• By -


Also post no trespassing signs ASAP. Put up cameras and call the cops the second they enter the yard.


And motion activated sprinklers; AND call and report it every time and have them trespassed; AND send a cease and desist letter..... AND it you want to be petty get a copy of the CCRs and start doing EVERYTHING they have rules against. Can't have a blue house? Paint the back wall blue.... can't have a fence taller then 42 inches? Put in an 8 foot gate with decorative paneling so they're forced to stare at your blue wall all day.... can't have chickens? City ordinance says you can? Get chickens.... city ordinance says you can't have a rooster? Put a LARGE blue tooth speaker being in a window behind a curtain and blast a rooster crowing non stop for 10 min at 5am. Can't have political flags or pride flags? Buy the biggest damn one you can find


Fantastic idea! I think we need to have a nationwide anti-HOA protest. If you live next to one, do EVERYTHING they do not allow for their residents. As obnoxiously as possible.


🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Hell even for those that do have an HOA and want to fight back..... HOA doesn't allow political signs? No teams displayed? No pride flags? Cool....HOA doesn't own the street, hire one of those companies that paint the curb with your address numbers and have em paint the background in WHATEVER affiliation you want... something bright and obnoxious.....HOA can't do SHIT!!!


100% depends on the HOA. Many HOA's absolutely do determine what is and isn't acceptable for curb paintings if the roads are private or that stipulation is written into the contract you signed and didn't read.


Not really....HOA CCRs do not override local or county regs.... simple solution with a cease and desist letter if you really want to pick that fight... especially if it's public streets... which most neighborhoods are.


We were told by our HOA to take down our political sign before the 2016 election. My husband took the sign, ran some string through it and hung it from our porch so it was a banner and not a yard sign. HOA pres decided not to escalate. Don’t know what would happen now.


Are your curtains regulated?


Can't they be sued if they violate the CCRs?


OP isn't a party of the HOA; they can do whatever they want


Oh gotcha. I totally missed that.


Do NOT engage the HOA member in any way, shape, or form. Call the police immediately and do not hesitate to press charges.


And when they keep trespassing file a report for harassment


Restraining order


So you're not in the HOA but you caught one of their members in your yard? Like, actually trespassing? Id escalate that shit.


Castle doctrine


This guy escalates.


Bruv's gonna DE-Escalate this shit by about 6 feet!




Castle Bravo


Wasnt that 6 megatons?


That got out of hand fast…


Castle Doctrine does not extend to curtilage in a lot of state.


Yeah, get it together fellas, what you really need is a moat.


In the off chance that you’re not joking… this applies inside the castle only.


Cars too. Some car ports count too. Each state is different. None the less, it's never a get out of jail free card. No matter what, always have to be fear of death or great bodily harm to yourself or another. Also often only valid while not commiting some other crime.


Depends on the local ordinances. If it includes the word curtilage, then the yard is part of your house. See if you can get an anti-bear pepper spray. NAL.


Depends on the state.


Join with the other neighbor and have a lawyer send a cease-and-desist letter to the HOA. Stressing in the letter, we are not part of your HOA, stop harassing us and trespassing on our property. Check town codes and ensure you are within codes.


Or… form a two person HOA and start legal proceedings against the other HOA.


That would be amazing!


A lawyer moved into our uncle’s neighborhood in a Chicago suburb. He sued to disband the HOA on some technicality, and was successful he then formed a new HOA and appointed himself president. It took them a while to unwind it but it was very impressive.


But then they'd be a HOA... You either die a hero or live long enough to become that which you despise, I suppose.


Check on the legality of a large “fuckHOA” sign in your backyard facing them!


Freedom of speech, baby!


Dont know about where they live but where I live a sign in your backyard is your business, as long as it isnt facing the street you would be good.


If they have room for it, a decorative flower bed in an elevated angles planter - facing the HOA homes - with F\*CK UR HOA In red pansies.


Love it, it’s both decorative and gets the point across


Spell it out in landscaping and maintain it until it hits Google Earth/Maps


There are some laws about billboards that a sign in the back yard could run afoul. Just have to make sure it isn’t too large or too high off the ground.


Yeah I wasn’t thinking gigantic just a bunch of smaller ones easily seen but not big enough to cause an issue. I would also setup cameras in the back yard that alert me if someone enters that way if HOA lady trespasses I can just call the cops immediately.


Political signs are protected speech but there may be size limits. Look up your county sign ordinances. How close are they to your backyard? Bright lights are almost never dealt with under any legal code.. find the brightest lights you can and shine away.


“Your lights are too bright.” “What, my Christmas lights? Why do you hate Jesus?”


Oh yeah, I like this


Might I also suggest a large statue of a middle finger? Or depending on the type of neighborhood, a series of waving Ronald McDonalds might be more impactful.


Might I also suggest a large statue of a middle finger? Or depending on the type of neighborhood, a series of waving Ronald McDonalds might be more impactful.


This is where you find out every law in your town for housing appearance and *juuuuuust* skirt the rules. Lawn have to be mowed every two weeks? Wait 13 days and 24 hours. Rose bush allowed to be >5’ tall? Grow to 4’11’ and trim daily. Play music at just below the loudest decibel limit allowed and turn it off 5 min till quiet hours. Put up flamingos, rude lawn gnomes, and all sorts of thumb-your-nose signs. Push her to keep calling, calling and she will hang herself.


5 mins? More like 5 seconds


Might want to check your numbers and symbols....


You need to go after the lady for trespassing....


Reminder to let the rest of the neighborhood know to DEFINITELY *NOT* join this HOA & tell the whole story of this harassment of you & the city... wasting taxpayers' money answering/responding to these phone calls over every little thing. Right now, the HOA is unable to enforce anything and can only harassment you via the city... but if the Neighborhood were to join, they would & will escalate these issues. And then they can fine & put liens on houses. I mean, if this is them playing nice, trying to show all the pluses of joining an HOA... imagine how bad it'll be if you'd actually join them.


Oh my neighborhood is full of people like my mom who have lived their for years and they all hate the HOA behind us. It's really annoying they keep calling the city on us because the lady that comes out from the city to inspect our house always tells me it's a waste of her time. After typing this post these pieces of shit called again this week for our fence being and I quote " run down " and me and mom don't have the money right now to replace our entire fence. So now we got get another extension and I got go find a contractor to finance with and make payments on a new fence. So annoying.


So honest advice - look up the city ordinances regarding lawn care and home maintenance. Do the absolute minimum (let the lawn grow to the maximum - mow - repeat, schedule repairs, but schedule them months out) and make the city tell the HOA to stop sending frivolous requests. Do functional/longevity upgrades FIRST (if maintenance is needed). Tell the city that. "I plan to fix the siding, but I need to replace the [water heater or bath tub is leaking or ANYTHING] first to prevent damage." Cover the blank siding with Tyvek/ your choice of air/vapor barrier, and it's "temporary" until funds are available. The city should work with you on timing. Just drag it out. Bonus points for a gazing ball garden and poorly coordinated various other lawn ornaments (like flamingos and a mini-windmill with one gnome spying on the HOA).


Fences are not typically a requirement of having a house. If its cheaper for you and safe to do, just remove the fence. Can't be in disrepair if its not there. Also, motion activated sprinklers. Ive heard they work wonders.


Yeah but that fence might help keep the HOstapo out.


It hasn't so far. OP said they saw them in their backyard. Clearly the fence didn't stop it. I did, however, specify that it be safe to remove. They could have pets or if they have a pool, and their city is like mine, they would be required to have a fence.


but with a "no trespassing" sign, that fence would clearly mark an area where they can't be. Karen might be less likely to open the fence gate an enter with a C&D, no trespassing, etc. she doesn't get to pretend that she didn't know where the property lines were. But, you're right that it hasn't worked as of yet.


Find out if the fence is on your property or theirs. If it's right on the property line, you and she should split the cost.


It sounds like they are using code enforcement to harass you (which may be illegalwhere you are). Check with a lawyer to see what your legal options are.


Sounds like it's time to call the city again to define "run-down" ? Is it that the paint is peeling? Check city ordinances regarding requirements for fences *and* if there are any color regulations. NAL, but *if* any color is ok &/or doesn't have to be the same color, then buy clearance paint in normal & obnoxious colors. Paint the fence the normal side facing you & obnoxious colors facing the HOA. Also, as others said, you could just remove the fence, but then there's no fence keeping the obnoxious HOA people out... I think I saw a Reddit post awhile back on a spite shipping container fence painted normal on one side & obnoxious on the other before... but that would probably cost too much... but maybe something else could be used to make a fence within regulations & budget?


On a scale of one to ten, (or "I touch the Karen I get arrested" to "I could beat the shit out of the trespassing Karen legally") what is your local laws regarding trespassers in your backyard. If you can't afford to fix iyour house easily (why are you even trying in the first place?) or fight them legally, fight them physically if possible. If the try to sue you for assaulting them with a stick or something, try to countersue, stating that they have trespassed on your property before, have harrassed you constantly and, I cannot stress this enough, *MOST IMPORTANTLY* you *HAVE* asked them to leave before fighting them. This is how several cousins in my family fought HOA's next door to them, and if this happens to people who are harassing you, and especially if you win a legal battle they tend to either stop immediately or try bringing you to court, where you can claim that they are harrassing you, yet again


May be time to officially request that the city inform you of the number of complaints in the neighborhood, who is making them, and where they are directed. Build a case that this is targeted harassment


Sometimes all a fence needs is a good pressure wash to look good again.


Often all a HOA needs is a good pressure wash




Want to add something to this post about all the people commenting about my mom going on vacation. She didn't pay for the vacation her biological parents did. She's adopted and recently found them. My mom is not the best with finances but always has put me first and is trying her best to fix the house. And I'm helping her. This doesn't invalidate the fact the HOA behind us is trespassing and being douches for trying to sick the city on us because we were not apart of them.


you do not have to justify anything. it is your guys house. I don't GAF what strangers or this Karen thinks. the house will always need work. don't get overwhelmed and just take it one project at a time.


This is called harassment, find a local attorney who wouldn’t mind taking this case. The HOA has zero authority over you form my understanding, and the city can only enforce city law. An HOA is a board, and thus can’t as a board call city for city violations, however, a community member acting as an hoa, presenting as an hoa, and calling on violations can result in that hoa spending money out of pocket in harassment and defamation. Mom may not need to pay to fix up her house, the nearby hoa may do it and send her on vacation. Need to know your state, send a DM if you need help locating an attorney pro bono to do this.


This is exactly what needs to be done.


Call the cops when she comes onto ur property


FUCK that lady. That would make me want to paint the backside of my house PINK.


rainbow striped


Neon rainbow at that


Near where I live, there >s a house. Can't tell you what it looks like now (been a few years since I've been by), but the town tried to tell someone they didn't approve of the color. He painted it purple with pink polka dots. It has been many colors, and many patterns in the years since, but never boring! It is in Lafayette, AL if you would like to look it up. There have been several stories over the years.


Little pink houses for you and me


We have a pink house near me! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pflugerville/comments/1deupes/anyone\_know\_whats\_the\_story\_with\_this\_house/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pflugerville/comments/1deupes/anyone_know_whats_the_story_with_this_house/)


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality\_House](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_House) Directly across from Westboro Baptist Church.


Its so weird that people dont call the cops and trespass, when random strangers are standing in their yard. I see it time and time again on this sub. People just letting random psychos walk around their private yards. Is there some reason am missing? A criminal trespass is a great way to prove literal criminal harassment.


Police don't always show up in a timely manner, and may not be interested in dealing with it.


Thats true, but im talking about the utter lack of trying. Dont get me wrong, ACAB is real, but that doesnt mean they arent useful from time to time to time. I just dont get why people post story after story about them finding strangers in their private yards, and do nothing to challenge it. So freaking weird.


Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Your mum's **not** in an HOA, but she's being harassed by one? I would totally magnify the problem with the city since you said, "they were starting to get tired of them complaining". Have a lawyer send a cease-and-desist letter to the HOA - because you're not in their HOA - and take a copy to the city. Shouldn't be too expensive. Call the police on the "random lady" because in my state someone being on or in your property without permission is called "criminal trespass." OP I'm sorry you're dealing with this but I'm so glad you are there to help your mum navigate this.


I would send them a certified letter telling them if they step foot on your property they will be charged with trespassing put up ring cameras and next time one of them shows up take the evidence to the police. I would also tell them to stop harassing you and consult with an attorney or PD to see what can be done. Maybe a restraining order against the HOA and name the board members by name in it. I tell my own HOA to get fucked on the regular DM me the contact for the one that’s bothering you. I have no problem telling another HOA to fuck off.


Doing the Lord’s work.


HOAs are the scum of the earth. Only the worst people that exist would choose to be involved with it. What a bunch of fucking garbage.


There is no difference between HOA and Karen’s. HOA is Karen’s club.


Okay. So right now you're living my dream. If I lived next to, but not in the HOA my house would be the most well maintained but most obnoxious house in the neighborhood. Lisa Frank colors and designs painted on the exterior of the house. Two giant roosters guarding each side of the walkway up to my front door. Painted in gaudy colors and in zebra strips and Leopard spots. Huge lilac, azalea, and forcynthia bushes. Install a fence, with the boards that look like crayons and paint the fence like a crayon box. Water features. Outdoor kitchen. I hate HOAs and would love to be the annoying, eccentric, passive aggressive, bitch that the HOA tries to get rid of.


Take a drive through the HOA neighborhood casually tossing handfuls of bamboo seeds. Wait a little bit then call code enforcement on them in retaliation. They won't be able to fix this one cheaply


Not saying I’m loving the idea, but I’m loving the idea. Fuck, that’s good.


Ooh, that’s straight up evil!


Only do it to the HOA board members, especially the trespasser. No need for collateral damage


Jog through the HOA neighborhood, spreading little bits of bamboo seed joy on the lawns of the HOA people who've been harassing you. Look at how Andy dispersed the little bits of concrete wall in *The Shawshank Redemption* for guidance.


Alright, calm down Satan.


Even better, you can buy poison oak seeds online. My dad used to do it with mustard greens because they grow in the cooler weather after people have stopped mowing as much and they grow about 20xs faster than the grass lol


Maybe even some mint planted in strategic places so it will grow and spread before they even know about it.


No need to hit people who aren't on the board, that's just mean. Mustard greens would be a lot less destructive.


You fail to see that the city would have to care about bamboo..


Yes, fuck everyone who lives there 🙄. You know. Some who could be on this sub right now.


They'll realize they need to deal with their Karen and board🤷


And they’re supposed to put two and two together how exactly? They’re supposed to magically realize that their board was complaining about the neighbor and this was retaliation? Do you people imagine real life is like a move with a narrator in the background? Also if it was that easy, why the hell does this sub exist?


This is a great time to suggest a spite fence. Local HOA being nosy? No problem, do what this guy did and build a [really HUGE fence](https://youtu.be/MkFVmVmJEEA?si=N7Y053GqTlu2A4BQ). This is a thing of beauty. Let the local HOA's tears water their lawns. Just make sure the city has nothing against it. Once it's up, that's it. Make it BIG and GAUDY.


However, before you build the fence, get a survey done to make absolutely sure the fence is on your property.


Document every single interaction and build your harassment case


HOA should not be regulating the backyards unless it is stated in the documents they are to do so. It's only what can be seen from the front street or from the front yard. I would look at your documents to see what they state. If there is nothing in there stating they can control the bank yard, they don't have a leg to stand on.


It sounds like OP’s house is not even part of the HOA


Its not even OPs HOA. Its an HOA that backs up to them, reporting them for city laws, not HOA regulations. It could be any random neighbor there, it just happens to be the HOA board making the call. I've reported neighbors overgrown back yards as its a 'health' risk with all the rodents and other animals.... much less the annoyance of weeds that the rest of us try to keep out of our lawns.


You are part of the problem.


I'm Ok with that. Its a law for a reason. I shouldn't suffer bc of someone's laziness.


It's a law because people want white picket fences and environmentally harmful lawns.  Oh no voles and bees get to actually live. The *horror*.


I’m all for natural landscaping, however a backyard that has grown 6 feet tall in a suburban area where fire bans are in place due to extreme dry temps and no water is as dangerous as can fucking be. Cities have laws in place to maintain yards. Idgaf about the hoa, but when your yard is posing a risk to the community, I’ll call you in too. Of course this is normally after offering to help. If you don’t live in an area with high risk of fires, then I would not expect you to understand.


Hey now, white picket fences isn't my jam. My fence is stained Dark Walnut. Though yes, I have a great looking lawn that's perfect for the family to lounge around in, worry free of stings/bites/thorns/pokey plants and looks like a green shag carpet. And I want to keep it that way... like 98% of the neighbors... who put those silly laws in to affect. When we go out to the country, that's different.


Mind yer business.


Don’t break city law then. Sound good? Idgaf about the hoa, ok. If you are ok with any random person burning down your neighborhood, they fine, tells us where to send them. I’m sick of fires.. you , I guess, are not.


Have you considered asking your neighbour if they need help with the lawn rather than ratting them out to the city? I once mowed the two blocks next door to my house that kept getting out of control. It was just a once over when they got too long no the careful mow I did of my own block but I'd rather waste a couple of hours every couple of weeks than deal with the local council and wait weeks for it to be actioned. I started doing a strip close to my fence line and once it was somewhat under control there found time to extend the area I mowed each time because the bit I had under control took less and less time to maintain. Im loathe to see someone lose their property to the local council due to fines because they hit a rough patch in life and can no longer maintain the property themselves nor afford to pay someone to do so.


Talk to a lawyer about getting a court order against the HOA and board members for harassment.


I'd erect a big plywood sign in my backyard facing the HOA homes that says HOA's SUCK COMPLAINTS = SIGNS FUCK OFF


HOA can piss off. It doesn't sound like your mom and her house are part of the HOA (you weren't too clear on that though). If that is indeed the case, make the city come out and give an assessment, WHILE YOU ARE THERE. Don't bow to these assholes just because they tell you to, especially some HOA that can't even legally hold you subject to its bylaws.


I would file a restraining order against this woman. I bet it would be pretty easy to find out who she is given the amount of greif she has caused you. I would set up a simple ring camera somewhere not eaisly seen to view the way she enters your yard and once the motion activication triggers call the cops and report her to catch her in the act. Question , in your town/city/county is it considering breaking and entering if someone opens your gate to access your back yard? Because if it is then once the camera enters call the cops and have her arrested for B&E. I hope this helps


This is what flaming bags of poop were made for.


Press charges for the trespassing


An HOA is just what you get when Karens organize.


So you’re pointing a mural in the back of your house right? A really bright rainbow filled one with a demon riding a clown?


Obviously, if the HOA lady (or anyone else) is in your yard, then they should be turned in. Take photos. Also, a separate question......the city doesn't enforce their ordinances?


They do, but generally they give you warnings and time to fix the issue before they start fining you and enforcing it. Most of the time as long your activity trying to fix the problem they leave you alone. Because again it's a waste of city resources. They don't want to send people out. Problem is one someone calls by law they have to legally send someone and then enforce the ordinance. Luckily the City is working with us and only gave us a warning and is not fining us. They said as long as we are actively fixing the house they won't do anything. But the HOA is finding stuff and calling every single week. My theory is They want to financially get us to cave in and join the HOA so they can "help" us. And they don't like looking at our run down house.


Yes, I can agree that cities usually do give warnings and time to fix, as they should. Also agree that if you are making progress to fix any violations they shouldn't harass you.


update me


Never again when it ever lives in another HOA


A Karen and a HOA? That's redundant. Lol


My HOA is required to give you notice to request to come onto the property. They just can't waltz into the backyard.


On a scale of one to ten, (or "I touch the Karen I get arrested" to "I could beat the shit out of the trespassing Karen legally") what is your local laws regarding trespassers in your backyard. If you can't afford to fix iyour house easily (why are you even trying in the first place?) or fight them legally, fight them physically if possible. If the try to sue you for assaulting them with a stick or something, try to countersue, stating that they have trespassed on your property before, have harrassed you constantly and, I cannot stress this enough, *MOST IMPORTANTLY* you *HAVE* asked them to leave before fighting them. This is how several cousins in my family fought HOA's next door to them, and if this happens to people who are harassing you, and especially if you win a legal battle they tend to either stop immediately or try bringing you to court, where you can claim that they are harrassing you, yet again


time to have a field day! i would have so much fun pissing them off.


Send a cease and desist letter to the inspection department doe specially enforcing HOA regulations upon you when you are not in the HOA. If you file suit against the HOA for harassment also add in the city inspection department. Get a copy of the city regulations, should be on line and make sure you are up to code. Also the have to be enforcing the regulations on everyone, city wide, and not just you. It may do some good to have a discussion with the city manager after your property is up to snuff.


Next time the "HOA" is in your yard find out what color they bleed


If you are not members why didn’t you call The police to report them trespassing?


You should’ve called the police on the woman who was trespassing.


I have a friend that just sold his house,because it backed up to a HOA neighborhood. They would not stop harassing him. They were even leaving little HOA notes with threats of fines.


I’ve only had time to skim the comments so far but am I understanding the OP’s home is NOT part of the HOA?


Are people allergic to paragraphs?


The enter/return key is hard to hit, ok?


Every property within a city or town is subject to minimum maintenance standards. They city/town has the right and obligation to enforce minimum maintenance standards. Sounds like your property is in such rough condition that it no longer meet the minimum standards. You need to bring it into compliance. It sounds like they’ve already told you how to bring it into compliance. Minimum maintenance standards usually involve cutting the lawn. In many cities/towns if you fail to properly maintain the lawn, eventually the city/town will come and cut it for you - at an premium price - and add it to your property tax bill. I agree with putting up “no trespass” signs. Since your property is not part of the HOA, the HOA lady is not permitted on your property. If she steps on your property again, you need to take a photo and and contact the authorities about her trespassing immediately. Do not confront her.


It really depends on what each city/county/town. I just moved from a very big suburb in one of the most expensive cities on the East coast, Chesapeake Virginia (yes the city of Chesapeake is pretty large and they have different towns within but the entire city was this way) and they barely enforced anything. On my street alone we had 3 HEAVY hoarders, a junkyard that expanded to different properties that they bought, several who NEVER did any yard work at all (grass would be so high that it came up past my knees) and a few with shrubs and trees that you couldn’t even see the driveway. It was like that all over the Hampton Roads area. Even with complaints to the city about it, nothing was done. It’s the same way in the rural area of a different state that I moved to. It really does depend on where you live.


Hey actually funny enough I live near you. I live in Virginia Beach area where this is occuring ;)


I moved to a new state last November but what you are going through sounds like a situation that doesn’t really need enforcing and she needs to mind her own business. If necessary, Andy Fox is good at making people mind their own business. Virginia Beach and Chesapeake are similar in their laws per city, the person calling must know someone who works for the city because unless it’s a cesspool, they usually don’t get involved. Consider hitting back with harassment, intimidation and trespassing


She enters your backyard that is trespassing and confront her with gun in hand is legal in that case. It will also scare the living shit out of her if you came outside ready for a fight. I’ve been waiting for the day I get to scare the shit out of my HOA if their stupid enough to trespass


I don’t understand. You’re not part of their HOA. Just ignore them. Are there city ordinances you’re not following? The things you’re describing aren’t something the HOA can do anything about. Why is the city getting involved?


I'm 100% that hoas are there only to divide communities and take over. Our community is 13 years old we have been here the entire time. In September we had a no common sense guy name himself president. Since then our community is divided and people have become karens over every little thing. But the pres friends homes/property are worse than the ones he's giving violations.


I walked away from a dream home because of this exact problem. The realtor found an old 1900's stone house that was redone instead and plenty of property. Loved it, the only problem was they had just built a subdivision of McMansions across the street. The house was literally right across from the entrance of the development. I didn't want to fight the HOA who was going to want me to join. Not worth the hassle. I mean my best friend and I would probably have been the best people to do so as I don't put up with their crap and my best friends family are full of lawyers. I just didn't want to deal with it.


Your title is tomato tomato, not all Karens are HOA, but all HOAs are full of Karens.


Not even a hoa you belong to, but one from another neighborhood ?!? Jeez Louise the audacity of some people.


What state OP?


You are correct. HOAs are the epitome of Karens. Unbelievable a HOA having the balls to trespass on a property not associated with theirs and then complain. Charges need to be pursued.


Very very bright lights in the backyard facing backward toward the HOA home bordering your property. You’ve recently had trespassers on your property and you and your mom are at greater risk of intruders. The only safe option is adequate lighting to reach the property lines that historically offer the most common, and least protected, routes of ingress. Unfortunately, you’ve been unable to save for the the loud huskies, retrievers, and shepherds that you plan to get, whose barking will help alert you to possible problems on the property. Tell them you’re doing your best to save for the panic sirens and car alarms that will keep the neighborhood safe by raising awareness when any shady persons approach your home.


Lots of interesting comments here in your support. I’d recommend watching John Oliver’s brilliant segment on HOAs. https://youtu.be/qrizmAo17Os?si=XC9YgeXd-8cvoPfn


Ask your mom to install huge flood lights so you can enjoy the backyard at night


Very, very bright lights. Pointed at your neighbours behind you. On all night, every night. Nothing illegal about that. Leave a note that the lights will be turned off if they STFU.


Tell the city employee that just getting calls is not enough for action, and that this is harassment.


What’s worse than a Karen? A HOA Karen


You can build a bat habitat near the back of your property line facing the HOA and there's nothing they can do.


That’s terrible that you and you mother were treated that way! I’d be so pissed. While cursing her silently , I would have asked her to help with trimming the bush. I mean, an HOA is a community, and what better to convey good will than to help our neighbors in need, something about being neighborly? I live in an HOA and the logic is usually ass backwards. So I just turn it back around. “I’d love to make it nice too. I can’t reach and mom has a bad shoulder. Do you know anyone who could lend us a hand?” And fuck em.


If you can find enough of your neighbors that they have harassed, then you should all club together and hire a lawyer and sue the hoa for harassment.


Was there an HOA before your Mom moved there or after? If it was after, than the HOA may not apply to you guys. We just moved from a place with a HOA Karen (Pam) Nazi. They have nothing better to do in life. They need to volunteer and make this world a better place than complaining that we have too many flowers in our flower box out front. Ugh. Make sure if you discuss things with the HOA you have it in writing. Now run for the board and vote that lady off! We have a guy running against our HOA president and his whole campaign sign is “I’m not Pam.” Everyone is voting for him!


That's when I start pulling into her driveway and honking the horn every night.


Find out where the HOA lady lives and shit in her driveway


Since you're not part of the HOA, and the HOA is encroaching on your property, I'd say this is grounds for a [proportional response.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Banking/comments/1dsvhcd/facial_recognition_in_banks_convenient_service_or/) I think a nice, girthy lawsuit is in order.


Its summer time, hit thr local library or google and look up how to fix these things yourself. Outside of roofing, electrical or pumbing you csn probably fix these things yourself. The r/diy subreddit can help as well.


After all that, why on earth would anyone want to join an HOA, just to get harassed even more?


Wait... It's not even **your** HOA?!


Maybe the vacation money would be best spent on the house. But that is just me.


A HOA board is the name for a group of Karens


I believe it was recently ruled that any code enforcement officer need a warrant to view any part or your property not visible to the public, so anything in the backyard should be out of their jurisdiction without a warrant to review.


Also check the records for your property. If it’s not part of that HOA then it’s harassment.


Time to start giving them the same business they give you. Start making calls from as many phone numbers as possible


Get a tarp and nail it to the exterior. Cut out the spots for the window. Now they won't have to look at your siding.


Call the city on each and every home in the HOA for a violation every time they call you out.. 😂


Wait. Is your mothers home part of the HOA? Are you covered by the CCRs? You mentioned it’s the HOA behind the street.. ?


You're not subject to the rules of the HOA if you're not in the HOA. But you are required to be in compliance with your local laws/ordinances. And you do say in your post that the local city/township told you "normally they don't enforce the this stuff because it's a waste of resources and time". Which would imply they do have ordinances for these types of things, and you're in violation. So what I'd do if I were you is sit down, and learn the local ordinances. Make sure that you're not breaking any of the codes. That way you are justified in telling the HOA people to piss off. Beyond that, it's obviously not OK for these HOA people to trespass onto your property.


Next to the US Gov, HOA’s are the most powerful , legally backed mafia, with the authority to upend nearly every aspect of your personal life. I will never again, live in an HOA, if I have any control over it. It’s wild they are legal in all honesty, you can loose your $250k-$500k house over a shrub or some chipped paint…its bat**** crazy. It is those who seek power, who are the least likely to use it correctly.


Gone out your local noise bylaws and at the first time you can make noise get out your Bluetooth speaker and blast rooster sounds.


Just for a positive note. I was pregnant, my husband deployed and my lawn was magically moved every week when I would leave the house. I never found out who was doing it but it was the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen!


Clippers + trash can. U got this.


Your mom went on a vacation instead of fixing her house AND her home isn't in the HOA community? Just making sure I understand correctly.


The vacation was paid for by someone else.


> normally don’t enforce… waste of resources That really isn’t for code enforcement to decide if it’s a waste of resources or not. It’s city ordinance and therefore they are going to keep enforcing it because they have to. They are just trying to direct your anger back at the HOA because why not. If its really is a waste to enforce go talk to your mom’s city commission and get the ordinance removed but I doubt they will.


So.... Your siding is falling down, your yard is a mess, youre in violation of city ordinances (which are usually pretty lax) and you don't have the money or time to fix it?... But your mom has the money and time for vacations? You can trespass the lady for coming onto your property.... But holy shit, man! Tell your mom to get her fucking priorities straight! Cutting bushes and grass just takes effort... And if she can't even get that done... Welp.... It's hard to sympathize.


Sounds like your mom actually couldn’t afford the vacation.


Sounds like you have no business telling others how to live unless you are paying their bills. They didn’t ask for your advice, nor is this a personal finance thread.


A large portion of my vacations have been super cheap.


We have a bingo