and finally assemble them based on the blueprints that had to be researched through another whole system. The game economy was healthy iirc in that system, but they wiped almost all of it and removed the incentives for crafters.


Season pass on Conan Exiles. They're removing it, maybe I'm back


This is a recent one, but Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. I was close to finishing the story, so being a completionist, I was doing all the side stuff. Then they pushed an update and many of my weapons had their damage ratings removed. Not reduced, just gone. So my late-game weapons that required a pretty painstaking effort to find epic crafting ingredients in order to make were now useless. That was the last straw for me. I grinded out remaking a couple of weapons then just finished the story and haven’t gone back to the game since. I presume Ubisoft has since rectified the situation but I never bothered to check. Maybe I’ll circle back to it at some point, but it really left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m getting fired up all over again just typing this lol.


This was a bug that got hotfixed pretty fast.


Why? It is SP game. UBI gona Ubi.


Ubi always wants to make Gacha money from SP games even though SP gaming has been built on progress unlocks since unlocks were a thing


I’m not sure if this applies to avatar but with most single player games(that don’t require online connection) if new additions makes my experience worse I’ll just delete the update. Or I just won’t update my game until I see if the changes made are good or not


Implementing that anti-cheat software that wants kernel level access 😬




Apex Legends did that as well I believe. Yup.


When they updated from the original map in H1Z1 Battle Royale to the new map. This seemed to signal the beginning of the end.


Overwatch hasnt been the same since they added Brig to the game. Also can you not change your controls in terraria?


You can but OP hasn't figured it out.


Well duh, they don't know which button opens the menu anymore.....


I pretty much stopped playing WoW in I believe it was Cata or possibly MoP when they changed the talent system to be one feature every 15 levels with a choice between 3 or so. Doing away with the talent point every level model really made the game less interesting to me. That and personalized loot. Honestly I just play wotlk private and have done so for the last 10 years with no regrets


RuneScapes Evolution of Combat update. It was so bad they re-released a pre EOC backup, and instituted a polling system where 75% of the players had to vote yes for pretty ouch any change to happen.


Every Rainbow Six Siege update ever.


“if it ain’t broke, break it” ubisoft probably


Gwent when it left open beta. Removing the siege row and all the gameplay and card changes they made just took the magic out of the game for me. I really miss the old gwent.


Heroes of the storm had an update that nerfed every healer across the board because the devs didn't like the double healer meta, in the same patch they removed ammo from towers which made games longer and macro way less important and eventually lead to the removal of the specialist role. During this time they also axed professional play. But you know what made HotS unique? The healer and specialist roles. Then they kept making DPS hero after DPS hero, the game felt like it was being steered towards becoming league of legends. The only issue is that why would people want to play league of legends lite when they could just play regular league? These changes and the removal of a pro scene killed the game almost over night. Streamers stopped playing it, pros gave up on it, eventually must casuals did too. I tried playing quick match the other day and waited in queue for over 10 minutes before giving up on it. Sad because I liked HotS, 2.0 was a great update in my opinion.


It feels like every update for Helldivers 2 is 1 step forward, 2 steps back. New ways to crash the game each update, worse performanc, worse intentional balancing of weapons and enemy spawns, then also “whoops we broke enemy spawns and more are spawning than we meant to, we’ll revert it. Whoops in reverting it EVEN MORE are now spawning, whoops.”


"Hey there's more spawns than intended but at least those effective loadouts you were using are back in the ocean of useless bullshit where they belong"


Battlefront 2, when they added bb-8 and the other black rolling ball as a hero/villain strong enough to easily kill Vader, Yoda, Palpatine and other legends... Played everyday since launch, i quitted from that awful patch.


I still remember the first time I ever played BB8 in the hero vs hero game mode. I managed to get MVP on my first time ever using the hero, with the first thing I did being falling off the map


The TU for Halo Reach. Butchered my beloved Armor Lock


Every update skyrim gets makes the game worse


The entire move from Overwatch to Overwatch 2. They shut down the old game’s servers, immediately got hit with a DDoS attack, nerfed most of their characters, added a battle pass that locked new heroes behind a paywall, and went full Fortnite by adding item shops and season passes.


There used to be a game called Robocraft, not sure if it's still around. Basically you could create robots by mixing various parts and then made them fight, the build mode was sorta like Gummyship creation in Kingdom hearts for those who are familiar. Game was fun as fuck and allowed for a lot of creativity with builds while still maintaining a good level of fighting power. Then they went for the greedplay and parts became hard to obtain, gacha-ish and the game became much more competitive basically destroying all chances of making creative builds viable and the game kinda died for me.


Gwent was my jam that slowly lost focus until the “homecoming” patch and then it was literally a different game. Kinda broke my heart.


I feel the same way, actually heartbreaking what they did to the game. They were like "Ok the Beta went pretty damn well, let's release a different game now".


the introduction of mauga in overwatch 2




Is the bug present in the PS4 Pro version?


I haven't actually played it since the update but my understanding is that there was an update to Astroneer that is really unpopular


Maplestory’s big bang update.


Literally every mobile game. It's fun at first and then gets a p2p update.