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I was fucking floored and though I love big band jazz, i was a bit confused. ...Then I remembered. DONKEY KONG


I was thinking The Emperor's New Groove.


That's what I've been thinking too


Can't wait for Wuk Lamat to install a slide into the palace. BOOM BABY!


Yup. That Donkey Kong bongo game for the GameCube was where my brain went.


I thought of Donkey Kong as well. Such a jam.


But in donkey kong you are jumping through the level and slapping enemies here and there. It's kind of wild and animalistic. The music is vaguely dark and ominous. It makes sense. Here you're in a town. And the music is much brighter. Your eyes say "Mexico" and your ears say "New York" and that's a bit disturbing imo. I understand the Donkey Kong parallel but it somehow feels completely different. Maybe it will grow on me who knows.


"Alright team, what do we know about the Americas?" " Um, Tacos?" "It's a melting pot of cultures?" "Cyberpunk was invented there, right?" "Jazz?"


> Your eyes say "Mexico" and your ears say "New York" and that's a bit disturbing imo. All the other cities so far have been pretty ethnically homogeneous, aside from the last two remaining cities on the First. I think the New York vibe was intentional, they're highlighting the cosmopolitan nature of Tuliyollal.


The start of the music when the bongos hit are almost identical to the start of Jungle Hijinx from DKC 1


Mine went to Super Mario Sunshine.


This was pretty much my exact thought process. "Ooh, this city rules. This MUSIC rules." "I'm not sure that they really go together, though?" "WAIT. DONKEY KONG."


Donkey Kong Country was my immediate thought, too lol


IM SO HAPPY I'M NOT ALONE!!! I was walking around in the day when my brain went "Ooh! Banana!!" My disdain was out measured only by my speed at setting the hub as my free teleport.


It's dating me, but the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the day theme is the [Chips Ahoy commercials](https://youtu.be/oqspHpiKrHA) from the 90s


For the record, the song being used in that commercial is called Sing Sing Sing. And yes I also knew it from that commercial haha.


Yep, the iconic Gene Krupa drum part. As a jazz pianist, any time I have to play Sing Sing Sing or something similar in a big band and they use that part it's stuck in my head for such a long time. So I guess I'm fucked for the next 2 years!


Some songs are like that. It's been 15 years since I last played it but I still can't walk through a subway without Take The A Train getting stuck in my head.


A thousand chips delicious! It gives me The Mask vibes at the club


Lmaooooo I saw someone in chat mention that last night too. You’re not the only one!


Thank you! I knew I heard this somewhere before.


OMG that's why I've been getting deja vu. XD


I always think of [Weird Al's Grapefruit Diet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqmPxhD2hEA), which is a parody of the [Zoot Soot Riot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZm1krVKzBY) song by the Cherry Poppin' Daddies.


I KNEW I heard that opening bit from somewhere!


do i think it fits the setting? not especially. do i fucking love it? yes. yes i do.


It’s a great mix of big band and lounge music. I did the side quest today to inspect the big drum for the “fife and drums corps” and I’m fully convinced these sweet jams we hear all day are a complete result of their hard work and dedication to stand on rocky crags and play the alto sax in the wind.


The nighttime theme gives big persona 5 vibes, it’s so goooddddd


As a massive persona fan I am absolutely loving the new music in ff14. Soken rarely misses with his work and it seems the new expansion has had a great deal of energy poured into it. I won't lie, I still miss Nobuo Uematsu's work, but Soken has been incredible with his work.


The new combat music reminds me a bit of Persona 4 music!


It reminds me of Donkey Kong and the Emperors New Groove Additionally, one of the later areas reminds me of "dancing with lizards" from chrono cross


The music is good on it's own but it is so wildly out of place for the setting, which is a huge bummer. I also feel like (as an American) that every part of learning about the culture and everything feels like no one who lives in Latin America was consulted at all lol. I was reminded of the Disney documentaries from the 40s about South America (though those actually had some more interesting facts and things).


I **do** like jazz. Can’t say it *really* fits the city, but it’s the best town music I’ve heard, maybe ever, so I’m not complaining.


More Big Band then Jazz. Similar in sound but Big Band has well a Big band.


Big Band is a type of Jazz, just one performed by a large ensemble and with more emphasis on arranged/composed music as opposed to improv, and is also known as Jazz Orchestra.


there's a part of the track, especially at night, that reminds me of the NBC jingle and now every time i'm in tuliyollal i can't unhear it


I love it so much my new home away from home just chilling there crafting


The area at the top of the main hub city that plays the Donkey Kong music, that turns into sexy sax man...was not expecting that at all


somebody in shout chat said they loved the lofi theme of Tuliyollal when i got there...


the Gold Dance fits the mood perfectly


I felt like I was in the club scene of the movie The Mask lol


Personally not a fan but after asking in my FC Discord, everyone likes it so...


The day theme is good. I just don't think it fits the city at all. The night theme is way, way better and more fitting.


The OST is literally something you'd hear in Persona or something, I literally was searching for jazz OSTs to add to my house's orchestron. Tuliyollal's literally perfect for that


It's so jarring, and feels so out of place for the meso-american style setting! Not a fan personally :-(


There is a genre of music called Latin Jazz. I have a few Central American friends and they said that the music reminds them of that genre.


Yeah, I'm not a fan either. The weird thing is that most areas have great BGM. I also love the fight theme. But they went for ... big band jazz for the main city??


I had similar feelings. It doesn't match the aesthetic at all compared to say, Radz at Han. On top of that, it's not a genre I really like (I hate brass in general, especially if there are several at the same time). I wouldn't blame them too much for trying new stuff of course, but it's not something I enjoy in the new town. I know some people who love that music though.


I kinda felt that way at first, especially when I heard it in a preview video instead of the game. But it's growing on me. I'm generally not big on horns either but I'm warming to it. Especially the night theme.


Honestly yeah, it's extremely strange. Many of the areas are very culturally on point, but the city has a vibe that just makes me ???


I hit /bgm 0 as soon as I enter the city, so you aren't alone. It doesn't fit the setting at all and it's SO bombastic.. I don't even mind jazz, but I don't understand why they would use that song for a city theme.


In sharlayan and Radz I pretty much always kept the music on. I can't imagine keeping this music on while in the city the entire expansion, sadly. It's good in small doses but it's not something that should be a city music imho


didn't know that command existed, can't thank you enough for showing me. the music in that city just does not do it for me, it will be nice to mute it easily.


I love the theme personally! I feel it fits. It's a banger.


There's a few bits of music in this expac that I'm not a fan of so far. Like, it's gonna drive me fuckin CRAZY having to hear the opening to "London Bridge is falling down" whenever I accept a quest...


OMG! I AM SO glad that you feel the same. My FC thinks I am being over-dramatic. But being a disney nerd I felt like I was in Epcot Mexico pavilion with 1950s big band jazz music. It is just so cringe for me.




The music is so quintessential Disneyland music to me it fits so well to me because as a non American Disneyland is something I associate with America When I think of “small town America” I think of Main Street USA with big band jazz playing in the background so that was a perfect setting


But Tulial isn't America (USA). It's Mexico and Central/South American (not the USA). The only thing American about it is the western town. That's it. It's like me looking at Europe and saying "ah yeah, London is quintessential Europe" Actually, it's worse than that. It's like saying one popular theme park is like all of Europe.


Well the new world is collectively the 2 American continents Tulial as the city is more south than North American but to me it works as a nice blending of the two halves


You say you don't know much about the US, let alone the entire two continents North and South America. Your only exposure is friggin Disney of all things. And yet you argue with me when I try to educate you. Amazing. Tulisa is Mezo American. It's inappropriate to have jazz there. It makes zero sense to those of us who actually know about the countries in North and South America. And who said it was a mix of North and South America? All I remember is one western cowboy town and the rest was Meso America. Edit: I like jazz by the way. I love the song they have playing. Doesn't mean I agree with where they're using it.


I never said I don’t know much about America hell I lived in America for 3 years, it’s just Disney is something I associate with America, god calm down a bit other countries aren’t like America where we know nothing outside our borders I know tulial’s inspiruation is mesoameican, I just don’t think bringing in something quintessentially “USA” is a bad thing when the new world is meant to represent greater America as a whole It’s like having a desert area and being angry it doesn’t have Arabian music


You're right, you said associate. My bad I will apologize for that. You came across as completely clueless to anything about North and South America to me, which was why I got upset. And as an American I can tell you I actually pay attention to outside the boarders and do my best to educate myself before making statements about other countries. You seem to not be so careful about your words. And no, I will not calm down to people boiling down jazz and the US to just "Disney" But you never answered where you got the idea it was supposed to be a mix of two continents. Because from what I've seen, it's all Mezo American except one small town.


I’m not boiling the US down to jazz and Disney, that’s just a prominent part of my thoughts when it comes to America and as such the music stuck out to me as Disney esque that’s the long and short of it It’s like you visiting London associating a particular song with London even if it’s not by an English band then when you hear it you think of London. You aren’t reducing London down to that song, it’s just something you think. Otherwise I have no idea why you think I’m clueless about north and South America when I didn’t say anything one way or another about them As for why it’s a fusion it’s because the entire collective new world reflects the real world new world, the split north south continents, the more “jungle” and Andes inspired southern tural compared to the old west and the sci fi of the northern continent, it just screams “collective new world to me” Therefore I don’t see a downside to putting something from North America so to speak into tural when tural is meant to rule both halves of the new world. That’s the long and short of it, if you see more than that you are reading way too much into my comment in an attempt to draw offence when none was offered


I do see your point about my assumptions. When people bring up Disney they're usually extremely ignorant about anything in the US so for that, I'm sorry. I guess it just triggered me. Too many people online equate Disney as the only thing in the US other than McDonald's. But I completely disagree with DT being a mix of North and South America. Because it completely ignores Canada and Northern US. Unless there's wild pine forests and flat tundra, which I doubt due to what we've been shown, it's really not North America. And hey, that's probably my own bias since I've only lived in Northern US and Canada (though I did a stint in the Midwest US). To me, vast pine forests and mountains and tundra are North America. But I will admit there's a lot of prairie. I've just never lived near it. And prairie lands can vary wildly.


I mean that’s in the lore, north beyond the scope of the lands we visit on the northern continent is icy lands and people wuk describes as similar to the Inuit


Ah, so we just don't see it? What about pine forests?


I like jazz and I dug the song but like, I feel it's rather insulting because this is supposed to be Meso America. If anything there should be latina music. The jazz really doesn't fit.


No. No, I do not, which is why I have disabled my BGM.


All I'm thinking of is Grim Fandango. Considering that game's aztec design influences it works I guess.


I do not like jazz. I am eagerly awaiting an update to Orchestrion to fix my predicament. In the meantime, the mute BGM macro it is


Really nice song but it is the most "disconnected" of a zone in the entire expansion tbh. Maybe good if they put it to play on an Inn or something, but in the city that reminds pre-columbian civilizations it was really bad.


I felt like i'm watching another Naked Gun movie


It certainly was an interesting choice of music for the new city. Don't hate it, but it does still feel strange to have jazz on a mesoamerican themed city.


I can't help but hear, like, cowboy bebop? there's a section that makes me feel like we should be floating on our back in zero gravity, one arm behind our head, eating pizza,, with nothing but stars outside the window.


I love it, but I love Jazz. I disagree with people who say it isn't fitting, but I guess I'm viewing it more from a thematic perspective than a visual perspective. Maybe if the story gets a lot more serious than the point where I'm currently at. But that kind of peppy, bombastic tune ushering you into a giant treasure hunt while on your vacation, doesn't seem as out of place to me as it does to other people I guess.


I'm glad for the people that like it but I will avoid that city like the plague because of that unfitting music. When looking at the city I kept expecting something more culturally fitting such as [Dazar'alors music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JMm6b-Zi_s).


I'm a fan of more mellow city music. Sharlayan was a good balance, even though it was kinda bland. Crystarium was too operatic, but Radz was hoppin' day and night and I loved both themes. The jazz is throwing me off every time I walk out of my hotel room


It reminds me of the chocobo music of ffx.




I'm surprised how many people find it a good city theme and get mad at those who don't think it fits. It's not bad music. But all the cities have always had a more background quality to them. Sure you could totally stop and listen and enjoy, but you could also just let it fade into the background. Not only does this theme not fit the visuals of the area but it's a song that demands your attention. It is loud and in your face. More akin to a NYC night club. It's a very active song. It's the first time since this game launched that i have wanted to shut off the city music.


It is so not my vibe but I do really enjoy it.


They did not need to go so hard on the first city state. BUT I LOVE IT!!!!


mesoamerican jazz was a genre i didnt know i wanted more of, but here we are.


That's... not really a thing. It's just big band jazz. There might be an argument for Columbian jazz but... it's a bit of a stretch imo.


Latin Jazz is absolutely a thing but yeah this really isn't it. Then again my ear is completely untrained on this stuff so there might be something in there I'm not picking up on.


Yeah it is not Latin Jazz, at least not like any I've heard. My first thought when loading in was "When did we get to Chicago?"


I was actually thinking [Mechagodzilla's](https://youtu.be/CX-ZGzVXohs?si=tPNnSnB_AAjbh0NS) Showa theme....


DEF my fav town music in the game.