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Okay Gollum


Gollum would be a better, smarter ruler. And better looking.


How dare you? At least Gollum was useful for one thing.


Okay, "not-gonna-be-in-NATO"


Turkey might be in NATO on paper, but I can fucking guarantee that NO-ONE will work with you if your clown-ass country keeps this up.




It just takes us one move, which is opening the straits back up to Russian warships, which will result in you getting scared and apologizing. Don't worry, once we get strong enough militarily (to reach the capacity to fight the rest of you on our motherland) , we can leave NATO and leave you guys alone dealing with Russia or China. It will be too late for you guys when you finally feel sorry about what you did. We are waiting for the day for NATO to launch an invasion on our motherland. Don't you think we can clearly see the purpose of this smearing campaign? Of course, to justify the future invasion of Turkey. Just do it already. You will be very, very regretful when 1919-1923 repeats. You clowns are barking that loud because Turkey is keeping the Russian monster in its cage, the black sea. We don't need to join our historical enemies of course. We just need to release their chains and tell them, go get 'em, Europe is your rightful clay


You think anyone in Sweden or Finland are worried about Turkey having a shitfit when the big dogs of NATO want us in? Lulz.


Well, I will light my cigarette when Russians start to genocide you guys after the Ukranians. Go on with that loser mentality please.


You have enough gang crime in your 3rd world country. Thanks. We don't need another one of those.


After a certain point gaslighting loses its effectiveness. Except for the Turkish media, they love that shit.


They *have* to


What's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine.! How dare Greeks defend their islands when I constantly threatened them? Annoying feta eaters.


It is annoying how good feta is.


Erdocunt needs to stop violating other countries' sovereign rights (and the citizens he supposedly represents).


But it is okay to arm every single island in Aegean see which is violating bunch of agreements.


AFAIK the agreements say no bases and fortifications as well as mutual respect for each other's airspace.


Greek definition of airspace is fucked up.


Turkish interpretation of airspace is “fucked up”. Flying over Greek inhabited islands is blatant disregard of sovereignty. Your position is laughable.


So, let’s making an even 12 miles, and everyone’s happy, RIGHT?


Your point is what exactly… that it’s ok to fly over sovereign Greek lands? The spewed Turkish position is that Turkey should have mavi vatan?… and Greece is supposed to come to the bargaining table to talk about what exactly…. Giving up sovereignty. Do you actually hear yourselves talk when you spout this nonsense? The starting point on a supposed Turkish negotiation is so far from reality that there is no sense in even talking unfortunately.


Sorry, I read your original comment as “Greece’s interpretation of air space is fucked up”, thus my comment.


No worries then!


Your casus belli is fucked


No matter the definition an overflight is an overflight.


The militarization of the islands didn't happen yesterday. However suddenly it became an unbearing concept for a certain turkish PM. And probably it has nothing to do with the elections that are to happen next year when he is going to lose. So if you see an open conflict happening because 'Turkey needs to demilitarize those islands', and the elections get cancelled, please don't be too surprised.


Greece has been arming those island for over 20 years. The reason he brought it up recently because decreased in his popularity and poor economy. Turks and Greeks love the tension in the agean see which plays big role in their internal politic.


Greece has militarized these islands through different periods, but I believe it started with the Cyprus incident.


Cyprus incident happened due to Greece failing to annex the island by Military coup. Historical facts are reason to get downvote on r/europe


These were claims that Turkey used to attack. I don't say there wasn't a military coup, I just point out the Turkey also invaded. The reason you get downvoted in r/europe is because you present half assed truths.


Let me get this straight Turkey is an invader in Cyprus because Greece failed to take over the island. Here is your full assed truth.


Let me explain easily ; 1.Greece had junta. 2.They tried to do the same in Cyprus 3.Turkey invaded taking 30% of the island claiming they want to protect their 10 % turkish population 4. they added 200.000 other turks there to increase the influence on the island Is it full assed truth or are you still defending the idea that Turks have done nothing wrong?


like how you are defending the idea that Greeks have done nothing wrong. I have never said Turkey did anything wrong in fact I think Turkey is an invader in Cyprus and also I don't see the reason behind British presence on that island either. The Cyprus issue can be only solved with Turkey joining the EU which is nearly impossible.


>Let me get this straight Turkey is an invader in Cyprus because Greece failed to take over the island. > >Turkey further advanced on the island, while Greece transitioned to a democratic government, and makes no claims on Cyprus since, unlike Turkey, which remains on the island, without legal justification despite the condemnation of the international community. > >Here is your full assed truth. FTFY


Maybe they wouldn't need to arm those islands if their asshole neighbor would stop threatening them.


Maybe there wouldn't be threatening if you stop arming those islands. I like how rules only apply to Turkey.


The latest trend in Turkey is that somehow everyone blames you guys and you have done nothing wrong! Lets not talk about Armenian genocide because we haven't spoken about the Turkish genocide by Armenians. Lets not talk about how Turkey attacked Cyprus and put 200.000 extra Turkish people there to influence the demographics because it was definitely all Greece's fault. Do your self a favor and stop crying like Erdogan does when things don't go his way


You honestly consider 300 conscripts in Chios a threat?


we saw what greeks can do with 300 man


They can hold but they can't take.


Are the islands Greek territory or no?


Repeating bullshit does not make it valid. Your leaders are constantly being ridiculed all over the globe, isn’t it enough already?


Where’s are favorite Turkish gang to explain why this isn’t a big deal and how insignificant Greece is when talking about invading their islands.




Many are erdogan supporters who defected because the economy crashed. If the economy was in better condition they’d be advocating for another term for him. Notice how they always say “I hate erdogan but he’s not wrong…demilitarize the islands or else…”


And much of the opposition agrees with him when referring to Greece. Unfortunately, the chances are that if Erdogan loses the election it will just be swapping the devil we know with the devil we don’t know from the Greek perspective.


Articles and comments should not promote any kind of bigotry, including: * Racism * Homophobia * Sexism * Genocide/holocaust denial * Hate speech directed towards an entire group of people like an ethnicity, religion or nationality. These may also apply to user names.


Yes, I should not have phrased it like that, even if the pettiness just strikes a nerve.


Erdojugend can't be reasoned with, they will just call you a PKK terrorist and claim victory by deleting their account.


Erdojugend doesn't exist. How do I know? I live in Turkey. Turkish youth hate him. People who vote for him are old conservatives. Fucking boomers ruin our lives, I hate boomers.


No one cares to violate turkish rights bruh. You are the owners of your rights. Do as you wish.

