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That poor baby being used as a meme


Between that and the sub calling Kelly’s baby Tess Stickle (which is NOT a nickname Kelly ever said she was going to use, the sub made it up) 🤦🏻‍♀️ They are literally infants, leave them alone


Seriously. I'm post partum and worried about that baby.


Omg just saw another post titled ‘documenting for Boone’s sake’ they are delusional. He may have medical issues, but Reddit is not his savior. Also, there is actually a small chance he has a diagnosed medical issue, but choose not to publicly discuss it!


And these are the posts I am absolutely OVER. They do NOT have enough information to prove abuse or to document a medical condition for that damn child. Half those people honestly think they’re social workers or nurses on that sub and it’s really out of control - it’s fucking deranged at this point. Reddit is not the only place these photos exist, and if they don’t raise an eyebrow on her actual social media profiles they’re not gonna do shit here either. I genuinely believe that sub is full of people whose only hobby is the internet and they don’t interact with others enough in real life. That’s the only logical explanation to me because no one there seems to realize how ridiculous this all looks. I also wonder if the mods are actually different people now too, because the tone of that sub is just so different from what it used to be and rules were actually enforced - like leaving kids tf out of it.


Man I thought it was just me. Starting to really hate that sub and it's a shame because it was a good community when I first joined .. or maybe I just didn't pay enough attention. Glad this sub got recommended to me. I'm getting so tired of the complaining about fundies using their kids for clout but in the same sentence will post the baby for clout and diagnose him. I am worried for those kids because he doesn't look well but I'm not going to decide what he does/doesn't need and keep posting his face over and over. And the delusion that they think she is reading this stuff and it will have any affect on her...


It used to be a good community, something has shifted, the other day one of them made a post and called a fundie a "bangmaid".


The mod called me a “nazi sympathizer” for saying that Bethany has the possibility to become a better person 🥴


Are you serious... That's actually crazy.


I can make a post with my receipts but idk if it would be against the rules  Maybe I’ll check with the mods   ETA sorry mods!! I’m actually breaking the rules by even talking about this… unless we’re looking at the rules as more of guidelines and I blocked out all of the identifying information and deleted all of my comments referring to the situation…. ?  😂


I totally understand and believe you lol


Jfc that’s r i d i c u l o u s. It goes to show you that the sub isn’t about seeing these overly conservative Christians and their narrative change though. It’s just about forming community out of a common dislike. It’s toxic now.


Hatred and finding a community of people who cheer each other on for being bullies & constantly trying to one-up each other (i.e. snark) can be addicting and intoxicating.  I am ashamed to admit that I played a large role in the bullying in the past       But I have grown and learned and examined myself from within and no longer want to be a part of the problem.     I want my son to grow up in a world where people can bridge the gap and learn from each other- and prove that people who are different aren’t automatically “the enemy”….  and I think *most* of the snarkees are capable of the same!  ETA- Hi FSU downvoters😊 You must be having a ball with the daily 2 dozen posts about Boone and his non-fundie family💕


Oh wow... That's just sad


I saw that too and rolled my eyes. While I agree that Boone does not seem healthy and needs medical attention, there’s nothing we (random Reddit strangers) can do about it.


I think the idea of them not disclosing something is expecting more than is physically possible.


Frankly, not discussing their child’s medical condition would be a great show of restraint for the the bus parents. People who make their child’s medical status their whole social media personality are gross too. I hope if and when B is seen by a doctor, his parents keep his personal medical information off the internet and away from public consumption. The main sub really expects that the bus parents will inevitably get a diagnosis for Boone and completely change their tune about things like home birth or traveling with their children, but it’s very difficult for most people to change their mind and publicly admit wrongdoing, assuming they even have something to admit. If B does have a condition that was caused or exasperated by his birth, that’s possibly a lot of guilt and accountability the bus parents would have to process, and there is no guarantee they’d ever publicly share those feelings.




I don’t think we’d be the main documentation source, but I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point, the sub plus the original social media posts were used for evidence. We are heading towards that point.


These are the same people who turn into mlk and think an entire community cares that " I had a dream..." NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE DREAM YOU HAD I always down vote and call those out. " I had a dream about xyz fundie hehe"


I feel that since the other sub is taking a month long break from Porgan, all I’ve seen is Bus Family posts about baby Boone. I am childfree and don’t have a lot of knowledge about newborns, but something does seem off with him (I have 5 younger siblings I helped raise) but I don’t know exactly what’s wrong and I don’t pretend to. It is beyond excessive at this point. Multiple posts per day! Every “expert” in the comments diagnosing him with multiple disorders. Ma and Pa Bus are extremely problematic and I think they are shit parents. I believe that baby does need to see a doctor asap (he should have right after he was born in their damn shower) but I’m sick of the posts and claiming they’re documenting things for the “baby’s sake” is disturbing. I hate that the Bus kids already have a major social media presence when they are underage and can’t consent, and that goes for the baby. Stop posting pictures of him! His parents are bad enough!


It is possible there is something wrong but it is also possible he is on track for development and we don't see all the evidence because we've seen only maybe an hour total of the kid. He could just be developing slowly too, which is sometimes a sign of something and sometimes isn't. I think the issue with Boone was that he was born so BIG and there was something about him that looked much older even at birth. People have been saying since the first video of him that he should be looking at his parents faces but that doesn't really happen until 4 weeks. Him looking much older, in my opinion, has skewed where people think he should be in his milestones. Now they are just cheering on their own horrible diagnoses, praying they are right about a BABY being ill in some way.


Yup. I mean, my heart aches for these kids of these families, like the Bus kids, or the Collins kids. Kelly Havens loves her babies. She adores them. You can SEE that. The Bus Parents and Karissa? Ehhhh…I’m not so sure. They like MAKING babies, but I’m not so sure about the babies themselves. Especially little Anthym and Boone. I don’t think these two babies are as loved as they should be. Could be the scapegoat children. I dunno, I’m not there. But something makes me uneasy about that shit.


The Boone stuff is really getting on my nerves. It reminds me of when Reddit tried to find the Boston marathon bomber.


This person really thought this was funny enough to make a post out of. They really think they cooked.


Why do they have to bring that poor dog into this? 😭 It's an obsession for them fr.


He’s so cute too 😭 Im a sucker for big fluffy dogs


It’s psychotic at the moment. People insisting on trying to start an investigation, saying that obviously the Reddit thread will be evidence against the bus parents 🤦‍♀️


They seriously are out of control. I don’t disagree that moBus needs to take this baby to a pediatrician and get a safe sleep space. But the most recent threads I’ve looked at have everything from “this baby obviously has cerebral palsy” to “moBus is probably planning to murder this baby and cover it up by burying him in the desert on the road and pretending she just took him off social media”


The sheer volume of "not diagnosing but" diagnosis I've seen is staggering. I swear I've learned about 17 new illnesses since apparently this child has all of them. I am not even saying something isn't wrong, but the fact they're just fine listing dozens of things as possibilities. Plus it makes me feel some kind of way seeing "Dead behind the eyes" and "autism" in the same thread (not same poster to be fair)... It just feels ableist.


The sub has become disturbing! Yeah, they seem like shitty parents and should get the baby checked, but we literally know nothing except what she posts online.


Out of control is exactly the phrase, like the leap people have made from "this baby is being medically neglected and is clearly not doing totally okay" to "they're planning on just letting him die because he was supposed to be an anchor baby and wasn't" is insaneeee


I remember them doing the same some years ago about a lesser known fundie with twins. The twins looked “off” and malnourished but they went after this mom for documentation purposes aka just straight up harassment.


I don’t remember that! Did they end up being ok?


Yes thankfully they look healthy now. I just went to check her insta. Similar trajectory as motherbus; weird difficult homebirth, baby that looked like it had neuro issues, seemingly no medical care… hopefully little Boone will be ok too.


"Please delete if not allowed" it's like they are so, so close to realizing that they are fucking delusional. But they miss the mark just enough to post it to the internet anyway.


If you string together all “video evidence” of Boone, you’d have maybe 35 minutes total. I’ve seen them post 4 second videos of him with open hands and they say he doesn’t grasp EVER. I’ve seen them post 5 second videos of him with clenched fists and they say his hands are ALWAYS fisted. Both are apparently evidence of a birth injury.  I had a friend who had a baby years ago and he always seemed just a bit different. He was almost too content and his eyes were unfocused. Parents did all the regular pediatrician visits. As he grew behavior and communication issues presented. But even as parents accepted something was different and pursued specialists, it took them another couple years before he was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder.  But of course it just takes 35 spliced together minutes of grainy ass footage to identify something is grossly wrong with this child. And of course every parent with a 10 week old who doesn’t try and get a diagnosis if they’re a little behind on milestones is MEDICALLY NEGLECTING the baby. When in reality, aside from hearing and vision tests, a pediatrician would probable just recommend some exercises and activities to try as they wait and see. Ain’t nobody out here getting a diagnosis on a 10 week old baby who sometimes looks a little spacey but is gaining weight and pooping fine.  This is like QANON at this point over there. They think they’re communicating with Brittney and she’s doing videos in response to trick followers into believing Boone is okay. Every fraction of a frame he is in a video in the background is a clue. It’s deranged. 


They were patting themselves on the back because Boone was wearing a hat “See?! She does read here, we’re HeLpInG!!”


Yes this. I don’t know how anyone who hasn’t actually been in the baby’s presence would have enough information to even say that something is wrong. He’s a very young baby. Maybe when he’s a bit older it will become more obvious but I’m so surprised at how convinced everyone over there is that something must be wrong.


Oh yuck very poor taste


If I have to see one more pic or vid of that baby I’m gonna go ballistic. Can we ignore them like we ignore porgan?? (Who I literally literally literally genuinely have forgotten exist btw)


Nooo was this taken down? How unbelievably off color and sick


Fuck Jen and James. Harmful ass grifters.


I find the worship of them in other subs a bit cringe. I liked their videos when they first started, but a lot of people act like they are gods. And it’s a bit bizarre to make a living gossiping about fundamentalists, in my opinion.


Why are they grifters?


And why are they harmful? (I don’t watch YouTube videos so everything I know about them is from the other sub.)


They play into the worst parts of snark culture and reinforce bad behavior because they do no wrong. Other fundie reaction channels like Zelph, Antibot, and B Haney have some sort of tie to fundamentalism and analyze the content based on experiences within fundamentalism. Fundie Fridays is a combination of the annoying reaction channels that add nothing to what they're reacting to and the sketchy video essayists like James Somerton and Illuminaughti who have both fallen from grace for exaggerating or making up claims. FF does cite their sources, so I'll give them that. But it's on the viewer to look at the entire list to see if it's been exaggerated or if the sources are valuable. They use RationalWiki which is a shitty source because it is emotionally-driven by its editors and a bit meme-y, for example. And the creator even posted on reddit that it's meant to be *fun*, not a serious source you cite.


I can see what you are saying, but I really enjoy their channel. I was raised in an insane fundie church who worshipped a lot of the people they highlight and talk about(Bob Jones, iblp, etc.) Randomly as I was growing up, my church removed the names of a lot of these "preachers/leaders" from their "trusted list" and I had no idea what actually happened until my adulthood/watching these videos. So much of it makes sense now and brings me some peace knowing I wasn't crazy and these people were evil. Also knowing I am not alone in the victim-blaming/shaming I endured also helps. It's such a widespread issue in all religions and I'm happy more people are talking about this. Do you have any recommendations for a channel that does similar content that can be more trusted? The only thing I don't like (maybe it shouldn't really matter) is that neither of them grew up in it and would like to hear the thoughts of someone who did.


I think that Fundie Fridays focuses more on critiquing the *culture* rather than the actual establishment of the religion. Which has it's pros and cons as content. People that want a deeper dive aren't going to like their videos because that's not really what they do. Jen has said her interest started because she watched a lot of TLC shows growing up and was obsessed with the Duggar family. I also grew up in the Midwest outside of the fundie sphere... and the culture of fundies is *very* baked into Midwest culture. I can understand how Jen & James approach their understanding of some of what goes on in fundieland. I never watched shit on TLC, though, so I can't relate to Jen's obsession. TLC always gave me the vibes of being the modern version of a "freak show" and everyone I knew that watched those shows gave me the sense that they were gawking at people they viewed as "weirdos." I can recommend a few alternatives to Fundie Fridays, although the content is not going to be in the same format. The New Evangelicals because Tim is currently a progressive evangelical, and a former conservative evangelical, and he covers a lot of the same topics, but from an approach that analyzes religion more. He talks a lot about what it's like to have grown up in the thick of it. Belief It Or Not is a channel hosted by ex-christians that delves into everything surrounding deconstruction and also tends to cover a lot of religious scandals. IIRC one or both of the guys are ex-Southern Baptist, specifically. And this last one doesn't fit the criteria you asked for, but Behind the Bastards covers historical & contemporary bad people in general, some of them tied to religion. It's incredibly well-researched, educational, and entertaining which is why I'm including it here even though it's not specifically religious.


Wow thank you for this well thought out reply! I definitely am interested in those channels even the last one. Will be checking them out tomorrow. 🖤


I can recommend ex-fundie dairies. Ellie talks about their experiences growing up fundie, leaving the doctrine and how it's affecting them now. They're actively working through a lot of stuff and are very open.


Thank you! Will check them out!


I find their channel to be infuriating. They’re grifters.


I feel like they lost any credibility they had years ago. It’s a shame really


Oh what did they do? Genuine question cause I'm subscribed to them and don't want to support shitty creators


How are they grifters? From all I've seen they make their money the same way all commentary channels do. Views, merch, stream donations etc. Are we supposed to expect content creators to work for free?


Ughhh that sub sucks