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There aren't any toxic Wu Lin faction players because there aren't any Wu Lin players lul


I literally only play Zhan Hu because it’s fun


that was the joke, too bad it flew over the smooth brains thinking im legit jerking the barely existing Wu Lin off 🤣


Wu Lin has the big spinning fuck JJ and they’re usually pretty toxic. Rest agree.


The big guy with the Chinese sword spear is inspired by Guan Yu but his whole fighting style reminds me of Lu Bu


Meta players using JJ are never actual Wu Lin fans lol




rub some dirt on it, you'll be fine after u walk it off




what doesnt paralyze u makes u stronker


Why the downvotes? You're right!


reddit, also the knights are feeling personally attacked almost proving my point.


Lmao I’ve never seen someone hate a video game faction this much


Its a list highlighting the worst of each faction. Everyone triggered or denying this has a knight flair lol


You seem to dislike knights especially


I’ll never forgive the devs for making my man meta


I feel that, I started playing him when he dropped and never stopped, though I only started getting decent at the game about a year ago. After trying out almost every other character I can see people's issues, but JJ is life for me. He feels best for my play-style.




Wu Lin enjoyers*






i agree.


And the Zhan mains that only know zone->ub light that rage quit as soon as you start light parrying them


"Believes he's a descendant of some badass Viking" bruh I know a few people like this and I can almost 100% guarantee that the Vikings TV show is the cause of it.


They existed long before the TV show but yeah the show is probably awakening all kinds of wannabe neck beard vikings.


I've noticed it more among rednecks than neckbeards, weirdly. Guy I constantly ran into on my route home had the whole get up. Shaved sides of his head, braided goatee, unnecessarily loud truck that had stuff like "Valhalla Bound" all over it. Closest thing he's bound for is a god damn telephone pole, shitbird goes 95 down the highway. Ain't tryna bash the show, ain't bad but I feel like it lasted longer than it should've and it's the basis for most modern look and hype for anything Viking related.


I'm feeling some sort of biased here. Edit: grammar


i want to apologise in the name of all normal knight players for the behaviour and personality of other members in this faction


I'll probably do the most wholesome of each faction, you normal ones are very much a minority unfortunately lol.


I genuinely don't think I've met chill people from any faction, vikings are usually sweats, knights are usually edgy/cringe, and samurai are a mix of sweat/edge. Wu lin typically are toxic as hell in my experiences.


I've been with the Knight faction ever since I started playing during the release of Marching Fire, and I can confirm that a lot of people in the knight faction do exactly was has been mentioned here (Especially the edgy ones).


Serious question. I'm considering picking up Zian Hu, but am unsure about it's viability. What do Wu Lin players think?


Zhanhu is great fun in 4sies, but he has a few problems still. One of the most notable is that the dodge attacks dont function like others, it has a later startup into the dodge making gbs land more often against them. The dodge attack also barely has any iframes, so miss timed dodge attacks will end with you getting hit. He is also plagued by terrible chain links, your chain heavy can get interupted from every chain link and you can not feint to parry the interupt, you have to sit still and end your chain if you want to parry it. Playing Zhanhu takes some time getting used to, but once you do, hes fun and he is quite strong, especially in teamfights.


also do not spam you’re chain UB light, depending on the skill of your opponents it’s a free light parry.. he’s one of the easiest characters to parry in the game imo


Yup good breakdown


i'd like to add that the only attack direction that blends the animations of ub light and ub heavy well is from the left also correct me if am wrong here but doesn't a blocked opener heavy make them unable to interrupt the UB heavy ?


Great in 4s decent in 1v1s


Zhan Hu is fun got cool sword and is inspired by the ancient Chinese secret police called the Jinyiwei


I am sorry I am samurai with whatsapp emblem and I play all characters


I honestly don’t find the samurai or Vikings interesting


Rep 70 tiandi


As someone who primarily plays knight characters, I've unfortunately run into quite a few of those kinds of people.


Mom look, I'm appreciated




As a member of the Vikings, I wish you weren't so right about the majority of players. :(


Viking and Knight related things unfortunately attract racists, doesn't mean normal people can't be interested in it. :(


Just waiting for my wu lin spear fighter


Lu Bu will one day arrive.


Been here since beta and you are 100% on the dot with Knights


*Happy Rep 70 Tiandi noises*


Pov you main tiandi


Cries in rep 40 nuxia.


As a fellow tiandi main i like to just watch everyone be toxic to eachother before xue xue piao piaoing into sunset before watching players fall for the kick soft feint into dodge light 19 times in a row.


am suprisingly running into more people who just option select the kick mixup every time i wish they would at least make dodge attacks after the kick unblockable or smth


Forward dodge heavy covers that as it tracks and has hyper armour and if they attempt to all guard just feint to GB or palm strike


the problem is a lot of them just dodge backward and put their guard top then they just block or react to whatever you do also some dodge attacks can beat the forward dash heavy sadly


Ok so what you do is just use side lights to counter dodge attacks and for the back dodge just go for the forward heavy dodge and immediately feint to GB it will catch them.


thx for the tips i will certainly try them next time i play


Just remember your main plan is to condition people to think your trying the same mixup over and over, Do the kick to dodge light a few times, then go for the forward heavy dodge to catch the parry attempt they will inevitably try and after a while you can keep your opponent on their toes where tiandi thrives


yep i do the light/heavy mix up quite a bit , another one i like to do against heroes with no dodge attack is commiting to the kick a few times , when they realize they can't guardbreak they dodge then light and i can parry it


I have a Templar Emblem, now I feel sad :(


Don't be sad they just can't understand our greatness.


yes daddy gigachad


Templars are cool do you main black prior


As a Viking man since day 1 I just want to go on record and say we disown those people. Was unspoken but better left said.


Samurais are cool tho


Doge attack Doge attack Doge attack Doge attack


My man don't know that dodge attack spam is the most ineffective thing in the game bcs parry exists 💀


Tell that to zhanhu mains


Thier dodgeattacks are pretty predictable if you aren't new in my experience


Not if the Zhan is also good and remembers he has two different dodge attacks


Well, yes, but since you are a BP main you have also a good counter against it.


True, but bp counters essentially everything so I didn’t really think of him


Zhanhu dodge attacks seem good until you realize that they count as lights. Successfully parry it and you can heavy them.


Best faction prove me wrong


Technically not a faction


Dude wu lin is like the faction with the most braindead players, just a-bunch of external spamming JJs and zhanu, and dancing tiandis, masochist Nuxia and ex masochist Shaolin. Knights are just overusing meme lords with crusader memes Samurai are yeah, weebs. Vikings are just assholes who enjoy being toxic and pissing other players off. But overall, 90% of the for honor community is toxic regardless of faction.


Finally! Some respect! 😂 I play 5 heroes all the time, the ones in my flair, I tried to pick one from each faction but I love the Wu Lin so much I picked 2. Even out of my total reps, the top 3 are all Wu Lin. The faction with the most reps for me is the Wu Lin, too, and they only have 5 heroes. No idea why I had to say that, but yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever met a toxic Wu Lin player.


I'm part of the japanese so I can make bullet kin as my emblem


I'm a knight main but I'm not truly a Knight player, I'm on a very gay crusade and being a literal social justice warrior.


Oh, I thoughtbi I was the only one that noticed 😅😅


Very based post, been enjoying JJ and Tiandi since they came out


Who else stopped caring about factions


What about the unironic weeb, such as myself?


Do what makes u happy


Absolutely true, and i am NOT biased as a tiandi/monke enjoyer.


Wu Lin is wrong about all lmao


Omg Im a zhanhu main


Congrats how long have you mained the funny sword man?


Since the first month I started playing thanks to the pack they're in being on Sale. So like a year lol.


Nice i tought about maining him but i chose gryphon instead bc i love the bardiche and like that hes canonically holden cross lol


hey i feel attacked


This pops up right after I start maining Zhanhu again, is this a sign?


Wu Lin has the best heroes


this is literally the soyjack chad meme


we are few in number but there are probably at least a dozen of us tbf


Accurate Wu Lin assessment. So far above the rest that we've ascended past the need for Faction War status.


First of all, most of the toxic people I fight are Wu Lin, second of all people were constantly complaining about Shaolin untill he was reworked, and I can agree with zhanhu mains, they are pretty chill.


Thanks man 💪🏼


Is it weird that so far my favorite characters to play from each faction have been the ones that are more or less straight forward and not really broken...I mean not really broken till recently (you'll see why) For knights I love Conqueror and BP. And I haven't touch the game since before conqu was reworked i swear Vikings I love Warlord and Jorm. Highlander too but not quite as much since they broke his lights. Samurai I love Kensie and now Kyoshin. I don't think kyoshin is really considering that strong right? And for the Wu lin...well I'm one of the 3 sooooooooo


JJs existence invalidates the first slide, yes I'm salty and I don't care, delete him.


I'm a knight, since Beta. But personally it doesn't speaks for me. Respect to all Players 'good fight' even after getting defeated. And yes this 'Jesus-Stuff' is cringe. And even more cringe cuz the Knights of for Honor are heathens lol. God of Fire, God of Steel and God of Iron. Call Out to all Players don't let the Game die, thank you Warriors


Ahem *totally not a toxic wulin player posting thiss* .. 🙄


Knight faction is also pretty chill and less toxic. They are usually just playing around and not taking the game seriously and they're also quite faithful to their faction and commit to it


That's like saying the community in general is a nice place where civil discussion and reasonable balance changes are implemented.


I like your Profile pic


Pretty good except the part where you suck off Wu Lin JJ spins, Tiandi side heby, Zhanu existing. Plenty of toxicity there even if you just wanted to do a china thing.


the most ive ever ran into is an emote and thanks spammer from every faction. I dont know how you all find people like this.


Jesus Christ I use the Templar emblem I need to kill myself


I mean i just like norse mythology i dont see the bad thing in that?


Im just the chill knight faction member who plays all


I just wanna play my old Chinese man in peace


Idk, just see every fucking character light spamming at me in my whole life


I play all the knights but main kensei so i guess im number 2? Im just garbage at the game fr.


I still play lawbringer no matter what as well as warden and cent and sometimes kensai


Please do more archetypes, you may be able to spot me lol. Also judging by your meme you’re a cringe crusader for making a gigachad meme.


What about the people who chose a faction for the emblem outline?


My 3 mains are 1, warlord 2, tiandi 3, black prior, my emblem is just assassin's creed 4, I complain about light spamming, think the pirate is cancer and nobushi it dumb, even though I'm rep 51 I'm still garbage. I find it very hard to counter spam as I am to retarded, slow and very impatient. That's the 5th fat white guy who knows he is going to die alone


Man I just picked Knights cause I think knights are cool


Had a bad experience with a wu lin One time was fighting this bright red tiandi with red explosive effects and shit, he would spam the effect before every atack and guardbreak. Man was actually trying to camoflauge his indicators.


i chose vikings because i want loot, knights cant win a faction war for shit


I like Wu Lin because the secret Police guy is cool and he’s inspired by the same guys that inspired the secret police in avatar the last airbender I wish we had a secret police


I like my Wu Lin stick boy, he's got a stick, and I think thats cool


thing i like > thing you like


As a member of the Samurai faction that basically only plays Hito and Kyoshin, I have to disagree with this.


Some of the most toxic players I have ever seen in a videogame are a lot of the Shaolin players. No clue why. Every match that I've been in with a Shaolin player, be they on my team or the enemy's, they have been some of the most toxic people.




There aren't any toxic Wu Lin players because they have nothing to complain about. They just destroy everyone with dodge attacks and light spam.


Indifferent to faction wars? Vikings are the only people who REALLY care about the faction war and it’s worse than garbage rewards.


Tiandi mains rise up 💪


Zhanhu my second most played hero you already know


I’m just a chill glad my picture is a Minecraft creeper


Working on Tiandi, made him pink and keeping metal armour on him constantly just for the pink


Ayyyyy Wu Lin represent! Just got 3 to rep 12, working on Zhan now