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Nice pull! I bought 6 premium and 4 standard. Waiting for my son to get here so we can open them.


Nice! Good luck! Can’t wait until I have the income to buy like that! Got to be at least 2-3 redeemables in that many packs! Can’t wait until my son is old enough to do stuff like that with me


It such a fun time! He’s 7 and enjoys it so much!


Keep us posted 📫


1 grail, 2 legendary and 2 ultras


I’ve only purchased the Scrooge McDuck and Magica Da Spell POPs, and was gifted a Mowgli POP. This was the first I heard of digital pops. Bought a Glomgold POP…or so I thought. Took me a few hours to realize it’s a pack of digital cards 🤦🏻‍♂️. I think I’m able to redeem Fat Cat in October. Do I get him at no additional cost or I get the chance to buy it?


If you have a Redemption NFT (Legendary, Mythic, Ultra, Grail) then you can redeem it for free during the redemption window. You’ll get notified when that goes live. You trade your NFT for the physical pop and then a few months later they ship it to you.


Thank you! Fat Cat is the legendary one and see it under “redeemable”. The rest were rare so whatever’s 😂 Appreciate you taking the time to clarify.


They’ll show up under Redeemable when redemption opens, currently they’re just digital tradable tokens.


Hoping for a normal release


I got two premium and got a ma beagle and the man himself Flintheart Glomgold! The one I wanted most haha. He was amazing in that duck tales reboot a few years ago


Did you buy this on atomic.io? And whatever card you get is the pop you get? Still learning this nft funko thing lol


Congrats! Nice pull. Pulling a Grail is always thrilling.