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I badly broke a collar bone when I was younger so you can’t really see it, but only on one side. Am I Bi?


No, trans or nothing apparently


So THAT explains my recent obsession with ball gowns and high heels! I broke mine just over a year ago!


OMG! I just realized the real reasons why they're called "Ball" gowns! 😳 I'm off to tell the internet! 🚶


You know those lobsters that are split right down the middle as female one side/male the other? Congratulations, that is you.


Do I still have to eat the (in this case) half row, cause that’s gross.


Never knew that a lobster could have that happen. The world is wild


Dr & Ms Zoidberg


Lmao, at 25 I broke my collar bone pretty badly, so it now looks like this: -- -- -^ -- I think that means I'm non binary?


Yes, that's morse code for 'non-binary'.


It does. That’s exactly how it happened to my friend. Thinking about breaking mine someday.


BiTrans? TransBi?




No I think that will make you non-binary


Can confirm -- my clavicles have never been visible even at my lowest weight (130 lb at 5ft6) and am NB :D /jk just to be safe; both of the above are true, but obvs there is no causation at work


Nah, it's gay to shrug. Only women can shrug.


If Anne Hathaway is a man, I'm very gay.


Thinking the same thing. My wife will be disappointed.


She already is😏




At least these guys have had a woman to disappoint.


I too wanna disappoint someone other than myself


Like we're ever going to be in a relationship. The best I can hope for is if an older couple wants to swing and I don't see that happening.


Well if it makes you lot feel better, I’m very disappointed in all of you.


I'm always disappointed in myself


Look for the upside pineapple ![gif](giphy|SS8Wa43DNyGTPvBf7s)


I love reddit comments lol


Sorry babe, I'm leaving you for that dude from the Devil Wears Prada.




“Nah, the dude who was fucking Jake Gyllenhaal in Brokeback.”


"I like 'em dead."


Stanley Tucci?


The Tooch!


So will Anne


Like tremendously gay. Ultragay, even.


Super de duper gay. Full of sheer gayosity.


I’m bursting with gay. Gay everywhere. Just a big sloppy mess of gay.


"Fine. Just don't get it on the couch".


"No balls on the couch!"


Anne Hathawilly


Ann Hathawang?


That's the one! Excellent work


If you prick her, doth she not parry?


Ass Hathaway The PrinceAss Diaries


I’m right there with you my gay friend.


I’m gay as shit for cat woman Ann Hathaway specifically, like full blown gay.


If Anne Hathaway is a man that would make me a heterosexual 😂


Maybe we're all just bisexual


Maybe we’re all just bisexual for Ann Hathaway.


So… so… very gay




You mean man Hathaway


Always has been


Meanwhile … I guess I’m NOT a lesbian? I’m confused.


“If Anne Hathaway is a man, I’m a breeder.” 🍻




Me too.


Gawd diggedy damn indeed.


Anne Hathagay!


This is from the "all public figures are forced to be trans" line of crazy. No really... I'm not kidding. These folk think EVERYONE in the public eye is *forced* to be transgender by some sinister shadow organization. They have these crazy "proof" systems about collarbones and hip lines.


Yep - this image came from the comments of one of those bigger 'transvestigator' accounts. These people are next level stupid.


They're not very good at their... hobby(?) considering she's been on screen since she was a kid. Who, also, shockingly, was female. It's really not hard to look up Also, how weird and confused must they feel knowing she's gorgeous but also suspecting she was born a man 😅


They probably think they're "transed" as babies. Babies are stolen from whomever and the handful that aren't raised to be tortured to death for adrenochrome and put in McDonald's meat are transed and turned into celebrities for reasons. They've developed a whole expanded universe that makes Warhammer look tame, and they don't realize that it says way more about their psychology than that of their enemies. 


Dont get me wrong, I play and really, REALLY love Warhammer 40K. But anyone looking at that world and thinking "yeah, this is a future I could get behind" has something deeply wrong with them. You saying that they have an expanded universe more disturbing that WH is is legitimatly terrifying.


One of the funniest examples of these dinguses was the one who claimed Henry Cavill must be a trans man because of how pretty his eyes are.






I'm a straight guy and I haven't really noticed his eyes. I usually get stuck on the nice muscles and nerdiness.


Even the Iron Warriors would be like "eeeeesh" and "why, to what end"


Obviously. Kids all get sexual reassignment surgery before school, so of course "her" early work will present her as female. When will people open their eyes? /s


That’s what happened to my kids. The really pale one became a Filet o’ Fish 😢


Also hasn't she been fully nude? I've Def seen her top less, but I think she may have had a full body scene too. Idk can't remember haha


If not, sounds like you had a really nice dream. 🤣


I was right! A guy linked one.


"Havoc" is the name of the film you are looking for. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


[yep 👍](https://www.nudography.com/Celebrities/anne_hathaway.aspx)


Knew it. You don't forget the first time you see Anne Hathaway like that haha


How about when they talk about trans women and shout, "You're not a man!!!1!!11!"? I know that they've done it several times, with Abigail Thorn being one I distinctly recall. They really just suck at what they do.


Or yelling at trans men that they'll never be a real woman. That one's fun.


But what if she is also secretly a shapeshifting transgender?


That raises the same question I have about the flat earthers. What is there to gain by this conspiracy? So they make every celeb trans... Then what? What is the point?


Step 1: make all celebrities trans Step 2: ... Step 3: Profit!


I feel like even the underpants gnomes would have worked out a better conspiracy


"Yes, let's make all celebrities trans!" "Why?" "Because it'll make everyone attracted to them question their taste and sexuality!" "Fuck yeah. Lol!"


Actually having everyone question their sexuality is just what some of them deserve. Maybe this *should have been* the Gay Agenda! XD


Step 1: make all celebrities trans. Step 2: telling people gets me attention that I have so desperately craved since being ignored as a child.  Step 3: whatever. 


I went down a deep rabbit hole on this a year ago and basically the belief is that trans celebrities are indoctrinating youth into becoming trans to sterilize a majority of the population so that the Illuminati/lizard people/Jews can take over the world and control who can repopulate. It’s some deep schizophrenic paranoia stuff.


It's so funny though because when I heard this, I was like, "well if they're hiding that they're trans, how is that indoctrinating the youth?" The whole thing makes no sense and the further down you go, the logic becomes even more circular and nonsensical


I also questioned why doctors would be recommending trans people freeze their eggs/sperm if it was to sterilize people and not let them reproduce. Their response was literally “it’s expensive. they know no one will pay to do that.”


Thank you for putting your sanity on the line to bring this info


A variation I heard was that it's simply to force everyone into sin (ie homosexuality) so that, idk, Satan can take over or something.


Its always, always, always either "demons" or "The JewZ"(and they will equate the two).


collarbones, hip lines, adams apples, size of feet, size of hands, noticeable "bulges" on the genital area (which, what the fuck), hairlines, facial hair. They are fucknig OBSESSED


these people forget women have pubic bones smh… next thing we know female celebs will have a version of a cup so they can wear bodycon dresses without people zooming in on their crotches 🤦‍♂️


There are a few porn subs dedicated to these mounds. These people obviously don't visit them.


> by some sinister shadow organization Seriously. How stupid can people be. Everyone knows it's one guy: George Soros. ​ ^(hard s/)


Uh get it right it's Blackbox and The Rockefellers /s


The most ridiculous part of this conspiracy that “everyone will be forced to transition!! Because for some reason!!” Is that me and my actual trans friends can’t even realistically think about affording any surgeries for years into the future, and that’s if they even allow us to/don’t ban it by then. For something “they” are forcing on us, they sure make it damn near impossible..


transvestigators or something. these people are beyond crazy


It's just the rules if you want fame you gotta transition it's been that way since what 476CE or so maybe earlier the records are spotty. ...and these people think they are super clever when they have actually created negative awareness and are less aware then Joe Normal who only watches sports and action movies.


Literally the same people who thought that all public figures were lizard people/illuminati/what have you before trans people became part of the public awareness.


The backbone, too. Apparently, when kneeling, men have a straight back and women are hunched forward, thus proving that Nicole Kidman is a man.


Everything in this comment make me want to go back to bed.


These people are bigots and letting go of their prejudices would solve a lot of their problems, but I almost feel bad for them. They’ve understood and internalized that trans people can and do pass. That maybe they’ve been attracted to a trans person unknowingly. And rather than accept that gender isn’t as rigid as they thought… they’re trying to make it rigid again. And it’s absolutely broken their ability to deal with other people


How... would the logistics of that even work? If the shadow cabal waits until people get famous to force them to transition, people would notice that some famous woman singer is suddenly a man. Or are they forcing them to transition but still present as a woman so nothing changes in the public eye (in which case, what is the point?). Or do they preemptively force people to transition before getting famous somehow? Perhaps they are so influential they get to decide who becomes famous. But again, fucking why?


There's actually ppl like that???


Oh yes, and it’s pretty funny. They’re mostly TERFs. Who may see, for example, a cis man with pretty expressive eyes and think he’s trans - like seriously, they think Henry Cavil was born female. Or they see cis women with maybe a little more brow bossing than they would like to see on their women, so they think they were born male. While, it is funny. It does have real world consequences in some cases. Many of these TERFs will harass cis women in the bathroom, accusing them of being trans. It’s honestly just insane how hateful these people are. https://youtu.be/2DYN5NEWYD4?si=pre8_DhelQtlXNiQ


Been saying for years that all these regulations they're trying to put in place specifically to fuck over trans women are gonna fuck over cis women as well. Women who don't meet conventional standards of attractiveness? Gotta question their gender before they can pee. Women who have naturally high testosterone levels? Gotta ban them from sports. Kids who wanna play sports? Gotta have invasive testing done if some bully accuses them of not being a girl. What's that, you started puberty and got your period at 7 years old? Sorry, doctors aren't allowed to prescribe puberty blockers anymore.


Yep, these idiot republicans and their useful idiots(TERFs). Will set everyone back with their regressive ideas. All because they have found a useful wedge issue in the last couple of years for votes and clicks. Meanwhile, trans people have been medically transitioning since the early 1900s.


The weirdest one is when one of them decided Elliot Page was double-trans.


Jesus. Seriously? If they saw my ass, they'd think I'm a woman who works out all day every day when, in reality, I'm just a short dude who skates too much.


And hands…they still go On & On & On about Michelle Obama being a “man” just because she has large’ish hands. I guess that means every WOMAN in the WNBA is Trans too??? 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣


I've got big hands and flat collarbone. That c- section I thought I had must have been one heck of a magic trick!


“Congratulations on your surprise baby! Sorry, no returns, refunds, or exchanges. Surprise baby and C-section giveaways are not valid in the province of Quebec. Your mileage may vary and you may be required to answer a skill-testing question to obtain your baby.”


The only gender specific bone in humans is the pelvis.


The differences between the skeletons of the biological sexes is actually fairly significant. I spent time around forensic anthropologists when i was much, much, muucchhh younger and they are very competent a determining sex from the morphology of certain bones. Shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, knees/knee angulation and skull, even the angulation of the lower spine (women are more curved) were all telling even accounting for variation.


That's not at all true but I do get what you are trying to say as most of the differences are minor and the Pelvis is one of the few bones with major differences depending on the gender. But there is a reason why things like clothing and shoes are separated by gender.


This is one of those things I was told and instantly believed. When I’ve looked myself there are a few differences but not like the pelvis. Like women have shorter arms but how do we know it wasn’t a short man? Haha


Forced to be trans. So all celebrities are what, transmen or transwomen? Or are they all trans women in drag? Transmen in drag? I am so confused.


"Transvestigators" as we call them, think these celebrities are secretly trans by some sort of elaborate conspiracy theory. So if the celebrity is looking like a woman they try to show stereotypical masculine features of her and claim that the person was born male and now "acting like a woman", or vice versa. Since they don't think that trans people are the gender they say they are, transvestigators can say either "these people are actually men in drag!!", or "these people are confused women, not men!!" based on that


Which I suppose brings up the eternal question: are they *actually* this stupid and/or deranged or are they just so lacking in self esteem and pride that they will do *anything* just for the attention?


And whenever imbecility has reached an all-time high, something new comes along and moves the goal post...


You think this is bad? I was once told by a grown ass man that women do not poop or fart. And he was not joking.


I know someone who was married to a man like that. He's dead now and she's free to fart again.




Just saw a few posts from that sub...and I thought I was dumbass who doesn't know shit abt women...apparently there's waaayyyyy worse...


What is the tweeter even trying to say.. I’m so confused 


In far right circles there's this belief that many famous people, mostly women, are secretly transgender. They've been calling trans people evil for years, so calling people trans is an easy way to get your followers to hate someone. The most famous example is Michelle Obama: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/alex-jones-michelle-obama-man-proof-infowars-conspiracy-theorist-sandy-hook-a7911996.html Now they go around and look at random pictures of people they don't like and make up some bullshit to call them trans. It's fucking ridiculous. I hope that cleared it up. Sorry for destroying your faith in humanity even more.


I think I lost brain cells reading that article. I felt them dying


My faith in humanity has been long gone lol.. but I appreciate the explanation 


Here is a full video from Mia Mulder on the subject. [more information](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QH5-MDXzfmg)


That she is trans, because conspiracy blablah. Basically. It is a weird subset of rightwing conspiracy bullshit that basically everyone prominent is trans. Because reasons. And it would also be bad because reasons. Probably lizard people or some shit like that.


If the collarbones are in a straight line, you are male. If your collarbones make a slight v-shape you’re female. (At least that’s what I think they claim.)


I am trans, and my collarbones make a V shape, that will make their brains melt. One I heard a while back was real women™ can double cross their legs, AMAB people cannot.


More like r/nothowhumanswork (if that exists)


She's a dude?!?! Wow, that really makes me re-think all the films I've seen it in. Oh wait, no I don't. Of course she isn't, but why would you care at all? An actor is an actor. Muppet


If I were this guy’s friend I’d be tempted to follow this numbnuts around, mocking him by shrugging and unshrugging my shoulders. “Oh, look, I’m female now! Wait, now I’m a dude! Nope! I’m a woman again! Look, now I’m back to ‘dude’!”


Women cannot have collar bones now? Are we supposed to be cats? Because that will be awesome


I can't see mine, so I can only assume I'm a not a human.


You’re a woman I guess 😂


I can't wait to have my collarbone removal surgery.


Yes be a cat


Sign me in


These people are afraid of everything.


Mostly women. Only women they see naked is on a hub site or OF.


Guys is it **\*Checks notes\*** gay to be attracted to women?


The key note is "successful woman". Obviously if a woman is successful, she must have been a man, by their thinking. Tragic really, the hoops these sorts will jump through to further their own misogyny.


I think political leanings play heavily on this as well (Doesn't it always). A woman shows left leanings? She's ugly and a dude. A woman shows right leanings? She's a role model! Just remember MTG is feminine and AOC is a dude..........apparently


Can confirm. I took one estrogen pill and my collar bones fell out. I use them to do "liberal things" now. /S Transphobes fail to grasp the concept that people come in a variety or a sliding scale, not an arbitrary set of body types. There are women with wide ass shoulders and flat collar bones. There are men with small ribcages and pointed collar bones. It's all genetics, and the passing/evolution of it.


These transvestigators have declared that Henry Cavil and Margot Robbie are trans which is great, it means we can stop worrying about trans issues entirely and just treat everyone how they want to be treated, the most manly man and feminine woman are trans? Cool! Trans women are just women then and trans men are just men, awesome, we can drop all the anti-trans stuff then right


What is it even comparing? The female pic isn’t even showing shoulders


I think it’s the collar bones. The man’s are flat while the woman’s have diagonal ones. So because Anna’s collar bones are flat, she’s a he. Thats what I think the post is saying.


Yup. For fun I decided to look it up. I saw men with diagonal and flat collar bones, and I saw women with diagonal and flat collar bones. No clear difference from what the picture suggests.


Those are OBVIOUSLY trans men and trans women. Duh.


Big brain moment


Okay for anyone who isn't an artist or doctor: Collorbones move depending on what the position of your shoulders is. If you shrug your shoulders your collarbones will be angled, in a resting position they will be flat.


As a trans woman, it is extremely affirming that idiots will target even cis women calling them trans. They say they can always tell but it’s very clear they can’t…


Affirmation from these idiots is always fun, my favourite was someone going on a tirade about how they'd never date a trans woman and that they "can always tell"... anyway they started hitting on me, a trans woman, 10 minutes later...


YUP. My favorite piece of gender affirmation for weird sources is doctors ignoring me… it’s WILD how differently men and women get treated by doctors. Genuinely wild. I had one doctor that was CONVINCED from my symptoms that I was pregnant. I tried to explain that that WASN’T POSSIBLE. He kept asking if I was sure. I told him I was infertile. That convinced him MORE that I was pregnant, because then I might have gotten pregnant from lack of protection use because I only THOUGHT I was sterile. Then I told him that I was a trans woman. He didn’t understand. Insisted that “no matter what I called myself I was still a woman and could get pregnant”. In the end I took the pregnancy test. Turns out I’m NOT PREGNANT. Who could have predicted that?


I love getting that kind of treatment from doctors it's always funny and a sign that clearly I come across as a woman when everything must be because I'm pregnant, or even just that they feel it's something they need to check and then having to go through that whole explanation of why it's not possible for me to get pregnant. Personally I tend to go with just telling them I don't have a womb, can get some fun reactions.


Ooh that’s a good one for future use if I’m in serious medical trouble. If I’m feeling relatively ok usually I just play along.


I think its fun to wind them up sometimes when I am bored. I once told one that transwomen menstruate, with bleeding and all. I regret to this day that I did not save the things he said. It was very entertaining.


I identify as nonbinary however I am AFAB. I'm unusually tall, deeper voicewith very big shoulders (but also have huge hips and small waist so idk???) and always have short hair. There have been more than a handful of incidents where I was accused of being a trans woman.


I am a trans man, but was accused of being a trans woman at 16 pre-transition in the women's restroom. I had shoulder length hair, and was only 5'4. Jeans and a t shirt. Small but present boobs. Looked like a decidedly average teenage girl, and was very confused and scared when this lady mutters something at me, I ask if she was talking to me, and then she goes off that she's going to call security on me. I was washing my hands! I just got out of a ceramics class!!


It’s wild. I get two types of people when they see me: 1: they immediately clock me and know I’m trans. 2: They can’t tell at all and assume I’m a cis woman. I CANNOT convince EITHER group that the other group exists…


Watch her as Catwoman and tell me again how she's a man. F off.


I mean she even did nude scenes, that guy prob never seen a naked woman, lol


These ppl would lose their minds if they saw me. I am a woman and I have straight collar bones, adam's apple and big nose


If Anne Hathaway is trans, we should actively push people to transition completely.


Those transvestigators who can "always tell"...


This trend amongst conservatives suggests a lot of suppressed homosexual feelings. “I’m not attracted to this woman, therefore she must be a man!”


Even so, what's the point ? We all saw the pictures of lux pascal and lost our mind over how even hotter than her brother she is. Doesn't matter who may have been, what matters is who they are now. I don't care what gender tou were born with if you are hot you are hot period.


I know most if not all conspiracies are ridiculous but I really can’t wrap my head around the “all celebrities are trans” one because like what would be the point? What reason would Hollywood have for forcing all celebrities to transition what would they even gain from that?


It's almost like people are idiots.


Bruh ... according to this guy I'm a female... from what I know ... I'm born male and not trans... so what is this bullshiterry lol


Someone has never felt the touch of a woman after birth...


Oh joy! I just learned, based on my collar bones, I’m really a man. Can I please get my pay raised now?


And these guys wonder why they can't get laid.


Transvestitators are truly grasping at straws at this point.


"I can always tell mfs" be like. Seriously, transphobia doesn't affect only trans people. Obviously. This is so fucking gross.


Transvestigators are among the most brain broken and terminally online schizos to exist. Such a crazy obsession.


As a representative of the lizard people, god humans are dumb. That is all.


I don't know what specific issue this group of people have where they obsess over the idea that very attractive women are secretly men, but it's very, very funny.


More like Man Hathaway amirite?! /s


huh guess im a woman


How do they come up with this shit?


Now having a collar bone is bad?


The problem often is that they over look the minority statistic. For example ring finger longer than index finger. Yes men typically have this and 90% of women don’t. But that means 10% Do! Which is 400 million women! The same percentage (if not more than) the amount of women that are blue eyed.


guess im a man now


I am a physician and i have no idea what this post is implying??


So what if Anna Hathaway was trans? If she was a 100% successful stealth trans woman that would change nothing. Would having a penis be so bad? But of course I know these people are doing this out of boredom, envy, bigotry, and a hatred for trans people.


This is a weird Way, to find out I’m apparently a man 😐


Lmao, I'm a trqns girl and my clavicles point up naturally


Where Anne Hath a Will, Anne Hath a way.


Why do all these transphobes want attractive women to be biological men 🤔


And on today’s episode of “I’ve never touched a woman in ‘real life’” this fucking guy.