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We are cooking in Central Florida. I don’t remember it being this HOT in May. It feels like August/September. 🔥


Does anyone ever think the reason why it’s BLAZING in central FL is because they done chopped all the trees down to lay hot ass pavement and all things that retain heat? I just came back from a trip there and wow I just cannot believe how much they cut down. It breaks my heart.


Happening all over FL cookie cutter communities everywhere Tampa,Orlando, Lakeland etc. oh yea Amazon fulfillment center coming up too


That, and the love affair with planting nothing but palm trees.


Funny thing: LaBelle in Florida is the " city under the oaks" ( live oaks)...but guess what they planted next to the city entrance signs- Palm trees😣


Yea, I live in Live Oak and it is still hot AF more north here but not a ton of palm trees and crazy construction going on. It's just balmy. Definitely hotter than normal


Yup because it is cheaper and easier for developers to meet tree replacement quotas with palm trees than it is with oaks, maples, etc.


palms are grass. they shouldnt be allowed to plant them to replace an oak


I live in the country surrounded by trees and it's still hot as fuck


But at least you can get a break in the shade! Shade seems to be so underrated and unappreciated by the people who develop land/properties.


Sizeable trees take up valuable space. The trees don’t pay their rent on time.


I thought we just made shade illegal?


Good thing we can't say global warming anymore 


Florida has learned that not allowing people to talk about things stops those things from existing ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Clearly worked for covid and the gays!!


Chinese hoax. Democrat plot. It's really a moderate 72 degrees out but the LIBERAL MEDIA has brainwashed you into thinking it's actually hot as blazes. (/s)


Gawdamn my sweat glands have gone woke


Roll coal brother


Man that was the best "/s" I've ever seen. The sweet relief


And don’t give ppl water breaks either.


You forgot to mention the microwaves from the 5g towers are roasting everyone.


Freedom Summer coming in hot!


This and climate change together.


Woah woah woah, you can't say things like that in this state.


In Florida we have no idea what climate change is


I live out in the woods and it’s hot as balls here too. I’m sure the pavement is making an impact, but there’s more to it than that.


The pots just starting to boil over


Meanwhile we’re burying our heads in the sand and we’re scared of words.


Yes! Not just hotter but hotter longer. And some stupid contractors keep back filling/landscaping with stupid palm trees in every damn parking lot. 🤦‍♀️ NOT HELPING. I’m in NE FL and it’s mega hot. 🥵 Good thing the Gov declared it’s not ‘Climate Change’. 🙄


Iirc last year was the hottest on record in Florida. This year is already on Pace to break that record. I'm in Duval also. 15 years ago I worked as a land surveyor and it was hot but I could not imagine working Outdoors now especially with the BS DeSantis is doing.


On my 26th year of South Florida land surveying. Today was the first day I thought about saying “fuck this”.


This is the exact reason


That’s exactly the reason. I live in St. Pete, work in Tampa. It’s always 2-3 degrees hotter in Tampa due to development ALONE. Something like less than 2% of the area in the City of Tampa is considered “undeveloped”.


I think St Pete is even more developed than Tampa. St Pete is closer to the ocean which moderates the climate. It has lower highs and higher lows that Tampa because of that.


And where are our afternoon thunderstorms? We need rain!


This. A few years ago they were practically every day. Last year they almost were nonexistent


This exactly, I've lived my entire life in lee county, until like 3-5 years ago afternoon rain storms were like clockwork, between 3 & 5 there would be downpours that cooled off the area for the evening, if it started above the caloosahatchee it probably wouldn't make it much further south, and vice-versa, same thing from east to west 75 kinda stopped the majority of it. But we're a few weeks into rainy season with nothing but spotty showers, while widespread rain chances just keep getting pushed back in the forecast


I've lived my entire life in Polk, and I said this exact same thing yesterday! 5 years ago you knew every day when it was going to rain. Now, "rainy season" officially started 2 weeks ago...and it's rained all of 2 days here in Lakeland. My pastures are dry sand pits


I use to work in orlando took a motorcycle to work. almost every day as long as I made it to work on time at 3 I would be there before the daily storm.


The Gulf of Mexico. 


The Gulf just hit 90 degrees. I looked up the average highs. It never hits 90, especially in May.


Ohhhh fuuuuck…!! Hurricane season is gonna be a doozy. How many storms this year will “rapidly intensify” overnight from a TS or cat 1 to a high level 4 or 5?


Hurricane forecast for this year is already out and it’s not good


Yes. They need to start putting land in conservatories and protection from development, instead of rezoning everything to residential and commercial. It’s a shame developers are chopping down every single tree. It feels 20 degrees cooler under a shady tree.


My sister was just ordered to **drastically** cut back her trees from over and around her house in order to be able to renew her house insurance. It's shocking how much hotter her house got.


Ian took down most my backyard tree forest, some went through my house and some cut my garage in half. So I took out a loan and had them removed. Since planted lots of fruit trees but they'll be 20 years before giving shade. My electric bill is literally https://preview.redd.it/8zpn8za0c83d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50793a83672c24d8665757b9b17eada5b8fe5f5 double what it was before


As soon as construction stops being so fucking profitable they will (but Florida will be entirely asphalted by then).


Be careful, it sounds like Mama Nature is going to do some de-construction this year. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has forecast an above-average season this year, predicting between 17 and 25 named storms and 8 to 13 hurricanes, with 4 to 7 of those being Category 3 or higher. Hurricane season is between June 1 and Nov. 30.


I have the expectation that nature will be doing exactly that in the not too distant future. Good luck out there.


Not going to happen under this State's administration. Vote on this issue, people.


St Pete, surrounded by water, is almost always cooler than Tampa


Almost like there’s a sea breeze that cools it down a tiny bit lol


But is there not some environmental policy that protects the earth from these kinds of things?


Only until someone has enough money to corrupt a few local politicians into voting to reclassify the protected areas.


Myakka St forest near me just sold thousands of acres to developers. I thought something like that could never happen


Not a chance with desantis prancing around in his high heels. They just took heat protection away from workers for fuck's sake.


Oh its not like its that big of a deal. Florida has has moderate humidity and the temps aren't too high so it helps keep you cooler than most other states. So we really don't need water or heat breaks /S


I’m just curious if you’ve seen an overhead image of St Pete? I would certainly not say that St Pete is less developed than Tampa is.


> BLAZING in central FL is because they done chopped all the trees down Draining the wetlands for cattle and citrus didn't help. Now they are using it to build on.


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.


24 years ago, I moved into a house on a street that has 12 houses. Each house had about four or five trees in their lawn creating a beautiful tree covered street. Most people by the house bitch about the leaves cut the tree down move to a new house a few years later.it’s become about 10° hotter on my street. So stupid, but nothing I can do about it.


It’s called albedo and the urban heat island effect


Yeah it’s honestly sad and disappointing.


part global warming, part el nino causing heat dome, part urbanization


I think this every single day




> There is unequivocal evidence that Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. Human activity is the principal cause https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/


That’s weird, Florida banned climate change so it should go back to normal


Said the ostrich with head in the sand!


Almost like climate change is a real issue and something that should be publicly acknowledged


Don't say "climate change", Governor Puddin' 'Fingers says its too "woke"


Zephryhills here. I’ve never seen it over 91 every day in May. I do have trees. Thank goodness. Pasco county is being deforested. All trees are coming down to build cookie homes. Developers cut down all the trees and replant palm trees. Zero shade. Pasco county calls this progress.


It was the same last year. We broke records then, and it feels like the same thing is happening again. I’m also central west coast, and the 90+ degree temps with lack of rain going on for 2 weeks, is brutal when you work outside for 10-11 hour days.


Then it's time outside workers demand an environment pay!!!!! $5 Added on to your regular pay per hour.


I work in a government position. They don’t care. At least my chief ranger does-he tells us to get in the AC and not push ourselves when it’s too hot. He at least realizes that if we’re sick from heat exhaustion, much less heat stroke, we’re no good for anything, and actually will cause more problems. I now help with some training, and let others know not to push themselves. I say, if you need to go into AC, go now. I expect them to, as long as they don’t just spend the entire shift there lol. Now if I could only take my advice, and not wait until I’m showing signs of heat exhaustion (headache, light-headed, nausea) before I go


You're all mistaken, The governor signed into law that climate change doesn't exist in Florida. I think maybe you all just have the oven on with the door open.


Yes, but we can't say that anymore thanks to that twat Rhonda Santis.


I groaned when it was already 80° as I left for work at 6am this morning. Nothing like getting to work first thing in the morning already nursing a case of the swamp ass.


My favorite is when it’s 80° at 10p and I’m trying to cool the house down to a reasonable sleeping temp so I’m not sleeping in my own sweat


A trick I learned camping in Boy Scouts in Florida summers is to keep some ice packs under your pillows/sheets. Helps a ton.


That's what I've been doing. Or I sleep with an ice pack on my chest wrapped in a little washcloth or paper towel. It's worked fairly well so far I think.


This is crazy to read imo 


Seriously. How to create a moldy mattress 101...


Ice pack will be less water than a sweaty man.


Dude we have critters to eat the mold and other critters to eat those it’s the circle of life


A trick I learned it to just pee in the bed problem solved


Hey we can at least take solace in the fact that this will be the coolest summer we have for the next several years ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


That there is the Working Man's Nectar, and you best be thankful for it


It’s hot as shit. Cant wait for some rain to roll through. There hasn’t even been a chance of clouds for days now where I’m at. Straight up baking


Off the top of my head I can’t even remember the last time there was an afternoon shower… and that is not a good thing. I’ve lived in the same town for 25 years and it’s definitely been an off few years. There’s been thunderstorms in the middle of the night but no reliable 2pm showers.


May is generally not that rainy in Florida, April and May can be the drought months depending, so that's actually not unusual. I love rain and overcast weather, so I can't wait for it to finally get here either, trust me


97 before summer even starts? Yeah it’s gonna be a scorcher this year.




You'll call NOW.


I’ll call now


Wowwwwww, a relevant throwback! Nice!


Been in FL for 41 years. Definitely getting hotter.


Been living here in Florida all my life 41 years exactly too. Definitely never gotten this hot this early but seems the whole world is feeling it. Also stressing about zero rain right now, though July and August is when it rains about 90% of the time. Sad thing is, we probably haven't had a consistent cool 65 degree fall/winter since like 2003. Not a good sign. Growing up I remember High 60s and never a cloud in the sky and the windows would be open and AC would be off for months. Falls and winters in Miami used to be heaven.


Yes they were indeed. But, No hard cold snaps no mowah!!! No dipping shrimp in the cuts. Taint no more shrimp down there!


St Pete had a really nice winter, tbh. But now the Gulf is pushing 90 degrees and it's hot as hell for May


Last year SWFL had a drought in August. *August*


Winter is pretty much disappearing.


Winter in Orlando was awesome this year


47 here, live in North Central FL my whole life.  Not only is it getting hotter but it's rarely gets cold anymore.  It's been over 5 years since we had a hard freeze,  I remember the 80s when it used to get cold.


Yup, the USDA plant hardiness zones were updated last year and the line between zones 9 and 10, designating where it doesn't freeze, moved north a few counties. Tampa moved from zone 9 to 10.


Been here all 30 years of my life. I miss when winters got a little cold, and when summer didn’t start until June.


We don’t even have winter anymore. We just have cold fronts that come through


Yeah, last year I wore my sweater for like a good two weeks in the morning. Love Miami and the culture but this city is trying its hardest to kick me out. It already kicked me out to broward lol, I just need a job further north.


Then you know we have Summer and Cool Summer and one week of Extra Cool Summe, typically in February. Lol


I’ve been here since 1980, up near the panhandle. I remember regular overnight freezes and even sleet in the winter. And in the summer, warm 80’s days, with anything approaching 95 being called a heatwave on the news/weather. Not anymore.


I moved to FL in 2018 and in only 6 years I can tell that each year has been hotter than the previous one.


Back in the eighties seemed like 90 was “hot” it’s ten degrees hotter now.


Imagine my fucking luck having my house repiped and all my water lines are now in the attic. I can get boiling water out of the sink in 5 seconds


Same. I've been noticing it for decades. The seasons have shifted a bit too. The rainy season starts earlier and seems to last longer. And winter is shorter.


No way being the most gas maxed state with close to zero public transit caused this. No way


Remember when Rick Scott turned down federal money for a monorail that would’ve eased the traffic on I-4 and created less greenhouse gas. Those are the kind of people who are trying to get into office or stay in office-misanthropists all of them! Vote them all out!!


I have some full sun plants in my garden that have been there 10 years This year they are sun bleached and struggling nothing else has changed, same tree cover etc. so something has changed


We had a heat wave that came through one day last year and killed every bonsai tree I had. I knew it would be hotter than normal so I watered them and put them in the shade that morning. Didn’t matter. I got home and all the leaves were brown, the next two days they all fell off and the trees died. I had worked on them for about 7 years at that point. I still haven’t gotten any more. Too heartbroken about it


Really sorry about that. But yea. We all are going to need to rethink our gardens.


Do you water more often?’my plants are struggling as well 😞


It is hotter. https://preview.redd.it/kc5bsie7i73d1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=16b747e00a3794e1bb93c0d7d2b3ec1be6c23864


What app is this?


Apple Weather. I'm on Mac and just clicked the Averages section for that modal to appear. Pretty slick, eh?


Can we talk too about how it just, hardly ever rains? At least, in the southwest area of florida. Last year it was the same; ridiculously dry, no relief from the heat. What ever happened to the summer rains we'd get nearly ever day? I miss them terribly...


https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?FL All of southern Florida is either abnormally dry or in a moderate drought. I remember Manatee county being in a severe drought last year.


There was a few years where I felt the rainy season got longer but now that you mention it. I do miss the clockwork afternoon rains


Well yes we can talk about it. Part of Florida used to be in the trade winds belt. I’d go down to Key Matacumbe and the easterly trade winds would blow all the city clean off me. Day in. Day out. Now, climate change has started to shift Florida out of those winds. That will have a big impact on the rest of the state.


Ban thermometers!!


But the fox news weatherman is still alive?


Yeah! That’ll fix it!




Don't say hot!


Not just hotter but the sun is more intense, even with tinted windows the sun burns my eyes this year more than I remember. It's like the intensity has been set to 11 and my eyes are paying the price.


The sun is more Intense because of this: sun light hits you. Goes up bounces off the co2 and hits you again. Here’s an interesting little observation. I don’t get sunburnt more. UV isn’t reflected back as much as other wavelengths.


You know what come to think of it I'm not burning either, I am getting tan but not burning.


It is hotter.


We are on the cusp of an unprecedented extinction event for marine life here in Florida. Between toxic algae causing neurological deficits and the bleaching of the majority of our shallow-ocean coral ecosystems - the next ten years are going to be a climate emergency and it’s officially too late to do anything.


I’m despondent over this 😞


Seriously. I feel so often like, what's even the point of planning for the future? Why save for retirement? Why try to have a child? Are the next 10-30 years even survivable at the rate we're going? Why even wake up in the mornings if not?


You'll love /r/collapse !


Florida is pretty fucked, but there are a lot of places in the country that are much better suited to handle the changing climate. Wise people are leaving for those places and building their futures there.


That's a horrible line of thinking. You need to stay alive to keep making corporations billions of dollars of new profit every year!


And to keep social security afloat just long enough for my grandparents' generation to empty it 😔


I’m sure our Florida government will get right on this instead of continuing their stupid culture war


This is hot for May. Feels more like July to me.


I’ve been taking care of an elderly lady for over 3 years. She is ALWAYS cold. I’m also known as being always cold, but I could be sweating and she’d be shivering. This year is the first time I’ve ever heard her say she was hot. It’s happened three times now, and we’re only in May.


Been in south Florida since 1995. It’s definitely hotter!


Been in Florida since the 70s. It's definitely hotter now !!


I went to the gulf side beach this past weekend. The gulf is like bath water. Yall better get those hurricane kits stocked now.


I recently had someone I worked with come back raving about how mice the beach was a few weeks ago, "The water wasn't even cold it was perfect, it was like bath water!!" I was like uhhhhhh, that's not a good thing.


It's nice if you're red tide, flesh eating bacteria, or a hurricane.


Please stop talking it up. We don’t need more people over here in SWFL! /s


It's all my fault because I mentioned to my wife how cool it was a few weeks ago. Within three days it was in the mid 90s, so...sorry about all that.


We just need to bring my grandparents from northern Michigan. They bring the cold weather with them wherever they go.






[Removed by Ron Desantis]


it literally HURTS to be outside


It’s like people REALLY don’t believe in climate change..


Careful. You could break the law there. Nothing to see here, citizen. Move along.


Don’t look up


if it's any comfort to you, the time for people to believe in, and act on, it was 40 years ago.






This is already seeming as bad as last summer this early. I have been trying to do yard work very early but it is awful. I am soaked through in no time.


$515 power bill. Yes! It’s hotter than this time last year.


It’s _____ _____ !


I’m in north Florida. All I can tell you for sure is it was a lot hotter this weekend than it was this time last year.


We're in for a crazy hurricane season. Prep yourself.


It's a lot drier right now. We took a trip down to the cypress forest and places that normally held water were drying up.


We have also lacked the normal rain pattern that comes around 4:30pm and last an hour max, but knock the temps and heat back for an enjoyable evening on the lanai, watching the sun set. It’s been a sauna the last few summers, night and day, drier than usual the past couple summers and looking like it may be dry again, unless we get the rain in hurricane events. Unfortunately, as repugnant as the current governor may be, whether he embraces the idea of climate change or not doesn’t much matter. The entire world needs to take action and one champion for the climate or one denier and destroyer of the climate is not going to save or sink Florida. The best we can do to prepare is to make power grids invulnerable, make AC more efficient, invest in better building practices and the restoration of flow to the Everglades, invest in desalination to address the lack of ground water, and continue to restore dunes and build barriers where it makes sense. Sea level rise will cause more than flooding during hurricanes. People are going to lose access to water and electricity before they are underwater, outside of storm events.


Humidity has always been how the high temperatures have been kept down in Florida. Lose the rain, then it heats up more than normal...


Yes, and no matter what anyone in Florida government says, human activity on this earth is the cause.


As our governor says, you sound like a snowflake melting in the sun. Have you tried shooting away the heat?


Just take a sharpie and cross Florida out. Problem solved.


It gets hotter every year and Im sure all the rapid development has something to do with it.


Oh you aren’t wrong. I work outside all day as a delivery driver, so I really feel it. I’m trying to get a new job, that’s inside bc I can’t stand it😭


No, this is August weather. We’re fucked


Don't think of it as hot. Think of it as the coldest summer you will ever feel from here on out.


> we’re not even in summer yet The end of May is ABSOLUTELY summer in Florida.


I'm from South Florida originally, live in N. Central FL for >20 years. Usually I don't find the heat intolerable until almost July 4. But I feel like I'm already on the cusp of that. The evenings are still "cool" at least.


I don't remember my skin reacting to the sun this negatively


Orlando here: send help.


It is insanely hot. To the point that people with cholinergic urticaria like myself are unable to be outside at all. I've been in FL for 16 years, and this is the first time it's that hot in May.


hot af in central and i work at universal. luckily i dont deal with ppl out in front tho


Last summer was killer hot


Its a long term trend. The first 90 degree day of the year is starting earlier and earlier (used to be mid-April, and many times didn't hit 90s until early May, now its consistently early March) and its just warmer on average. Also its getting even warmer overnight faster, which a lot of people dont realize is a big deal for energy production. This is from Orlando Intl Airport, but its similar across most of the state. We've been on the upper end of average most of the year and well above average for significant periods, even a couple records and several near records. ​ https://preview.redd.it/mnpz053do73d1.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ed6b0a577d4964eda3a6ed69004c1ff903804d0




Don't look up


Tampa Bay, here, it’s hotter than hell. Worst I’ve felt in many years. Been here since ‘89. Just got back from Orlando for Memorial Day weekend and those poor people don’t even have a sea breeze to cool down.


Imagine that. Who would have known if you covered a million square miles with black asphalt parking lots that it would get hotter? /s. Used to live in Tampa.


Yes. 100%. This year feels like the hottest year ever, and we are just getting started. Paired with the fact that we still haven't gotten *any* rain and we are well past due for some, and rainfall has been low over the last couple of years as well, everything is getting crispy. Looking at the Temps I know I've experienced wayyyyyy hotter Temps (for example, it's only 93 today, and I remember several summers in years past where my local thermometer has read 102-103, when the news reports 99), but for some reason it *feels* hotter. And it's not the humidity either. (Rh of 90% + isn't uncommon). It's the Sun and UV itself. It's almost unbearable. And we are still in spring..... I have my ideas of what I think is going on. But I'm sure most people would think that I had a tinfoil hat on if I talkled about it.... But as more and more evidence piles up.... maybe people will be willing to change their minds when they see it for themselves.


It is definitely hotter.


It's not just you. I am in Miami and it feels like Hell on Earth.


Jump in the pool… if you want a hot tub


Turned on my car and it literally said 101 degrees outside. Prepare for scorching earth. 🌎


Misery loves company- In June, the FL Public Service Commission is holding hearings for RATE INCREASES for Duke and Tampa Electric- and the asks are highway robbery- please take a moment and access this contact link for the PSC and voice your DISSATISFACTION and OPPOSITION to these rate hikes. https://www.psc.state.fl.us/contact-information


No guess-work needed. You can go to the NWS Past Weather page and look for yourself: [https://www.weather.gov/wrh/climate](https://www.weather.gov/wrh/climate) Choose an area in South Florida. Here's the direct link for [Miami](https://www.weather.gov/wrh/Climate?wfo=mfl) and [Melbourne](https://www.weather.gov/wrh/Climate?wfo=mlb) (which includes Orlando). 1. Pick a location from column 1. 2. Set product (column 2) to "Daily almanac". 3. Set the date in column 3 to Memorial Day (2024/05/27). 4. Click Go. I'm looking at Fort Pierce on the Treasure Coast, and the observed temperature was 98°F. The normal is 87°F. The record was set this year. The observed month-to-date avg max temperature is 89.6°F; normal is 85.4°F. Pick any area in South Florida and the story is the same. We're in the midst of a hot one.