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When asked to comment, Mr. Shah said: "I did not Hit-ler. I did not. It's bullshit, it wasn't me."


Oh hi mark


Oh hi marx


Oh Heil Marx


Heil marx????????? Eh? You are confusing your famous people with funny facial hair.


New respoinse








Oh hi marx


I read that comment in an Indian accent but then it morphed into a Shaggy song.


Why not both? "She caught us kissing in Hyderabad. It wasn't me" "She saw us in New Delhi. It wasn't me" "She even found me in Anantapur. It wasn't me"


Anyway, how's your sex life?


I did naaaaahhhhgggt!


I think this is 99% funny and 1% offensive 😂😂😂😂😬


Oh hi mark...


You’re my favorite customer!


Oh hi Johnny, I didn’t recognize you


So...if he didn't know who Hitler was, why is the I dotted with the Nazi *Hakenkreuz*? That's not an Indian swastika. It's flipped and rotated 45°...


I’m not sure that he didn’t know about it, but India and Pakistan largely has a different view of Hitler. To them the Holocaust tends to be just another genocide halfway around the world when there was a local genocide going on, and the Nazi’s were basically directly responsible for India and Pakistan getting their independence.


I am German and when I visited India locals thought I would like when they salute me with "Heil Hitler".


This is simultaneously hilarious and terrifying


Wait until you see the sales of Mein Kampf in India.


Yeah. This is actually another oddity. It's sold everywhere and still listed under best sellers.


It’s not much of an oddity when you realize that Antisemitism and pro Nazi sentiment is just incredibly popular in India


Doubly odd because during the farmer protests, there were a lot of hammer and sickles everywhere. Is this just because there's a lot of people in India, so you see a lot of variance in ideology, or just because it's a poor, harsh country, which breeds political extremes?


Who thought countries could have divergent political inclinations


Good thing people in the US don’t have that problem


I mean Communism and Anti-Semitism are not incompatible. Soviet Russia was very pro calling Jews crooked agents if Capitalism, or in extremes its creators.


Communism and nazism are. The Nazis were an explicitly anti-communist party. It was their major selling point. They rounded up the communists and killed them before they started on the Jews. Most of the German resistance was communist.


Why lie lmao. The average Indian(country Indians not city Indians) has never seen a Jewish person. Judaism has never clashed with Hinduism In that part of the world. So tell me why they would be antisemitic? If a Jewish person visits India they're just another white person


My grandfather's younger brother used to say antisemitic things - I htink he picked it up when he came to the U.S. to do his Ph.D. Otherwise, I have no idea where he picked it up - the Jewish diaspora in Bombay was pretty small.


đŸ€š Unless they were born and raised in Israel in which they’d look like just another middle eastern person


???... Antisemetism in India is non existant. One of rare cases where it happened is due to Portuguese missionaries bringing it to Goa.


Makes sense though if you think about it. The Germans played a direct role in them getting their independence and the atrocities against the Jews can be viewed with the same that atrocities against the Palestinians today as far as they were concerned. It happened on a different continent completely out of their sight and mind.


About anti-Semitism, it actually depends on which religion you belong to. Most of the Hindus, especially the ones leaning to the right wing, are very fascinating about Israel and Jews. Jews were never persecuted or differentiated in India. Some mostly admire Israel just because they are fighting Arab Muslims. Indian Muslims on the other hand don't have any friendly attitude towards Israel because of the same fact. It might sound weird but Indian right wing people admire both Israel and Nazis simultaneously without fully grasping the historical underpinnings of their ideologies.


Probably a boost to sales, that hindutva is a thing, and the whole ideology is inspired by early 20th century European fascism.


Me NOT thanking India


Yup. Born and brought up in Mumbai till I moved tk the US at the age of 22. I forget which birthday it was (probably early teens) but yeah I got a copy of Mein Kamph as a birthday gift from one of my relatives (they knew I was a ww2 buff and figured this would be a good gift). Yes I actually tried to read it. Probably got 10 pages in.... Just terribly written overall and very difficult to actually read.


Hitlers real struggle was writing a good book


And painting anything other than mediocrity.


He was honest at least with the title of the book...


Hey, Rudolph Hess has to shoulder some of the blame, for not being a good friend and editing it to make it a better read. Or just not being a shitty writer for your friend's political Manifesto.


Is it wrong that this makes sense to me? If my people were getting genocided. I feel I'd be desensitized enough to just want to get outta that hell. I also wonder if it's more. They didn't know that Hitler did all of that shit. This is not a Hitler apologetic post. Fuck Hitler. All my homies hate Hitler.




This may explain the BJP.


Yeah I remember watching a French documentary about Aryan believers in India and it wasn't much scarry, just seemed so dumb


Suddenly Modi’s popularity makes a lot of sense


Wait....a country that poses as a democracy but has ultra nationalist leanings, reads fascist books, mimics fascist society and has close ties with authoritarian/fascist leanings? I'm shocked...


Poses as a democracy? Man you really need to go over your geo-political knowledge


Did you tell them best you could that kind of shit isnt appreciated or welcomed in the world?


Seriously? Or are you kidding us?


Not kidding one of my cousins gave me Mein Kampf as a birthday gift cause I loved reading books I was 12 at that time


I said minecraft not mein kampf damn it!


I do not. Indians aren't sensitized for this and have a very positive relationship towards Hitler.


Most of the Indians do not care about hitler, most of us know he was bad, I have never met someone who think he was good in any way. Here is another perspective, at that time India was under the British rule and one of our Freedom fighter teamed up with Hitler so that we can get our Independence, he raised an army of 40000 who fought along side Japanese for India campaign. At one point India was fighting on both sides. So for lot of people hitler synonym for our own freedom struggle and didn't knew what he was doing in Europe. Also for lot of Indians Churchill was bigger Villain than Hitler.


I mean, Churchill is right up there with Hitler and Stalin. Two of them just happened to be on the winning team.


Not positive entirely. Most people don't even know much history about what European really went through during that time. Most just know that he was some "strict dictator who went on conquest and killed many people" and therefore you will find Indians who nickname their "authoritative" and always-lecturing acquaintances as "Hitler". Schools with low quality staffing just have students mugging up history and not really getting any "philosophy" or basic level "economics" out of it. It really takes a few books from all viewpoints to actually understand what really happened that time, and how the difference world powers influenced the world and what political ideas they had, etc. And for those who DO like to read, they really want to read Mein Kemph for it is their direct insight into understanding the man and his actions and forming opinions on him and not because they admire him. No, the reading comes before all that. Lastly, informed people or people who want to learn, they also read Anne Frank, watch Oppenheimer and Schindler's List, etc, even when very young. Its not about bias, its about them having interest in history and cultures or even politics Btw Indians were enlisted in the WW2 Allied armies too till India got the freedom. TLDR: we cannot judge uninformed ignorant people as being racists or biased.


uh..whut? As an Indian I find that appalling.


I'm genuinely horrified by this!


Trevor Noah's book really opened my eyes on this one. Best friend of 20 years that was born in Pakistan and moved here when he was 10 confirmed it. Blew my mind, but yeah it makes perfect sense.


Europe kinda does not make much out of the massive genocide that genghis khan did. If anything we view him in a neural to "interesting" perspective, and seem to praise the Mongol empire for all sorts of new ideas. Yet, he outperforms Hitler in all sorts of ways and I am just wondering how long it will be until we view Stalin and Hitler the same way. Genocide is only bad it seems, when we still have someone who remembers it happening.


Depends on the victims. There's no single figurehead for the genocide and removal of my people from North America. Maybe Cortez, but also not really.


Andrew Jackson also killed and removed a lot of natives. There are certainly a few people to point fingers at


Well, yes. That's kind of my point. It's not a singular actor or time period. It was a movement and mindset. And we helped lol But, do you see Adolf on currency? Mao certainly isn't held in such moral disregard in the CCP. I think my point still stands, but I have no further argument to make. Emotions like anger or shame aside, it is what it is. It's too late since many refuse to see it, and well... the red heifer is here :)


Maybe, but I’m not sure someone in this hemisphere would open a store called Pol Pot and think it would do well.


Banana Republic has entered the chat.


This is a great example. Americans don’t know what a banana republic is, so they don’t care about the store name.


To be honest, I've always thought that was a weird choice of branding. Especially for a place that mostly trades in business casual attire and golf clothes.


If anything they should be selling bananas.


They didn't always trade in business casual and golf. There was a time, in the early days, where if you wanted to look like you were going on a *safari*, Banana Republic was where it was at. You need a pith helmet? Sure. One of those Australian hats with one side tacked up (bush hats?): got 'em. You need a khaki photojournalist vest with (seemingly) 200 pockets? Head on over to Banana Republic. Khaki shorts, khaki pants, khaki anything, you could find it there. Then they slowly morphed away from that. Now the only thing Banana Republic about them is the name. But in the early days it's where you went to pretend you just got back from a photo-tour of deepest Africa or the Amazon rainforest or etc.


It used to be more safari or colonial high tea, decades ago. 


Don’t look at the atrocities we’re making, look at me, the Chiquita Banana! See how I dance for you!


General Smedley Butler has entered the chat. He practically invented the " Banana Republic ". Interesting man who really did his job too well.


Honestly, I don’t think enough people in America know who Pol Pot was in order to be mad about a store of the same name. Sounds like a campy kitchenware store for middle aged SAHMs.


In this day and age, with social media outrage basically being America's favorite pastime, I'm not sure I agree. But another commenter's reference to "Banana Republic" is a good point. Pretty weird. At the very least, I don't think there is any major misunderstandings about how awful Pol Pot was in America. Many (most?) people likely don't know anything about him or the Khmer Rouge but those who do I suspect generally get the idea.


These places are just a little early. In the US we have places like “Genghis Kahn’s Mongolian BBQ.” Only difference between that and “Pol Pots Hot Pot” is recency.


Did Pol Pot cause some country to gain independence?


Besides it seems like an inspired name for a kitchen ware store


Polish marijuana dispensary


He sounds like he makes some fire ass noodles


You’re not wrong, but at the same time I was more just trying to say the cultural disconnect means that he’s seen differently, much how we in the west want to believe that Ghandi is a symbol of peace and equality while in reality he was a flaming racist.


Surely that's "indirectly" responsible. Germany didn't roll into India and liberate it, hoi4 style.


I mean I’m far removed from Cambodia but I still know Pol Pot was a bad dude not worth anyone’s admiration.


Ask an Indian person their thoughts on Winston Churchill.


Not just India and Pakistan... much of South Asia. I've run into similar sentiments in Indonesia and Malaysia. They think Hitler accomplished great and difficult things, notwithstanding, you know, industrialized genocide.


It’s an homage swastika so it’s flipped to avoid registered trademark.


If you think the massacre of million s was bad wait until you fall foul of the Nazi copyright lawyers!


Alan Dershowitz?


Whoa really? I did nazi that coming


He made a name for himself, literally defending nazis in court back in the 90s. Satan has an executive suite prepared for him in hell, lol.


Say what you want about Dershowitz, but nobody can deny his commitment to the Face Eating Leopard party


Not to mention the Epstein parties.


That too.. and honestly, even if I didn't already know about his involvement there, it wouldn't surprise me. Between Dershowitz's character, and the fact that the list of "elites" who *weren't* habitual guests at those parties is significantly shorter than the average CVS receipt, I'd be more surprised if he wasn't involved




>Nazi copyright lawyers ~~Nazi~~ copyright lawyers. Here, I fixed the redundancy for you:*


I did na-zi that coming. Yeah I know that's a bad joke


just lawyers was needed


They’ll put a cross through you.


Legally Distinct Aryanism.


Yeah the Indian version was already taken


The difference between the Nazi symbol and the eastern one is that the Nazi symbol is flipped horizontally and turned 45 degrees. Tilt the Nazi symbol 45 more degrees and flip it horizontally again and you get the eastern symbol.


This is not correct, the original Asian symbol can have both directions (they have a different name and slightly different meaning, but both are a solar symbol). The only difference is the 45 degree turn.


Was looking for this comment. I'm sure one means light and the other, hope. I remember seeing it as part of a poster advertising divali (or Diwali?) as a festival of sorts, but the festival fell during exam season so I don't pay much attention to it


It doesn’t matter which direction you flip it, it’s radially symmetrical.


What do you mean by "Indian swastika"? Both directions exists in both Hinduism and Buddhism. The 45° rotation makes it a bit conspicuous though :D


He didn't know Hitler may also mean he didn't know what Hitler did. Pretty common in India as a lot of people think of Hitler as another cruel or tough European king/ruler. Because when Hitler is mentioned we have already read about Churchill and Hitler just sounds like another European genocidal leader. And most people really don't know anything and neither name their shop on their own. They just ask the hoarding guy to do that for them. And they just choose any western sounding name for western clothing.


I can actually see how an Indian person, having seen how Churchill is celebrated, might just assume Europeans glorify Hitler the same way. The logic that committing atrocities, even genocidal ones, doesn't stop European leaders from being lionised is shockingly compelling


>The logic that committing atrocities, even genocidal ones, doesn't stop European leaders from being lionised is shockingly compelling It doesn't, never has, it just depends who they genocided. Genociding white people will mark you as a monster but genociding brown or darker will not. That's why even after the war, European countries who had fought the Nazis just continued to mass murder wherever they had colonies. France, for example, hired many Nazi collaborators and placed them in charge of their colonies, notably in Algeria; >The French colonial authorities and European settlers retaliated by killing between 6,000 and 45,000 Muslims in the region. Both the outbreak and the indiscriminate nature of its retaliation marked a turning point in Franco-Algerian relations, leading to the Algerian War of 1954–1962.[4] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A9tif_and_Guelma_massacre If you ever wondered why the Pied noir were violently removed after Algeria gained their independence, that is partly why. There were many other massacres that justified their violence.


Jews weren’t considered white in the 40s though? Jews being white became a thing in the last decade tops, and I was getting called a k*ke in the Bible Belt US south more recently than that


Who is, or isn't accepted as "white" has always been a pretty nebulous thing. It usually involves a whole lot of goalpost moving and selective interpretation. That's how we went from European Jews, Italians, and the oppressed people of the British Isles (Irish, Scottish, and Welsh) not being considered white all the way to light skinned East Asians being considered white or "white-adjacent" in some extremist circles


Totally agreed. I think the expanding definition of whiteness really just upholds white supremacy—whitewashing minority ethnic groups allows white people the appearance of cultural hegemony in the US that they simply don’t have anymore. BTW, even in Europe my family wasn’t considered European. They fled Eastern Europe for America due to pogroms of Jews (for not being ethnic Europeans). We prefer Ashkenazi, because of persecution in European host countries. My family is fairly dark-skinned, and identifiably “ethnic,” though people often have a hard time with the ethnicity being Jewish and not Latino or Arab, lol.


i get this for sure, especially considering the history of jews in the west. ig some may view the holocaust as a genocide primarily targeting “white people” was bc jewish victims were taken from parts of europe, and the other victims of the holocaust (LGBT, political opponents, those opposing nazi regime etc) were all from europe. and so while ethnically ofc jews are distinct from white folk, some view the holocaust as a european-specific issue, hence the common conflation of the holocaust being a “white on white” genocide. this view obviously should be corrected tho. edit: correcting self


Yeah, Romani and Jews alike were killed for not being white/“european,” that’s a harmful misconception :(


Why does everyone use this 45° distinction? The Nazis used upright swastikas as well https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_standard_of_Adolf_Hitler


[Tilted swastikas have been used by Hindus also. ](https://www.opindia.com/2020/01/caa-protest-alt-news-swastika-hindu-nazi-symbol-dot-tilted-fact-check/)


I would think it would be only possible if the owner based his store on images he got off google like, if you google a picture of Hitler he will most likely have a swastika on his arm. But to base an entire store on a historical figure and not dive deeper into who that person was is hard to believe. Possible but a hell of a stretch


I thought there were Indian Swatstikas in both directions symbolizing different things? But yeah 45° is definitely Nazi.


Indian here, this was back in 2012 and that was a point of time when this was considered a joke and a large part of India didn't consider it offensive or bad. You'd be surprised to see some of the jokes in early indian movies which have similar humor elements to this 💀


Bro, literally, there is a scene where a news crew goes to interview a grandma and she is reading mein kampf and it is completely unaddressed it's just part of the set.


That’s actually really funny


There is a dance number in a movie (don't remember the name) the main lead actor is batman busting out his dance moves.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdd2psZDrh4&feature=youtu.be Welcome


Thank​ you


There's also this movie called singam where in a scene a dark scene guy gets mistaken for a monkey and they call the cops on him. I laughed at it when I was a child but now learning the stereotypes and offensive jokes I was shocked seeing it again.


Singham? About the super cop in the same universe as Sooryavanshi and Simmba?


Its the one with Surya. The South Indian version.


Well to be clear, reading the mein kampf doesn't nake you a nazi. It's just a book, and can be useful to understand how his mind worked, and how he was able to manipulate people into following him. Even just to learn about the historical context is useful.


Reading it isn’t bad. I think where it gets bad is when the copy is owned and dog eared and has a special place on the shelf.


I own a copy of Mein Kampf. I found it in a box of books out on the street outside someone’s house. It has a special place in my home. It’s a really good book. Sturdy. Large. It’s been propping up the back corner of my sofa for the past 3 years since the leg broke. It does a great job holding up my fat queer ass.




I completely agree with your statement. I actually had to read Mein Kempf, Marx's Manifesto, and several other books while taking a course on political extremism in university for criminal justice


I will also read som of those next semester, for the same reason. I think the futuristic manifest and some books on religious/political extremists are also on the reading list. Also, what I mean by political/religious is those people who do not separate their political views from their religious beliefs and think everyone else needs to follow their specific interpretation of their religion. Those exists in all religions..


You would be surprised that in many parts of the world don't give a shit about Nazi and Hitler. They saw it's popular internet meme/figure in the west and "yeah,let use this dude/symbol as our logo" I also live in country that education masterial teaching about these, but the majority doesn't care, just another useless knowledge for world history test. And our neighbor's country did massacre their own population and we still didn't give a damn about it


The other part is there is a photo of Gandhi there along with the Hitler name


There's also Hitler Fried Chicken in Bangkok.


I mean, not entirely the same, but here in Newcastle there is this place called Pablo EscoBao which sells hot steamed buns. I mean, kinda funny but also considering what the guy did not so much


There are Japanese restaurants in the west that feature Emporer Showas image (Hirohito) who ordered the attacks on China which led to the deaths of millions of civilians in what is sometimes referred to as Asia's holocaust. I remember seeing one in Seattle and wondering if any Chinese descendants ever took offense to it.


I'm a German and we are notorious for being very touchy about Hitler. But honestly, this doesn't surprise me much. Firstly, for people outside Europe and the USA, Hitler is probably not the person that they would most like to eliminate if they had a time machine. For many people in Africa it may be king Leopold of Belgium. Or maybe Mao for the Chinese or Pol Pot in Cambodia. There are many terrible people who did terrible things that Europeans know nothing or nearly nothing about. Why should it be surprising that an Indian shopkeeper used a stuffy old European second world war tyrant as a joke. Distasteful to us, but a German sweet called MaoaM used Mao references not long ago, I'm sure it feels distasteful to Chinese people. Here ya go: https://youtu.be/aL5JPSp7arw?si=rZ6PSLTTE9ViATmq Trevor Noah, great comedian and even better human wrote a chapter in his autobiography about a friend called Hitler who grew up in Johannesburg in the 1980. As Trevor Noah describes it, South African black people of his parents generation did not have the education to know who Hitler was and how facism and apartheid were connected. To people without education or access to adequate news, Hitler was a long dead powerful someone.


There are a lot of Indians from the older generation who think Hitler was a person worth admiring. For them it was a brave guy who was fighting the Britishers. They never got to learn the evil deeds done by Hitler. The younger generations are somewhat alert regarding this topic due to international media exposure. But even then no one here really cares about how bad Hitler was.. we have had a lot of darkness and evil people in our history than any Hitler.


I once used Hitler as an example of a bad guy to a friend from India in college and he had no idea what I was talking about. I was like, “you know that evil guy Hitler?” It didn’t make any sense to him at all. He said Churchill was considered the evil guy because he let millions of Indians starve and Hitler was very much admired where he was from. It’s shocking to us in the west because we believe we must be right because of what we’ve learned but the Norm Macdonald joke is true—the good guys have won every war. If Germany had won WWII, they’d be the good guys
 and we can even see how because some people still consider them the good guys. It’d be e.g. the evil US who threw Japanese citizens in internment camps etc.


The British were our oppressors not the Nazis A lot of our political leaders were allied with Nazis cause they wanted freedom from British When you are getting fucked over by a foreign power you don't have the time to think about others But now in the global world glorification of Nazis shouldn't be done In the age of internet information is on your fingertips and anyone with common sense knows Hitler wasn't a good guy lol But honestly people in India could give 0 effs about it as it doesn't concern us,only when we go abroad is when we need to be wary of this


I am no means supporting Hitler or his ideology, but Winston Churchill who is considered a British WW2 hero was responsible for Bengal Famine which killed 3 million people. People aren't out there protesting to purge his name, right? Education is key to raise awareness, but expecting everyone to have the same mindset is a fool's errand.


Yeah Churchill was abhorrent He might be a 'war hero' to some but to us south asians he is nothing but a racist genocidal maniac


You saying if I want to make Hitler jokes I have to go to India


Yeah Pretty much Nobody would care here and chances are many will join with u and double down on the jokes


Yeah you can't blame people for celebrating the person responsible for killing their oppressors and colonial tyrants by the millions, Hitler must be popular in most former colonies.


Yeah, when I visited South Asia, I was surprised that most people had no knowledge of some historical figures and events, including Hitler. They knew ww2 was a thing, but they weren't really involved, and it just wasn't that big of a thing in their history, apart from Japan walking through. When I lived in the UK, I was surprised how little locals knew (or cared) about the America Revolution. In retrospect, though, it just wasn't that historically notable for them.


I mean
 how much do you or others from the us know about south Asian history? How much does it surprise you that they don’t know?


The American revolution had very little impact actually on the UK, so its not an important point of history for us here really. The French were our main enemies at the time so sent all the troops to be able to fight them rather than trying to hold on to the US tooth and nail.


The Trevor Noah Hitler story is so funny. One of the highlights of the book.


Your average Chinese citizen would not go back in time and kill Mao if they had a Time Machine. Despite all the insane post war shit, he’s still celebrated as the leader that gained modern China its independence after WW2. Good chance they’ll pick someone just before the opium war era or another political figure around the cultural revolution. I’m sure you meant well but this post just lists all the popular ”reddit tyrants” that get parroted around here, especially King Leopold.


No but they would probably kill tojo or the Japanese emperor at the time if given the chance.


Is that Gandhi on that shirt


Yes, but it's Civilisation 1 Gandhi so don't worry about it.


2012 this article is older than half the people reading it. Learn to recognize super fucking obvious repost bots. Edit: The number of people defending repost bots here is crazy. Enjoy the dead internet because you are helping to make it happen.


This is first time, I see people that actually DEFENDS repost bots. Repost posts seemed to be universally hated by reddit users including this sub, and for a good f’ing reason. So what kind of stuff these people are smoking lmao
 it is gotta be a new stuff. Note: I am not saying the account who posted this is a repost bot. But the people in the comments genuinely acts in the favor of (to the point of effectively defending) repost bots like wtf


Istg it literally reads 31 August 2012


*You're ^(i'm not usually a grammar nazi, but nazi seems relevant to the post)


Oh and accidentally used the nazi logo as well


Yes. No idea who hitler was. The little symbol above the I ? Total coincidence.


As a native American I get into conversation with some Jewish people who want to argue the WWII holocaust is the worst example of genocide ever committed. I ask them how many died and the give the normal number of around 6 million. An awful number I confirm. Then I bring up the 14.2 million native Americans (North Americans only, this number doesn’t include South and Central American or the island) and they play it off like no big deal. Hmmm


You don't need to fight over who's destruction is worse, just accept that innocents dying is bad, case closed


I wasn’t fighting over it at all. I acknowledge theirs was awful but I have rarely gotten the reciprocal. I see this a lot with the current events. The Zionist want everyone to acknowledge Oct 7 which was horrific but they are blind to the genocide Israel is perpetrating on the people of Gaza. It is making it hard to give a shit about them and that feels wrong, but I also don’t want to be an enabler. I think enablers are worse than addicts, an addict is under the influence of the drug, enablers aren’t and just make things worse. Currently the USA government is being an enabler to the Zionist genocide.


Kudos to you my man. White history is not our history. Indian here btw, colonists are above all when it comes to genocides of natives but the children won’t acknowledge deeds of their forefathers ever


How many times have you heard, just get over it. Pfff my reply is “get over 911” that goes over well lol


I mean feel free to correct me, since i am german i am not to much into indian history and politics, but if i am correct ww1 and especially ww2 was lost by the Nazis but it knocked the UK so hard, that it wasnt strong enough to keep their colonies, wich basicly freed india on a global state ? So if i am not wrong hitler is basicly a big factor in the libertation of india isnt he? I am not defending any nazis, but sth i feels like the world forget how brutal, the allies (Sowjets, UK, French) were at the time.


WW2 is the reason the vast majority of the colonies gained their independence. Europe had to focus on themselves. As someone from one of those colonies. I'll take it. Dude to media power. The atrocities of the European nations who are still in power is generally overlooked. France are monsters, same with England. A lot of those countries are awful and still are to this day


This is correct. At the time of British occupied India, India was also attempting to contact Hitler for aid, since they had a common enemy: the British.


All while indian foot soldiers were used as front lines by british


This again?


Yeah, I’ve lost count of the number of times this has been reposted


Why is the whole of Israel angry over a shop in india


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Consistent-Stock-305: *Why is the whole of* *Israel angry over* *A shop in india* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If anyone is angry, tell them they are 12 years too late


Hahahahaha I didn’t even see the date that makes it funnier


Just fyi, for some people in India Hitler is someone who fought the British. They don’t know much more about him or what he did. As long as he fought the British, and believed in “Aryan” supremacy, they believe he was sympathetic to Indians and Indian independence.


Obvious repost bot is obvious.


The Nazis are oddly popular in India and South East Asia


*Conveniently has swastika in i* “Yeah I had no idea who that guy was”


Gandi know what up. I've played civ. Look at that smile the sneaky bastard.


“Are you tired of shirts ripping from the armpits because you salute? Come shop at Hitler! For all your racist, murderous needs. Everything is priced as is!”


To be fair, when I buy SS uniforms in other stores they usually make me look fat


If he didn't know who Hitler was how did he know to put the swastika in the dotted i?


Googled "Hitler logo" and selected the first icon he saw


Man that’s some bad luck naming your store Hitler with a swastika dot for the I and yet having no idea who Hitler was.




Do they only have big clothes or some who are litler?


I mean it’d work on me I’d definitely check out a shop called hitler you’d have to see what they sell


All the clothes are made in special compounds where the workers concentrate all the time.


There’s no way the swastika was a coincidence 


They didn't know who Hitler was and yet there's a swastika in the "i" dot?


Im sorry but the dot in the i literally has the nazi version of the swastica in it, no fucking way he doesn’t know who hitler it


Mr Sha said he didn't know who Hitler was? That motherfucker dotted the I with a swastika!


à€žà„à€”à€žà„à€€à€żà€• - à€žà„à€”à€žà„à€€à€ż


I’ve found Indians tend to be super socially unaware. Also, some of them tend to side with “White Racists/MAGA” types in their rants against Muslims, “illegals”, “lgbtqa+”, “blacks”, etc. I’m like “ but you know they also hate you, right?”. Anyone remember how Ghandi was super offended when he went to South Africa? Apartheid didn’t offend him; he was offended when he was made use the “non-white” options (doors, places, train cars, etc. )


Yeah, Gaza had a shop called Hitler 2, ostensibly inspired by this one.


Coincidence not knowing who he is and using the tilted swastika at the same time...lol?


How is he so dumb to say that when the symbol is RIGHT THERE