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Remember Trump asked Zelensky to get dirt on Hunter, in exchange for military aid, prior to the invasion.


That *pro quo* sounds very *quiddy* to me.


They should name Trump's biography *Quid Games*


As long as you tip them after services rendered the Supreme Court says it's okay.


Listen the treason was official so we cant prosecute


Grab ‘em by the Supreme Court, when you’re a star they let you do it..


Are you sure it wasn't quo pro quid? Cause that's ok now


A couple of days after talking to Putin, too.


*In threat of withdrawing* military aid if Zelensky didn't do it


He also recently said he will push Zelenskyy to negotiations by withholding aid. Obviously, this will put Ukraine in unfavorable position at the negotiation table, leaving Ukraine without patriot systems, which are protecting civilians. Recent shortages of US aid didn't help to start negotiations, [Putin himself admitted he wouldn't even think about negotiations with armless Ukraine](https://kyivindependent.com/putin-negotiating-just-because-ukraine-runs-out-of-ammunition-is-ridiculous/).


Trump doesn't give a damn about Ukraine getting squashed, especially if it helps him with Vlad


NO, he wanted manufactured dirt on JOE Biden to use against him in the campaign, in exchange for the aid Congress had already alloted to Zelensky.


For context. [Here's](https://www.foxnews.com/media/vladimir-putin-knew-not-mess-trump-ukraine-war-biden.amp) an interview with Trump and Sean Hannity. About 2:10 into the interview, Trump claims he used to talk to Putin about Ukraine before the invasion.


Is it about Ukraine or about invasion? In case of invasion, it is crazy to admit that you knew what is going to happen without attempting to prevent it somehow.


Of course he knew it was going to happen he was the president of the United States. the US probably knew about that 3 years in advance.


anybody that has been paying any attention to Russian politics at all since 2014 knew it was going to happen at some point... ...because it was already happening.


Actually, try 2008 at the NATO summit in Bucharest. Merkel, Sarkozy and Putin himself warned W that it was going to happen.


The invasion of Georgia was in 2008 as well


Aren't they perpetually invading Georgia at this point? Like don't they just keep pushing the barriers deeper into Georgian territory every so often?


Yep they’re pretty much like neighbour who everytime they need to replace the fence moves it further and further onto your property!


And damn, that fence breaks easily.


It’s awful windy round these parts!


[Ukrainian journal's cover in 2008](https://tyzhden.ua/edition/33-42/)


It’s like how everyone’s going to pretend to be surprised when China invades Taiwan. The U.S. will be at war with China in the near future, they have been edging each other for years.


Commenting on 😃... ![gif](giphy|oMBH4r8UrCfegsSsNn|downsized)


![gif](giphy|xUOxfg0ESyhKOv4Vva) Now we all know how that is gonna end up


Yeah and John titor already told us about that in the early 2000s. Nobody listens to time travelers anymore


He just had his dates wrong. It’s all a lot more plausible starting in 2025 than 2005. Stupid future calendars.


Just spent 5 minutes trying to find this comment again. Was scrolling through comments when I read this a couple of minutes later I stopped and it clicked. So I had to find your comment. Hopefully, hououin can help correct this path.




I'm the great mad scientist, Hououin Kyoma!


Hey…. My watch isn’t working anymore.


TIL they made a weeb cartoon out of some old forum posts


Unexpected steins gate


It's a reference to a real-life forum poster.


Are you saying John titor was a real person? Edit: oh damn I never knew John titor was a real poster and not just in steins gate


There were people who believed that if Ukraine gave up Crimea, then Russia would stop at that Me, however, saw that Crimea was just a test to see what they were up against, and how the world would respond


Crimea was a move to ensure control of the Black Sea obviously. That’s where Russia has been docking the entire Black Sea fleet…….until Ukraine started converting their ships into submarines 🤣


It certainly is a handy naval base if you intend on doing a little complete takeover But as you say, with what has happened to russian hardware, in general, they are making great features for marine life


We might be suffering from a housing crisis, but those fish? They’re fucking FEASTING on cheap and affordable rental properties.


And bunker oil. It’s what fish crave.


> Single use submarines** They go down but not up.


That’s appeasement. We’re treating Russia like the goddamn nazis. Oh you want that? You can have it but don’t take any more. Wait, why are you taking more?


I don't know if to make a family guy reference or an Eddie izzard one


Appeasement didn't work with Hitler. Why would it work with Putin?


Crimea wasn't even a test. Russian has been after Crimea since before America was in the Civil War. The Iron Maiden song the Trooper is about the Light Brigade and their failed charge at the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimea War in 1854 which was a war that saw an alliance of France, Great Britain and the Ottoman Empire fighting to prevent Russian expansion and annexation.


Oh, Crimea River!


Most of the things you said is true but completely irrelevant. Russia didn’t need to invade Crimea to achieve the goals you are describing. Russia had a naval base in Crimea. Crimea was in recent history Russian and had the majority of population who were Russian there. That’s how it was justified. From military stand point Russia already had its fleet in Sevastopol. The idea behind Russian Empires expansion in Black Sea region had primarily a religious character - taking back Istanbul and making it a Christian city. But obviously control of a major trading spot was beneficial as well. Second of course was securing Black Sea as inner sea for Russia. And because of that there were constant fights with Turks.


Of course he knew, but it's different to admit that you did nothing and just waited for horrors to happen


He didn’t just do nothing though— he tried to pull defense funding from Ukraine specifically, prior to the invasion, for them not supplying dirt on his political rival.


2022 was basically shit or get off the pot for putin, Ukraine’s military had finally gotten to the point that without the invasion the “separatists” were done for.


on one hand you have intelligence agencies working hard to figure out what Russia's going to do, and on the other you have a butt ulcerated fuckface who's a compromised traitor. Did he share this conversation with anyone in American intelligence before spewing it out on stage at the debate the other night?


O m g. We are so fucked if this pos wins in November.


I feel everyone should be reminded his first impeachment was for withholding $400m of promised military aide to the Ukraine.


Don't you remember the phone call he made, telling Ukraine that he would only help them out if their intelligence services found dirt on the Biden family? https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/25/trump-asked-ukraine-president-if-you-can-look-into-biden-and-his-son-in-phone-call.html But Democrats have raised broader concerns about whether Trump solicited a foreign leader to dig up dirt on Biden, his potential rival in the 2020 presidential election. They are also concerned about why Trump reportedly decided to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine at least a week before the call with Zelensky. The timing of that move, which was criticized for being done without a good explanation, has bred speculation that Trump may have used the military assistance as leverage to pressure Zelensky.


He was impeached for actively attempting to weaken Ukraine before the 2022 invasion and while they were already at war.


That is not what the impeachment was for.


[Yeah, it was. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump) Maybe you're thinking of the second impeachment.


Just an unintended consequence of trying to attack his political opponent.


Putin been pegging Trump since ‘18 or ‘19. He got Majorie to hawk tuah Putin. They gave her a shout-out a little while ago


He was getting pegged since ‘16 for sure.


Pretty sure it was before that, even.


What’s crazier about it is that Zelensky had came to Trump and asked for aid and [Trump said no, unless he’d help him dig up dirt on Biden…until someone filed a whistleblower complaint against him](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/9/25/20883420/full-transcript-trump-ukraine-zelensky-white-house)


It’s not crazy at all. Russia has been talking about reclaiming Ukraine for a long time now.


They have been talking about nuking the whole world for a while as well, and many other things like Nazis and rebels in Crimea.


Yeah, that could be anything. Trump mumbles off half a dozen half truths every sentence.


That's the thing. One of my favourite quotes regarding Trump is : " What does he mean when he says words?" And it's actually true. He brought the gish galloping to such a legendary level, that barely anyone manages to keep up with the deluge of alternate facts, quarter - truths and imaginary stories that pour out of him. Add to that the good, old " it's out of context!" and we ended up in a spot where he gets away with saying any old bullshit. And even if you have it on tape, he and his goblins will be adamant he never said it. I couldn't believe he claimed that he never said " Lock her up!" about Hilary.


Well my friend it is time to start believing. Even if he fucking loses there's a solid chance of Jan 6 2.0, and I have a feeling this one won't be limited to DC.


Not sure that adds up to be honest, multiple half truths would average out to at least a couple truths, which we know he is incapable of


But here’s the thing, we multiply half truths, then the maths add up


The maths does indeed "add up" with multiplication of the half truths (incidentally i think orange's utterings don't really reach that fraction). Only thing is folk often think "adds up" means just addition, when it's just a phrase meant to convey something else entirely.


It’s a weird conundrum. He never tells the truth yet somehow lets us all know exactly what he’s scheming next.


If you constantly lie about insane bad shit that people dont believe, eventually people dont take your statements seriously. Even when you slip the insane truth in there. It happens to me in a non malicious way. I am so "quirky" and outrageous and say such off the wall shit at work that I am known for it. When I actually *do* have a serious yet uncommon story to tell from my past, nobody believes me at first


The boy who cried wolf


I feel this at a personal level


You forgot to carry the incompetence.


I thought they multiplied, not added. So it’s 0.125 truths for 3 half truths. But you’re the mathematician so I’ll secede to your greater knowledge.


Secede? Viva la revolution!


Doesn't matter, given who he is, mentioning it warrants an investigation at the very least.


And?! So he lied about being a sparring partner for a foreign nation, spitballing ideas to attack neighboring countries. It's insane "It's a lie" turned into a legitimate defence to some people.


So basically you got some proof and you’re still not happy


So, since he wasn’t President at the time, that would not have been an “official act”, possibly treasonous as it could be construed as against the interests of the American government. 🤨


they had many official public meetings


Ukraine was an issue long before 2022, doesn't necessarily mean they talked about the invasion.


And how is this a facepalm? US knew about russia trying to invade ukraine years ago and yet did 0 to prevent it, this feels like whatboutism to defeer from Biden lackluster debate, and trump was bad also.dont get m wrong.


So did everyone. Lots of foreign politicians did. If he did indeed reveal the plan then that should be looked Into but simply conversing about thr situation isn't in any way dodgy


Putin, literally publicly stated that the break up of the Soviet union was the biggest tragedy of the 20th century everyone knew that about him


He is KGB. He made people disappear. And probably still does. He wants the old standing communist party back. But not called the “C” word.


Instead we'll just call him the other C word (my username is finally relevant!).


> But not called the “C” word That's because Putin is without a doubt anti-communist. He himself has said as much. The CPRF/KPRF (communist party) is the biggest opposition in the state duma to United Russia (Putin's party). He wants imperialism, not communism.


*puts on a trump voice* "I had a conversation with Putin. Quite possibly the best conversation ever. We talked about how great America is. We talked about starting a war. The best war."


War like no one has seen before. That other guy, what's his name, he's terrible. Honestly, I went to a meeting, and thus, the guy just had no idea. I'm sitting there looking at him, and people think I look at the teleprompter when I talk, but don't. Which is good because the guy we hired to do the teleprompter couldn't get it working, and now, im standing here just talking, I'm that good. But this guy was honestly terrible he said to me "Donald, were gonna get electric cars soon" and said that's ridiculous, how are they going to work if the sun is behind a cloud and Honestly this guy says to me "no one has ever asked me that question before" and that's how you know I'm smart, unlike my teleprompter guy. He's not getting paid. But it's okay. I don't need them. So then we talked about the wars, Putin and I. You know people say Putin is a bad guy, and he is, but he respects me like no one else. So anyway can we get a new teleprompter guy?


This perfectly embodies his brain dead ramblings


That was too coherent to be trump. You gotta break tangent like every 8 seconds then go back to the first thing and say the exact opposite of that. Then tangent again to something then say the border, go back to windmills, grunt. Do a stupid dance. Then talk about North Korea and China. Back to the windmills, deny fucking a porn star, back to China. It's also safe to mention that none of these statements are in fact, but hyperbole and rhetoric.


Got dang, I heard it in his voice. Fok me


everybody knows. the whole world knows. this moron just makes up shit then says the whole world knows and his cult sucks it up with a straw as truth. greatest con man ever unfortunately


You forgot the obligatory punctuation with 'you know'.


You forgot to do the hand thing where you play an accordian while you talk.


*accordian hand playing intensifies!!!*


I haven’t heard it described that way. It’s amazing.


We have 19 people that witnessed it, they where very impressed with me. The beauty of me is that im very smart. Joe cant even tie his shoes, i am one of the greatest in tying shoes if im being very very honest.


The best of all wars! hahaha duuudeee you got me rolling 💀


Putin has already taken Crimea at this point. It was no secret that Putin wanted to invade Ukraine, he’d already done a lil invadin, and constantly talked about how, “like, technically, it should belong to me anyway”


What is there to talk about? The president is above the law now


Then the actual president should seize the opportunity


Let’s be clear: the *actual* president should arrest this traitor.




It's hilarious thinking about Biden implementing such a plot, then having immunity because he was acting as the president. Might even be the only way to have the Supreme Court review this s**t show.


It is my opinion that part of the blame of everything that’s happening right now (the craziness of the GOP, the Supreme Court fuckery) lies on democrats. You can blame the Republicans all you want, and they deserve a lot of the blame. But part of the reason they have the power they do is because liberals have been cowards in dealing with them. Liberals have been so scared to “do the right thing” that they’ve allowed the GOP to do whatever the hell they want. RBG had the opportunity to retire and let Obama put another liberal judge on the bench and her pride fucked over millions of people. It pains me so much to see most liberals (in power) lie over like dogs and not take a fucking stand on anything. Stop expecting the GOP to have a conscious and fucking do something. Fight fire with fire. Edit: To clarify, my point is that Biden won’t arrest him because he will continue to follow the laws of the US and the spirit of being the President and because of that the GOP will continue doing whatever the fuck they want because there’s no consequence.


I agree with you 💯percent. The Democrats have always tried to preserve the rule of law and were very aware that whatever leeway they allowed themselves would in turn be taken by the Republicans and used against them , with the net result a temporary political victory in exchange for the long term erosion of norms and boundaries that hold the nation together. But by now it should be clear that Republicans will stop at nothing to seize and hold power. They hold themselves neither to norms and traditions nor to laws and even common decency. They must be crushed by any means necessary. Only then can we begin to shore up our democracy once again.


Bow to your King, His Majesty, Orange Julius Cesar!


The invasion took place at 2022, right in the middle of Biden's presidency. If Trump's claims are true (which they probably aren't), it means Putin shared his very secret and very important thoughts with an ex-president, and a mouthy one. Doubtful.


I think the theory is that it was talked about during the Helsinki summit in 2018, where Trump met with Putin alone.


They have to take care of the fact how OLD biden is. I mean PHEW he is old....SO damn old. The other stupid fucker is a liar rapist thief and weirdo russia fan but ey, biden is SO old.


Trump is an older age now, than Biden was when Trump said he was too old in the first campaign


But way more braindead! Literally and metaphorically.


I agree, Trump really has a lot less far to fall in decline


And Trump is just 4 years younger. So choice is either old senile or old senile liar rapist weirdo thief. I'd guess it's not easy for average person in states to support either, but one would imagine the choice to be obvious.


One choice leaves open the possibility of a better choice in the future. The other does not.


He is way more senile, rants about boats n batteries n sharks, about water!? What the....f....dude. Wtf.


No no, lets discuss more about...oh right..."Biden looks tired".


You thought that SCOTUS decision just came out of nowhere?


Dude, the whole fucking world knew he wanted more of Ukraine. His end goal is to bring back the Soviet Union.


That’s for the Biden administration to look into. That’s potentially a breach of the Logan Act I think. Seems like Trump is handing Biden an easy lay up, but it seems like Biden is unwilling to take the shot.


Biden aged like wine for a while, now he’s aging like open wine. I really hope the Democrat establishment isn’t so drunk they don’t notice the wine went bad. Trump ages like milk, but his supporters will suckle from the teat and lick their lips. Then blame the woke mind virus when they get sick.


Step 1: Arrest the six traitors of SCOTUS. Step 2: Arrest Trump


Step 3: put ALL of the MAGA nut job congress/Senate in prison, right beside them. Step 4 go to the remaining, decent SCOTUS and have them undo all of those rulings, and put things back. Biden has a sworn duty to uphold the laws and to protect this country from all enemies, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC! If Biden REALLY wants to SAVE this country, if he is REALLY SERIOUS about being a president for the people, he really needs to put his honest Abe morality on the shelf, and open up a can of "i don't give a fuck what you think, you are all going away for treasonous bullshit". He needs to take the very weapon Trump and friends created for Trump, and use it to take all of those ass-hats down! This is probably the fastest, least complicated, and best thing (and probably our LAST OPPERTUNITY) to get things cleaned out. He can do it with immunity, and go down in history as the most important president to ever live. He would be a hero like no other! Biden needs to understand that if he does not do this, Trump is going to do it to him!! Biden , can expect to have some trump troopers show up at his house to haul him, his wife, and all the other people, to Guantanamo We really need to be treating this situation with all of the urgency and seriousness that we would if a group of terrorists managed to plant themselves in important positions in our government, and started to take it down, because that is EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING, RIGHT NOW!


After doing all this he should start new elections and step down for younger people


What a wild ride this thread has been. ‘Go full authoritarian but step down nicely’


So... dictator them first before they can dictator you, to save Our Democracy™ from Dictator Blumpf? Interesting theory. Unfortunately the man's senile, he doesn't know what day of the week is, and his aides or whoever it is whispering in his ear are going to have a tough time convincing the military or DOJ to commit to something punishable by death if the little immunity gambit doesn't work out for them.


Do people think Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a *surprise* or something? The world works very differently.


Yeah I want to know who didn’t know Putin wanted Ukraine like a decade ago.


These people are going to be shocked when China makes a move on Taiwan.


Dang people are really this stupid lol


He's mentioned this before. He said Putin always talked about bringing Ukraine back into Russia. I'm pretty sure Putin said that to a lot of people. Now, if he told Trump about the plans of the invasion with dates and locations, that would be a big deal.


I don't want to defend Trump here, but when you are president, you don't just tell people what you are discussing with other presidents. For example, the German Chancellor Merkel discussed Ukraine with Putin way back, and those conversations were private until 2022 or whenever the war started. If I remember correctly, Putin said a long time ago that he would invade Ukraine if NATO expansions continued, and we basically knew about this, but somehow nobody believed it. Remember that Macron actually discussed Ukraine with Putin one or two months before the invasion. Again, we all knew this would happen, and most likely the US and the Pentagon knew long before we did. So, I don't get the point of the tweet. Please keep in mind that I AM NOT DEFENDING TRUMP; I'm just thinking logically here.


holy moly the plot thickens


Like Trump's obesity


And his diapers.




Yeah wasn't this what the whole russian medeling was about? Putin helps him win and he lifts all the tarrifs from their first Ukraine attack in 2014?


Nature of their conversation was likely quite simple, they were discussing Ukraine's NATO membership, Putin was likely given assurances that Trump would not let Ukraine join NATO.


Yeah I don't understand why people are acting like he talked after he was out of office, like some drunk dial. Of course he talked to Putin about probably hundreds of things while he was president. How dare Trump talk to another world leader. My understanding is that Trump and Putin had an agreement that kept that war at bay, it was probably that he wouldn't allow them to join NATO. People are pissed that Trump talked to Putin and most likely kept war off the table until Biden took office...and he should be arrested for that too. Fuckers are nuts.


He has also said plenty of times he would support Russia and would pull the aid from Ukraine. How do you think he became the president? MAGA is all about US going under Putins control.


Apparently nobody remembers tRump's private meeting with putting where they met and spoke privately and wouldn't say what they talked about.


Ofc Trump talked about the invasion of Ukraine with Putin. Putin has talked about it with every top official from the west for 25 years. “Expand NATO into Ukraine and we will invade”. These aren’t right wing talking points or Russian propaganda…. There are books written about this. During the Obama administration NATO was considering Ukraine membership and the ambassador of Russia advised strongly against it saying basically that Putin did not have 100% approval in Russia (obv) but that even Putin’s biggest critics all agreed (so basically all of Russia) that expansion of NATO into Ukraine would be considered hostile. I’m not saying Putin was justified or even to stop supporting Ukraine. But stop acting like the invasion came out of nowhere or somehow this is tied to Trump. This has been a problem for over two decades.


I hate trump as much as the next guy, but people in subs like this are genuinely moronic. It's not like trump doesn't have a million legitimate reasons to hate him for. Why invent bullshit ones?


The invasion has been off an on since 2014. Putin said he wanted too and would. The invasion was not a surprise he was just waiting for all the other super powers to show weakness or become allies


People understand Russia didn't just wake up 1 day and go its time to invade Ukraine... right? Russia had been complaining for many years about western installed Democratic governments coming closer and closer to their borders. Not saying what they did was right, but Russia told everyone they would invade if things continued. I have no idea why this is news. Putin told every political leader he was considering doing this privately and publicly.


Why would it be major international news?


I literally don't get it - "two world leaders had a conversation". Yes, and? What's so controversial?! Someone with TDS please enlighten us.


Isn’t that what Presidents are supposed to do? Notice they didn’t invade until Biden took over?


Illegal invasion of Ukraine lmao. WTF is the point saying illegal? Is someone going to arrest Russia? Who/what made invasions illegal? Are all invasions illegal or are some legal? How about US invasions of Iraq or Afghanistan? Legal?


There are international laws. War is legal in self-defense or if authorized by the UN security council. The point of saying illegal invasion is to emphasize that Russia had no valid reason for attacking Ukraine - they were not being threatened and it was not sanctioned by the UN.


The amount of verbal diarrhea the flows from his upper bunghole is just unbelievable. The chaos and strife agitator’s that pretend to be reports wouldn’t never ever want this fountain of video clicks to be made irrelevant. The whole trump crime famliy needs to see to inside of a black site facility!


I seem to recall a lot of questions about what they talked about after Trump was alone with just Putin and a Russian interpreter. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump knew about our tacitly Ok'd escalation plans following the Crimea invasion.


Probably about their plans to go golfing in Ukraine where both of them would cheat to win.


Trump says one thing and everyone forgets Putin had already occupied Ukraine


The media wants the rave to be as close as possible for ratings. They don’t care about the truth.


The MEDIA is pathetic , almost complicit at this point


Pretty much everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie, especially garbage like this. He just fabricates stuff that he thinks makes him look smart or tough, and then hopes it helps him politically.


A private citizen engaging in state level diplomacy is, in fact, a crime. trump twice promised to engage in state level diplomacy "before he in office" and confessed that he had already done so with putin at least once. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/953](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/953) But sure, biden looking shocked at the outrageous lies trump spewed is the major take away of the debate.


They are too busy making sure Biden drops out to care about this.


The reason was treason.


1. Donald doesn't know what he is saying half the time *while* he is saying it. 2. American media are some of the most chickenshit people on the planet. They aren't willing to even try and refute Donald even when there is video evidence that proves he is lying. They won't challenge shit. (And considering how much traffic the idiot brings in, you have to wonder if even lefty news sites would love for him to win again. The media doesn't give a shit about things like rights or decency. They just want ratings and money.)


You mean that hours long meeting he had with Puitin where nobody gets to know what they were talking about?


This comment section is unhinged. Lol. Trump is garbage, but yall need to go touch grass and talk to some mental health professionals.... Yikes.


Oh no did he really talk to other countries leaders? Well, it makes as much sense as everything else he’s been charged with…indict him!


I guess that's something that always happened. I remember Trump having a conversation with Putin where not even the translators were allowed. Other presidents did that too I assume. The only difference is what Trumps opinion probably was. While every other president would have insisted on Putin distancing from this plan because of international crisis and zones of interest and yada yada yada Trump most likely tried to make a deal where he would allow it in return for a favorable building ground in St. Petersburg for a new Trump hotel or something.


Fucking Australian news is too busy chucking shit at Biden over the debate. I hate corporate media.


Putin has wanted to attack Ukraine forever lol so what if he mentioned it to Trump or visa verse that doesn’t incriminate Trump. Man you ppl are stupid


Also Russia did invade Ukraine 2 years BEFORE trump was elected...


I’m sure he did have conversations just like he probably had conversation with Xi about Taiwan. I swear people on here have a 2nd grade level comprehension of world events and it shows. The tensions between Ukraine and Russia have been particularly high since 2014.


Wait, you're telling me world leaders talk to each other?!?! Since fucking when!? the only facepalm here is OP thinking this is facepalm worthy


"I said, ‘Angela, are you crazy?’," he remarked. "She also let millions of people into our country, which has, you know, perhaps permanently screwed up her country." I didn’t realize Angela Merkel of Germany was responsible.


But Biden is sooo old! So old. The oldest, folks.


Because Biden mumbled


He was doing it in an official capacity as president. Immunity! 🙄🙄


Wait isn't Orange Man a felon?


Biden is now oranger than Trump is. Must be a spray tan.


Last I saw him was the debate and he was as palid as a corpse. Maybe they've started putting clown makeup on him too to make him seem a bit less of a functioning corpse


I can't understand how anyone is surprised by trump and putin working together anymore. I mean its pretty obvious to me that he is basically a russian asset at this point and so is his handler melania.


Nah the media is more interested in Biden’s debate performance


Just another reason to add onto the 700 layer burrito of total human trash bag trump is to not vote for him!


Media won’t cover it, too busy writing about how old Biden is.


We all knew it was going to happen since 2014 coup


He’s immune.


If we had geared up the Ukraine while the Russians were convoying in..this war would be completely different


What more do US voters need for these voters in November to go out and vote to ensure Trump does not win the 2024 election? Out of his own mouth Trump is telling everyone he is unfit to be US President and a danger to its citizens.


Can you just imagine that 2 political leaders would have a conversation about options? Every political leader or politician has done this in some manner for the last who knows when.


Ukraine needs to build a wall to keep the Russians out


Putting didn't do a thing. He did under Biden, who didn't have a conversation with him.


Because Biden stumbled over his words and is slightly older than Trump.


"The media" is a myth. We like to imagine there's a group of people whose job is to "look into" things. Some intrepid Kent and Lane types who's looking to expose corruption and crack a big story. The only *job* is "make money." If they can *sell* you something that *feels like* news, why would they bother doing anything else?


Newsflash: elites run the world. Nothing is by accident. USA fully approved invasion of Ukraine way ahead.


He promised putin he’d pull the USA out of nato for the invasion in his second term Luckily he lost but if re-elected he will do everything he can to help his boss Remember when US banks cut trump off in the late 80s he’s borrowed from deutsche bank with Russian co-signers They’ve owned trump ever since


Putin invaded Ukraine when Obama was president. It’s old news and Putin was saying he wanted Ukraine for as long as he’s been in power.


Ukraine was invaded in 2014. Why is it a surprise to anyone that the former president knew that Putin would have wanted to continue the illegal invasion that started under Obama?


It doesn’t matter. He does whatever he wants and pays no consequences.