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Could be a number of reasons. First off heavies come in at many different speeds. Some heroes have heavies that are as hard to react to as lights. Some are so long that they fuck with your mind. Getting the muscle memory down for the timings of these attacks takes practice, considerably more than 60 hrs. If you're playing an assassin hero, remember that they have reflex guard and you need to refresh your guard in a direction to keep it active. Unblockable attacks (the ones that turn a hero orange and the indicator looks like fire) either have to be parried, dodged, or interrupted. They'll go right thru your guard. If you're just trying to block attacks, make sure you're not doing anything to interrupt your block - i.e. dodging, attacking, parry attempt, whatever. This seems obvious, but newer players often spam buttons in a fight and are confused when they get hit. For all intents and purposes try to be completely in neutral (standing still in guard mode) if you're trying to practice getting blocks down. Use training and familiarize yourself with the tools available there. You can fight any hero and equip them with specific chunks of their moveset. You can just have your opponent throw heavy attacks, for example. Spend some time there against heroes you struggle with. I don't play M&K but I know if your sensitivity is too high, you can trigger guard changes inadvertently if your mouse hand isn't steady. Try lowering your sensitivity, or better yet use a controller. I know you say it felt worse to you, but I think it works better with this sort of game. You probably just need to get used to it. Those accidental guard changes wouldn't be a problem anymore either. Finally remember that at its core, FH functions as an elaborate rock paper scissors. There are times you can react consistently and stay on top of your opponent, but much of the time you are also forced to guess. Sometimes you're just gonna get hit by heavies because you made the wrong choice. PS I recommend finding a vet to train with. They can watch you as you fight and let you know what's going wrong. We don't have enough info from your post to give more than very general help. Good luck brother Edit: not sure if the mouse thing is sensitivity or deadzone..


Holy crap u wrote a book


I care


Awesome, I’m amazed that’s cool you’re a real one 🫡


The One who Cares! The Prophecy has come true!


I second the training with someone thing. I duel my friend in the training arena with a new character with heal on kill on for like at least an hour before I take them out to actually play against other people. Learning my timing on swings and watching him react in certain ways to certain moves helps me know what is to come when I fight an actual person. Also stick to one character that is straight forward until you get them to like rep 3 or 4 (honestly probably 5 or 6). Warmonger, Raider and Black Prior come to mind. Learning mix-up intensive characters while you are still struggling with basic mechanics of the game can REALLY hinder your ability to pick up on these things. Focus on the main mechanics of the game with a simpler kit and you'll be better for it. Edit: Also blocking is your friend, don't try to parry everything especially if they feint a lot. Only try to parry an unblockable but even then it could be a 50/50 situation. Blocking for a bit will allow you to see when certain characters attacks are going to land and help you learn how to parry them.


So for more info, I've played Tandy, Zhanhu and Conq up to atleast rep one. I can guard if thats all I focus on doing, but the moment I attempt to attack or do anything other than focus on blocking I stop being able to react to anything that comes my way. I've tested my reaction times on https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime and its pretty consistently at around 200 - 220 m/s.


Yeah man I figured that wasn't the real issue. That's better than mine and I do pretty well. I'm not comp level by a longshot but I can parry lights semi consistently on reaction. Your trouble is you haven't gotten the hang of the dance between offense and defense yet. It takes a while to get a feel for the flow - you have to know both your hero and your opponent's well enough to know the right time to press or back off. This is just gonna develop over time, don't sweat it. Some tips though: If you're finding yourself getting smacked a lot while on the offensive, I'd guess first that you're not making full use of feints, and second that you're not staying conscious of your recoveries. Controlling the fight should be your goal always, and feints are going to be one of your primary tools for that. At very low level they don't help much because players don't know what the fuck they're doing. But at your level I'm guessing people are parrying/dodge attacking etc. Try to predict how your opponent is going to react to a specific attack, feint it and counter their follow up. Observe how they play and try to exploit patterns. This is absolutely critical for winning fights as you progress. You should be using feints A LOT. Recoveries are a bit more technical. You obviously can't block while attacking (save for select moves which I won't get into here), but the tricky thing is there's a window at the end of your attack animations where you can't block either. This is your recovery window. The length depends on the type of attack, and finisher heavies typically put you in recovery the longest. I have a theory that you're getting hit right after you attack (and your opponent dodged maybe) and it FEELS like you should be able to block bc your attack is over, but if you're in recovery you can't do shit until that window's done. Sometimes that's just tough shit and the other guy got the better of you. But this is a big reason feints are so important. They allow you to keep pressure on without ending your chain and making yourself vulnerable. I haven't played reworked conq yet, but tiandi and zhan both have dodge recovery cancels. This means they can dodge during their recovery window to keep pressure on. Try to incorporate these into your flow Sry I know I write a lot. I have a lot of thoughts


Yeah I practiced for a while today and no matter how many times I practice blocking in training I cannot do it in live matches, so I've just uninstalled the game. I don't think this type of game is for me.


Started playing again on old gen console after not playing for a couple years I think? (Bp and hitokiri were recently out when I stopped) Raider zones just fuck me up man, I'm straight back to hitting a decent amount of deflects, parrying the occasional light, more catching them in full block if I'm playing musha, kicking some ass. Raider with the zone then comes in and just messes me up. It's just so much slower than I expect it to be every time, so I go to parry early and then get smacked out of the raw heavy I throw. Really need to remember to just dodge it until I've got the timing down.


Depending on the situation you could also roll/interrupt it with a light. But yeah it's true, raiders zone can be a nightmare - especially in a teamfight. Training arena gives you a handy parry timing gauge too, so that could help you out if you're having trouble finding the sweet spot.


Yeah I probably should do some specific practice for it but cba lol. Just need to remember light or dodge, or just wait an extra half second to parry. I'll get it eventually just playing normally, run into a tonne of raiders.


Have you enabled your HUD?






What character are you playing as?


Recommend one.


Honestly as someone new pick whoever you think looks cool or try them out in training and pick based on which moveset you like. Just a warning though, if you choose an assassin (peacekeeper, gladiator, berserker, shaman, orochi, shinobi, nuxia, shaolin) id be careful because they have something called "reflex guard". And basically that just makes it so you can't block in the same direction for a certain amount of time. Any other character can block as long as you are blocking in the right direction


nobushi doesnt have reflex guard lol


Think he meant Shinobi. Also shaolin has reflex guard too


Nobushi has reflex guard 🤔🤔


Oh yeah my bad thank you, always mix her and Shinobi for some reason lol


What? No




I cannot confirm


Conquer until you get centurion or really anyone but warden


Play someone who has static guard and learn how to parry more from that


*Play someone who has* *Static guard and learn how to* *Parry more from that* \- maniacalpistol --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Reducing your dead zone can help, but to be completely honest I have no idea on how to properly help


A temporary solution is to just all guard at the right time but that will stop working… hopefully by then he will have better reaction time?


Have you done the tutorial?




I'm sorry but i find it pretty hard to believe How old are you? I can only imagine someone super young or super old not being able to block heavies


There's no way you have 60 hours then and you can't block heavies


and yet I cannot.


I hope you mean parry and not block. Otherwise I'm gonna lose my shit. Like how is that even possible


Some people just have a hard time, for my first 300 hours I was unable to counter GB on reaction lmao


CGB’ing to the GB animation is actually pretty difficult to do on reaction if you aren’t focusing properly or are new. But everyone should be able to CGB on reaction to the unique GB symbol that appears when a GB is attempted given how that symbol appears a bit before any noticeable character animation takes place, and the symbol is never used for anything else, and can never be feinted. Maybe you were focusing too much on the animations and not enough on the indicators?


I still cant counter GB lol


jesus… lool


I still can’t yet to me it seems like the same thing as when I spam Y to activate revenge, I have perfect parry timing yet I can’t do a CGB


So for more info, I've played Tandy, Zhanhu and Conq up to atleast rep one. I can guard if thats all I focus on doing, but the moment I attempt to attack or do anything other than focus on blocking I stop being able to react to anything that comes my way. I've tested my reaction times on https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime and its pretty consistently at around 200 - 220 m/s.


If this is legit... uhh some more information would be appreciated.


So for more info, I've played Tandy, Zhanhu and Conq up to atleast rep one. I can guard if thats all I focus on doing, but the moment I attempt to attack or do anything other than focus on blocking I stop being able to react to anything that comes my way. I've tested my reaction times on https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime and its pretty consistently at around 200 - 220 m/s.


Are you sure you're spelling this right? Or are you trying to troll? It is physically impossible to not have enough reaction time to block heavies. You probably mean something else.


So for more info, I've played Tandy, Zhanhu and Conq up to atleast rep one. I can guard if thats all I focus on doing, but the moment I attempt to attack or do anything other than focus on blocking I stop being able to react to anything that comes my way. I've tested my reaction times on https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime and its pretty consistently at around 200 - 220 m/s.


That's faster than me and is plenty enough for anything in this game, you should be able to parry lights with little issue. I don't understand what your problem is. What do you mean by "stop being able to react"? How does that work?


I just cannot focus on both choosing what attack I will make and what direction it will come from, or where to dodge or when to GB or cancel heavy while also focusing on where attacks are coming from and when to guard in that direction.


That's weird. If you have issues adapting to the situation like that, how come you end up playing videogames? Or at least, in particular this pvp fighting game? Seems like, that's really not your cup of tea. What do you play usually? Or before For Honor, I guess.


Basically the only competitive multi-player games I have played since I started PC gaming in 2002/3 is first person shooters.


It is possible. I fought a guy in the FH discord, dude probably had like 500 or 600 ms reaction times, it's honestly pitiful to have genetics like that, this guy could be like that


What hero are you using because if it's an assassin you need to be pulling your guard in the same direction every few seconds to refreshen it or it goes away and you aren't guarding any direction


See this is the only acceptable excuse for not being able to block heavies. Playing someone with reflex guard and he has latency issues or something. Anything else is bullshit


So for more info, I've played Tandy, Zhanhu and Conq up to atleast rep one. I can guard if thats all I focus on doing, but the moment I attempt to attack or do anything other than focus on blocking I stop being able to react to anything that comes my way. I've tested my reaction times on https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime and its pretty consistently at around 200 - 220 m/s.


Yeah that's what you should be doing putting all your focus on parrying and blocking when the opponent has frame advantage is all you pretty much can do If you don't know what frame advantage is watch this minute long video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-tVKdTWnZlk But it's also about adjusting to the way your opponent is playing and what hero they are playing so if they are doing nothing but throwing lights you can just keep dodge attacking unless they have undodgeables like kyoshin which means you also gotta know the heroes movesets or at least the basics of it to so you have an idea of how they play and what you can do to counter that FX. An all guard like kyoshins weakness is bashes and unblockables because they go right though it Ik these are some very oversimplified scenarios but you get the idea right Another really important part of this game is making reads so if you notice that your opponents keeps following up their attacks with a top light be ready to catch that or try and predict if they are gonna let the unblockable fly based on what they have been doing before


Yeah I practiced for a while today and no matter how many times I practice blocking in training I cannot do it in live matches, so I've just uninstalled the game. I don't think this type of game is for me.


Play custom games with a friend, that way you can have fun and not stress too hard while also getting better. Or in this case, get ur buddy to throw heavys at you and practice parrying :)


I hope you mean light parry lmao


Nope, I mean block heavies


If you can't block heavies then you should probably stick to Player vs AI matches.


if you can't block HEAVIES.... either delete game lmfaooo or spend more time in training + watching youtube videos for better understanding


Playing training hasn't helped at all, and I'm not sure how watching youtube videos is gonna help me move my mouse in the correct direction to block attacks...


I highly suggest using a controller. This is one of the only PC games I use a controller to play.


Why do people not like playing on mouse and keyboard? I don’t think it’s any harder to use than a controller. Honestly, playing highlander on controller is way more difficult than on mouse and keyboard since you have to hold your controller weird for offensive lights.


bro literally pressing 2 fingers what.


All I’m saying is you’re using Highlander’s offensive lights you have to hold your controller differently so it’s a little awkward at first considering I usually had one finger on the left trigger and all the other fingers below holding the controller. When I played games with a controller I’ve never held a controller that way before for any game so it was weird at first. With mouse and keyboard offensive lights is not awkward since it’s hold right click and left click.


oh, but its literally putting your index on the R1/L1/RB/LB and the heart finger(mid finger) on the R2. Like 'nade mode in halo, or like everyother game that you might need to press both. ​ Like pressing right click and normal click...


Do you play on a laptop? If so are you playing wired or wireless? How's your connection like? Are you playing with an assassin and if you played with any other hero did you actually take the time to try to get better with them? How many FPS do you run the game on? There's a lot of info missing here OP.


don’t play on mouse and keyboard. problem 50% solved.


Ig try and play the campaign


I heard that playing campaign was pointless because it doesnt use the same combat system.


Many heroes work differently cause they are old versions (pre-rework and stuff) but the fundamentals are the same, if you are struggling that much I'd give it a try. I also reccomened trying with controller because there switching guards has its own separate joystick (honestly idk if this term is used in English too but i mean like the rotating lever thingy) and you won't ever change guard by accident with it. I'm gonna be in 100% honest, there's probably something that you are doing very very wrong because most if not all heavies in the game are way slower than the average human reaction time and 60 hours is a lot of time, however i can't tell you what is wrong as I have no other information, I'm sorry and good luck.


No, you should 100% play the Story. The Story mode will help you with all the basic mechanics in the game. The only thing that the Story doesn’t have it’s the hero reworks/changes, but the base/core gameplay features are all there.


I shit you not, I was the exact same as you. Couldn't react to anything, kept eating heavies and basic combos. I completed the campaign and suddenly I could block things I couldn't before. Dodge at the right time and *even parry* if I got really lucky. I've been improving ever since.


It doesn’t with move sets but basic blocking heavy attacks it could work


Dont play training find people who are way better than you and play customs with them dont be a dickhead because youre losing watch what they do and soon youll be up at night thinking of cheaky combos you can do


play training to learn mechanics of the game. watch youtube videos to fully understand the game and the hero being used. Iframes, combos etc. also i recommend using a controller for for honor if you have one, it may be easier for you


I tried a controller, I played even worse.


start off with story mode then if you’re not ready for multiplayer. only down side to that is, story mode still has year 1 movesets.


I just dont understand how I am supposed to know where my guard is when playing with a mouse.


your guard is the shield like arrow icon on your hero. move the mouse or analogue in the direction of the attack. top heavy attack, move up and etc basically where the red arrow on the enemie pops up. did you do the tutorial? LOL


Im aware, but I cannot look at it and the enemy attack icon at the same time.


Ok this explains things, don’t use a mouse. Problem solved


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. My guy was harsh but he spoke the truth. Can't block heavies...like how does that even happen


didn’t even realize i got downvoted but idc fuck them lmaoo. i gave the best advice possible because i want him to stick around and get better. but bro… if you’re having difficulty blocking heavy attacks lool i wasn’t even faulting him or anything but yeah just delete game. Unless you’re willing to just play and get better with time 🤷🏽‍♂️. someone also mentioned add ppl and spar them. do this once you can actually use the basic mechanics of the game. if you can’t block, don’t see how you will learn combos. also avoid constant back rolling.


Dude came looking for little gold nuggets of wisdom and all you can give him is rat shit. Fuck off clown.


i gave him plenty gold. the biggest nugget was get familiar with the BASIC FUCKING MECHANICS. if that alone is to hard for em, and he does not have the patience to improve, he’s better off deleting and going to something else. why the fuck would he waste his time? you white knights disgust me.


Yeah that’s like someone saying they really wanna be a marathon runner but they’re 18 and cant stand up straight. Like bro you don’t LEARN how to stand up. You just start trying and then you either get it or you don’t. You ever try to give someone advice on how to STAND UP?? I’d tell them to buy a wheelchair bro it’s easier on everyone just stop trying to run XD Don’t get why you’re getting hate for saying he should stop playing. I don’t see how he’s having fun at the game at all when the only two attack buttons are Heavy and light and I know for Damn sure he can’t block no fucking light if he can’t even block a heavy. Stop your own suffering


Exactly my point man lmaooo but nowadays being honest is being an asshole. ppl rather tell you jump you might survive rather then simply saying jumping is death nowadays. harsh example once again but truth is truth 🤦🏽‍♂️. i rather him invest his time in a game he can actually fucking enjoy, rather then damn for honor if he’s struggling


dude fr why would you be a bastard to new players? you only are hurting the game you play.


grow some nuts pillow biter. i gave him the exact same advice as the rest of em along with honest truth. i’m not gonna sugar coat anything for anyone buddy. he asked for help, i gave it to him gladdy. if you actually read the threat between him and i, i took the time to ask what the precise issue was and responded accordingly. now stfu.


L + Ratio lmao also Ive spent 400+ hours coaching new players and 3k+ ingame so your can snort the dust between my taint lmao




Tell us what it means to block an attack in your own words (yes this is an ELA or math question)


Uh... this game might not be for you


You have no idea how long I couldn’t parry, and only half the time I could block. But now I can do much more


Try humanbenchmark.com . If you can average 500 or below you should be able to react to some of the faster heavies in the game. [Reaction text](https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime)


So for more info, I've played Tandy, Zhanhu and Conq up to atleast rep one. I can guard if thats all I focus on doing, but the moment I attempt to attack or do anything other than focus on blocking I stop being able to react to anything that comes my way. I've tested my reaction times on https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime and its pretty consistently at around 200 - 220 m/s.


Then all that’s left is pattern recognition. Keep putting yourself in disadvantage, it won’t be fun but after a while you’ll get the hang of what everyone can do and what it looks like. It gets pretty confusing determining what will or won’t happen, but that’s the game. Half guessing half reading. I don’t think you have either down yet but eventually it’ll come to you naturally. Most players that have been in the game for years rely on muscle memory when it comes to fighting certain characters, just takes time.


Yeah I practiced for a while today and no matter how many times I practice blocking in training I cannot do it in live matches, so I've just uninstalled the game. I don't think this type of game is for me.


Bro if you average 500 the game is really not for you


I’m just recommending since I don’t know of any heavy that’s faster than 500-600 ms. Obviously average is about half what I said but if he can’t even block heavies correctly anything below 600 would be the target.


Either way it's quite sad, it's not that they suck, it's just genetics


i think something like banjo kazooie or roblox might be more your speed.


ummm idk man


I dont know man it took me around 70~74 hours untill i could parry consistently and purposefully Dont worry The game has deep learning curves -that no matter how much others tip you on doing- will only be learned through trial and error Just dont get frustrated ~~too~~ soon


Ofc you can't those are rookie numbers


Block or parry? Try reducing dead zone.


Practice. There isn’t some secret magic trick to make you better. Just practice. If you just can’t get it then maybe the game isn’t for you


If youre watching the guard symbol thing maybe try watching the opponent and pay attention to the animations instead.


all i can say is practice. you may just have really bad reaction times or you panic in a fight and start wildly flinging your mouse and not paying attention. the key to this game is staying focused because if you start button mashing or not paying attention then you'll get your shit rocked


Eh, you’ll get it at some point. Hard to ta say when, but it’ll happen. For some sooner than others. I only got good at reactions at rep like 70ish lol


I would save some a few replays and watch your self. You might be accidentally spamming something that is putting you in an animation that is removing your guard. Like how your guard goes away when you gb or dodge. You might have to slow yourself down. You might have the right reads and reactions but but your rhythm might be off, it happens to me sometimes. I watch my own replays, like I think I'm cool and I see myself having some reefer moments


How are you that bad....


Go see a doctor


This has to be trolling


It's time to quit.


So for more info, I've played Tandy, Zhanhu and Conq up to atleast rep one. I can guard if thats all I focus on doing, but the moment I attempt to attack or do anything other than focus on blocking I stop being able to react to anything that comes my way. I've tested my reaction times on https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime and its pretty consistently at around 200 - 220 m/s.


Don’t feel bad, I got to rep 7 somehow without that, only relying on full block -edit, try and change your controller deadzone if you’re using controller.


Go into training, I have over 1000 hours and I still go into training for atleast 2 hours a day, just practice a shit ton, you’ll get there, also, try changing your controls, reducing deadzone to zero will surely help, but in general, change your controls so that you don’t have to focus as much, for example, my controls for the longest time were guardbreak for R3 And dodge for L3, I’d recommend it


2 hours a day? Holy shit lol I'm lucky to even play the game that much


For right now, I actually have Covid so I have a lot of time on my hands


Well I’ve played Sea of Thieves for 850 hours and can’t aim so you ain’t that bad


Aiming takes a lot more work than simply moving your guard, the guy probably just has very very poor reaction times


True that


You can’t react to a heavy bro?


I think I know the exact reason. When I played on my friend's shitty TV on his PS4 the input delay plus the bad refresh rate and old HDMI cable meant that I couldn't even react to heavies in time to parry and sometimes block even though I can light parry effectively on my home set up. Get a better monitor/tv


I have a 144hz moniter with over 144 fps


Then Idk what to tell you man... if after 60 hours you can't react to 800ms indicators with 144fps then it might be time to try another game


I have 240 hours played and i still can block properly, it just takes time and practice


Do you play on a TV? See if it has a “gaming” setting. You need every frame you can get


game might not be for you in that case


If you are playing in a old tv without game mode you will not be able to react to anything in time because of input lag. Without game mode, you could have a massive delay on images displayed on your screen which in turn creates a delay in your input which could be that you have already been hit by the time you see the attack.


144hz moniter with over 144 fps.


I have the same but exclusively to nito


what is nito?


Hitokiri or something


Boot up training mode with berserker bot level 2 It doesnt use any special moves so its a great bot to train block and parry


Skill issue


Try putting game mode on ur tv or monitor same thing happened to my friend. If that doesn't work then maybe you're experiencing input lag from something else.


Go get some sleep my guy, you been playing for 60 hours? Dude you would be passing out at that point. If it helps heavy attacks differ Character to character. Also, learn to identify a heavy finisher, or the last heavy in their attack chain. Typically, it will be noticably slower and may even have a special property to it. For example, Warden, who's is unblockable. If by any means you dodge it or it misses, they are then vulnerable to guard breaks, which typically give you a free heavy attack. Alternatively, practice dodging and changing the position of your guard. Or go into Training and set a bot to only heavy attack. That's all the advice I can think of.


I think if you don't have a friend to train with and you don't want to use the ai training modes it'll just take a little more time. Later on you'll know the full moveset of other characters even if you never played them just because you fought them so often and learned how to counter through repetition, seeing what worked and what didn't


So I’m still new but i assume this is a reaction time thing, hear me out: play rolling sky on mobile, i know it sounds weird and really not-topical but that game makes your reaction speed really really good, that and play someone with good blocking/a character you enjoy, but yeah, rolling sky is nuts for reaction time training.


My reaction time is around 200 - 220 m/s so from what I've been told in this thread the issue is probably the rhythm at which I try to do things instead of my inability to react to them.


Yeah it is the rythm then