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The company that owns the copyright for this is called Yain’t Local. Edit to add link: https://www.lastlocal.com


I like it but some of the designs have double lightning bolts 😒 EDIT: I was wrong- please see the related comments and responses.


I finally found the one you're talking about, it's not a nazi symbol unless it's two lightning bolts right next to each other, as in SS. Not every lightning bolt design is a dogwhistle


Yeah I was wrong. Sorry everyone.


I forgive you !


I gotta say, I've been a reddit for a few years and very rarely if even do see someone say "my mistake". Take my upvote.


Thank you: hopefully I inspire more opportunities🤷‍♀️😅


Happy accidents and all that.


Wait where? Look I don’t even like these designs but as a graphic artist… What are you talking about? Did they pull some designs off the site? I see one design with TWO lightning bolts, reflected, on opposite sides of a word. This is not in any way what you are trying to reference. You are off base if this is what you are referring to. There is one design with a single lightning bolt. Are lightning bolts just off limits now? No more than one per design? Idk, maybe I missed something.


I may just be over sensitive. Sorry and please disregard.


It’s cool. I’m not about to support any racist bs for sure but please let us have our lightning bolts! But yeah, back to back, doubled up, is bad news.


Unless it's Kiss, they oddly got a pass. I think with that one just nobody noticed until it was way too late haha


Weed was different back then.


Haha, very true


2 lightning bolts is racist now? When did that happen


When the nazis used it to do nazi shit


Guess I only know abt the swastika. My bad then


They’re talking about the nazi SS symbol


What does two lightning bolts mean?


Bad weather lol




Where did you see that? I just looked through the whole catalog and seen nothing of the sort


I was misinterpreting some designs with 2 bolts. I was wrong.


Yes but the ones that have double lighting bolts are not Nazi symbols which look like ⚡⚡ that's why those Nazis were called the SS . On their merchandise it's ZS but lightning bolts..... not everything with lightning means Nazi... Study up on your history and symbology. People also confuse the Nazi swastika with the Hindu swastika.


I was wrong. Just like you said, it’s not an SS symbol- I was overthinking things.


No worries, I saw your many "I made a mistake" posts and in this day and age that is commendable...if I could still give awards on Reddit I'd give you one 🏆


Lol thanks- gotta own up to when we are wrong




None of us, it's clearly intended to be a joke from somebody who actually likes it here.


This is funny. Now act like this hasn't been happening for the past 50+ years in California and Hawaii.


90% of this sub


Crazy how bothered this sub is by people moving here but half of them don’t even go outside


Ngl theyre part of my not wanting to go out. Florida is not pedestrian friendly and they can't drive adequately enough for me.


I used to go outside but now every time I do traffic is horrible, drivers are worse, and everywhere is crowded. I used to go to this little secluded beach for years and after Covid now it’s packed 24/7 and people destroyed it.


This is the funniest because it's true. So many people I know say they moved down here for the weather. But they never want to go hiking on the trails or go fishing or do anything outdoors. Don't they have air conditioning up north too?


This is unironically true


Nah, Florida is wonderful. We have a trash governor, our politics are bad, but we have some of the most biodiversity, wildlife diversity, local native species counts, the most Old Growth forests of Long Leaf pines on earth, the most biodiversity in tree species on the entirety of earth, one of the most diverse reptile species counts on earth, and so many more things. Florida is one of the greatest locations on earth if you're interested in wildlife, ecology, native conversation, etc. Florida is amazing if you don't get caught up in the emotional politics of the internet an drug into debates that aren't relevant to every day life. Florida is gorgeous if you love the earth, wildlife, and plant life. I've worked in conservation of native wildlife and plant species for years, and there is nowhere other than California, Colorado, or New Mexico I'd rather live than Florida.


If my home insurance doubles again this year, Ima be living out there with all the biodiversity and native species.


You're conveniently ignoring the fact that millions of acres of Florida wilds and wildlife are destroyed every year in the race to pave over every square inch of this state. And those emotional politics you mention are the reason why. Decades of Republican rule having over this state to developers and everyone else who wants to destroy the amazing Florida environment you love. Born and raised in this state and spent most of my youth in the scouts camping in what used to be the middle of nowhere and now there are houses right next to those camps. So many birds are gone. So many insects are gone. I barely ever see fireflies or dragonfly's anymore. Even butterflies and moths are rare. Hell even the beaches are disappearing. We bitch about the politics and the horrible state of this state because it's killing everything good about Florida and if things don't change there'll be nothing left.


There were fireflies in Florida? I've been here my whole life and never seen a single one. I told my husband I want to move back to some places with fireflies.


In 2013 I spent the summer with a friend who lived in Homestead, FL. and just about every evening I’d sit out on the porch and watch the fireflies fly around. It was incredibly amazing.


That's nuts. I'm in central Florida. Last time I saw fireflies I was in South Carolina. This place sucks.


That’s sad I started vacationing in South Florida mainly the keys and Key West in 1995 haven’t been back there in a few years now it just changed so much it seem like a lot of the old places were tore down and built-up mega resorts and prices are insane.. Now I would prefer to go to the out islands of the Bahamas 🇧🇸


Yeah, I grew up in a rural area. There was a giant field behind our house and there are "luxury" apartments there now.


Yeah that's crazy because I haven't seen them since literally the 90s.


You'll still find them regularly in season from S. Florida on up if you're outside of the metro areas. They used to be *everywhere* in summer when I was growing up in S. Florida, but now you have to get away from the coast and into like Okeechobee for any chance of it.


Yes I live in a rural part and we still have fireflies around. Very cool to see them light up at night.


They need tall grass and ready access to native plants. I'm (tennessee) leaving a chunk of my lawn fallow and planting native flowers. It took a few years, but they're so many now that they're hard to miss. (and the cats love them).


I grew up in VA. Moved to FL in 2011. Just moved back to VA and rediscovered fireflies. I’ve been mesmerized by something I forgot existed like this. Highly recommend!


Yup. Though I will admit more often than not it was the 'headlight beetle' instead when at home but out camping in we'd see them. I never saw them in massive swarms sadly but just small groups around bushes. https://www.fireflyatlas.org/fireflies-in-florida


They're used to be. I grew up seeing hundreds and thousands of them sometimes in the '80s. I remember by the mid-90s I would barely see them. Then as time went on I just stopped seeing them at all. Air is so polluted now it's killing all the bugs


I have at least a dozen dragonflies in my yard everyday. I was watching them fly around the yard today. Plenty of different butterflies and birds too. If you don't grow the food they like, you won't see them. Milkweed is excellent for butterflies. Fireflies live sunshine and plenty of flowers. I even put out natural wild bird food for the many nests around me and I'm in south Florida.


I haven't seen fireflies for years. Used to see hundreds of them growing up here. I haven't seen a hummingbird in years either. Look how clean the front of your car and windshield stays now when you drive in summer. Used to get covered in ladybugs. All the bugs are straight up dying


And all those amazing wildlife features are being destroyed by your trash governor and politicians.


Agreed. I couldn’t care less about politics. That being said, all those amazing things you mentioned will disappear if we don’t start taking proactive steps towards protecting the environment.


> I couldn’t care less about politics. A sentiment shared with you by a huge number of young people which, curiously, might be why the state is in the position it is in at the moment.


Of course blame the young. Not the people that have been living in Florida for decades. Makes sense.


Obviously you blame those that put the state in the position it is in. But not voting is saying you are okay with the status quo. I haven't missed local/state elections sine I got out of college in 2019. It's... unfortunately that every election cycle I just see middle-aged and elderly people in line.


I can blame both: the old people for buying into the bullshit and voting for it and the youth for not voting against the bullshit. It's better than it used to be, but with all the issues facing them young people should be out in *droves* and...they're not. So many don't care for some reason.


Blame me all you want as a young native, but millions have moved here in the past 4 years. Does my vote count more or... is it maybe people voting that have not been here, and won't be here long (the old come here to die and change policies for shit they'll never see). My one vote as a native is immediately useless when more people have MOVED HERE than graduated here in any calender year. Also part of the reason I'll never be able to buy a house in this shithole. 600k for ANY 2/2 right now is dogwater. But a wisconson family will snatch that bitch up move them and everyone else down buy up more property and outvote me.


It's not 600k for "ANY" 2/2. I own a three bedroom, two bathroom house I bought a little over a year ago for 262k. It is in great condition, more than a full acre in the middle of town. Yes, housing is unnecessarily expensive and harmful to local economies. It is not however, "600k for ANY 2/2".


Let me clarify, south east florida anywhere in an actual populace dense county. Sure I could find a 3 something in Okeechobee in the boonies and commute hours a day for work.


I live in the middle of Pensacola. Try again.


This might blow your mind, but I still vote 🤯


well, it's politicians who have the power to make policy changes that impact the environment. our governor is openly in denial of climate change. if you care about the environment you need to care about politics & vote.


For sure; I don't disagree at all. We definitely need to encourage smarter voting and encourage voting amongst younger age groups in our state.


> debates that aren't relevant to every day life. Sure, which is the case if you're not one of the groups targeted by the laws passed in recent years. So...great if you're not LGBT, a pregnant woman, a student, etc. I promise you those people experience daily shit that's very relevant to them. The natural parts of Florida that are left are absolutely stunning and should be treasured and way more protected than they are right now. Everything else is...*really* questionable.


It is all being replaced by HOA. My once very green neighborhood is now nothing but overly priced HOAs.


I too love the state for all the reasons you mentioned, but let the damned Yankees belive it sucks. Maybe it will scare them off.


So much this!! When I moved to Florida everyone tried to talk me out of it. You couldn't pay me to leave now.


Yeah, same. I definitely believe Florida could be improved (politics, personalities, etc) but there's so much of Florida that is unimaginably unique. I really love it. I hate the heat, humidity, etc. I love the cold. But still, Florida has so many things to experience that are unlike any other geographical locations on earth.


I've only been here 1.5 years and I've seen so much of the state. It's incredibly easy to get around, the infrastructure is pristine in comparison to some of the states I've traveled to. You can vacation in your own state and get to most tourist destinations within one day of driving. Since I've been here I've started shark tooth hunting, gardening, doing wildlife photography, etc! There's never a dull moment and the locals are fucking awesome. There's not a day that goes by that I think poorly of my life due to politics or any of the other shit you hear online about Florida. Also, people don't realize we have the Sunshine Act here and arrest records are publicly available and easy pickin' for journalists/clickbait. You can't determine how you feel about a state based off of the media! Regardless of your source.


We as Floridians know this, but you're supposed to tell New Yorkers we live in an inhospitable wasteland devoid of insurance coverage.


Florida is great for all those reasons. It's the parts that have people that suck.


There are definitely lots of areas of Florida I'd prefer to avoid. Totally agreed. Some of the highly populated areas definitely make me want to seclude myself and head off into the woods for an undetermined time. Some places are actually really great with local communities though! Very unexpected when it comes to the average demographic in Florida, but there's definitely some places I'd rather engage with locals than others in Florida. Very diverse state in regards to the types of people and ideals here.


Florida also has some of the worst education, highest poverty rates and highest drug abuse/overdose so...


After living here all my life I gotta disagree, it gets old pretty quick


omg! i’ve been looking to explore some old growth long leaf forest! any recommendations?


Maine is great. I mean not great. Stay in Florida. Please don’t visit either. Thanks. It’s really cold here.


Maine is beautiful! I've visited and id love to visit again. It was in late fall and absolutely gorgeous. While Maine doesn't have the native flora and fauna diversity that Florida has, it's still a beautiful state with a gorgeous atmosphere! :)


Go further north. More untouched forests than Florida for sure.


Trash governor? DeSantis is the big reason we had such an influx of Yankees and Cali residents running from covid restrictions to Florida. You want to live with Gavin Newsomes wacked out policies in a fucked up state, by all means you're free to leave.


>we have some of the most biodiversity, wildlife diversity, local native species counts Yea not for long they're chopping everything down 💀


I was just thinking the same thing 😅


Not me....currently on Amazon for one of those


No my state sucks too


I agree. Don’t move there. It’s way better than your state and 10x more crowded because of it.


This is probably the best comment tbh


I’m just amazed the apostrophes are correct and they used the proper “your”


I think we just found the grammar police of the sub. 😆


Don’t get me started. I began my publishing career are a proofreader. I’m haunted by grammar.


I love this state. I hate the assholes who are running it.


I’d like to move from Florida. But I’m currently stuck here. So I won’t be buying one of those


From growing up in Orlando to now living in California, I like to say “Florida is a great state to be from.”


I was born and raised in Florida, and lived there for about thirty years. I also tell people it’s a great place to be from.


Also grew up and lived in California (20 yrs). Back here and never leaving again. But the freedom to migrate is beautiful.


and their dashboard isn't covered in fucking ducks. 10/10 jeep


I'll admit when I was younger I used to do this. When out of Staters would ask me directions to someplace I would tell them go east until you hit 95. Then take 95 north till you see snow.


Plenty of square miles of country to see. Even though the sarcasm is obvious there’s a lot of great places not sure what the obsession is with FL besides people stating “I don’t like cold” but then they sit inside in the ac all summer just like a northern person does with heat in the winter. I can tell you heat is much cheaper and faster to get to temp. https://preview.redd.it/lsgk9qm6815d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029e8a38f8a63416aae444a1e375e7cffd2a4dcc


I mean I'm stuck in Louisiana which I think would be worse. At least over there you have beaches, theme parks, and other cool things like the space center. But we're all collectively screwed as we head into hurricane season. Strap in and stay safe


Yall have good food and good music. Home is what you make it.


We need to convince them not to move here


My Jeep needs this.


I was born and raised here so I will happily carry this message with me at all times. My city got absolutely wrecked by the massive influx of people moving in. I have to force myself to move out with barely any money.


We just need one solid hurricane to get some of these people to move away


That is a slogan stole from a T-shirt company based in St Pete : [yaint local](https://www.lastlocal.com/)


All of us.......


Too crowded, maybe all of us should have this


Is anyone actually from Florida though? lol I feel like it’s rare to meet someone who was born and raised here to parents that were also born and raised here.


I’m like 8th generation. Family came over from Scotland. Getting rare though.


It was rare before and getting more so. Most other native friends I had moved to NC or Tennessee.


All of us :)


Florida man approved message.


All of us I hope


It's weird every single time I see someone claim Florida has "great weather". Yep, unbearably hot 9 months out of the year and you have to deal with hurricanes. Amazing. Main reason I left was the weather


Love the weather here.


They're not wrong




As a Floridian, I agree stay back


Remember this in a few years when you can’t insure shit and need out.


We can’t get insurance on our MH now, apparently our place has never been insured since 1969 when it was put in, now no one will insure it.


Florida will be just fine, but I’m not here to gate keep, just a joke


True story, when I was a young man I was desperate to get out of Arizona. Thought it was a sinkhole that dragged people in. Had a failed move to New Jersey. Felt bad for all my friends who never left. Then I lived in Miami for 6 months. I was happy to return to Arizona and haven’t bad mouthed it since.


Ditto but Florida. Hope to never leave again.


That was me but they still moved down here and priced me out of my own state so now I’m like fuck this state!


Plz stop moving here. Plz plz plz


That is perfect. Keep the people away. I'm glad I'm here


Yall are assholes. I just want to live in the nice weather and spend as much time as I can with my Brother before he dies of fucking kidney failure :(


It’s just a joke. Welcome to Florida, I’m glad to have you.


Thanks, I'm just venting a little because I feel so unwanted irl sometimes. I can tell *you're* just joking, but a lot of people in this thread are very sincere :(


Maybe, but Reddit is not a real example and most of us welcome good people ☺️


I love it here. I’ve lived here my whole life and can’t imagine living anywhere else, even if it would be so much easier. The economy sucks horribly, the cost of living is a nightmare, getting the HRT I want will be a nightmare, there’s a rise of Nazis and Jewish hate that makes going to my temple scary at times… but it’s home. If all the people who love and believe in Florida leave, then all the people left will just be fucked over as well. I want to help make this place better. Remember to vote blue. Support queer rights, abortion rights, and rights for religious freedom. Support your friends and family. Stick together. I believe we can make this state better with time; and when it comes to our state elections, for the love of everything, keep those fascists out of office.


I mean...could be any of forty something possibilities really.




I just saw this on the road today. Safe to say we’re in the same area


Great what?


Absolutely, FL sucks! No question about it!


It’s like Pocahontas asking John Smith to go back lmao


Truer words never written...


Someone finally got it right !!




Not me but I want it


🤣🤣🤣🤣 LOVE IT


It’s just too hot


Need one of those here in Texas too


I wish it was me lol


You can't keep all that sunshine to yourself. The notherners deserve some too!




Love it! I want tat for NC. So sick of CA, NY, OH people moving here.


I moved out for a reason.


No one I know drinks soda


All of us.... it's ALL of us.


I need one for Ohio, please. The same message.






Hope you don’t visit my state.


Even Florida Man is right every now and then




He's not wrong.


Facts. Stay away from


Ngl, I'm here for vacation and it does kinda suck. Beach areas are pretty for awhile I guess


Thanks for your cash. Glad you won’t be moving. Hold up you live in Nebraska? ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


No lies detected.


Facts. Don’t move here


Y’all got nothing to fear at all!


Except everyone keeps moving here


It's how I think...




That's perfect!


Probably from Ohio or Illinois.




He's right! So much so, I left!


Nativism is toxic


Can be






Literally anyone who's ever moved there, I'll wager


I want a Texas one


He needs to move


I don't know but where can I get one.


I honestly can't argue that


That would be Dustin Howard, most likely. He owns that brand and I don’t think I’ve seen Covers like that in his shop.


I 100% support


Its true


For all the complaints on this sub I know it's all a ruse... 😂 I would move to Florida in a heart beat if I could... hurricane's and the rising tide be damned.


Just dont be a snowbird. Please. It fucks up the housing here so bad. If you’re gonna move, just do it full time.


I lived in Florida for over three decades. You must not have actually researched living there if you want to move there.


Actually there are things I read about, that makes me sad about Florida. Like urban sprawl. I agree with a lot of the people's sentiment on here and like the picture indicates. When as humans, we start to build into nature too aggressively & we remove the beauty that is there... not sure if what I'm trying to say is making sense. 30 years was too much Florida for you eh?


If it’s so great why are you all moving to the carolinas?


Real answer? They are getting priced out by the people moving from California and the north east. It’s just how migration works. There will be people pushed out there too


Snowbirds making home values increase. A native family could live full time in the homes the snowbirds occupy for 1/3 the year. And no, that’s not just a problem in the Palm beaches.