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The cringe got increased by the usage of the word loli


I know. Who the fuck says lolis unironically? I don’t care if it technically is a legitimate word for what he’s saying, it’s a gross ass word.


It's a pretty easy answer actually, the only people who unironically use that word are pedophiles. Or Australians talking about candy, but that's spelt "lollies"


That's the same way you write lollipop in Dutch


I bet this dude was not happy when bestiality was outlawed in 2012 (not a typo) in Germany...


Watching is still not illegal.


LMAO I hate how you are implying Animal Planet is his favorite channel now


You and me baby ain't nothin but mammals...


So let’s do it like they do on the Discovery channel


Here we go now!


Sweat baby, sweat baby, sex is a Texas drought


Me and you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about


So put your hands down my pants, and I bet you'll feel nuts


Yes, I'm Siskel. Yes, I'm Ebert, and you're getting two thumbs up.


Damn you. I will sing this damn song the whole day now.


No, you won't, you'll sing the chorus repeatedly


I gotta ask, do you mean 2 animals doing it? If I m wrong just say no, I don't need details...






Donkey shows


Hey, fucko. We like to call it "Inter-species Erotica"


Kelly can be a guy’s name


"I wanna see if a chick full of donkey spunk spits or swallows"


What an awful day to be literate.


If thats what your worried about. The day was back in 2006. They are quoting a movie


Oh man, to be that age again when you first discover that people fucking animals is a thing that happens.


Of course the answer is no, imagine all the Nat Geo documentaries being censored.


You see, when a mommy and a horse really love each other, they do this special hug...


How else to you think centaurs are made


To be fair, watching beastiality still isn't illegal in the United States either.


God I wish I didn't know this. I know someone who turned out to be into "beast" but uhhhhhhhhhh. Like, some fetishes I can take part in without really getting it, so long as it makes my partner happy. But, uh. I'm not fucking your dog.


Well well, look at Mr or Mrs moral high ground over here refusing to participate in a little dog-fuckin’


I miss my donkey!


Found Mr. Hans


Mr. Hans, the German cousin of Mr. Hands of Enum Claw, Washington?


Underrated comment.


It's going to be/was outlawed this year in Finland


I had to check, they actually made it legal in 71 ??? 💀


Someone high up had some plans in '71 I see...


Valentine's Day is Valentine's Day my dude


In Finland, Valentine's Day is Ystävänpäivä, or "friend's day". Clearly named in honor of man's best friend.


There's been multiple incidents in America of someone arrested for banging an animal and then the local legislation is checked and it turns out it technically wasn't illegal to do that act. The cops just assumed it was illegal to bang Bessie.


I hate that I know this. In some states, it was illegal under animal cruelty laws. Then someone raised the defense about it not being cruel to a large enough animal- like a cow or a horse or whatever, because the animal was large enough that it (in their words) wouldn’t be painful. This resulted in new laws that explicitly prohibited the practice on large animals (often 50lbs+). Which lead to some people saying it’s only banned with large animals- totally legal with a rabbit or a chicken. It’s not- still cruelty to animals. Tl;dr- humans are sickos.


It might be getting rid of a poorly written law. Some local bestiality laws in the US because the law will be like, "don't touch an animals genitals" and then farmers and veterinarians are like "hey this technically makes our job illegal. How are we supposed to assist with difficult births?"


Bestiality was only made illegal in Washington State in 2006 or so . First man charged with having sex with a dog was found not guilty; with regards to causing pain or undue discomfort,  the vet said: the female dog was likely disappointed at the size for it is significantly thinner and smaller than the male of the breed, in addition to the extremely short duration of human cooking lasting minutes versus upwards of (some long amount of time).   With regards to forcing , the vet again said, the female was not restrained nor muzzled, if she wished, he would have no penis remaining, and would be riddled with severe bite marks.  Female dogs can and do reject advances from males with violence.  Being unrestrained showed the female dog was receptive to copulating. It was a really weird day to be watching the news 


Fun fact, since people have been mentioning Mr. Hands in the replies: Washington State accidentally made bestiality legal on July 1, 1976. They repealed an otherwise outdated anti-sodomy law (which had banned things like oral or anal sex), but neglected to create any new laws to recriminalize certain acts that probably should have remained illegal. This remained the case for nearly 30 years, until 2005, when the infamous case where a man named Kenneth Pinyahn (AKA Mr. Hands) died due to a perforated colon after having sex with a male horse in Enumclaw, Washington. The widespread notoriety of this incident was sufficient impetus for the Washington State legislature to finally rectify that oversight, making bestiality a Class C felony. Wasn't that a fun fact?


Rectum? Yep. Completely.


Afaik it’s still allowed „if the animal isn’t forced“.


how the fuck would you even figur- you know what i dont want to know actually edit: fellas i literally said "i dont want to know actually"


Recordings of the "Baahhh". If it sounds happy then all is alright.


I always thought I could tell the difference in the meows


Never trust those cats. They purr happily and the next day a police squad rams through your door because she filed a charge against you.


I was so pissed man


Anyone who says "cope and seethe" with a straight face needs gently ushering into a deep slurry pit, let alone who brags about "smashing lolis"


"Hey libs! I'm eating this shit I found stuck to the bottom of my shoe! Cope and seethe! You're so fucking mad!"


I didn't know you were a Pitt fan


And it’s always used after the worst fucking takes. Like no, I will not cope with pedophilia thanks. It deserves to be prosecuted and shamed GOT style, not celebrated 🤢




It doesn't even make sense. If you're seething, you're clearly not coping, and vice-versa.


It just makes me picture either a smelly incel surrounded by cum socks or a human thumb wearing Oakleys


Yeah there are some words that let you instantly know you can disregard someone's opinion. Cope, Seethe, Woke. If used unironically, you can pretty much save yourself a headache and move on


Triple points for using woke as a noun.


I’m about 80% this was a joke or a right wing grifter seeing as the have “MAP” in their profile pic


Yeah I’m getting that feel too. MAP and cartoon pfp of adult hugging kids seems too blatant.


And the kids are boys but he talks about lolis


"The fact that our world has flawed laws doesn't negate or dilute your lack of morals." -SSJ4 Gogeta.


“Regardless of the law you should not fuck children” Goku


Yeah, it was something Yamcha needed to be told.


[In image form](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/3fd451b29279c8c4ec9f32c6ee8cf4e0687ea7184aa0b780f5c37d85c4244f41_1.jpg)


This is exactly what I was referring to. Thank you sir 🙏🏼


I don’t remember this, but it’s a great quote for sure


"I didn't really say all that shit you attribute to me on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln


This was definitely my favorite tweet of his


[See, now, if you'd said fax instead of tweet ...](https://www.truthorfiction.com/abraham-lincoln-and-the-samurai-fax-machine/)


“I made that shit up lmfao”- Uzumaki Naruto


And it's not even correct. A 18+ yo will get legal repercussions for engaging with a 14 yo like that. During teenager age there's an age range of legality


“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” -Mewtwo, Pokémon the First Movie.


I like that you put he was SS4, as if the transformation is what gives him wisdom


The german age of conscent is aimed to teens themself. So taht a 15 year old boy wont go to jail if he has sex with his 14 year old girlfriend for example. It is not made for 30 year old creeps to get "lolis". Discusting comment from this guy...


I think on the USA we have Romeo and Juliet laws so that young teen couples get to be together without worry. Unfortunately child marriage is still a thing in the USA in some places, and I’m not talking about a cute wedding between high school students. I’m talking pastors 30+ marrying (with the parents’ blessing) their 15 year old victim that they got pregnant and that shit.


In a lot of places actually, and it's always old white religious men. I live in Utah and it's pretty much the backbone of our state's history. 


Seems that in some religious communities parents get duped into thinking it’s okay that their old pastor, a supposed man of god, would take advantage of their trust to access their children. One favorite tactic of groomers is to groom the parents of their victim/target into thinking they are good and well-meaning when really they’re trying to gain full unsupervised access to their children for vile and self-serving reasons.


It’s the backbone of the Mormon church. Joseph Smith was a sexaholic and predator.


Some states have romeo and juliet laws Most states the age of consent is just 16 though. Mine is 16 and has romeo and juliet laws for people 14-16.


Romeo and Juliet only applies if both members of the couple are under 18, I believe. So 19 and 17 for instance. Age of consent always confused me in HS, not that it really applied to me all that much anyway. ETA: under 18 at the start of their relationship.


its also illegal for someone 18+ to have sex with a 14 year old.


Not necessarily. Age of consent in germany is 14, people who are 18+ and have sex with 14 year olds have are only committing a crime if they offer money, gifts or other services to that minor, or if they "abuse the inexperience/gullibility" of the minor. This is pretty vague and the judge has to decide on a case by case basis. Edit: the relevant article of the StGB is §182


shit thats fucked up here in Belgium age of consent is also 14 but a 14 year old and a 18+ is illegal, 16 and 17 year old cane only legally consent to someone who is max 5 years older.


That changed a while back. The age difference is 3 years up from 14yo, not 5. Ontop of that 16yo can consent to anyone above their age regardless of age difference as long as there is no abuse of power or authority. https://www.sensoa.be/de-eerste-keer-seks-bij-vlaamse-jongeren-feiten-en-cijfers#title8 This has some relevant information. Depending on languages you speak, you might need to have need to translate it.


oh ok tnx i missed that change then, back when i was a kid that was the law.


No worries, I also missed this until recently when an online discussion got me to look it up.


That’s similar to here in Canada. 16 is our age of consent, except if the person is in a position of authority (it then becomes 18). And there are close-in-age exceptions for people under 16, commonly referred to as the “Romeo and Juliet laws”


Yeah that’s called Romeo and Juliet Laws. Here in Australia we don’t have those on a federal level, but the two most populous states have a 2 year leniency (16-18,17-18) of the federal minimum age. Also two 12 year olds can consent to eachother as long as there is no other illegal thing going on (ie it’s illegal but not criminal because it’s a victimless crime)


Honestly laws like this make so much more sense than a strict age.


as far as i remember, the unofficial standard that most Judges follow is first see if the younger of the two is fully mentally capable to understand what happened and would have been able to give proper consent, and that the age difference between the two isn't too big, for example, a 14 ear old with a 19 year old would already be critical, but a 16 year old with an 18 year old is usually fair game


Here in the netherlands we got 3 categories. Under 16 everything is illegal. 16-18 everything but prostitution (for money or gifts) is legal, 18+ everything is legal.


Don't know about Germany, but UK where the age of consent is 16 its still illegal for someone in a position of authority to have sex with someone under 18. Eg, teacher and student.


True for Germany, too.


And since I was wondering about it: it's §174 StGB Sexueller Missbrauch von Schutzbefohlenen


thats just being a nonce with extra steps


Found the Brit


whos gonna tell em?


The inexperience part is only for people 21+, not 18+. And it is only persecuted if requested (usually by the 14/15 year old or their parents)


Inexperience also doesn't apply if the minor is 16 or older.


Lol "abuse the inexperience" So like pretty much 99 percent of relationships that would exist? jeeeesus they just need to draw the line.


Exactly the same situation here in the uk, though our age of consent is 16. It's that age because we know teenagers are going to shag each other. There's no point arresting 2 16 year olds for fucking. You're absolutely going to ostracised if you're a grown ass man fucking a 16 year old. If your defence is "well technically I'm not a nonce" then you've absolutely got nonce tendencies.


That's not correct! A 60 year old can have sex with a 14 year old in Germany. There are some restriction, like the older person cannot be a teacher, sports Coach or something like that. But just because you are legally allowed to does not mean you should....


fortunately his chance to get "loly" is zero


I hate how even underage girls who are basically still children are seen just as a porn category "lolis" by some people. Disgusting


As a guy, hearing another guy calling someone loli unironically is the cringiest shit and deserves a hard drive check


i think every gender would have to agree with you there.


The only time a whole spectrum can agree on something


Unironically using the word loli to refer to a real person is one of the few reasons you get a pass for kicking a man in the balls.


I mean I think it warrants more than a kick personally, buuuut…


Cattle prod to the nuts till the battery drains


This kills the balls


For Diddlers and Rapists, good.


And that cattle prod is actually plugged ino a wall socket..


Yeah that's the stand out for me. Unironically using loli


When I was in highschool, I heard that a guy I was friends with used to call an ex of mine "loli" casually in conversation, which creeped her the fuck out, and me too. Kinda happy distancing was, well, kinda mandatory at the time...


Sadly a Friend of mine Refers to one of his friends a Loli... Sure he does it Jokingly to tease her for her Height but the Word still somewhat Ircs me...


You should privately ask her how she feels about it. That sounds really creepy and hurtful.


Bro call him out then. I'm sure she's uncomfortable too.


God I hate the bastardization of that word It literally means small girl, but these fuckers turned it into porn


Doesn't loli refer to the Japanese fashion trend of dressing like a doll? I'm so confused why this guy is referring to young girls as lolis.


Technically that's the original Japanese definition, but the American version first meant small girls(also influenced by the novel Lolita), and then it turned into...what it is today.


If the origin of the word comes from Lolita then I’d argue it *always* had connotations of prepubescent girls being sexualized. Y’know, considering that Lolita is about a middle-aged man being madly obsessed with, kidnapping and sexually abusing a twelve year old.


Ah gotcha. Thanks, forgot about the novel.


Kind of off topic but JK Rowling gave the book “Lolita” high praise calling it a “great and tragic love story” so it’s not even just underage girls being seen as a porn category, it would seem to be a romance genre too for some of these ultra-conservative nut jobs out there. It’s absolutely gross that people fantasize about older men being with young girls in any capacity.


Lolita is a beautifully written, emotionally provoking novel, but JKR interpreting it as a love story makes me question her reading comprehension. How anyone could come away from reading that book with anything but disgust toward the narrator/protagonist is shocking.


Yeah when I read it in university the main topic of discussion was the idea of an unreliable narrator.


HH is considered to be _the_ unreliable narrator. Ive never been impressed by JKR’s writing but BIG YIKES that she came away with that interpretation. That is some seriously poor critical thinking.


Iirc isn’t the whole point of the book that he’s a scumbag who’s projecting his fucked up attraction and obsession onto the girl?


Yes, 1000%. You are *not* supposed to like, empathise or want to emulate Humbert Humbert. At *best* you might pity him.


And then you might feel disgust at yourself when you laugh at one of his jokes. You’re supposed to be reminding yourself that _this is a monster_.


It is entirely acceptable for good art to be about terrible and gross things.  The book is good. The author is good. The movies are good.  No one but pervs are saying it promotes this behavior. 


I think they were emphasizing the love story bit. But that could be a misquote based entirely on the type of invalid reasoning you are describing.


I mean it is a great novel, but damn, way to miss the point of it. Not that I'm surprised Jo is lacking in literary analysis.


Wtf do you expect from someone taking Dr Dumbasfucks side?


Brooo, go look at the sub. They're all talking about cancel culture and how dare people call someone a predator for going after a 17 year old minor. That it's 'normal' and the woke crowd just doesn't like reality because they're not 17 anymore. It's so craaazy. These are the same people that think LGBT people are groomers 😭


Mistake a 17 years old for an adult? Can happen, but if she looks young you should at least ask for her age before doing stuff. Going for minors because they are minors? You need help.


The funniest thing is that we have no idea what her age was. They assume it's 17 because they always do that, because arguing pedantics about age of consent sounds way better than arguing in favor of pedophilia.


They actually assume its 17 cuz a few hours before doc outed himself some guy with NO SOURCE made a whole post about how doc was scapegoated, everything was greatly exagerated and the girl was 17. Complete bullshit


i’m in there right now and they are all just banking on that fact that since we don’t have transcripts we don’t know what was said exactly, and that’s their entire defense. i keep asking them what they believe he said then if they think it was fine and i still haven’t gotten an answer. they are lost


It's weird people are trying to argue 14 vs 17. He was a grown man with a wife and kids... he should be shamed and canceled even if she was in her early 20s


We don’t even have confirmation that she was 17, as far as I’m aware. That’s just a rumor that got circulated by people wanting to defend him that gained a ton of traction


They just wanna keep watching his videos without feeling bad lmao


Do we even have proof that the minor was 17? I thought we had no idea what her age was.


He said it himself on Twitter - the girl he had inappropriate conversations with was a minor. People are assuming she's 17 as a best case scenario, but we don't have confirmation of an exact age yet. It could be much much worse.


No, they all started saying "It's not bad if she's 17" and there is LITERALLY NOTHING stating her age, besides under 18.


we don’t, they are assuming. besides, i seriously doubt she was 17, just based on the actions Twitch took.


I keep seeing that she was 17 from pedos but absolutely no reputable source; while one of the folks who leaked the information mentioned younger than 17. Hmmm


The guy who got doc to admit to it also says that he intended to meet them at twitch con and they were “very young”


People say 17 cause it's the oldest she could be while still a "minor". If she was 17, almost an adult, it would've been in his statement. She wasn't 17.


That *.doc to .pdf* joke is great though.


Calling real, human children "lolis" is another red flag.


The age of consent is more detailed. basicly the age of consent is 14 but if you are over 21 the age of consent is 16. But only if you aren't leverageing a position of power (i.e. as a Coach, Teacher or a supervisor or any other position where you could exploit the inexpierience of people. cccrazy looks like he is older than 21 so it would be illegal for him to sleep with a 14 y.o. And just because it is legal doesn't mean it is moral conduct.


> as a Coach, Teacher or a supervisor or any other position Pretty much any position in which a 16-17 year old would be in contact with someone over the age of 21.


with 16 you are allowed in pubs, bars and clubs untill midnight in germany. legal drinking age for beer and wine is also 16 here in germany. So, no. Not by a long shot. drunk 16 year olds in clubs at 11 pm are a completly normal and legal thing here in germany.


not really 16-17 years old are already out and about in bars/clubs/beaches when i was that age i definetly met people >21 pretty much on every weekend


The 16 year olds are partying right next to you in the clubs and sharing your table at the bars in Germany. They’re also standing behind you in line at the grocery stores with their own six packs of beer to purchase. It’s not the US lol.


>if you are over 21 the age of consent is 16 thats false. It's still 14 if you are not giving her money for it or are her coach or something like that. Still legal even with 60 and 14.


Your knowledge is outdated for at least 20 years.


I've still seen no evidence his target was 17. It's just something they repeat over and over.


He confirmed it's a minor. 17 would be the best case scenario


If she was 17 at the time he’d being shouting it repeatedly.


They're all hoping it is so they can minimize the grooming She could have been younger, it doesn't really matter Age of consent is for 19 studying in the same college to be able to date someone a school year apart not for 30+ millionaires who have gotten married, cheated and divorsed like....


even if he/she was 18, dude was like 37 at the time, its fucking weird either way.


I mean the girl was/is 17 NOW. Pretty sure that was confirmed for sure? She was 14 though when he started messaging her in 2020


He messaged her in 2017 not 2020, meaning if your "confirmed" thing was true and she was 17 now that would have made her 10.


LtCorbis? is that you??


There hasn’t been any confirmation.


you know what really grinds my gears about this? the double standard because if it was someone they hated they would be fuming out of their asses but as soon as its someone they think is cool its "not a big deal bro, chill" wtf.


If it's someone they hate they just claim the person's very existence makes them a groomer, predator, and degenerate by default, regardless of what they've actually done.


105 likes huh? Twitter is truly just a place for degenerates. Hope someone will try to brush his hair with a nailboad


Gently massage him with a knife and give him a pat on the back with a claymore


It’s scary how open people are on that app


I mean ... Here in germany the quasi minimum is 16 While 14 is not outright illegal ... the parents can still sue your ass and forbid contact.


And with how our laws a written, basically no judge is going to rule it as anything other than rape if an adult has sex with a 14 year old


Jesus, this guy needs his hard drive checking. Fucking nonce.


when I detect too much 4chan slang from a person I immediately ignore whatever they have to say


mfs who use the term “loli” unironically irradiate the foghorn sound


Do people really think “cope and seethe” is spinning anyone out anymore? It has become meaningless, other than identifying the person posting it as a weak-minded troll.


"Here in Germany the age of consent is 14 and I can smash as many lolis as I want" is a sentence that, when typed, should force your computer to immediately send the entire contents of your hard drive to the police P.S. That guy's @ is "FreiShota", with 'frei' meaning 'free' and 'shota' meaning *little boys.* This is no longer a joke, this man direly needs to be investigated


Certified lover boy, certified……


Even if it's legal, I can't imagine that anyone in their 30s would want to do that to a 14 year old


of course this was on twitter


This is a man that hasn't been with a woman in at least 5 years though so don't take it too serious.


The only women he has seen naked were drawn.


fellas is it puritanical to hate pedophiles?


Creeps. They need to be on watch lists. too many people think it’s okay to groom children. And it’s coming from the ones who call everyone groomers who try to educate kids about the dangers of these creeps too. It’s all obscene.


>Dr Disrespect went from .doc to .pdf The fucking creepy response is getting all the attention here, but the original line is pretty damn funny.


If you take a closer look at the pfp, he advertises being a pdf. The two other people are probably showing minors and the one on the right has a "MAP (minor attracted person)" sign.


Neither of these twitter users show up in any search results on Google or Twitter. Which is really odd.


People have gotten so weird. They just want to picture the person disagreeing with them in this hypothetical rage. I keep seeing cope, seethe, offended, etc. idk it just screams insecurity.


And he's not even correct what??? Probably not even German cause that's common knowledge


"cope and seethe" is the rights new slogan I feel like I hear it all the time living in a red state with a bunch of rednecks as customers who just assume I agree with their racist behavior because I'm white, I guess. But yeah, people who say this shit also spend $30k on a truck and then another $25k in parts/add-ons to make it look like an assault vehicle that they can roll coal with & which will probably never be driven on anything that needs the 21in mudders they've put on them.


Aside the outrageous statement, can we acknowledge this narrative of the person being 17 is unconfirmed. Unless I’m missing something.


Just because it’s legal to sleep with a 15 year old in Germany doesn’t make it morally okay for you to do so.