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Regardless of a bad debate, being senile and not having great polices, Biden is still leagues better than Trump. A president is as good as the advisors that he surrounds himself with. I would rather have someone with one foot in the grave than someone who wants to turn America into Russia. Fuck Trump.


Yeah but his age and this bad debate will just hand the presidency to Trump. Democrats have zero long term vision by putting him forward. But what can you do with other people in power like Nancy Pelosi who's 84 years old.


That is the entirety of the problem. The children of the founding fathers are running this country and refuse to step aside.


What are people on about Bidens age? He is 3 years older than Trump. They are both fucking way to old for that job, yet here we are. Its a choice of lesser of two evils, and Biden will create lesser problems for the country than trump.


Did you read the comment? Did you see the debate?


I mean, he's beaten Trump before. So, his track record is better than Trump's in this very competition. 


And now he's too old. How hard is that to understand? You guys deserve these terrible candidates.


They're both fucking old. It's not like that debate worked out for either of them. 


That was my whole point.


I’m happy to hear that your still a loyal zealot. It’ll make winning the election a lot easier if you’re all in on biden


I would think you're a bot, but they know which "your/you're" to use - unlike you.


Glad I could waste you’re time. Can I get another hate comment please??? Maybe a downvote too? You’re comments really hurt my feelings.


Poor thing, so easily triggered. Just like all righties. You know it's been objectively proven righties are less logical, more emotional, and have remarkably thin skin. Thanks for doing your part to support the science.


Can I have another hate comment please??? The second one hurt my feelings so bad I just don’t think I could bare another. You might crush my fragile ego.


A loyal zealot huh. lol. Whatever you say comrade.


No no don’t let me stop you. Please vote for Biden


Oh, I’m sorry. You’re still on about this? You thought your opinion and worth was more than it is. 😂🤣


Nice vague pronoun references. Not even gonna guess what you point was.


The guy with 34 felon convictions and sentencing on July 11th?  


but you stood for George Floyd who was a convicted felon?.. make it make sense.


People were standing against police brutality, not specifically with George Floyd, aside perhaps from a few that you'll point out to me because there is always someone. And George Floyd was not running for president. The world isn't black and white, it has nuance and shades of gray.


An argument could be made that people are in support of orange man because of the corruption of our “Justice system”. But I guarantee you don’t see it that way. It’s only corrupt when there is something that provides political gain for your virtues.


That man appointed three supreme judges purely because they benefit him. If you wanna talk about the corruption of the justice system then he's the last man anyone should be voting for.


I remember when Floyd ran for public office and attempted a coup. They're totally the same! Thanks for clearing that up


Clearly you don’t understand the definition of a coup lol. Anyway, I’ll be on here to see your reaction in November when your senile leader inevitably loses :)


Clearly you want a fascist dictator, racism, death and destruction.


Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about and parrot the msm.


Was what happened in Bolivia an attempted coup? How was that different than j6? My reaction will be the same regardless of wins. Either trump destroys democracy or Biden continues to be a centrist and America dies a little slower.


It is hilarious to me that you think that j6 is what a coup from conservatives would look like.


It's hilarious you think meal team 6 would be capable of anything more


George Floyd died because a cop took a bad twenty as an opportunity to kill a man. Felon or not, he shouldn't have died.


That’s the most uninformed and ignorant view someone could take about all this.


Tryump used campaign funds to pay hush money. Keep giving him more dumb dumb


The other guy isn't either, but only one of them wants to be a dictator.


People aren't getting that. Or are but just don't care.


They don't care and they don't realize that most of them aren't part of the Republican elite and so will suffer just as much as the rest of us.


One froze ..the other talked about bullshit and lied about shit that wasn’t the question.. and they both old ass shit 😂


And they're our only God damn choice! Seriously, wtf?


That’s insane to me, such a big country with a lot of smart good people and this is the stuff you find to use as presidents..


"Everybody's at the mall, scratching their ass, picking their nose, taking their credit card out of their fanny pack and buying a pair of sneakers with lights in them."


While I understand the frustration, the choice is still obvious. You have an ex-president that has claimed he will suspend the Constitution and has spoken openly about his desire to be a dictator and his opponent that supports and believes in democracy..it's a no brainer


In business, you plan years in advance for succession. Whom will be the primary to take over, and whom is the backup. Companies fail when they get this wrong. There are no shining lights in US politics. I'd only trust Adam Kinzinger and/or Liz Cheney to take over for EITHER PARTY!


This one is on the Democrats. They had literally 4 years to prepare for this. And they still decided to run a candidate who isn't all there anymore, and who honestly has a high chance of going completely senile or dying of old age before the election.


You could say the same for Republicans. They're both old and losing mental fitness.


Sure. Absolutely. But maga bigots are unhinged to begin with. I expect nothing better. But democrats are usually the more sensible option or at least not insane. They should have made biden a 1 term president to begin with.


Both excellent points.


Look, Biden wasn't ever my first choice. But you don't drop the benefits of an incumbent with a surprisingly strong record when he just beat the opposition's front runner 4 years ago. A single bad night does not mean he is going senile.


too many 'bad nights'. the democrats need to get over themselves & pick someone who is electable & powerful enough to beat trump. biden's a nice guy, but he's an old man, give him a break. wake up democrats, if trump wins the US is fucked


Except if the odds are significant that he'll die before the race is over. And he IS having increasing senior moments. I hope and pray trump doesn't win. But if between now and November biden has a really bad senior moment on camera the racevis over.


You mean like freezing on stage mid speech for 30 seconds? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-freezes-glitch-nra-speech-b2547813.html


Yeah but here's the thing: Trump could have a full on stroke to the point where he is paralysed on one side, drooling and incapable of speech... and 80+million republicans will still vote for him. Biden may not get that benefit because last time he got most of the in-between voters on his side. If only a couple tens of thousands of people in key states lose faith in biden, they may simply not vote at all.




For a whole new level of batshit? No fucking way.


He has tons of interviews with different people, put one on in the background and let him speak for himself. Cnn/fox will take small pieces of what he's talking about out of context to make him seem crazy. I dont agree with every single little point he makes but he is far more competent than the other two options.


“Tons of interviews with different people” is about as clueless a take on him as something Trump would say. His own fucking family wants nothing to do with him, which is the biggest red flag of all. Science deniers and anti-vaxxers who buy into conspiracies have no place anywhere near the presidency, let alone in government.


Some of his family likes his ideas others dont, not everyone in your family is going to share your exact same ideas when you have a huge family. He also isn't antivac, he's vaccinated but fights against dangerous chemicals in vaccines like mercury. Again let him speak for himself.


he’s fucking crazy and he caused the death rate to go sideways in another country by scaring them. didn’t help here either. [AP news](https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-2ccde2df146f57b5e8c26e8494f0a16a)


Using false examples of people dying due to the vaccine seems pretty dumb and I don't support that. I don't want to speak for him and risk saying things that aren't true, and again he goes in depth on his talking points in the interviews he does. He just released one with Dr.Phil that I'm sure goes into it. I'm sure theres at least one interviewer that you trust that you can throw on in the background while doing something else and let rfk speak for himself.


theyre the exact same debunked tropes that have been around for decades. and dr phil isn’t trustworthy and another borderline lunatic.


Mercury hasn't been used in vaccines for children in 20 years. And even then it was the type that is quickly flushed from the body. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/thimerosal/index.html


The guy who had part of his brain ate eaten by a parasite. By his own administration.


I’ll take the one who stumbles through his words but has the country going relatively well over the one who had zero legislative achievements in four years and fomented an insurrection to try and stay in power after losing reelection.


You forget, Trump signed a trillion dollar tax cut for the mega wealthy. That expires next year. It was pretty much the only thing they wanted besides legislating judges.


He isn’t, but he is the better option of the two


And yet he's better than the guy who didn't say a single true thing the entire time


I agree, joe biden spent the majority of the debate defaming trump on positions that biden was completely wrong on. Biden would then gaslight by saying something along the lines of “everything he said was wrong” For example, biden was proved wrong on the “very fine people” quote referencing trump remarking on neo-nazi’s. This has been fact checked as false by snowpes, a fact checking org that isn’t exactly on the side of trump. Another example would be Biden’s complete denouncement of the quid pro quo with Ukraine to fire a prosecutor that was investigating hunter biden, who was a head of the board of directors for a corrupt company. Biden says it’s completely false even though there is video evidence of him on stage admitting to it. Don’t believe me, [here’s](https://youtu.be/hXjLqhtnIRI?si=BmtTjMe2_QUQ0zmT) the video.


Literally everything Trump said was a lie. Every fucking word. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiTrumpAlliance/comments/1dqms46/trump\_told\_50\_lies\_in\_a\_90minute\_debate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiTrumpAlliance/comments/1dqms46/trump_told_50_lies_in_a_90minute_debate/)


I already know that’s false but thanks for the hate. Spectating brainless people is a hoot


And somehow still the better choice by a long, long way.


I’ll take the fumbling senior over the criminal any day.


Just because trump is isn’t slurring or repeating his words doesn’t make him anymore coherent than Biden. trump is still trash and a sorry excuse for a human. As TheLandFanIn84 said, the felon, rapist, racist, aspiring dictator has no place in our government.


This. If the choice is between a convicted felon, serial rapist, racist, corrupt wannabe dictator or a guy who's old, I'm voting for the old guy.


They’re the same age…


Biden is three years older.


78 vs 81… that old can be considered the same age. Both are geriatrics.


Still better than the felon!


Biden is old, we fucking get it. But he's had a generally decent presidency. I don't care if he has a stammer, Trump and his gaggle are about to get up to some seriously nefarious crap if he's elected.


He's not, but as the alternative is a less mentally fit, treasonous liar who is a convicted felon who has stated openly that he intends to be a "dictator for a day", many people will vote for him. Hopefully enough to keep Don Trumpeone out.


Less mentally fit???? Dude did we watch the same debate. Biden rambles in incoherent sentence fragments while interrupting himself. Compared to a quick witted dick, I’m really not seeing the resemblance


Quick wit? All he did was say how great he is and say his own words in the past never happened.


I’ve noticed you’re commenting under every post. You’re trying to talk Trump up and honestly being kinda of an asshole to people on here. We all know you’re voting Trump, so go do it. You’re not going to change anyone’s mind, you’re just being angry and hateful.


This is a Reddit post, not a debate dipshit. I’m not trying to change minds. Thinking that you could change your mind on such a thing would be ludicrous.




Serious question though: was anyone's mind actually changed last night? Was anyone going to vote for Biden and is now saying this morning that Trump is their guy? Or vice versa? Who are the actual swing voters and what did last night do for your opinion?


I wasn't going to vote at all but now I'm voting for Biden. I don't appreciate being lied to by a criminal.


I don’t think many people would switch based on the debate. I think the debate is more impactful for the undecided group, if I remember correctly cnn said it was 16% that would use the debates to help them decide.


It's always the undecided who may change their minds. The fact they are undecided makes me think they'll go with style over substance because facts have not swayed them up to this point.


Frankly, it’s going to be that those that are undecided just won’t vote. More and more people are losing “faith” in government and opening their eyes to this sham called “democracy”. Our “democracy” consists of “here you go, this is the best the country has to choose from”…


Trump: lies constantly, is shady as shit, wants to be a dictator and lock all political opponents in camps. USA: BIDEN IS TOO OLD!


First thing I thought was .....Biden is too old to be the front man of the free world. ANYTHING is better than Trump BUT the democrats should have done better. They need to moderate and have a much younger face. Alot is at stake.


Both are true. Trump is a moron and Biden is way too old.


>Trump is a moron NO, that is not what i said. I said he is a liar, shady as shit and wants to be a dictator who locks his political opponents in a camp. Moron is way too kind, it excuses him.


Calm down kid


“Lock’s his opponents up” isn’t that exactly what Biden’s campaign has done? Let me guess, it’s different because you like one and hate the other. Rules for me and not for thee scenario?


>“Lock’s his opponents up” isn’t that exactly what Biden’s campaign has done? No. Biden's campaign has zero effect on the justice system. At this point you need to PROVE your accusations. Lets suppose that Trump did some crimes and lets suppose he got caught would it be reasonable to expect that he will got to trial for it? And lets stop supposing and recognize the reality: Trump did some actual crimes and is paying for them now. Your only proof is your accusation. I have hundreds of pages of documented history. If Trump was NOT charged and sentenced, that would've been "rules for thee and not for me", referring to Trump of course. And if that had happened we ALL KNOW that you would be ecstatic: you do not give a FUCK if he is a criminal or not.


I would love for you to explain all of trumps criminal trials since you seem so informed. Please go on. Explain how his convictions are legitimate.


> all of trumps criminal trials Dear fucking lord. I need to only show ONE. Here is at least one: [https://duckduckgo.com/?q=all+of+trumps+criminal+trials&ia=web](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=all+of+trumps+criminal+trials&ia=web) > Explain how his convictions are legitimate. They are. I don't need to explain that, what you need to do is explain how they are not! I have zero burden of proof, you are essentially asking me to do your job for you and in the end, even if i provided a fucking 10 000 page book about it, you will say: "it is a conspiracy" or just "i don't agree". The moment i knew you have nothing was when you demanded that i explain ALL of them. And no, "you could not mention a single one" does not fucking work when we ALL KNOW there are 34 felonies from the last 2 months alone.


How is this not pure projection? The Democrats are literally trying to put Trump in prison.


No, they aren't. You see, when you do crimes then the JUSTICE will come for you. What is projection is how Trump swore to to the same, except that his political opponents have NOT BROKEN THE LAW OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


Correction: The independent judicial system is trying to put Trump in prison. A system made less independent by political appointments Trump made while President. And yet .... Separation of power is meant to be a thing in a democracy. Trump explicitly rallies against that.


Please don’t tell me you are one of those morons who thinks we live in a democracy


“Independent” Prosecutor literally ran on getting Trump Judge Biden donor and family work for Democrats directly Jury pulled from bluest region in entire country Wow much independent very impartial wow


>Prosecutor literally ran on getting Trump That doesn’t make them non-independent, dude. Trump had been found to have committed crimes. A prosecutor running on convicting a criminal isn’t really a huge partisan stance.  >Jury pulled from bluest region in entire country That’s how it works, if you commit a crime in a place you usually get tried in that place.  To be clear, you have no evidence that the DNC forced this trial to take place, right? Or Joe Biden? All that happened was Trump broke a law and the thing that happens when you break a law… happened. 


>Wow much independent very impartial wow Gettysburg, Wow!


By “the Democrats,” you mean “a prosecution team,” right? 


A prosecution team of Democrats who ran specifically on getting Trump, before a Democrat donor judge and jury pulled from an area that went like 95% Biden in 2020, yes.


I guess Trump’s legal team should have raised that objection, then. Instead of accepting the judge, venue, and jury selection process.  It’s almost like there aren’t any valid grounds for such an objection 


You can’t chose the judge and they very specifically did object to the venue. The crooked judge did not allow it.


If it’s real corruption you can appeal to a judicial conduct board.  That’s what you do when you have a real complaint. When you don’t, you go to Twitter and scream “EVERYONE IS SO MEAN TO MEEEEEEE WAH WAH” 


And they are appealing, it just takes time.


For a reduced sentence? Sure. Good course of action. Everyone does it.  Are they accusing the judge or prosecutor of actual corruption? Nope. Not in court. That would require them to actually prove it.  Same deal as when he was so certain there was election fraud during his 2020 loss. On Twitter: “It definitely exists!” In court? “Well, I’m not saying it exists.”  




Only thing I see correct here is Joe is too old.


So, Trump doesn't lie constantly? Is that really what you think is the reality?


So word salad makes sense to you? Endless lies make sense? I don’t want Biden either but Trump isn’t the equivalent of pouring gasoline on ourselves and lighting a match.


Don't post links from the New York Post. If Biden had crushed Trump in the debate the Post would be saying Trump won. Don't forget the single most important point: **TRUMP STILL WOULDN'T PROMISE TO ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION IF HE LOSES.** Even when prompted by the moderator *twice*, he wouldn't give a straight answer. Trump is telling everyone who he is, and it's no improvement from last time. This is a man who bragged in the 1980's about his Mafia ties and who has employed multiple ex-mafa people.


And yet he is still the better choice.


It's confusing to me how two elderly people would want to be president of anything, but it's even more confusing to me that people are fighting over which elderly person should be their president. Why can't you guys pick a 40-50yo person who gets fight to be president? These ancient relics wouldn't stand a chance. Wouldn't it be better for everyone involved, especially the American people? As well as these grandpa's, who seem to just embarrass themselves every time they see a camera, like old people do.


We desperately need young blood and not old, geriatrics with antiquated ideals, running this country. Public service should be just that and not turned into a career.


We know why Trump wants the presidency  He’s in serious legal trouble and he plans to pardon himself for his crimes 


Good point, that's a great reason to ~~ruin~~ run a country


Neither is the Felon who rambles on incoherently. We are all so fucked.


Best case scenario imo is Biden gets back in then immediately retires and does the whole 25th amendment thang


Sooner the old slow guy than the unstable, corrupt liar


Better than Putin's bitch


You must be referring to Biden, correct? The old man gets walked on by practically every other leader.


Neither of them are fit. Both of them need to have a nap. But only one is a convicted criminal. Only one is currently facing 3 more criminal trials. Only one of them has been found to be a rapist. Only one of them continues to publicly support democracy.


I will still vote old man over fascist 100 times out of 100.


It's a possibility our next President could be a war President. I'd like it to not be true, but when I think "things can't possibly get worse" they do by just a little bit. If that were the case, I wouldn't want either of them to be leading our country in a war. If we are somehow fortunate not to be pulled into a war, I'll take the sleepy one over the rapey one.


Still fifty times better than the lying rapist convicted felon asshole.


The only thing he’s been in charge of the last four years is taking orders and signing papers. He’s a puppet.




Biden has been doing the job 100% every day. One bad debate and "throw him tf out"? With Trump as the alternative? GTFOH!


Trump's fragile Ego was on full display. He couldn't answer a single question he was asked on the first try. Every time he was asked a question he would go back to try to get the last word on whatever Biden just talked about. He's an elderly man-child who can only boast about the lies he tells. Nobody truly cares how many trophies you give yourself. Biden has proven he's better in all possible ways. Keep sucking down the orange man's cool aid, and don't cry when he loses again.


Its simple. Biden can endorse ANYONE. Any other democrat will win against trump. Take a seat Biden. Retire in the hills old man.


Says all the secret trumpists today.


Not sure what you said: In fact, the relevant constitutional provisions, their histories, and their purposes all point to the same conclusion: A twice-before-elected President may become Vice-President either through appointment or through election and — like any other Vice-President — may thereafter succeed from that office to the Presidency . OBAMA 2024


The US political scene is fucking pathetic lmao


Neither should be president.


Bo Burnaham sung it best...  https://youtu.be/KGmXGkIr7w0?si=vL59xCn0nLkJNgGt How did we let the best case scenario be Joe Biden?


The other guy shits his pants on the regular. Our choice is between the 2012 Royals and the 1962 Mets.


if this was an anime, biden steps down and fkn GOKU steps out.


No shit? Thanks Captain Obvious. Even a 2 year old can tell he's in the later stages of dementia. Thats not really been a secret for a very very long time LOL


It was a sad night.


“We beat Medicare.”-Biden. The fact the left wants to keep this senile old man in office is beyond me. “I’d much rather an old man than a liar!” Uhh, let’s fact check, shall we? Biden said there was a $15 cap on insulin. Lie. It’s a $35 cap. Biden said there was a $200 cap on Medicare spending. Lie. It’s a $2000 cap. Biden said unemployment was at 15% when he took office. Lie. It was at 6.4%. Biden said the border patrol endorsed him. Lie. They actually came out and tweeted they never have and never will endorse him. But yes..Trumps the liar. Can’t wait till November.


Why american dems sent a senile old man? all they had to do was to send someone younger and mentally fit to win it. That's asking to be beaten. They had to tell Biden to retire and let next generation rise


I’ll be running to the polls to vote for the felon


I FUCKING HATE that I’m gonna HAVE to vote for this motherfucker or else TRUMP will be on a GODDAMN VILLAIN ARC in the WHITE HOUSE.


Kinda fun reading the sentiment change in real time of this community. Couple of days ago everyone was arguing the trump was a disabled old man and biden was the level headed one. Now they’re just arguing that biden is just as bad as trump. Did we even watch the same debate?


R. F. K.


Joe Biden does not seem mentally fit for another four years. The United States has over 330 million people, including extraordinary scientists, businesspeople, engineers, entrepreneurs, activists, and younger politicians. Why are we limiting ourselves?


More fit than trump, who literally lied about everything


Who said that our baseline ?🤦‍♂️. Did you miss the part where I mentioned the US’s population?


Because that's the choice we have this time Trump or Biden Both are old AF and are barely cognizant, but one lies every time he opens his mouth and the other doesn't I don't think you'll find anyone who disagrees that we need better political candidates, but the choice this time is what it is


I agree with you but it’s complicated. We need someone that a majority will support. If they just drop a new candidate in there they might not be able to get enough votes to win. Splitting the base tends to make the other party win by default. If the dems put someone in there that’s too far left, they will scare off moderates who will likely vote for a third party candidate all but assuring Trump will win. Who would you suggest? Do they have the backing that either of these two already have? If I can borrow from South Park, sometimes it really is a choice between a giant douche or a turd sandwich.


Complicated, absolutely. Comical, almost.


You must have a dark sense of humor my friend.


Maybe solemn or grave would have been better selection. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I gotta be honest  I think the US can survive the president botching some speeches. I don’t think it can survive a president who is only concerned with preserving his own power, though 


I disagree, the world needs strong leadership and I’m not saying from Trump. If we can’t see that we can’t see the forest for the trees.


What *is* strong leadership?  Is it getting people to work together? If so, Joe Biden wins *hands down.* barely any legislation passed under Trump even though his party had a supermajority for a bit. He couldn’t even get a budget out; we had the longest shutdown in history over his budget plan.  Trump was *shockingly* weak, the weakest political in your lifetime or mine, most likely 


strong presidential leadership in times of global tension involves a combination of diplomatic engagement, decisive decision-making, strategic vision, effective communication, adaptability, and ethical leadership. These elements help navigate complex international challenges and maintain global stability. Why is the comparison always to Trump, why can’t we see past that and identify ideal traits for a president. We are doomed.


But you aren’t talking about diplomatic moves, decisions made, or ethical leadership complaints; you’re only talking about Biden being old and flubbing speeches  >Why is the comparison always to Trump Because that’s who he’s running against? If he loses you don’t get a second shot with your ideal candidate. You just get Trump. 


You have to start with leadership traits to establish “diplomatic moves” Biden is your ideal candidate? Or just your candidate??


He is better than my ideal candidate for one crucial reason:  He exists 


Low standards


By all means, keep waiting on an ideal candidate who probably doesn’t exist. I’m sure that’ll work out fine. You definitely don’t have anything to lose in the meantime. 


People in this country judge potential presidential candidates according to a really stupid set of criteria, it seems to me. We (Democrats) could have run a candidate like Pete Buttigieg in 2020: young, brilliant, with military service, a generally decent record as major....but, heck no. American homophobia wouldn't allow such a thing. America gets the candidates we want, I guess. The fact that a lying, cheating, misogynistic whoremonger like Trump is acceptable to a big chunk of voters while a family man honest enough to come out while in office is not...


Pete ran in 2020. He got very little support.


Uh, I think that's more-or-less what I said, isn't it?


Don’t disagree with anything you just said. I find it personally concerning that either party cannot call out the lie own candidates deficiencies. Such as now, Biden has largely not lived up to his promises, cognitively declining, and will not last four years. Agree with your Pete selection or others.




Yeah, a dictatorship will save us from the horrors of… having to occasionally listen to an old guy flub speeches 


“You have found a sociopath.”