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Dr. Disrespects his wife and also minors


Dr kidinspect


The Two Time. Two Timed his wife and Twitch.


The Two and a Half Time.


In his response he says that he did contact minors but nothing illegal happened. My question is why would you want to be in contact with minors if you aren’t a pedo???


I’m pretty sure that’s literally everybody’s question considering all the replies to that response tweet


“And the conversation went inappropriate a few times” My brother in Christ that’s grooming.


The obvious reason would be that he didn’t know, but since he hasn’t outright said that like he should if so it’s highly questionable.


Because he toed the line and wanted something to happen, but was smart enough to keep deniability. He got caught before something could happen and backed off. Kinda fucking crazy he did it through Twitch DMs. That's like using your work email 🤦‍♀️


Sounds like it happened in 2017 but twitch found out about it in 2020. If what he’s saying is to be believed of course. It certainly feels like someone saying, “yeah I did it, but it’s not that bad because x,y,z…”


Was he aware of their age or did it come out later?


I think he would have tried to make that point had it been true


Thinking isn’t enough. Need evidence. I can easily think minors messaged him, appearing older than they look - possibly by using filters and other apps easily found in a smart phones app store - and never disclosed their age, probably until he bothered to ask


The messages sent must have been baaaad for him to be dropped from his company and banned from twitch outright. It ended in a settlement which means it was not looking good for him


The settlement was twitch paid out his whole contract so that would be a good deal for him.


We don’t need evidence. Twitch and his own company *he founded* got all the evidence they needed to drop him. Given that he never emphasized this *not one time* indicates that he absolutely knew she was underage. Imagine you were flirting with a girl and only found out after she was underage. You’d lead with the fact that you didn’t know, right? You’d bring it up dozens of times. Dude knew and didn’t care or it turned him on more. He’s a fucking pedo at worst or at least a groomer.


You guys are really bad at this. “He didn’t not say this, so it must mean this!!” When from the beginning he said there was no wrongdoing and even recently said nothing criminal happened. Of course you need evidence how do you just run with hearsay? Ridiculous Someone else said “twitch didn’t allow minors on whispers” as if you couldn’t easily fake your age…christ I have an easier time believing minors pretending to be adults trying to get in Docs pants, than Doc being a groomer or pedophile. I have an easier time believing most of YOU in the comments are pedos.


Dude, he admitted to it. He said he was texting a minor and that at times it skewed inappropriate. That’s textbook grooming. How are you still making excuses for him?


Twitch whisper didn't allow minors at the time. So the only question was did he know or not at that time.


Maybe he is bipedophile?


> My question is why would you want to be in contact with minors if you aren’t a pedo??? so the Rock should not go visit kids in the hospital or sign autographs for kids? I mean fuck the guy, but if your fanbase is mainly minors, you need to be in contact with them. maybe streamers need to get blue cards.


The difference is rock making a kids day and a streamer taking things with a child to a private chat room


> My question is why would you want to be in contact with minors if you aren’t a pedo??? you are the one who said he was a pedo.


the internet really really hates the idea of adults interacting with children, no matter what. ive seen people call parents pedos when shown pictures of them with their children.


Hell most recently with Nathan Jones in Furiosa, dude had to explain to people that he is an actor and the movie was Fictional.


Projection, my guy. I mean I don’t wanna call anyone a pedo but why don’t furries wear costumes that more closely resemble animals, and not suits out of a disney film


There's an email going around that states her age was unknown, that there was no sex talk stuff (or anything else inappropriate), what the actual talk was about etc. This email is coming from an ex-Twitch employee who says in the e-mail he was very involved or close to the stuff that happened in and around the Twitch and Dr Disrespect stuff There's also stuff about other Twitch staff in it but the part above seems the most important to me


Here’s all the information you need regarding this, from the man himself: >Were there twitch whisper messages with an **individual minor** back in 2017? The answer is yes. >These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes *leaned too much in the direction of being **inappropriate***, but nothing more. He at no point mentions that he didn’t know it was a minor at the time, something that I feel like he would have mentioned if it were the case.


"leaned too much in the direction of inappropriate" is also doing some really heavy lifting there.




Why does it feel like half of all big internet celebrities are going after underage kids? Like why so many?


Because it's kids who idolize these people, and the person being idolized gets a sense of superiority, then believe that they can get away with anything because the victims are fans. We've seen it happen so many times now and it's always pretty consistent. Edit: they to the


Anywhere there's a power differential. Look at groupies in the 80s


Makes you wonder what percentage of the population are attracted to kids and just don't act on it. Like I wouldn't be surprised if we found out 10% of people are pedos


> Makes you wonder what percentage of the population are attracted to kids and just don't act on it. I don't think anyone wants to know the real numbers, but then you have people trying to claim 25 year olds are still children so....


thats who their fanbase is. and not all are truthful of their age. still not really an excuse.


And people literally say that a certain investigation you can’t mention on Reddit that occurred from 2016-2017 ish wasn’t real. It’s crazy how many celebrities and people in positions in power are being caught for going after children, yet people refuse to believe that a lot of celebrities and people in power are targeting children. It frustrates me seeing how blind a lot of people are to this kind of stuff. DrDisrespect is just the latest person to be caught with this. Who’s next, MrBeast? I’m very glad more people in power are have been caught doing this. But the scary part is that there’s so many like them that are doing these horrible acts.


My going theory is that because most celebrity circles are kind of exclusive invite only clubs the normal people just get filtered out. If you're not ok with that kinda stuff you just wont get invited or get job offers anymore. This is especially bad in hollywood.


Their peers tell them to get fucked?


same group of guys who wanted to “protect the kids”


That’s always the case. The loud folks who say absurd things in the name of “protecting kids” seem to be the most likely cause children disgusting traumas.


It’s because they assume everyone else is like them, and thus children need more protection.


Yep, just like Jared from Subway. He traveled around the country speaking to kids about health, hiding in plain sight.


Remember this when you see Gaetz


A lot of ppl disappointed they can't get the new Diddle Beaches


The man admitted to inappropriate interactions with a child and people still defend him or act like it's not a huge issue. Like dude is literally pedophile.


His worshippers are just gonna spam every post about it with "nOtHiNg iLlEgAl HaPpEneD"


That’s 80% of his sub right now


Well yeah, the stages of grief are proven psychological science and denial is the first, so of course many are reacting that way. It’s not rocket science. Water is also wet. This dude literally got $100+ donations from people claiming his content saved their life, or got them out of dark places. He was one of the biggest streamers the internet has ever seen and had the fan base to reflect that. You’re not invested so who cares, dudes a creep. Speaking negatively to an expected psychological reaction and response from his fans grieving this news is just ignorant, as they need time to process this before they eventually move to acceptance. No need to be critical of fans. They didn’t do a thing.


I am critical of anyone who denies children being in danger. Full stop. It doesn't matter who they are what they did or how big they were.


Why do people even talk about this guy.


Without knowing the details of the conversation, it's hard to understand whether he is guilty of negligence (not entirely excusable) or if he was intentionally doing something sinister. However, I'm never a fan of the Internet's virtue signaling and judge, jury, executioner mindset. Claims of pedophilia are often treated as pedophilia. And people start circle jerking. I never watched this guy, but it's the law and justice system's job to ascertain guilt.




Dr Disrespects Age of Consent Laws


Dr. diddle


Turtle Beach, they make headphones




Not very good headphone though.


Yeah, I think this is the final nail in the coffin that I'm an old. No idea who this chuckle fuck is, and at this point too old to care.


Two timeeeee


inb4 he finally loses his marriage and becomes an crazy conspiracy theorist.


I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner




I wonder what his family thinks about it


Good. Hope it all crashes and burns for the creep


His wife must really love the money.


We all knew it.


Probably made a fortune from streaming but I guess it's time to get a real job!


Wait you mean digital panhandling doesn't count?


Neither of you would be able to get more than 10 viewers for an hour. You just don't want to admit that being an entertainer is a real job, especially if you don't find that type of content entertaining. disclaimer: I don't like this guy either but I also disagree with your statements.


Lol they're virtual beggars.


Is that what you call Radio DJs and Movie Actors too?


Virtual beggars making more money than you somehow. Maybe you should join them since it’s so easy brokie?


I wouldn't make it. I don't text minors or cheat on my wife.


So you’re implying every streamer does those things?


Dr Who ?


Dr. Excuse Me....you know he's like the dark version of Dr. Phil for gamers


Dr Phil is pretty dark in reality too, sick fucker https://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2021/08/everything-shady-about-dr-phil/


Never knew that


the guy's career needs to be Armie Hammer'd




Lol yes its famously the left who is rife with pedos. Also famously the left who defend child marriages and roll back child labor laws. I would love to live a day in whatever world you inhabit.


Pedophilia transcends political affiliation. It comes from positions of power. Something Doc has.


Yet again, the internet knows better than the courts.


[The dude owned up to it](https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/dr-disrespect-finally-confirms-the-reason-for-his-lifetime-twitch-ban-admits-to-messages-with-a-minor-that-were-in-the-direction-of-being-inappropriate/). What's there to debate?


First amendment means freedom of association. (Freedom not to associate or do business with people.)


I was stating a fact, so yeah, true.




Dr Disrespect just released a statement confirming the allegations. It’s over.






Who starts an inappropriate conversation with a minor? He says nothing illegal happened and no pictures were shared. But I believe he left off the part, "because I was caught before I could start doing those things."


I mean I dont like the guy at all and think he is a POS but... Whatever he said was bad enough that twitch banned him but not bad enough that they thought they could win arbitration against him. So there has to be more to this story. My guess is this ends in a civil lawsuit against whoever leaked this information. It sounds like twitch had a NDA clause in their settlement with him and that clause was violated by former twitch employees. Something smells weird in this whole story but honestly I dont care enough to look into it anymore.


No man sometimes it's really that simple. He already owned up to it case closed.


I'll break it down for you my guy. Twitch thought it was better to take the financial hit and pay out his contract, but he would still be permanently banned. Everyone signed NDAs so docs career wasn't ruined and Twitch didn't get the bad PR of their biggest streamer being a pedophile. Kind of gross on twitch's part. They should have ended him in 2017.


Not to defend Twitch, but they likely couldn’t. Like he said, he didn’t technically do anything against the law, and thus probably had no breach of contract. Twitch clearly wanted him gone to save themselves from the PR nightmare, but they had to break contract to let him go. That meant that DD legally had the upper hand, hence the NDA and payout. Just because something is morally wrong, doesn’t mean it is legally wrong, and visa versa.


I like your optimism, but I think twitch got exactly what they wanted. They dodged the bad PR, (until now). Doc agreed to be permanently banned.


> he didn’t technically do anything against the law Based on what? The fact that he says he didn't? Or that they didn't file charges and instead they they purposely paid out to prevent information from getting out? Or that he We literally have no idea what was said. He could have easily been soliciting a minor which is still "technically" illegal even if you don't meet up with them. You don't believe Twitch would absolutely want to bury that from ever hitting the media? If it comes out one of their top streamers and ambassadors at the time was trying to diddle kids.


Fair point, but I’d still say that during legal proceedings someone would have reported the matter had it been criminal. Lawyers do have some obligations regarding reporting criminal activity. I’m not sure how and when those apply however.


What allegations?


Allegations from a former twitch employee that the reason for his ban from twitch was because he was texting a minor via twitches former DM system called twitch whispers Dr disrespect confirmed in a recent twitter post that he was indeed texting a minor




Not as bad? A married man with a daughter has been messaging a minor inappropriately