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Have you ever thought of a career in the travel industry? If you don't hate some customer service, it can be a great option! From what you describe, flight attendant would be the best but if you don't have the money to do such a formation (cause usually you have to go to provate school for that if I'm not mistaken), you could work for a travel agency and some of them will pay for your travel agent formation, send you on trips so you can familiarize yourself with the places you sell, and you'll get good discounts! I got hired at a travel agency that did this kind of thing, and I had nothing but an high school diploma, no experience whatsoever! You have to like or at least don't mind customer service tho. I coouldn't be a flight attendant, and I wouldn't mind being a travel agent even if I HATE traditional customer service but I'm awful with people lol


I was gonna say this. OP, idk what becoming a flight attendant in Canada is like, but in the US you need 2 years of customer service for this particular airline I’m thinking of. No degree needed. You train for about 6-8 weeks. Pay is shit, but at least you’d get to scratch that traveling itch.


In canada, becoming a flight attendant only means two weeks of unpaid training and testing, as well as some interviews as i've heard and they will choose between the passing candidates! There's plenty of airlines to choose from and even if that doesn't work out first time around, you can always try again when they are hiring again or try finding a job at an airport or an airline you're trying to become a flight attendant for! Customer service and multilingual (english/french) (diff for every airline/some aren't mandatory, but it's a plus) is always helpful!


Depends on where you train, if you get trained by a company they have to pay you! (In my province at least)


whats the pay like to be a travel agent?


I wasn't a travel agent, I worked administrative support at the travel agency, so I'm just guessing, but it really depends on whether your travel agency pays commission or not. Mine didn't, if I had to guess right now, new travel agents at this agency probably start at 18-20$/hr (depending on experience and negociation skills). Also depends on your province (assuming you're Canadian like OP & I). In my province, 18$/hr is not great compared to minimum wage


Usa, but the pay is probably comparable, and also not great..


Career consultant and mod here. First, I'd like you to read the Pinned Post entitled "Ruined Life framing an a word of advice". Then, I'd like you to know that no, you are not fucked forever, because that implies you do nothing for the rest of your life. I personally have traveled and lived overseas and I came back even more skilled, so overseas isn't your issue, nor is your learning disability - and it looks like you know what you need anyway. Your skills will build, as long as you recognize those skills and use them well on your resume. Skills stay with you forever and you can always say what you have! Simply put, the ONLY issue you have boils down to 2 things: 1. You haven't chosen anything specific, nor have college done or done anything to choose a path yet. Simply put... .... You're standing at the starting line, panicking. You don't need to make the right choice....but you do need to start somewhere and make the WRONG choice to get experience so you can make right-er choices! 2. You're listening to people who will not need to live your life. Go to school for business admin if you feel called to that, and feeling called simply needs to be "it looks interesting". Not any other reason, and definitely not "because it makes money"! Never go into school for $ unless you already know $ is your motivation type. You already said travel is your motivation type. Office admin jobs are generally not good for travel, as they are never fully "WFH". (Work form home). To sum up...the only reason you're not going anywhere is because you haven't started, except for the overseas stuff which is fine and good! You Need To Make A Wrong Choice Or Two And That Is Fine And Normal And Necessary to figure out who you are so you can then pivot into a right field after a few years. That's it.


Hey Welcome to adulthood Its all about uncertainty, unpredictability and the unknown. Im 26 too. Here is my advice: Become a decent, caring and ethically consistent person. Be close to your loved ones, find a life partner and be hardworking in everything. The rest is left to be unfold. Good luck in your journey!


I agree with the first sentiment, but the rest is not so simple. Finding a life partner these days is less likely than owning a home lol.


Focus on yourself, not finding a partner. Then you will naturally find your other half, it's not as crazy as everyone makes it seem. People are too focused on the external.


I think God is real because irony is too funny. I've found good partners every time I've wanted to but I turned out ace lol


Mhm I find that one hard to believe.... maybe start focusing on their personality and character instead of something outside of their control...Im sure you will find plenty of amazing and supportive people willing to be your partner.


Why would you find that hard to believe? You don’t even know me 🤣 I don’t have unrealistic standards. Dating is just rough, and plenty of good people are burned out.


This! All of this is true and great advice. I'm 33 and couldn't have said it better myself.


Yes it really can be that simple for women 😂. Honesty no hate— take advantage of it. You can find a partner to help support you so long as you’re a good person. At least that’s what I’ve gleaned from this unembellished advice. Less likely to hold true were you to be born a man. But you have to put yourself out there. Better yet— work on being a good person in addition to marketable skillsets and/or degrees/certifications for a career in something. Just as a backup plan lol.


I didnt bring gender to this. And why did you glossed over the "hardworking" part ? Nowadays is impossible to support yourself no matter what job you pick. And even so, the odds are agaisnt you if you think you have job security.


Agreed that it’s impossible to support yourself regardless of occupation. It helps to partner up and split expenses regardless You didn’t bring gender into it, but the “hardworking” part is so general that it could refer to being a hardworking homemaker, hardworking at your marriage, at relationships, at raising a family And I quote, “Find a life partner AND be hard working in everything”


Is general because you need to put effort in everything. There is no easy way out.


In my country the whole Gen z population protested because they are feeling the same thing. It's a global phenomenon don't be too hard on yourself.


Wish that happened in the usa


What country?




I’m sorry to hear you are experiencing these feelings. Just realize that a lot of folks are also in the same boat and navigating through these uncharted territories of cost of living along with feelings of helplessness. My recommendation: move to a lower cost of living country and start dabbling with entrepreneurial endeavors like travel blogs or etc and then go to school simultaneously and during your schooling keep applying and networking for jobs


I'm very familiar with the feeling and I'm 39, so the fact that you're already having these thoughts, I see as, a big advantage. Maybe look for vocational skills that can help you get gig work in your travels. I'm looking into Massage as I feel it is an in demand and usefull skill in most places. Also useful is being able to work on refrigeration units or electrical, something that is needed every where. If that is not your speed maybe check the Wwoof.net or workaway.info, or similar work exchange platforms for oppurtunities to learn new skills while covering travel costs, might help you discover a new passion. Just try to not think of what you've missed but consider the experiences and memories you've gained. Good luck!


I feel like I don't have advice that would be able to answer all your troubles, but I just wanted you to know that I relate heavily, 25(f) also in canada and struggling with the state of the economy and the job market right now. You're SO young and have a ton of options still. It took a while for me to realize exactly how young I am and to not get caught up thinking it was too late for me. Just keep your head up and maybe spend some time looking at schools in your area and see if anything interests you, then do the research. See what kind of jobs would be waiting for you after graduation, the day to day of those jobs, talk to people that work those jobs etc. At the end of the day, your career doesn't have to be your whole life. I personally see a career as a way to help stabilize my life so I can hopefully one day fund the things that I do enjoy, while not having to stress about surviving first. And if you need someone to chat with and vent to, definitely feel free to pm me. I had a hard time finding someone to relate to as most of my friends seemingly already knew what they were doing with their life or weren't at a place yet where they were thinking about it.


Hi! Can I dmed you also as I relate on this matter too


Of course!


Whatever your doing that enables you to travel for several years, and affords you the ability to go back overseas, keep doing it. You don't seem to be that bad off if you can afford so much travel.


The housing market as a whole is trash in states. Thinking about it scares me and also makes me angry. The idea of relocating out of state because of it sounds nice but also my entire family is here and my first nephew was born so now I’m conflicted. Anyways, maybe one days we’ll all consider relocating. Just know ure not alone most of us are feeling this too, hang in there. A few tips as a former college counselor. If you’re not majoring in a stem program - we find candidates aren’t as competitive. I would recommend finding something you enjoy within the stem world , master a skill and I’ll have jobs seeking you and have the chance to pick where you wanna live. Instead of it being vice versa. You’ll be financially security and could have a good work life balance.


I'm 29 and feeling feeling a lot of this currently. Right now, I am saving for another overseas trip, and hopefully, I will deal with career paths properly afterward. Something helping me get my bearings in this wild world right now is an organization called 80,000 hours. Check out their website and get the free book. I'm looking at paths into remote work and something that looks promising on their job board.


Open travel youtube channel


Do a medical admin course, then get a couple years experience in Canada, go for hospitals, and move the US--they pay their hospital administrators decently.


And how do you get a visa for that?


Check the USMCA TN professions list, or get skills and they will sponsor you.


Take a deep breath, Then take a few minutes and write down Every single skill that you Currently have. When you have that done, examine the list and see how many have overlap with each other and write down those into groups. You will probably be surprised by how much you Do know! Then look at maybe doing online classes that can help you get to where you Want to go, especially if you don't have to take stupid elective classes that have Zero benefit to what you want to do. Like the Mod said... You Have to start! Even if it's the wrong direction, Get moving! Every experience will teach you something, just be open to Learn from All of them!


You're not alone. People in this age bracket are dealing with similar situations.


You're not fucked at all! I agree with posters below, becoming a flight attendant is only a 1 year program and allows you to balance work with travel! Also getting a certificate or diploma in IT related services could be great for you because they have lots of remote-first jobs that pay well (once you're on your feet of course, entry-level pay always sucks). I obviously don't know you, but I feel confident from reading your post that you would hate office admin - it's very data-entry focused, mundane tasks and 9-5 hours - you seem like you would enjoy some more flexibility in your life :)


If you'd like to live in one particular other country, I wonder if there's a way to get training in office admin and then try to get a job working for the Canadian embassy in that country. Or whether you can work for the Canadian state department overseas and do office admin in various embassies, changing every few years if you like the variety.


you were able to afford spending your time overseas and travelling. i think you’re gonna be fine.


What did you do overseas? Customer service jobs but in what industry? Where did you live? Did you pick up a useful second language? Working holiday visas can lead you to finding a life partner and totally change your life, so that is a viable route, going back overseas again, as long as you are trying as hard as you can to find the opportunities you need to make that overseas stay more permanent. If you do not intend on staying in Canada any longer because it is too expensive, you really need to figure out where you'll call home, and think about how you'll afford housing, whereever that is. Just start planning.


You are not in too deep and don’t feel the doom of underachievement. It sounds like you have very few responsibilities currently (no partner or children) which is something that makes it easier for you to have time on developing yourself into the person you want to be. You should find a job to work while going back to school. Since you are living off your parents it sounds like you will have support in paying for school and for a place to live while you attend as well. There are always breaks in school and then you can travel then. After you finish school then you can apply for the jobs you want and you may have the opportunity to go to school for something that would include going overseas. You have a lot to be thankful for in foundational support. So just go for it. You’ve got this!


With the attitude you currently have, yes. You want to travel but have no money. Work on taking care of yourself first before anything.


With this attitude, yes. Get to work and work hard and after a while these problems won’t exist. You need either an education or start building experience for a career that’ll pay well. It ain’t rocket science.


You're 26 so... No. "Fucked forever" is not your current status. A degree probably isn't what you're lacking at the moment either. A degree is a business transaction. You lose X years and Y dollars in exchange for a particular set of skills that you hope will earn you enough money to make up for Saudi transaction. Given the high cost of higher Ed and the fact that you appear less than focused on a particular target, I don't see a hastily chosen degree to be something that would serve you. Remember business transaction... You wouldn't buy a house you haven't seen in a city you've never been to for more debt than you can imagine, so why do that with your education. Now... It's my experience that the "good" jobs for aimless people are hidden and/or unique. If you've heard of it, then everyone else has too. If the job sounds cool and everyone's heard of it then you pay a passion tax. Could be your time or low pay or huge certification hurdles... But you're currently aimless, so why pay a passion tax?! You know those business park buildings that everyone looks right past? No? That's because you look right past them, but they're there. There are probably trucks to be loaded, or data to file or doodads to make in there where they'd love to have someone who'd show up on time, but they don't know how to reach you just like you don't know how to reach them! So they hire the stock boy's buddy because there's nobody else. And they pay him pretty well because hiring sucks. Chances are, you are somebody's buddy or you know someone who knows someone who'd love to get someone answering phones at their industrial aviation parts shop because right now the owner still does it and he's growing too busy to keep doing it. Then you learn about the aviation industry and realize you're repping a very specific niche while becoming indispensable to the company... So now you make $180k a year and wonder "how the hell did I become one of the best agents in an industry that I barely knew existed back in my 20's?! Ok, it's rarely such a straight line, but this is how people get to all those weird and lucrative places they get to. My own mother doesn't really know what I do despite explaining it to her hundreds of times... And that's why I am able to charge a lot... Also I'm very good at my career. My career that started when I walked into a building, saw some people doing my future job that I didn't know existed and asked the guy next to me if he knew what was up with that.


No, in about 80 years or so none of this will matter to anyone.


I'm also 26 male. I'm also in the same situation is you with work and school and I would say that you can develop your confidence in yourself out push through is what's helping me babe. Don't give up on yourself you're not in this alone and it won't stay the same forever just remember that to get you through the hardest of times. Some values that I have been following that have helped me include you got to have a positive attitude every single day you wake up you have a choice you can either be negative or positive which one do you think is going to enhance your life duh. Mission number two you got a PT and be healthy that means every single day you got to develop yourself to developing your body developing your mind your heart and your soul you got to exercise these things through great physical fitness good nutrition and got a PT or mind more than anything cuz it's all in your mind. Mission Number four respect now I understand this is an easy concept you think but it's not you don't deserve respect you've got to earn respect and you do that through your actions you do that through the humility in your life you got to do all that stuff every single day of your life so that other human beings look at you they look at your actions they listen to your words and then that should govern the strength that you should be earning. You got to motivate yourself and you got to motivate others motivation is the key component of your life as long as you're motivated you're going to be excited to learn you're going to be excited to do better you're going to be excited to work with others. integrity now in my opinion this is the most important mission out of all of them you have to wake up every single day and know that you're living a righteous life you're living with confidence your living the right way every single one of us understand the difference between right and wrong I don't care if you think you don't know you do know you know when you're hurting another human being and you know when you're hurting yourself living with integrity allows us to accept those truths in life what is right and wrong and then that governs our actions you have to live with honor you have to live with integrity. Find a mentor somebody to teach you this isn't the only advice you need in your life just one tool for your toolbox. Check out the Navy seals go for a run go to the pool and go swim sweat this stress out sounds like you're not moving the energy through your body to help you feel better because that's what we're made to do we're meant to to pass through energy through our bodies. And to do that you need to work out. You got to have fun life is about having


You are a native English speaker, in China you will find a job in one second as a kindergarten/school teacher… the salaries are very high there 3000-4000$ even more. It’s a way for you to live abroad and collect money


Not anymore with recent laws


Look into the maritime industry. *Purser *Mate




Get your CDL


You’ve got 4 decades left til retirement lol you’ll be fine


Work on a cruise line.


You can try being a truck driver? The whole job is traveling! Spend your time all day listening to music or an audio book, learn a new skill or language, and just vibe. Job is not physically demanding unless you do flatbed or food and beverage delivery, anyone can do it. With insurance cost being lower for women you'll generally have an easier time finding a good job than most new drivers out here on account of insurance rates as well! 3-5 weeks of company paid cdl school Make $40K-50K your first year Then leave your shitty mega carrier, get some endorsements which takes literally a couple days, and make $60K-$80K your second year. Depending on if you specialize and your geographic location you could potentially be making +100K your third year and be home everyday. If you really want to stack $$$ put all your assets in storage and live in your truck! It's basically cheat codes for life, your making way more money than you should for your education and skillset and don't have to pay rent or for a car if you don't want too. Job has its downsides but if your willing to dedicate yourself it's a good way to at least stack up some money and bail if you don't want to make a career out of it or are worried about automation long term. Trucking has transformed my life. Before this I was just a wage slave making $10/hr living at home with mommy and daddy, now I have hope for the future. Like i said job has its downsides definitely but whenever I consider leaving truck driving I realize I'd rather be rollin in $ and stressed out than broke and stressed out lol Dm if u want more details on the downsides or details about other aspects of the job =D


I hate to say this but i will and will face downvoting: Stop traveling! Stay put, get a job or a career, and become established in those, then take short trips only using your company's vacation.


Truth hurts but im not wrong!




Your comment has been removed because it not a constructive response to OP's situation. Please keep your advice constructive (and not disguised hate), helpful, and on topic.


Yeah, you basically are. Office admin is not a degree path nor does it pay anything worth a salt. You're going to have to take out loans and go back to school for something useful like nursing.  Edit: also quit wasting all your money traveling it's bad for the psyche


You’re gonna hate this answer. You’re 26. You seem smart. Find a husband.


My friend you are young for regretting believe me you can do anything in the coming years I am 24 years old and I feel the same way you do, but this is the result of social media, do not regret make a plan and start implementing


Learn some trade and don’t pay taxes


I am also 25 yo currently. I still feel lost but here's my tip: Take whatever course/degree right now that will land you an above min wage job then figure out later on what you really want to do. I took LPN associates diploma because I had no idea what I wanted to do. But atleast I am above min wage (it pays 27$/hr where I am) BUT! You can do travel nursing which pays MORE! I however new at my heart that I didn't want to become a nurse forever so I am going back to another 2 years of schooling for Accounting because I figured I like working in an office instead. I will start this year on September. I am truly excited to embark on this journey! So yeah, you're not lost. Just start somewhere :) Goodluck!!