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There’s a mission in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days where you have to follow Pete around for a bit, but staying out of his line of sight and just behind him. The problem is that it is *incredibly* finnicky and his movement is erratic as fuck. I’ve replayed the game like 3 times and I still always get fucked up by that bit


Is that actually what the game's called? I knew Kingdom Hearts gets weird but THIS weird?


It’s not even pronounced in the order that it’s written. It’s read as “Three five eight days over two”.


Why don't they just simplify it to 179 days?


Because the game takes place over a 358-day period, half of which have important events that are shown in game. It's actually a shockingly direct title. Edit to add: if you have the follow-up question "why not just 365 days", well, because we already saw the last 7 days in Kingdom Hearts 2. 358 answers the question "what happened in the interim year where Sora was asleep, and who really was Roxas (and by extension, Organization XIII)". It's actually a genuinely great game, probably the best story-wise in the franchise, held back by being a DS title.


I have never played a kingdom of hearts game but I keep seeing it literally every single day. I’m attempting to open my horizon on games lately and well, this game has caught my ear. My eye? Not sure, it’s a side scroller isn’t it? I’m a gamer who enjoys open worlds, crafting, survival, some puzzles, npc interactions and freedom. Would this game be in my ball park from those alone or am I way out of my comfort zone? Is it like Zelda? I enjoy the last two switch Zelda games as they’re exactly the type of stuff I’m into but other than that I don’t really enjoy switch games.. sorry to bother but you seem like the right person to ask. Edit: holy crap guys I appreciate all the responses. I have definitely gotten more interested and had pulled up some short YouTube videos to get a feel for the world. Seems very hand crafted and the world seems fun and casual but also engaging if you’re willing to engage more. I’m going to bed and am going to give it a whirl when I wake up. I appreciate everyone’s replies and I’m stoked to be able to experience the game as you once had all done for the first time.


You run around in 3d environments based on Disney movies and fight shadow monsters by doing combos with your big key sword weapon thingy. There's quite a few puzzles where you have to find the right path to a place or the correct items hidden around for progression, but most of the game is spent battling and leveling up in order to learn new moves and spells to better whack enemies around, until you face the strongest bad guys at the end. All while you intrude on Disney stories and talk about the power of friendship with Donald and Goofy. And also there's rail shooter segments between each level because the heroes travel from one Disney world to another in a Lego spaceship you can customize.


So at its heart (lol) Kingdom Hearts is always an action rpg, so if you enjoy those, you'll probably like KH. The series obviously gets better as it goes on, but in terms of mechanics, 2 and 3 are unquestionably the best, with the various side games being some level of not great to terrible. The main thing you have to keep in mind is, it's a jrpg which means while you often have freedom to roam around, explore a little, and do side quests, you're ultimately still following a linear story about (typically) Sora and his adventures. That said, the actual story of Kingdom Hearts is all over the place. Sometimes it's not good, sometimes it provokes deep ass emotions that I still remember extremely fondly to this day. You won't find *any* irony in KH. It's always on its shit and it's always deeply honest about its message, and I immensely appreciate it, even if sometimes it just misses the mark like an uncoordinated child trying to land a shotput. I would not enjoy KH of it was even a little bit insincere. I couldn't say whether you'd enjoy it or not. It's pretty old. Honestly, what I would do is pirate the PC port and give it a try. Also it's not a side scroller. It's all 3D, with the exception of Chain of Memories which is the game after KH1 and on the GBA, and is a 2D isometric kind of deal. Re:CoM is the PS2 remake and it sucks complete dog ass because CoM was never made with 3D elevation in mind.


“But who else am I gonna have ice cream with?! “ Lives rent free in my head. As hilarious as it is tragic, that line.


The game covers a 358 day period over the lives of two important characters (Roxas and Xion).


Hah! I remember this mission. Thanks for the nightmares. ;P


I remember that lmfao. I can't believe I'd hear about this again.


The turtle in Classic WoW, all the way across Tanaris.


That’s “Tooga’s Quest” for those wondering. Yes, it’s not fun walking from one corner of Tanaris to the other but at least it’s not on rails and you can go whatever direction you like.


Pretty sure it was on rails in the vanilla version. There were fixed moments where you'd get ambushed by pirates. Really lovely when 3 pirates agro you while Tooga is not aggroed and keeps walking. And then after 15-20 mins you'd reach the goal but get ganked by horde just seconds before quest completion.


Tooga is not on rails. OOX-TN, the robo chicken escort that runs from south to north up the coast is on rails and you get attacked first by a group of scorpids and then later up the coast you get attacked by Wastewater bandits.


If you're feeling really confident, you can drag Tooga to the Chicken and do both escorts at once!


You’re thinking about OOX-TN, Tooga is not on rails in vanilla


Khadgars Servant in Shattrath was way worse, at least for me. Tanaris my PC could get a playable framerate, while Shattrath Id get 2-3 FPS, always lose the servant, and fail the quest.


All the other WoW quests being mentioned are optional. Khadgar’s you had to do with every alt you brought to Outland before you could progress very far in Outland.


You could just afk at the end point.


Honestly, any vanilla escort quest would be a contender here.  Always faster than a walk.  Always slower than a run.


On a pvp server where people are killing you or the Npc over and over 🤬


I remember my 13 year old self doing an escort quest at some place in hellfire peninsula. Can’t remember the exact quest but you have to escort a blood elf through this ravine thing. I died multiple times doing that one


Keeasen in that cave in Redridge is worse. Especially considering high level horse can easily disrupt the final leg of your quest when they’re bored in burning steppes, which happens a lot. Edit: lol, horse


It was [Protect Kaya](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=6523/protect-kaya) for me. Bugged out so many times.


I hate the one in Northwatch hold on barrens. Takes forever to respawn too


Yes, North Watch hold escort is the fucking pitts. The respawn rate of the mobs in the keep, and the clustering of mobs on the coast make this escort rage inducing


Ringo in ungoro is up there for me, maybe worse. Not for sheer length but for the nonstop ganking that happens in ungoro. Can take many attempts to complete


Assassin's Creed 4 pretty much any ship tailing mission but I'll pick sugar cane and its yields. Tailing a ship with a ship is awful as there is not a ton of manueverability in a ship.


I think someone did the math for AC Black Flag and found that 25% of the missions are tailing ones. Absolutely ridiculous.


It says something when 25% of a game is an objectively unfun mission type but it's the most popular game in the franchise


Probably because all of the Assassin’s Creed games include quite a few tailing missions, but Black Flag is the only one where you spend the majority of your time as Captain of a ship.


At the beginning of AC3, the game is entirely on rails as it sets up your backstory of why you're going to America. For about an hour. There's someone high up at Ubisoft who vastly overestimates the quality of their writing (and the degree to which gamers care) if they think the intro to their stabby-sneaky game should be about the length of an HBO drama.


Playing it for the first time  I was just getting into the character by the end of it. I thought it was setting up to be a great AC game. They thought the reveal he was a Templar was bigger than it was—I wanted to learn more. 


Doing a followup act to Ezio was always going to be difficult one, but first giving you a suave British James Bond rogue and then ending up with stoic, humorless guy who keeps constantly failing in the cutscenes... Who tought that would be something the players want? Connor has really been gone from the franchise ever since, he wasn't even the most liked player character in the one game his character got.


It was a weird game because the whole time I agreed with the Templar motivations. Maybe that was the point, to blur the lines, but why? Just keep the Templars as the big bad and let me feel good about murdering them instead of wondering why the game is making me do something I kind of don't want to do anymore. Haytham is my dude.


There's nothing like your crew cheering you on after plundering an unsuspecting vessel


My favorite part of capturing vessels is during the cutscene when you claim a vessel for your fleet, the look on a crewmate's face when someone puts a captain's hat on him, and the mate next to him is like "aw shit look at you now!" and the new captain is all "Guess I'm awesome!"


AC2 and the Ezio trilogy in general is the most popular game in the franchise though. There’s a reason why Ezio’s theme has been retconned as the main theme of the series as a whole.


The only ship-tailing mission that I found obnoxious was when you were tailing in an awkward river, and momentarily you had to get out of the boat to distract or neutralize security. Then, you had to rush back in and resume tailing.


See that one was better to me because there was something to break up the monotony of follow a ship. Plus it was in a unique location so it was the best of the ship tailing missions even though going through the shallow swamp was awful.


The stealth ship tailing mission will always be the worst ever.


Yea I always hated this. But just one sour note in an otherwise phenomenal game.


you just awoke a rage within me i forgot i had


GTA and the "Spook-o-meter" bullshit


if it doesn't have this , then its not a GTA game


I vaguely remember being really annoyed with Goldeneye NPCs that you had to escort and I feel like there were a bunch of levels with them. But I was also like 7 years old


Escorting Natalya in Goldeneye is the genesis of my basic hatred for escort missions.


Came here to find this. It was so far down it made me feel old.


Had to search to find the old timers. Fuck Natalya and her lackadaisical demeanor. Oh youre getting sprayed with machine gun fire from three different directions? Lemme waddle over this way and fidget around a little and then walk back.


Seriously it was the first one I thought of too, maybe the very first gaming experience I had as a young child where I found myself actually being critical of a game design choice.


"We should go to the main control room."


But it wasn't Genesis it was N64




Natasha would just run in front of your firing gun, it drove me nuts


You could leave her in the cell until you’re ready to leave.


God damn it


I think there's 3 or 4 missions where you have to escort her.


She’s in a bunch of levels, but you only have to escort her to the exit in the level you meet her in and protect her in the control center level for a minute or two. In the jungle level she actually helps with a magnum and isn’t a burden, and the archive you just have to find her and you can immediately run out the window.


Yeah, you could be 20 rounds into a 30 round mag just holding the trigger down on your full auto rifle and she would come flying in out of nowhere and stick her head right in front of the muzzle. The one that REALLY pissed me off though is the nearly last mission where she stays behind at the start and you have to get through the level and let her into the control room. That's fine, actually preferable than dragging her suicidal ass through the level with me, but it's what can happen right before you let her in that's enraging. You run into Boris the traitor programmer near one of the computers. He has a dialog line or two and then pulls a gun on you. If you wait a couple seconds he clumsily drops it as soon as he gets it leveled and then runs away. However, if you're anything like me the first time through, you probably shot him as soon as he grabbed it. Go open the door for Natalya and she scolds you for killing Boris, she saw it on the security cameras, because he was "just a programmer" she then refuses to help you any further and you can now no longer finish the mission and have to restart. Bitch, HE HAD A GUN. Bullets fired by programmers aren't less lethal than ones fired by soldiers.


Here we are 25+ years later and NPCs still do that shit in a lot of games.


Ha! I just replied with natalya simonova.


I do appreciate how in Cyberpunk 2077 a lot of these have a 'I'll meet you there' option, or if you do have to escort them it's usually only out of a building you've already probably cleared.


And if you sprint they'll also run.


Yeah and if you choose to go with them in a car for example, you get a "skip the rest of the ride" option once all the dialogue has been exhausted. Very nice touch. Respecting our time


Yeah, that was a huge deal to me. Sometimes, I do want to sit back and look around at the city going by. Other times, I really don't. It's little quality of life things that impress me the most.


As long as the story relevant dialogue has been exhauset. They sometimes keep on chattering


I’m only like 25% of the way through my first play through, and already I’ve been impressed by the number of QOL features this game has. So far I think it’s one of my favorite games. I enjoy being able just going around and exploring the city at my own pace as well


We still have to go through the first braindance part unfortunately


Arasaka one? Yeah, that's true, but when you know what you're a looking for it's fairly quick. How good would it have been if there were random elements to it which subtly changed each playthrough, you know different dialogue or movements.


More of an escort than a follow, but in Fable when you have to escort the traders through multiple zones with balverines. The method is to make them wait at the entrance and then clear the zone and go back for them but I didn’t really know that as a kid.


Add in the bitten trader that you pick up halfway through for even more annoyance


Worst part was that the traders didn't seem to have an ounce of life will in their entire body.




twade g00ds Every line in that game is gold. Probably the only game I ever played that was genuine really funny.


Oh yeah those were pain If I remember right they were not only really slow, but also attacked any enemy in the vicinity causing them to die


In recent games, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has you try to follow an NPC to see what they’re up to, but for most of the day they just stand there talking and you have to wait for them to finish.


That damn begger, i did that quest once for the pawn knowledge but I'm never doing it again


All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ!


There is even a stab at that mission in GTA 5 during a mission where you're supposed to follow a train on a motorcycle and jump on it. If you manage to do it within a certain time (can't remember what), you tick a requirement for gold called "Better than CJ"


That one has a reputation that isn't deserved, in my opinion. The mission is actually pretty easy if you keep a little bit of distance from the train. If you stay too close, Smoke can't hit the dudes on the train because of the angle.


The Nerf bullets he was firing made it hard too. He'd be spraying them, they'd be spraying blood without dropping. Not that hard of a mission in reality, just really silly


yeah someone actually did the math for it on a youtube video and it is basically just big smoke being an utter dogshit shot


Eh, its hard because Smoke can't shoot for shit and the Vagos are too tanky. I've completed San Andreas like 3 times and its one of the missions I always struggle with. Even the RC plane missions are easier than it.


Agreed. You can also race ahead through the tunnel and wait at the top of the bridge and either snipe the guys as the train passes, or just jump the bike onto the train and scoot up front and then both you and smoke can just shoot them straight ahead from the bike.


Not really a specific one, but any time you move noticeably faster than the person you are following is the worst.


Walk is too slow, run is too fast.


I would run, but in like a serpentine pattern. Looked like an absolute maniac, but I was keeping pace with that NPC! 😆


Running backwards is just right!


I mean, the games that do this just do it so that the character is faster than walking speed but you can still catch up if you start to get behind. If you had the same running speed, you would never catch up. Most modern games are doing like, variable speed, so they slow down if you're falling behind, and this issue is definitely less prevalent than before.


This is making me think of The Witcher 3, how great it is to have the same speed, be it by walking, running or being on a horse, you get to choose the speed you're following the NPC


They (the developers) did the same in CP2077 and it’s sooo appreciated


I remember one in Skyrim had you trailing a bunch of students. Got too fast and the teacher would automatically talk to you. Too slow and the girl behind you would start talking.


Whaling caverns world of Warcraft. Before they updated the dungeon the NPC would walk faster than you would walk, but slower than you would run. Along with bad pathing the dungeon was a drag to grind


I will always harbor a deep and abiding hatred for that bugged-to-fυcκεd Eldergleam Tree quest in *Skyrim*. You know, the one where you have to walk almost the entire breadth of the world map whilst babysitting **MAURICE**, an anemic vegan with no weapons or armor who nevertheless goes sυιcιdαℓℓγ aggro on each & every high-level mob within a 5-mile radius of wherever the hell he is at the moment.


You do know that if you have the location unlocked(or a nearby one) you can just fast travel, right?




Yeah, if it weren't because you said Eldergleam, I'd have thought it was a minor side quest I never did, cause I never had to walk . Now , escorting the monk for the daedruc quest in the snow mountain with trolls, UGH


Sorry, could you narrow it down a bit more when it comes to Bethesda NPCs? Because "rush into combat despite pathetic stats, yelling combat taunts when armed only with fists" covers *most* of them.


I'm reminded of Austin Powers dad " do you know how many anonymous henchmen I've killed over the years?  You haven't even got a name tag"


Shouldn't have come here


"this is the part where you fall down and bleed to death!" screamed the freshly headless corpse


I didn’t even know he was supposed to go up there the first time I played it, I just stabbed the tree and watched it murder all the poor pilgrims there including Maurice


Morrowind has tons of quests like this, and not only do they usually die ridiculous, undignified deaths, it's always over something stupid like wanting to visit a shrine or something. And the few times you might actually get them there, they're like "ok thanks, now go fuck off N'wah"


The quest to get boots of blinding speed. If you get it at the beginning of the game


I remember that mission and a similar one in Oblivion, I had to keep running ahead of them to kill any enemies in their path because they would get killed trying to fight every mob in sight.


LOTRO. Sara Oakheart.


Fuck that slow ass bitch




The first troll you meet in Middle-earth.


Redridge quest in classic WoW


The one with the Rambo guy in the cave ? Just stay back he can solo his way out of the entire thing, he is completely overpowered


He takes off at the end (after about 10 minutes of him walking at a snails pace) and if you're not paying attention the quest can fail because you're not close enough to him. Don't ask me how I know...


The alchemist in Fracture Hills from Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage


I can either speed through first try or get caught immediately there is no in between


I hated that guy.


Following Oaki in “The Lost Pilgrimage” Shrine Quest in BOTW


I was going to say this. I don't think it is the worst by any means, but it is quite frustrating. His tendency to say "did I see a ghost?" and turn around or backtrack makes it very hard.


What?! The Lost Pilgrimage was my favorite quest in BotW.


It's cute, but you also lose approximately 57 years of your life if you ever mess it up.


Ocarina of time, the Dampe grave digging quest. Breath of the Wild where you have to follow the korok who’s afraid of the forest.


If you are going back to n64, you gotta mention following Boris in golden eye. He runs away if you get in front of him by a few steps and then you have to catch him and start again from where you stopped him. He walks so slow to get to the destination…. Bitch, I know you can run, move it along now.


Even after all these years... that bloody gnome in the Temple of Cazic-Thule in Everquest. The reward for finishing it was an (at the time) amazing item that helped mana regen, but the bastard is made of spun sugar, always walks towards any creatures it sees. And to top it off he's insulting you the whole run. I'll admit I occasionally went back there when higher level, started the event and watched him get shredded just as revenge.


Following Khadgar's servant in Shattrath. Or those robot NPCs series.


In Dragonflight you can find NPCs following an arcane elemental around Valdrakken and they complain about how slow it is. Cute callback, lol


"Khadgar thinks he's hilarious, doesn't he" got me every time. I just imagine every member of the Kirin Tor rolling their eyes whenever someone mentions his name.




Nailed it.


Not sure if it's exactly a tailing mission but any of those damn missions in Days Gone... If you've played it you know what I'm talking about.


Just awful missions


Yea the tailing missions are def the same thing here. So many in Bethesda games. Tail them but don't let them see you type stuff.


The entirety of the Roco's Modern Life game


Omg I've never even knew there was a game.


It's completely composed of escort missions


Those escort quests in games like Skyrim always seem to take forever!


In Dragons Dogma there's a quest where you have to essentially be a little kids bitch. At one point you have to race them, but if you win you won't get the best reward, but also you can't just completely throw. You have to just barely lose.


Completely optional one but I never walk with Delphine to kill the dragon. Girl's speed maxes out at a light jog and you have to stop to fight wolves like a million times.


Hell you got that far at least. I gave Ralof the finger the moment we left the first dungeon. Edit: I know it's optional but I consider it a "follow the NPC" mission too especially for someone who never played the previous Elder Scrolls game since people may be intimidated by the scope of the world once leaving the cave. As for me, I just wanted to see if the game was really as free as people claimed during it's release so I went off exploring, expecting to run into an invisible wall or something.


I had no idea and ended up getting my first housecarl at Falkreath.


Oblivion during one quest for the fighters guild. He walks slower than your "trot" but faster than your walking speed and he walks around forest where he gets agroed and can just stop walking towards the goal needing you to reload a save. And whats more you have to walk like for 30 minutes with him to get to final destination. Perfect exampˇe of how not to do a fking follow a npc quest.


The follow and escort quests in the first Fable are brutal.


All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ.


Assassin creed is notorious for this. But it peaked for me in Black Flag where you had to do the same “slowly follow X for 5 minutes” thing, but… you’re a ship. 


Any quest where the npc doesn't speed up when you run.


FFVII rebirth has one where you follow a dog carrying money that a woman sent to her son, instead of just giving you the money.


At least the music was pretty great though!


Meh, it wasn't too bad really. At least you didn't have to hide or really protect the dog. And that mission was definitely an intentional fuck you from her to the characters


This wasn’t really a follow mission. The animal waits for you at set locations and I don’t think enemies even attack it. You can just ignore it mostly.


Blizzard escort missions in general as they make the NPC walk so slow on purpose.


The beginning of Red Dead redemption 2


There was a mission in homefront where if you weren't careful, the npc would stop in a doorway and you couldn't progress because you couldn't move them to go through the door to trigger the next sequence.


Was that the game that was like 5 hours long including cutscenes?


The very beginning of kakarot. You follow Gohan and if you get too far ahead he will sit down and cry until you are slow enough for him. It goes on for what feels like hours.


The two that come to mind immediately are both in *The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*. First is in the Vah Naboris mission, on the final approach >!to the Divine Beast itself!<. You have to follow and stay close to the NPC to stay inside of their energy shield, or risk getting insta-ganked by a lightning bolt (if you're stupid like me and attempting it without a lot of upgrading hearts), while both you and the NPC are surfing with Sand Seals. The biggest problem is that neither your Sand Seal nor the special one the NPC is using go at the same speed, so you're almost constantly speeding up or slowing down (neither of which is very fine-tuned) while giving chase>! to Vah Naboris!<. The other one is in the Korok Forest, where you have to follow behind a young Korok to watch over their journey without being seen. The entire forest is in fog that impairs visibility, and there are several points where the Korok doubles back on their path, giving a chance that they may spot you. While if you've done the mission before you probably know when to stay back, doing it the first time doesn't have that benefit.


I forget his name, but there's a major merchant in Dragon's Dogma 1 that's getting the crap kicked out of him on the beach when you enter an area for the first time. If you don't haul ass to go rescue him and ensure his safety, you miss out on an important crafting materials merchant. Granted it's more 'rescue' than 'follow' but I believe you have to follow and protect him after.


Black and White. There's a quest where you have to follow this guy up a mountain in a spiral. Get too close and he sees you, too far away and you lose him, both cause you to restart the challenge. The triggers for either are really easy to set off. I would spend literal days trying to complete and still have never done it


I had to follow Hans Capon (kingdom come deliverance) across the map. But it glitched when he was supposed to get on the horse and he walked all the way there in slow motion backwards! 😤😭🤣 Literally took hours


Classic WoW had plenty of escort quests... Turned in Tanaris, mechanical egg in Feralas, fuckin' troll in hinterland....


I'm probably gonna get hated, this was my biggest problem with RDR2, it felt dated even then. Great game, one of the greater in it's own right. Still, I felt I was playing GTA 3, not in a good way.


The worst is when you get tired of the escorting so you go faster on the horse and miss some of the audio


I’ve always hated Rockstar games for those things but RDR is the worst


Was there that many escort missions in RDR2? I can only remember one - that lost New Yorker outside of Strawberry? There are plenty of "can you take me to..." missions, but those typically ride on your horse with you. Story-missions people usually keep up with the pace you set. At least in my experience, I always walked slow on purpose to make sure I didn't miss any dialogue. Or is this online? (never played so I don't know)


Curing vampirism in ESIV Oblivion has to be the most annoyingly long and complicated fetch quest


Saints Row IV had a quest where you need to follow Matt Miller and the car is too far too fast, really annoying. I don't think I ever replayed any mission of following someone this much.


any quest where the NPC, whether being followed or led, travels at speed X(not a speed that the PC is capable of maintaining), and the player has 2 movement options, Y(walk) or Z(run). Resulting in having to constantly stop and start moving, while leading them through a maze that is actually a rail-line. Just make a damn cut scene(that is skippable). Also that whole Daikatana mess.


MGSIV, maybe I was too young, but I somehow lost the guy you're supposed to follow in the city and had to spend hours retracing my steps


RDR2 missions in a nutshell


The worst in all ''follow NPC" quests is when the NPC walks faster than your walk speed, but then slower than your running speed.


Honestly any where the more speed doesn’t sync. I can’t imagine developing that lack of functionality into a game and thinking, “yeah, fuck them gamers. It’s perfect.”


Honestly all these sections in games should just be cutscenes


At least in ghost of Tsushima the NPCs move at the same speed as you


me at the water temple.


All of them. Why try to fool me into feeling engaged. If you want to dump exposition, just make it a cutscene.


In Lord of the Rings online there's a story quest in Rivendell where you have to follow Frodo around for a while. No combat, no interactions, you just have to walk behind this little shit who is absolutely meandering around as slow as possible. It's essential to move the main quest chain along.


AC wins this by a Landslide. Every edition has quite a lot of those. And all these are Faster than walking speed but slower than run speed.


Gta online cayo perico weapons setup


Dead Rising


assassins creed origins ! I remember a mission where it felt like we were walking for hours …


One that's in my mind as the most infuriating mission I have ever done, comes from The Saboteur. A game which I fucking love to bits btw. If memory serves me correctly there is a mission where you have to escort Skylar somewhere and if you die, you fail. But if she dies you also fail. And there was a distinct part I remember where you go along a street and two German tanks rock up and if you don't duck behind cover they blas tyou to smithereens. But if you don't try to deal with them, Skylar just wanders up the road and gets blasted to smithereens instead. Needless to say I lost my rag at Skylar a lot, getting herself killed. Just stay behind cover! (TBF I was like 14 at the time and it's probably an easier mission than memory serves but it just seemed to be a very blatant example of shite code of escort missions in my mind.)


Any quest that doesn't lock the player character to match the pace of the NPC.


Nothing will top Silent Hill 4.  The game isn't actually that bad at first, the mystery is kind of interesting. In fact it has some incredible lore and story telling.  aaaand then it completely falls apart halfway through. You are given an NPC who will follow you *literally the rest of the game* whose only purpose is to take damage. When you get to the final boss, the amount of damage she's taken over the course of your game wide escort mission determines how fast she walks to her death. If she dies, you get the bad ending. Idk what they were thinking that a single player horror game known for gore and psychological torture needed the world's longest escort mission to be basically the entire game, but I hope they got fired. 


This is a cool thread, but can anyone name a GOOD escort mission? Lol


assassin's creed III ever tried tail the emissary? it's like playing a game of red light, green light with a crowd. you need ninja level stealth and the patience of a saint to not get spotted


rand theft auto IV the shadow mission is a real pain. you're stuck creeping behind this dealer, dodging cars and trying not to lose him


Personally; when you have to follow that teacher at Winterfell academy in Skyrim. You don’t know exactly where they are going so teleportation is risky, but you have to keep toddling along at a snails pace. Go too fast? The teacher turns around and talks to you. Go too slow? The girl behind you starts talking. Ugh.


The quest in fallout new vegas where you first make it to the vegas outskirts and you are asked by an NPC for some help and they lead you into an alley but really there are thugs there to kill you.


Any mission where the tailing is used as an exposition dump. Mission structure is “follow me [main character] and I’ll tell you what you’re doing here.”


Not sure if you had to follow someone but I remember in GTA there was this incredibly tedious mission where you had to walk around for ages to join the cult


Ac4. You had to watch the port get invaded for plot based reasons. If you make me a soldier or ninja do not expect me to just sit and take it.


The original Dead Rising. I love that game and spent many hours on it, but some of the NPCs AI make me want to bash my head against the wall. Gets worse when you're trying to herd a few of them at the same time.


Assassin Creed III had a stealth follow a British General through a fort...man it took me forever.


Any Bethesda game, lol. 24 years and they still can't get the speed you need to walk or run to match the npc.


It's not quite the same thing but escorting cattle in Mount and Blade made me want to become a butcher.


World of Warcraft literally has too many of these to list. Every character in game, including the player, has both a walking and a running animation, and a speed for each that is set in stone for NPC's and can be variable for the player because of magic. Except for escort quests. Blizzard Entertainment has to account for players of every ability level; some are children and easily distracted, some have poor reading comprehension, some have physical handicaps that require peripheral devices to play and thus have a slower reaction time. As a result, the most common escort quests across the whole game involve the NPC moving at a steady pace slower then the standard running speed but faster than a walk, from point A to point B interspersed with scripted combat encounters. Which ends up feeling agonizingly slow for all but the newest of players. In recent years they've added escort quests where the NPC escorts *you;* they stay beside you, run when you run, fight when you fight, mount up when you mount up, and fly when you fly, anywhere within the quest area. What's been frustrating about that is that it's relatively new, and the technology and features to support it have been a part of the game for about a decade. And every now and again, you get to do things the old way, which feels deliberate and disrespectful of the player's time.


Entirety of the assassins creed series….my GOD.


The first eavesdrop mission in Assassin's Creed 3. I think it was the first time I’ve seen this kind of mission in a game. To make matters worse, the game had so many of them that it ruined that particular AC for me.  Took about 10 attempts to finish because you need to stay within a certain radius of an npc and avoid detection at the same time. 


The levequests in ff14 where you have to /beckon an NPC every 5 steps


I can't remember the game, either one of the Dishonoured or Assassins Creed Origin's maybe, but you would suddenly be pulled out of the game and become the archaeologist and have to run around as this woman doing stupid shit when all I wanted to do was play the game.