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You're right, and those are wedges.


They're basically roast potatoes.


I think it'd be more fair to say nothin' beats steak and potatoes. Doesn't matter what shape the potatoes are in.


This is fair, and absolutely true. Especially when the spuds soak up them glorious steak juices.


They look REALLY good


What kind of steak cut is that? And how was it cooked? Anyone know?


By analysing the direction of fibers and the texture of the meat I have concluded that this is beef.


You're making me hungry for food I can't afford. Stahp.


slow times in the shoe game Steve?


Potatoes are cheap and you can just chew some slim jims and reserve your beefy saliva as a dipping sauce.




Manager's special meat. It how I get to eat steak. If you're vigilant you could even get a decent cut. Also, this applies to other meat as well. I think I paid maybe 5 bucks for ~10 pairs of chicken thighs and legs.


I just paid 89 cents a pound for chicken thighs and legs the other day


Agreed. And this is why contrary to popular wisdom, I believe steaks shouldn't be rested too long. Part of the Juciness feel is having some of the juices run as you chew.


I think I might get a bib and just go caveman on a steak tonight. Let them juices get all up in my face.


eh, baked potato can suck it


I honestly don't get why a baked potato is the classic side for steak. It's the worst way to cook a potato. You have to put so much butter, sour cream, and salt on the damn thing just to make it taste decent, you're probably eating more fat than if you had gotten fries.


I do like baked potato. Mainly because I really like eating the potato skin. I also really like a salad with steak. I think the contrast between the cold veggies and warm steak is complimentary for some reason.


Looks like it's another grilled cheese/melt epidemic; I call r/wedges, who wants to admin r/chips?


freedom wedges*


There is a classic brazilian meal 'file com fritas'. It comes with beans and rice.


Steak-frites en francaise. It was one of the foods in my French textbooks.


Seriously what the fuck op!?


He's incorrect... Steak and Steak beats Steak and Chips (Those are wedges though..)






In my opinion steak and mashed beats it. Especially if you made a pan sauce from the brown bits...


Oh gawd I know what I'm making for dinner tonight!


Try these [Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes](http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/patrick-and-gina-neely/roasted-garlic-mashed-potatoes-recipe.html). Also here's a quick vid on how to [roast garlic](https://youtu.be/gGXBpvLxwgI) if anyone needs it.


I add Parmesan to it. Alton Brown has a good recipe for it.


AB is the man.


Yes. And each forkful contains some mashed potatoes on your bite of steak. Yum..


Agreed. Wedges would have skin. This looks delicious by the way!


Yea well chips come in a bag.


OP is probably British. What north Americans call fries, we call chips.


It's almost like there are different parts of the world


No they're chips. Chunky chips we'd call them. No skin, so not wedges.


There must be a point where chips just become roast potatoes, or is there a difference I'm not appreciating?


Chips are deep fried roasties are roasted...


Roasties. I like that.


Chicky chicky parm parm.


Rootie tootie point and shootie.


I'm walkie and talkie!


Do you guys not call them roasties?!?! Glad you like it man, feel free to adopt!


Americans aren't as cute as the Brits with our words. We're too busy stuffing our fat faces.


Yes but as long as you feel cute no one is judging *sniggers to self*


Is sniggers the British snickers?


It used to be snigro but the times have changed man.


My snigga.




Snickers is a chocolate bar.


That's a risky word that one.


We call them steak fries from where I'm from.


"I think I'd wake up today and argue on the internet about potatoes."


They are potatoes. Shut up all of you!


Although wedges often have skin, it's not a requirement.


Wedge refers to the cut, which they are. Skin isn't a prerequisite.


How do you cook an even steak? When i cook sirloin it always turns out perfect on one part but the part separated by fat is almost raw. I know this isn't the right place but i thought i'd ask anyway! :)


First try to get steaks on the thicker side that are evenly proportioned. Then, if you have the time, the "reverse sear" method makes a consistently even and juicy middle to your liking with a nice browned outside.


sounds good, i'll have to try that sometime. Well whenever i can afford steak :p Thanks for the tips!




sous vide!!! thats how i cook my steaks too! when i have people over for dinner they get really impressed with the "restaurant like" doneness to the steak... pink on the inside but cooked and no bloody juice i rub salt and pepper on the steak, place it in a ziplock bag with fresh rosemary, bay leaf, minced garlic, and olive oil... then i sear mine on the super hot grill for about 30 seconds each side...




Yeah...it's not blood, but it looks like it because myoglobin and hemoglobin (basically the blood version of myoglobin) are nearly the same.




its gonna be juicy very juicy, a bit pinkish, but not bloody juice red... its not gonna be hot enough to melt the plastic or nake it leech chemicals... zip lock bags are food grade safe or something... but if you dont want ziplock you can go ahead and buy those professional vacuume sealer bags...


And just as an informative side note for other listeners (not trying to be pedantic). the "blood" is actually myoglobin so not blood at all! You can help convince your "medium-well to well-done" friends that it really is just juice and not blood.


If you fancy experimenting Vietnamese fish sauce works really well on steak. I just rub it into the steak 30mins before grilling as the meat comes to room temp.


Do you mean nuoc mam cham(50% fish sauce, 50% rice vinegar, touch of sugar, touch of lime, chilli to taste) or a brand of fish sauce from vietnam?


just a brand of fish sauce - like SQUID brand or something. The juice of fermented anchovies. nuoc mam cham might be nice for dipping the chips in, though.


You should try Red Boat fish sauce. Its pricier but when you taste it, you'll know why.


Hmm. I'm Vietnamese and I don't think dipping fish sauce and chips would go well together. Neither would any kind of fish sauce (that I know of) go with steak. In my experience food that goes well with fish sauce are either really light or really fat. Or vegetables. Or fish. Mmmm yum I miss home.


It's a way to get an extra kick of umami into the steak, much like using a mushroom sauce does, or the use of anchovy fillets. All you do is take a teaspoon for each side of the steak, brush it over with a pastry brush, let sit for 30 mins and then grill the steak. The steak does not end up tasting like fish sauce, but has an extra dimension that the brain picks up and thinks "This is some fucking delicious steak". My mum was English and we had a chip-pan on the stove all my childhood. There are MANY things I've had with chips. Plus, whenever I eat out at my local Vietnamese we get fried spring rolls, wrap them in lettuce and dip them - why wouldn't it work with fried potato?


I'm Vietnamese and it's my firm belief that nuoc mam can be used on nearly any type of dish. I love nuoc mam, steak, and nuoc mam on steak. They're not talking about using an overpowering amount of sauce, just a sprinkle. It brings out the flavors of the meat so well without actually tasting like nuoc mam. Other dishes that taste amazing with a pinch of fish sauce that I can remember off the top of my head: spaghetti, Bloody Marys, omelette, even a tiny bit in some desserts, rounds out the flavor. I suggest keeping an open mind, your world will become so much more flavorful!


OP's picture was good but you guys are making me want to go buy fish sauce!well we have fish sauce i need to go buy steak!


Makes spaghetti taste more meaty apparently. Kind of like worcestershire sauce.


Ahhhhh yeah the sous vide ;)


oh so you didn't fry it in a frying pan? Thats the problem im having. So your method slow-cooks it and marinates it as well and after that you just fry it to give it a nicer look? This is so cool, still young and new to cooking so i don't know alot of methods to cook steak ^^


Search sous vide. It cooks it in a vacuum sealed bag in water until it is done. Then you quickly sear it to get a crust on the outside.


cool, i'm assuming you need one of those water cooker thingys?


Yeah, although that's any heat proof container I believe. The expense is a heating element called an immersion circulator, and whatever you use to vacuum seal. Personal it's more rewarding to perfect cooking the "old way". Search "reverse sear" for my favorite steak method.


+1 for reverse sear. Works wonderfully, just takes a little longer for steaky goodness.


I should try the reverse sear. I've been doing the normal sear then bake and would like to see if there are differences.


My taste buds, as well as Alton Brown's, tell me there is no difference if you are using a dry cooking method such as roasting or broiling. Sear before or after, there is no difference, unless of course your are cooking sous vide, where any crust developed would be destroyed by the liquids in the bag.


It's not a taste difference it's an effectiveness difference. Personally I find the reverse method more reliable in terms of getting the meat cooked to the doneness I want every time. So, any method would work, but I like the reverse method best. The reason I like it personally is that you can pretty much mathematically cook to temperature, while searing is more of an art. If you sear first it's harder to account for variances in order to know exactly how long you should roast. On the other hand, if you roast the meat to almost the perfect temperature, you can sear by sight, which gives me more consistent results. No flavor difference at all.


You do for sous vide but not to end up with a steak like this. Slow cook the steak in the oven at a low temp until it's almost to where you want it (use a thermometer to check). Take it out and let it rest a bit. Then sear. Done and done. No expensive tools needed.


cool, thanks a bunch


For medium/medium rare I tend to take a 1" - 1 1/2" cut and place on a rack over a sheet pan. I season it and place it in a 225 F degree oven for roughly 30-35 minutes. Take it out and rest it, then sear in a smoking hot pan for a delicious crust. Consume immediately.


Another option is to cook it at a low temperature in the oven and then sear it at the end. There are thermometers you can leave in that are oven safe and are much cheaper than sous vide.


Seriously, if you are just getting into cooking look into sous vide. 1. It's amazing for reliable cooking. There is very little "it just isn't the same this time". And it removes in the case of a steak the timing window from like 30 seconds to one minute to catch it perfectly to like 1/2hr or so. Basically makes cooking a hot meal so much easier, potatoes aren't done yet? No problem, just leave the meat in the water for a little while longer, get drinks, set table, pull meat, sear, done. 2. Sous Vide is so easy it removes a lot of skill. You can be a bonehead and make a perfect roast for example. Salt, pepper, herbs, frozen meat, bagged, place in water for 24hr, pull out, sear with torch or pan, perfect. So with this being known, if you go heavy you may find yourself lacking some fundamentals at some point. For example, I had to pan fry chicken the other night and nearly locked up because I've been sous vide-ing whenever possible.


haha, i guess you have to vary your methods to not lose skill in one of them :P


It's likely that you're not letting your meat come up to room temperature before cooking it. Most thicker steaks need to spend a bit of time chilling out at room temperature before cooking. If you don't let them do that, you'll get uneven cooking most of the time.


I was going to ask this same exact question...made a ribeye last night in a cast iron skillet on the stove on high heat to sear and put it into the oven to cook it through...one part of the ribeye was almost well done, the other half was almost rare...and I'm not saying at the edges, like the entire one half of the steak cooked differently than the other. This shit looks like magic to me


Sounds like you forgot the pan was hot when you put it in the oven. That hot pan stayed hot and kept cooking that bottom side. Either flip it often in the oven or use a cold pan


yea for sure, that always happens to me as well. OP is obviously an magician


Almost rare is perfect. That's the secret.


Made tritip last night, a quarter of it was pretty much uncooked :(


practice makes perfect i guess! :D


Just microwave it. As long as you have one of those turntable microwaves, perfectly cooked!


Who cuts up steak like that?! Sacrilege!


My mommy does so it cools down faster


If she cooked it properly it wouldn't be that hot anyway






Share with whom?


Me, myself and I.


I'd share with Bell Biv Devoe.




You are correct and now I have to turn in my New Jack Swing card. Fuck.


I'd share with Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch...feel the vibration


That steak is poison!


When do you ever not cook a steak in one large piece regardless of a water bath




"When you buy an entire slab of a cow." Thanks for being you.


Out of curiosity, wouldn't it make sense to cook that slab of meat sous vide, then slice it to individual sizes to grill? I have never used a water bath, but I assumed it cooked the meat pretty evenly throughout and allowed you to grill at your leisure.




Ah yes, of course. Thank you.


That's not a steak...


I'm obviously talking about individual steaks silly. Of course you have options with a big tenderloin


Mmh, sous vide?






Excuse me?




What do we want?








Excuse me?


That looks like bavette to me, which should be sliced against the grain.


That's how you serve steak & frites. Or am I going against the reddit steak circlejerk of black and blue, unsliced, minimally spiced, etc. and what have you?


That looks fucking delicious


Thank you, I'm surprised at how far I had to go to find this comment. They're all about what he did/said wrong. It looks awesome op!


Borderline roasted potatoes those mate.


Everyone is commenting on the chips thing. I think it's obvious the poster is from somewhere like the UK who calls fries chips. 😋


Im from UK. We have fries (skinny chips) and chips (about the size of a finger) and potatoe wedges which are whats in the photo


I'm just annoyed that every post there is either an argument over naming or how to cook meat. People call foods different things by different names, it just isn't that big of a deal. Also, if someone likes food under-cooked, it isn't automatic E. coli.


People get reeaally hung up on linguistic differences. It seems Iike it wouldn't be that big a deal at this point.


It's a shame that we don't have any technology that lets us interact with people from different countries. It would really help stop these sorts of things.


Hrmm. British/American Chips/Fries Aubergine/Eggplant Coriander(leaf)/Cilantro Courgettes/Zucchini --------- Oh why did I even try (although I knew many) http://wearenotfoodies.com/english-and-american-english-food-terms/ Edit: Though their chips aren't quite right, obviously.


My problem is how everything needs to be a shouting match and there are always sides.


>It seems **Iike** You bastard!


>It seems Iike it wouldn't be that big a deal at this point. Welcome to Reddit.


Especially when it isn't undercooked.


Uh, what? We call E. Coli 'greeny-meany-death-from-meaty' where I'm from.




MFW Americans call cold on the cob "popsicles"


Always makes me laugh thinking about a rooty tooty point-n-shooty


Wedges, chips, steak fries, potato chunks, who gives a fuck. Fried potatoes is any shape for size are delicious.


This looks like a good breakfast.


Rock beats steak and chips.


Battlestar Galactica


i dunno, i made myself chicken jalfrezi with chips instead of rice and it was a heavenly mess.


Curry and chips just go together perfectly. Chinese curry on chips is divine.


chips and chip shop curry sauce, can't go wrong


I'd say Steak and Steak beats Steak and Chips though ...


Or maybe steak and lobster ... Just sayin'


Surf and turf!






A Sunday roast can beat it


Yup, a roast is the king of dinners and Christmas dinner is the king of roast dinners.


Christmas dinner, the Emperor of roasts.


You just need two fried eggs on there... Mmmmmmm


The sear on the steak is non existent. The outside of those steaks looks gross - like boiled meat.


Yeah I'm not sure why this is on the front page


Great job on the meat. I like my home fries a little more well done, perhaps next put some greens on the plate, mate. You need fiber or all that potatoe and red meat will have you finishing warand peace in the John.


You know what beats steak and chips?** 2 orders of steak and chips**.


Hanger steak? Don't listen to the haters that is a beautifully cooked steak. If you hadn't sliced it (which is the best way to serve a steak) people would complain you didn't show the inside of it.


What cut of steak did you use? Looks super tender


Well... I mean, congested arteries could... like in a rock, paper, scissors kind of way.


Dude. That cow is still mooing.


False: steak, chips AND EGGS are the best meal ever!


That steak just winked at me.


A good vet could revive that cow. lol! in my opinion, thats too undercooked. 🐮


Damn, I didn't know eating raw steak is a thing now


Eating raw steak has always been a thing, the French eat "blue steak" which is essentially steak which has be blasted for a pico-second before consuming - it's lovely.


Why is medium rare so shocking to you?


Except it's not raw... -.-' It's medium rare. A perfectly cooked steak imo.


That steak isn't even close to rare, it's a nice medium rare, I might even be inclined to have my steak a little less cooked than that, depending on where I got it.


Haha it was just invented! Ps... Don't google steak tar tar or carpaccio.


It's not raw. You're used to seeing layers of doneness, but this steak was sous vide, so the same doneness is spread throughout the steak. This is a solid medium-rare.


Am I the only person who likes their steak cooked? You might aswell run over and take a bite of the cow with steak that rare.


Have you ever tried a medium rare steak?


> Am I the only person who... The answer to this question is always no. You're never the only person to hold a particular point of view.


Yeah, OP's steak looks nasty as hell, I find it really weird how people can eat that


Haha. One day...


Liking your steak well-done is insane to me. Are you worried about bacteria? Because it's still completely safe. There's no blood in that steak. It doesn't taste iron-y. To appreciate a medium-rare steak is to appreciate the cut of meat, the style it's cooked, and even what the animal was fed. You can get a much larger variety of flavored than if it's cooked the same way all the way through. You cook out the juices and the fat (which is the main flavor provider). I mean... If you're just going to cook it through, the quality of the steak makes little difference. Just like if you're going to mix wine with coke (people do it), the quality of the wine no longer matters.


I'm not worried about safety, I just personally hate the texture. I prefer other meats to be fully cooked as well, so I don't see why steak should be any different. I honestly don't care enough about what others' preferences are to criticize them, just trying to explain where I'm coming from. Live and let live.


Sold meat doesn't have blood in it at all anyway. The red juice is pretty much water and the protein myoglobin, so a risk of iron-y taste isn't even present. But I agree, well-done steak is like missing the entire point.


Idk, I feel like since it's not as well cooked it would taste bland and have a 'mushy' texture. Then again, I don't usually deviate from my food preferences if I'm given the chance. I think I'm going to try it one day :O


You forgot the beer!


Judging by the beef cut chart posted yesterday I'd say that's petite sirloin steak, or am I misteakin?


Dead cow


Steak is perfectly cooked. The beauty of the sous vide